NYPD and other departments turned their backs on de Blasio


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City

NEW YORK -- More than 20,000 police officers and other mourners gathered Saturday at Christ Tabernacle Church in Queens for the funeral of Rafael Ramos, one of two NYPD officers shot and killed in an ambush last Saturday.
At the beginning, there were protests against police brutality, after, against government, today we can see the third part of protests - both(protesters and police)against government. The only way to stop this - is to protest together!


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Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City

NEW YORK -- More than 20,000 police officers and other mourners gathered Saturday at Christ Tabernacle Church in Queens for the funeral of Rafael Ramos, one of two NYPD officers shot and killed in an ambush last Saturday.
At the beginning, there were protests against police brutality, after, against government, today we can see the third part of protests - both(protesters and police)against government. The only way to stop this - is to protest together!
All true Americans should be protesting against law enforcement and the government at the same time. Both are corrupt, and are a shame on Americans. Police have been given way too much authority and power, and the same holds true of the government. John Q. Public is at the mercy of both, and both take full advantage of it. We have a government that acts as an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself, and members of law enforcement supported and protected by the same. Because of so much division among citizens, we have lost what power we had, and are now under the control of un-American authority.

One of the biggest problems we face is the injustices of our corrupt judicial system. In all but very rare cases, both the government and law enforcement agencies are above the laws, and take full advantage of their exemption. Law enforcement agencies investigate themselves, and likewise for the government. Our judicial system is a system of gross negligence and injustices to the nth degree. The American people need to protest night and day on every street in America. We need to constantly express our disagreement concerning both government actions and injustices carried out by law enforcement agencies. The foundation of America is cracking and crumbling before our eyes. True justice is nonexistent, freedom is a joke, and little by little we're losing our rights.

Saying that law enforcement is in place to protect and to serve has become laughable and pathetic. Police are held to quotas, which are nothing more than revenue generating assaults on John Q. Public. In many cases, arrest are clear violations of rights, as are searches and seizures. We have cops committing perjury in court in order to protect each other. We have cops taking weapon from evidence rooms, removing serial numbers, and using them as "throw downs" in case they shoot an unarmed citizen. We have cops that are on the take, and turn their backs while drug deals go down. Cops are not "our finest" as they have been called. They break the same laws that they arrest others for. In summary, both cops and members of government are disgraces to America.
Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City

NEW YORK -- More than 20,000 police officers and other mourners gathered Saturday at Christ Tabernacle Church in Queens for the funeral of Rafael Ramos, one of two NYPD officers shot and killed in an ambush last Saturday.
At the beginning, there were protests against police brutality, after, against government, today we can see the third part of protests - both(protesters and police)against government. The only way to stop this - is to protest together!
All true Americans should be protesting against law enforcement and the government at the same time. Both are corrupt, and are a shame on Americans. Police have been given way too much authority and power, and the same holds true of the government. John Q. Public is at the mercy of both, and both take full advantage of it. We have a government that acts as an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself, and members of law enforcement supported and protected by the same. Because of so much division among citizens, we have lost what power we had, and are now under the control of un-American authority.

One of the biggest problems we face is the injustices of our corrupt judicial system. In all but very rare cases, both the government and law enforcement agencies are above the laws, and take full advantage of their exemption. Law enforcement agencies investigate themselves, and likewise for the government. Our judicial system is a system of gross negligence and injustices to the nth degree. The American people need to protest night and day on every street in America. We need to constantly express our disagreement concerning both government actions and injustices carried out by law enforcement agencies. The foundation of America is cracking and crumbling before our eyes. True justice is nonexistent, freedom is a joke, and little by little we're losing our rights.

Saying that law enforcement is in place to protect and to serve has become laughable and pathetic. Police are held to quotas, which are nothing more than revenue generating assaults on John Q. Public. In many cases, arrest are clear violations of rights, as are searches and seizures. We have cops committing perjury in court in order to protect each other. We have cops taking weapon from evidence rooms, removing serial numbers, and using them as "throw downs" in case they shoot an unarmed citizen. We have cops that are on the take, and turn their backs while drug deals go down. Cops are not "our finest" as they have been called. They break the same laws that they arrest others for. In summary, both cops and members of government are disgraces to America.
Great post!

America is descending into an oligarchy controlled police state.

I see no stopping it as long as millions of Americans refuse to see the true culprit for this injustice (big uncontrolled government), and continue to divide ourselves over issues made up by the power elite to keep us divided.
Some police departments are corrupt while others are not. There are a handful of bad cops but the vast majority are decent men doing a very dangerous job. I'm willing to bet that every cop-hater posting in this thread would call a cop the moment someone broke into their home or the moment their car got vandalized. But while "some" police departments are corrupt we can generally agree that almost ALL politicians are corrupt from one degree to another. However, just because some policemen and some politicians are corrupt doesn't excuse the very poor behavior by an equally corrupt populace that acts up in an irresponsible manner the moment a cop shoots a dangerous thug.
Some police departments are corrupt while others are not. There are a handful of bad cops but the vast majority are decent men doing a very dangerous job. I'm willing to bet that every cop-hater posting in this thread would call a cop the moment someone broke into their home or the moment their car got vandalized. But while "some" police departments are corrupt we can generally agree that almost ALL politicians are corrupt from one degree to another. However, just because some policemen and some politicians are corrupt doesn't excuse the very poor behavior by an equally corrupt populace that acts up in an irresponsible manner the moment a cop shoots a dangerous thug.
Serious questions: " IF " there are so many good cops, as you say, why aren't the good cops cleaning up their own profession? Why aren't good cops ratting out bad cops? Why don't we have more cops in prison and in our jails? And, the same questions can be asked about politicians. Are only "bad cops" writing quota tickets? Are only "bad cops" arresting innocent citizens? Do only the "bad cops" lie and cover up for each other? Are "bad cops" the only ones that gang up on a hand cuffed individual already face down on the ground, and beat and kick them? Seriously, where are all of these so-called "good cops"?
Some police departments are corrupt while others are not. There are a handful of bad cops but the vast majority are decent men doing a very dangerous job. I'm willing to bet that every cop-hater posting in this thread would call a cop the moment someone broke into their home or the moment their car got vandalized. But while "some" police departments are corrupt we can generally agree that almost ALL politicians are corrupt from one degree to another. However, just because some policemen and some politicians are corrupt doesn't excuse the very poor behavior by an equally corrupt populace that acts up in an irresponsible manner the moment a cop shoots a dangerous thug.
Serious questions: " IF " there are so many good cops, as you say, why aren't the good cops cleaning up their own profession? Why aren't good cops ratting out bad cops? Why don't we have more cops in prison and in our jails? And, the same questions can be asked about politicians. Are only "bad cops" writing quota tickets? Are only "bad cops" arresting innocent citizens? Do only the "bad cops" lie and cover up for each other? Are "bad cops" the only ones that gang up on a hand cuffed individual already face down on the ground, and beat and kick them? Seriously, where are all of these so-called "good cops"?

You're painting the entire police force with a gigantically, broad brush. I live in a rough part of town near Denver, CO. I see cops driving around here everyday. None of them are shooting folks for the hell of it. They are cleaning these druggie-infested streets and generally keeping the peace. What do you think they're supposed to do? Drive all the way to Missouri and arrest a cop for defending himself or drive all the way to New York and scold a man for using the choke hold that they're all trained to use?

How do you know that "good cops" AREN'T "ratting out bad cops" when the need arises? Perhaps there's more of that sort of thing going on that we simply don't know about.

I remember the beating that Rodney King took back in the mid-90s in Los Angeles. He had it coming!!! He was on PCP. He had run numerous red lights which totally endangered the public. He had a rap-sheet a mile long. He was huge and out of his mind. And he kept getting up when he was ordered to remain on the ground. Some bad guys need to get their asses beat.
Some police departments are corrupt while others are not. There are a handful of bad cops but the vast majority are decent men doing a very dangerous job. I'm willing to bet that every cop-hater posting in this thread would call a cop the moment someone broke into their home or the moment their car got vandalized. But while "some" police departments are corrupt we can generally agree that almost ALL politicians are corrupt from one degree to another. However, just because some policemen and some politicians are corrupt doesn't excuse the very poor behavior by an equally corrupt populace that acts up in an irresponsible manner the moment a cop shoots a dangerous thug.
Serious questions: " IF " there are so many good cops, as you say, why aren't the good cops cleaning up their own profession? Why aren't good cops ratting out bad cops? Why don't we have more cops in prison and in our jails? And, the same questions can be asked about politicians. Are only "bad cops" writing quota tickets? Are only "bad cops" arresting innocent citizens? Do only the "bad cops" lie and cover up for each other? Are "bad cops" the only ones that gang up on a hand cuffed individual already face down on the ground, and beat and kick them? Seriously, where are all of these so-called "good cops"?

The trouble is - that good cops, often are much more "shy" and they can't mess with so-called "bad cops", system consists of corruptionists, those parts of this system, which wanna work and benefit society can't prevent bad cops, because after that, system will "kill" 'em. Nobody wants to seat without job, like 16%..
Some police departments are corrupt while others are not. There are a handful of bad cops but the vast majority are decent men doing a very dangerous job. I'm willing to bet that every cop-hater posting in this thread would call a cop the moment someone broke into their home or the moment their car got vandalized. But while "some" police departments are corrupt we can generally agree that almost ALL politicians are corrupt from one degree to another. However, just because some policemen and some politicians are corrupt doesn't excuse the very poor behavior by an equally corrupt populace that acts up in an irresponsible manner the moment a cop shoots a dangerous thug.
Serious questions: " IF " there are so many good cops, as you say, why aren't the good cops cleaning up their own profession? Why aren't good cops ratting out bad cops? Why don't we have more cops in prison and in our jails? And, the same questions can be asked about politicians. Are only "bad cops" writing quota tickets? Are only "bad cops" arresting innocent citizens? Do only the "bad cops" lie and cover up for each other? Are "bad cops" the only ones that gang up on a hand cuffed individual already face down on the ground, and beat and kick them? Seriously, where are all of these so-called "good cops"?

You're painting the entire police force with a gigantically, broad brush. I live in a rough part of town near Denver, CO. I see cops driving around here everyday. None of them are shooting folks for the hell of it. They are cleaning these druggie-infested streets and generally keeping the peace. What do you think they're supposed to do? Drive all the way to Missouri and arrest a cop for defending himself or drive all the way to New York and scold a man for using the choke hold that they're all trained to use?

How do you know that "good cops" AREN'T "ratting out bad cops" when the need arises? Perhaps there's more of that sort of thing going on that we simply don't know about.

I remember the beating that Rodney King took back in the mid-90s in Los Angeles. He had it coming!!! He was on PCP. He had run numerous red lights which totally endangered the public. He had a rap-sheet a mile long. He was huge and out of his mind. And he kept getting up when he was ordered to remain on the ground. Some bad guys need to get their asses beat.
Obviously we have a very different take on the situation. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule. And, I doubt very seriously that cops police their own profession. If they did, we'd hear from them publicly shaming those that make the rest look bad. Obviously, it's extremely rare when a so-called "good cops" is seen on national TV shaming the bad cops in his/her profession. It just doesn't happen. Also, it's very rare to hear about cops going to jail or to prison. It just doesn't happen. Instead, cops are protected, shielded against the corruption and obvious violations of human rights. The protect their own. They always come up with some excuse to make their victims look bad. And, you and I both know that everyone on the receiving end of the behavior of animalistic and barbaric cops is not guilty of a crime.

We see time and time again the revenue generating BS quota tickets given to boost egos and city and county funds. And, it's not just the bad cops writing BS quota tickets. I posted an article about an hour ago on this site about cops taking cash and property from innocent citizens. I am not making all of this up. Every single thing that I am saying is well documented and reported on. I do not make this stuff up. It can be verified on the 6:00 news, in newspapers, on the internet, and out in public every single day somewhere across America. And, just imagine how much is never reported or seen on the internet. You can defend them all you want, but facts are facts, and the many documented cases can't all be lies.
Some police departments are corrupt while others are not. There are a handful of bad cops but the vast majority are decent men doing a very dangerous job. I'm willing to bet that every cop-hater posting in this thread would call a cop the moment someone broke into their home or the moment their car got vandalized. But while "some" police departments are corrupt we can generally agree that almost ALL politicians are corrupt from one degree to another. However, just because some policemen and some politicians are corrupt doesn't excuse the very poor behavior by an equally corrupt populace that acts up in an irresponsible manner the moment a cop shoots a dangerous thug.
Serious questions: " IF " there are so many good cops, as you say, why aren't the good cops cleaning up their own profession? Why aren't good cops ratting out bad cops? Why don't we have more cops in prison and in our jails? And, the same questions can be asked about politicians. Are only "bad cops" writing quota tickets? Are only "bad cops" arresting innocent citizens? Do only the "bad cops" lie and cover up for each other? Are "bad cops" the only ones that gang up on a hand cuffed individual already face down on the ground, and beat and kick them? Seriously, where are all of these so-called "good cops"?

The trouble is - that good cops, often are much more "shy" and they can't mess with so-called "bad cops", system consists of corruptionists, those parts of this system, which wanna work and benefit society can't prevent bad cops, because after that, system will "kill" 'em. Nobody wants to seat without job, like 16%..
Total load of bullshit pal.
I know first hand that every fucking 'good cop' never hesitates to turn in any bad cop. That's why there are so few 'bad cops' out there.
It doesn't take long for good cops to identify a bad cop in their department.
The "corrupt" police department myth belongs in the movies.
All it takes is a couple of good cops refusing to ride with cops they don't want to and the bad cop is pushed/shoved/kicked off the force.
There is no such thing as a good cop being "shy" about turning in any cop who is bent.
Nowadays a lot of ex military are applying for cop jobs. This is a big problem. Sad to say the military ain't what it used to be. Many of these people suffer from PTS.
Some police departments are corrupt while others are not. There are a handful of bad cops but the vast majority are decent men doing a very dangerous job. I'm willing to bet that every cop-hater posting in this thread would call a cop the moment someone broke into their home or the moment their car got vandalized. But while "some" police departments are corrupt we can generally agree that almost ALL politicians are corrupt from one degree to another. However, just because some policemen and some politicians are corrupt doesn't excuse the very poor behavior by an equally corrupt populace that acts up in an irresponsible manner the moment a cop shoots a dangerous thug.
Serious questions: " IF " there are so many good cops, as you say, why aren't the good cops cleaning up their own profession? Why aren't good cops ratting out bad cops? Why don't we have more cops in prison and in our jails? And, the same questions can be asked about politicians. Are only "bad cops" writing quota tickets? Are only "bad cops" arresting innocent citizens? Do only the "bad cops" lie and cover up for each other? Are "bad cops" the only ones that gang up on a hand cuffed individual already face down on the ground, and beat and kick them? Seriously, where are all of these so-called "good cops"?

The trouble is - that good cops, often are much more "shy" and they can't mess with so-called "bad cops", system consists of corruptionists, those parts of this system, which wanna work and benefit society can't prevent bad cops, because after that, system will "kill" 'em. Nobody wants to seat without job, like 16%..
Well, if they don't start policing their own profession, this can only get worse. And, if they don't clean up their own profession, then none of them can claim to be "good cops".
Some police departments are corrupt while others are not. There are a handful of bad cops but the vast majority are decent men doing a very dangerous job. I'm willing to bet that every cop-hater posting in this thread would call a cop the moment someone broke into their home or the moment their car got vandalized. But while "some" police departments are corrupt we can generally agree that almost ALL politicians are corrupt from one degree to another. However, just because some policemen and some politicians are corrupt doesn't excuse the very poor behavior by an equally corrupt populace that acts up in an irresponsible manner the moment a cop shoots a dangerous thug.
Serious questions: " IF " there are so many good cops, as you say, why aren't the good cops cleaning up their own profession? Why aren't good cops ratting out bad cops? Why don't we have more cops in prison and in our jails? And, the same questions can be asked about politicians. Are only "bad cops" writing quota tickets? Are only "bad cops" arresting innocent citizens? Do only the "bad cops" lie and cover up for each other? Are "bad cops" the only ones that gang up on a hand cuffed individual already face down on the ground, and beat and kick them? Seriously, where are all of these so-called "good cops"?

The trouble is - that good cops, often are much more "shy" and they can't mess with so-called "bad cops", system consists of corruptionists, those parts of this system, which wanna work and benefit society can't prevent bad cops, because after that, system will "kill" 'em. Nobody wants to seat without job, like 16%..
Total load of bullshit pal.
I know first hand that every fucking 'good cop' never hesitates to turn in any bad cop. That's why there are so few 'bad cops' out there.
It doesn't take long for good cops to identify a bad cop in their department.
The "corrupt" police department myth belongs in the movies.
All it takes is a couple of good cops refusing to ride with cops they don't want to and the bad cop is pushed/shoved/kicked off the force.
There is no such thing as a good cop being "shy" about turning in any cop who is bent.
Nowadays a lot of ex military are applying for cop jobs. This is a big problem. Sad to say the military ain't what it used to be. Many of these people suffer from PTS.
FYI - There are just too many well documented and reported cases of wrong-doing to even hint at the possibility of good cops ratting out bad cops. I'm sure that it does happen, but it's rare. Cops protect their own, lie for each other, and have formed a brotherhood. This is documented and reported all over the country. And, it happens often enough that one has to question the "good cop" scenario. They all have quotas to meet, that's a given. How many times, in all the thousands of videos published, have you seen a cop refusing to join in when other cops are beating a hand cuffed individual already face down on the ground? They delight in joining fellow officers beating someone. We see it over and over. Your defense of cops is very shaky and without factual support or documentation.

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