NYC mayor declares a state of emergency over migrants trafficked into his city by the Biden administration

They were not illegals. They were here legally, seeking asylum, documented here and awaiting their immigration court date.

Venezuela, Cuba, and I believe it is Afghanistan or maybe it is Haiti?, but 3 countries where the people are in distress, that we allow to seek asylum....about 30% of these designated groups of refugee seekers, will be approved by the immigration court, the others will be sent back to their country, if not approved by the judge.

They are not here illegally, until they have their court hearing and are DENIED refugee status, and skip town before they are shipped out, from my understanding.

If Trump were still President, they'd have to apply for asylum in their home country and they wouldn't be here at all.
Where is the list of obligations to asylees and refugees bussed in and dropped off by other states that any sanctuary city commits too.

They don't have to commit to anything. Put a ad in the paper, people are going to answer it.
He did all of this, with Florida tax payers money, allotted to deport to other states, illegals FROM FLORIDA....not living in Texas.

FOR his own personal, political, gain.

And Dementia is not letting all these vagrants in for his political gain?

If you didn't want these illegals here, you should have voted Republican. But you voted Democrats in knowing full well their stance on illegals, and now you're bitching.
Libs believe one should go buy a car first and apply for a drivers license second
Heck, don’t but it-illegally enter and take it!
How the MSM refuses to hound democrats for their nonsensical open borders and sanctuary city polices just shows how corrupt the "free press" has become. They might as well just label themselves the "State Propaganda Networks".

Yet they whine about 48 migrants flown to Martha's Vinyard, but not the thousands infesting border communities thanks to Biden's moronic open border policy. Now NYC is getting a small taste of what the border states are dealing with.

Isn't it just terrible to transport migrants from the border to a city where they don't know anyone?

Still, it's sad to see New York failing to step up to their commitments as a sanctuary city.

New York City now has more than 61,000 people in its shelter system, including thousands experiencing homelessness and thousands of asylum seekers who have been bused in over recent months from other parts of the country, according to the mayor. He said more than 17,000 asylum seekers have been bused to New York City from the southern border since April of this year.

Leftists have no right to complain. They used mail in voting last election to get the votes of morons that know zero about politics or policies. People who are politically ignorant vote Democrat.

Now they got what they voted for, and they're complaining like all hell. Trump had things under control: building new or replacement walls, a policy that if you want to apply for asylum, you have to do it at the US embassy in your own country, if you do attempt to get to our border, you will not be allowed in the country until your court date, and if you were offered asylum along the way by any other country and refused, it was automatic disqualification for US asylum.

The Communists got rid of all of Trump's successful policies, and now we have states declaring emergencies, over 800 migrants that died along the way trying to get here, God only knows how many rapes of female children, and billions more needed to take care of these people and we just reached 31 trillion in debt already.

Only a complete moron wouild vote Democrat this midterms.
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"immigration reform" = amnesty and millions of illegals owned by the Dem party given the right to vote in OUR elections.

We had immigration reform. It was called Donald Trump, and the dopes voted him out. Now we have major problems on our hands.

The United States allows a million outsiders to become US citizens every year. We issue almost that many VISA's and Green Cards for other outsiders to take advantage of what we created. No other country in the world does this, so what do we need reform for?
So now it's an issue...
It's been an issue since GW Bush....20 years of our Congress ignoring it... Bush tried but it was denied by BOTH sides of the aisle and they were too chicken to bring it up, because there are some hard decisions they have to make, together.....
We had immigration reform. It was called Donald Trump, and the dopes voted him out. Now we have major problems on our hands.

The United States allows a million outsiders to become US citizens every year. We issue almost that many VISA's and Green Cards for other outsiders to take advantage of what we created. No other country in the world does this, so what do we need reform for?
The American people got uppity so the politicians are importing millions of dirt poor government dependent slaves to CANCEL out American votes.
It's been an issue since GW Bush....20 years of our Congress ignoring it... Bush tried but it was denied by BOTH sides of the aisle and they were too chicken to bring it up, because there are some hard decisions they have to make, together.....

You dont even know when it became a real issue.
It started with Reagan and has gotten progressively worse since then. The only President thats tried to do anything about immigration in decades has been Trump.
When both sides have an issue with a president that should tell you something.
If Trump were still President, they'd have to apply for asylum in their home country and they wouldn't be here at all.
It didn't work that way under Trump, they showed up at the border in hordes....he separated the adults from their children with no record of where he took them to, and once that cruel measure was found out, he then just paid Mexico to hold them....this was a couple of years in to his presidency, until their legal and required, immigration court date to determine if they got accepted as an asylum seeker.....

No one can guess how many will escape their distressed countries and make the trip is an ebb and flow thing. And yes, it would be nice to stop them, but our present laws, allows them to seek asylum, simply by stepping one big toe over our border, or by coming to the border entry gate.

A court determines if they meet asylum requirement..... Most are denied, and sent back.

The problem is the delay in the immigration courts....6 months to a year wait.

If congress funded the border immigration courts at a higher level to fund more Judges or Judge magistrates, where it took two weeks at most, then most will be sent back to their country near immediately....the word in their country would get around that selling all their goods and making the month plus walk, is not worth it.... This would curb their desire to come here for a better life, if most were rejected by the immigration courts as they eventually are now, and sent back immediately....imo.
At the same level, people who are politically ignorant vote Republican too. You have nothing over the democratic voter, and you have your own slew of misinformed, politically ignorant voters.

I don't think so, Every Republican I've known is more into politics. Look at USMB. Way more Republicans here than Democrats. Look at talk radio. Very few left wing broadcasts survived because they simply don't have the audience. This is not to mention Fox has been the number one cable news network for well over a decade.

Politically ignorant people vote Democrat because Democrat sounds like Democracy, and Democracy is a good thing, right? If you talk with blacks as I have about politics, all they really believe is that Republicans are only out for the rich white people.
I don't think so, Every Republican I've known is more into politics. Look at USMB. Way more Republicans here than Democrats. Look at talk radio. Very few left wing broadcasts survived because they simply don't have the audience. This is not to mention Fox has been the number one cable news network for well over a decade.

Politically ignorant people vote Democrat because Democrat sounds like Democracy, and Democracy is a good thing, right? If you talk with blacks as I have about politics, all they really believe is that Republicans are only out for the rich white people.

Which explains why the Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight Presidential elections.

But keep telling those lies to yourself. Your ego demands it!

It didn't work that way under Trump, they showed up at the border in hordes....he separated the adults from their children with no record of where he took them to, and once that cruel measure was found out, he then just paid Mexico to hold them....this was a couple of years in to his presidency, until their legal and required, immigration court date to determine if they got accepted as an asylum seeker.....

No one can guess how many will escape their distressed countries and make the trip is an ebb and flow thing. And yes, it would be nice to stop them, but our present laws, allows them to seek asylum, simply by stepping one big toe over our border, or by coming to the border entry gate.

A court determines if they meet asylum requirement..... Most are denied, and sent back.

The problem is the delay in the immigration courts....6 months to a year wait.

If congress funded the border immigration courts at a higher level to fund more Judges or Judge magistrates, where it took two weeks at most, then most will be sent back to their country near immediately....the word in their country would get around that selling all their goods and making the month plus walk, is not worth it.... This would curb their desire to come here for a better life, if most were rejected by the immigration courts as they eventually are now, and sent back immediately....imo.

You have no idea how wrong you are. Yes, it took Trump some time to get his policies through. If the House couldn't stop him, their commie judges least temporarily. But once most of his policies took place, there was a huge drop in border crossings.

Most of the people quit coming because of his Remain in Mexico policy. Much like what Dementia is doing today, once they get into our country, most disappear never to be seen again, and are offered protection in sanctuary cities and states. Trump stopped that. When they realized that wasn't going to happen under Trump, they stopped coming because they knew (as you put it) their asylum claims were phony, so there was no sense coming here. It saved a lot of people from getting killed or dying, and stopped a lot of children from getting raped or killed.


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