NYC Woman in Medically-Induced Coma After Struck With Falling Shopping Cart Read mor


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
The wealthy Manhattan real-estate agent who was hit by a shopping cart that police say was dropped four stories by two 12-year-olds as she was buying Halloween candy for underprivileged children will "in the best of cases" be in rehabilitation for months, her husband told the New York Post.
Marion Salmon Hedges has been in a medically-induced coma after she was struck in the head by the falling cart on Sunday while walking outside a Target store with her 13-year-old son in East Harlem, the paper reported.

Read more: NYC Woman In Medically-Induced Coma After Struck With Falling Shopping Cart | Fox News

Try them as adult and put them away FOREVER..
The wealthy Manhattan real-estate agent who was hit by a shopping cart that police say was dropped four stories by two 12-year-olds as she was buying Halloween candy for underprivileged children will "in the best of cases" be in rehabilitation for months, her husband told the New York Post.
Marion Salmon Hedges has been in a medically-induced coma after she was struck in the head by the falling cart on Sunday while walking outside a Target store with her 13-year-old son in East Harlem, the paper reported.

Read more: NYC Woman In Medically-Induced Coma After Struck With Falling Shopping Cart | Fox News

Try them as adult and put them away FOREVER..

Seriously? It's a tragedy, but what does ruining the lives of two kids do to help this poor woman?
A message? How does a slap on the wrist help the victim's family or any future victims?

The two young East Harlem punks who confessed to callously dropping a shopping cart onto a philanthropist four stories below may dodge doing time.

Manhattan Family Court Judge Susan Larabee received the sentencing recommendations during court appearances yesterday for 13-year-old Jeovanni Rosario and 12-year-old Raymond Hernandez.

The horrific attack last Oct. 30 nearly killed Marion Hedges, a real-estate agent who was with her 13-year-old son at the East River Plaza Shopping Center to buy Halloween candy for underprivileged kids.

A lawyer for Jeovanni proposed placing him in a single-parent foster home where he could go to school and have access to clinical care.

Larabee appeared to agree with Ally’s recommendation.

Ally said the kid could be back home in a year if he stays out of trouble.

“Finally, my son’s going to get help,” said his mother, Rosemary Rosario, who is going to take parenting classes.

“I’ve been asking the school for help for a long time and never got it

Probation officials recommended that Raymond be sentenced to probation.

Read more: Two kids who dropped shopping cart on philanthropist likely won’t go to jail -

Ah Blame it on the school. :evil:
These kids were having fun. It was a prank. They should surely get away with it. They didn't mean any harm.
Yes forgiveness means that the incident never happened in the first place.

The woman who was almost killed from being mauled by a chimpanzee undoubtably forgave the animal too.
They need to be brought to Washington DC.
Make them guests of Michelle Obama at the next State of the Union speech.
Have them on hand to show the world what the evil Republicans have done to our
children.After all it's always someone Else's fault....and it's always the GOP.
Maybe some republican voted to cut some funding or other so the kids
instead of staying inside and doing their homework or cleaning their room
or helping out around the house went out and got into mischief.
The 13-year-old boy who admittedly threw a shopping cart over a fourth-story railing in Harlem — striking a philanthropist mom of two — showed a startling lack of concern for the woman he nearly killed, officials revealed yesterday.

“The respondent was more concerned with the condition of his sneakers than with the condition of his victim,” city lawyer Leah Schmelzer said of pint-sized Jeovanni Rosario, 13, whose sentencing in the horrific prank was delayed yesterday.

Rosario and Raymond Hernandez, 12, had spent their time at a Harlem precinct house “laughing and joking,” and showed “no empathy or remorse,” following the Oct. 30 tragedy, Schmelzer told Manhattan Family Court Judge Susan Larabee.

Read more: Officials say boy who tossed shopping cart at Harlem Target that struck philanthropist mom showed no concern for victim -

But prosecutors say that even before his alleged callousness, Rosario had a history of violent recklessness. He has tried to run over fellow students with his bike and has hit his mother's cat, the prosecutor said, urging the judge to go tough on the troubled tyke.

"When he doesn't like you, he doesn't care," Schmelzer quoted a school counselor as describing Rosario.

Read more: Boy in shopping cart case cared more about shoes than mom he nearly killed, say officials -

They only faced 18 months in juvie. Probation will teach them that crime pays. That will ruin their lives, not the punishment. Stay tuned... :evil:
This is just crazy. Were they intentionally trying to cause harm? I mean, if that is the case, they should be evaluated.
I doubt if they were trying to KILL someone, but they saw people below. They knew someone could get hurt.

They are 12 and 13; not 8. In Harlem, they are only a few years away from being fathers. :evil:
The kids were still joking around about it as they were taken into custody so clearly they have no remorse. They should throw the book at the kids. Obviously treating them as children hasn't worked.

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