NYPD now req'd to use "calming phrases" and "appeal to rational mind" of psychotic criminals

Other changes include a mandate that cops fill out a new “Threat, Resistance or Injury Incident Worksheet” every time they fight with a suspect or use pepper spray or a Taser.

A supervisor also will be required to investigate anytime someone is injured or there’s an allegation of brutality.

Furthermore, the new rules explicitly prohibit cops from using force to keep suspects from swallowing illegal drugs or to remove them from someone’s mouth or other orifice, and from using a Taser on someone handcuffed behind their back.

I like the part where they have to let the perps swallow their illegal drugs! That's cool. Why don't they just disband the police force and let the perps rule the streets. Save some money.

They won't allow cops to taser someone who is cuffed behind their back?

Liberal bastards!

Hmmm.....WHY WOULD you taze someone who is handcuffed?

Say you're at the jail. Handcuffed psycho in back of car. When you try to remove him....he's on his back kicking as hard as he can at you trying to smash your teeth in. You go around the other side to get his head and shoulders......and he's spitting and biting and his mouth is bleeding...and he probably has AIDS.

A. Taser....and he stops. No one hurt.
B. Fill back seat with pepper spray and...well....who knows
C. Drag him out by his legs....and he hits his head on concrete as you pull him out
D. Jump in and whoop his ass....and get arrested yourself
E. Shut the door and wait him out
F. Reason with him and Dr. Phil him into submission

I'm interested in what libs pick.

Wait him out.....get additional officers
To what? Sweet talk? Maybe the hallelujah chorus would do it?

Why not if it will calm someone down?

Many domestic calls could use a "time out" to let them calm down. Busting heads is not always the best solution

But conservatives are not happy unless a perp is put in the hospital
Oh really. You want the cops to give the nasty perps time to finish beating the shit out of their wives. That's innovative for sure.
Other changes include a mandate that cops fill out a new “Threat, Resistance or Injury Incident Worksheet” every time they fight with a suspect or use pepper spray or a Taser.

A supervisor also will be required to investigate anytime someone is injured or there’s an allegation of brutality.

Furthermore, the new rules explicitly prohibit cops from using force to keep suspects from swallowing illegal drugs or to remove them from someone’s mouth or other orifice, and from using a Taser on someone handcuffed behind their back.

I like the part where they have to let the perps swallow their illegal drugs! That's cool. Why don't they just disband the police force and let the perps rule the streets. Save some money.

They won't allow cops to taser someone who is cuffed behind their back?

Liberal bastards!

Hmmm.....WHY WOULD you taze someone who is handcuffed?

Say you're at the jail. Handcuffed psycho in back of car. When you try to remove him....he's on his back kicking as hard as he can at you trying to smash your teeth in. You go around the other side to get his head and shoulders......and he's spitting and biting and his mouth is bleeding...and he probably has AIDS.

A. Taser....and he stops. No one hurt.
B. Fill back seat with pepper spray and...well....who knows
C. Drag him out by his legs....and he hits his head on concrete as you pull him out
D. Jump in and whoop his ass....and get arrested yourself
E. Shut the door and wait him out
F. Reason with him and Dr. Phil him into submission

I'm interested in what libs pick.

Wait him out.....get additional officers
To what? Sweet talk? Maybe the hallelujah chorus would do it?

Why not if it will calm someone down?

Many domestic calls could use a "time out" to let them calm down. Busting heads is not always the best solution

But conservatives are not happy unless a perp is put in the hospital

"Domestic calls" could use a time out??? Ok. For one....these aren't fucking children. You obviously have never been a cop. These calls involve people who will KILL YOU. Do you grasp that? Dead. Killed. Forever.

Second....if a crime has occurred....they go to jail. "Mentally ill" is no excuse to not be arrested and taken to jail.

If the call ISN'T A CRIME and it's someone calling simply because they're tired of dealing with their fucked up family member.....sorry......cops need to ignore it and stop showing up. Their cops....not doctors.
They won't allow cops to taser someone who is cuffed behind their back?

Liberal bastards!

Hmmm.....WHY WOULD you taze someone who is handcuffed?

Say you're at the jail. Handcuffed psycho in back of car. When you try to remove him....he's on his back kicking as hard as he can at you trying to smash your teeth in. You go around the other side to get his head and shoulders......and he's spitting and biting and his mouth is bleeding...and he probably has AIDS.

A. Taser....and he stops. No one hurt.
B. Fill back seat with pepper spray and...well....who knows
C. Drag him out by his legs....and he hits his head on concrete as you pull him out
D. Jump in and whoop his ass....and get arrested yourself
E. Shut the door and wait him out
F. Reason with him and Dr. Phil him into submission

I'm interested in what libs pick.

Wait him out.....get additional officers
To what? Sweet talk? Maybe the hallelujah chorus would do it?

Why not if it will calm someone down?

Many domestic calls could use a "time out" to let them calm down. Busting heads is not always the best solution

But conservatives are not happy unless a perp is put in the hospital
Oh really. You want the cops to give the nasty perps time to finish beating the shit out of their wives. That's innovative for sure.


Afterall....a liberal mayor ordered cops in San Jose to stand down as women were being assaulted....just to avoid a conflict.

So yeah. Maybe Dems truly do wanna let the mentally ill have some time to really beat the woman's ass before they move in for the arrest. Just warn him.....as "rightwinger" said....that he's gonna go into "time out" for it.
Here ya go lefties.....this is the type of person you want cops to "reason with"???? Absolute psychos. Let's play Dr Phil with these monsters.....GREAT IDEA:

Sorry, dummy. Being a cop is a profession. It isn't a job. Law enforcement officers all over the world are trained to deal with crazy people in ways that reduce the chances of injury to all parties.

If you were truly an advocate for cops, you'd applaud this sort of news.

So you want cops to be doctors and psychiatrists now??? Hmmm. I expect they will be getting a massive pay raise soon then.

If they've committed a crime....they should be treated no differently. Arrest them.

If they haven't committed a crime....LAW ENFORCEMENT should not be showing up. Counseling isn't their job.
You truly are a ridiculous idiot.

Being a police officer is as much social work as it is law enforcement; a significant number of citizens the police encounter in fact suffer from mental illness, where restraint and a measured response is warranted.

Indeed, many violent encounters with law enforcement are the result of police acting too quickly in an effort to ‘gain control’ of a situation and ‘compel compliance’ using physical force where such force is not justified, the killing of Eric Garner in New York being one of many tragic examples.
Sorry, dummy. Being a cop is a profession. It isn't a job. Law enforcement officers all over the world are trained to deal with crazy people in ways that reduce the chances of injury to all parties.

If you were truly an advocate for cops, you'd applaud this sort of news.

So you want cops to be doctors and psychiatrists now??? Hmmm. I expect they will be getting a massive pay raise soon then.

If they've committed a crime....they should be treated no differently. Arrest them.

If they haven't committed a crime....LAW ENFORCEMENT should not be showing up. Counseling isn't their job.
You truly are a ridiculous idiot.

Being a police officer is as much social work as it is law enforcement; a significant number of citizens the police encounter in fact suffer from mental illness, where restraint and a measured response is warranted.

Indeed, many violent encounters with law enforcement are the result of police acting too quickly in an effort to ‘gain control’ of a situation and ‘compel compliance’ using physical force where such force is not justified, the killing of Eric Garner in New York being one of many tragic examples.

No. They aren't social workers. That was never the intended purpose of police. Police exist because the public in England didnt like the military enforcing domestic laws....and it carried over into America.

You libs WANT them to be the nation's "24 hour on-call counselors". They aren't. And we see it.

As much as you idiots want cops to be that....they aren't and never will be. They won't do it and you can keep bitching but it won't change. They'll stop showing up.

Complete control??? Yes. They go for that. They don't want to die. That's what had been taught for 10,000 years in the topic of human conflict of all scales. You be the first to get control over the other.

*****By the way....cops tried to talk and reason with Garners 400 pound fat ass. He didn't wanna do that. He resisted. And died...from a heart attack...because he was a lard ass.

Lieberman said she hoped the NYPD would go further and catalog incidents where cops forced people to put their hands against cars or buildings.

That type of force is not reflected in the new guidelines, but it could be added to the list of force incidents if the subject sustains an injury, according to Ward.

The city’s largest police union blasted the new policy Thursday.

"No amount of new training or additional paperwork will make necessary force that is lawful and properly used by police officers acceptable to those who want to return to the hands-off, reactive policing strategies that sent crime soaring in the past,” Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association President Pat Lynch said in a statement. “More paperwork coupled with a serious shortage of police officers and the continual second-guessing of their actions is a formula for disaster.”

And, Jesus wept!
Sorry, dummy. Being a cop is a profession. It isn't a job. Law enforcement officers all over the world are trained to deal with crazy people in ways that reduce the chances of injury to all parties.

If you were truly an advocate for cops, you'd applaud this sort of news.
Do you live in or near NYC?

Ruh Roh! I'd better be careful. A nutbag has asked me a leading question. If I answer it...I run the risk of falling prey to his superior intellect. I'm sure he's got a reply ready regardless of how I reply.

Danger! Danger!

It wasn't a leading question.
The belligerence of the criminal element in NYC has risen dramatically.
It would be nice if all a cop had to do to calm down an emotionally disturbed individual was to speak softly.
Life isn't so simple, especially when everyone in NY knows DeBlasio will crucify a cop before a convicted criminal.

All bullshit. Congratulations.

You apparently don't watch a NYC News Broadcast on a daily basis.
Either that, or you're a batshit insane Progressive who thinks all cops are evil and all criminals simply woke on the wrong side of the bed.

Silly nutter. I'm a former resident of NYC. My daughter recently spent a "gap year" living and volunteering in Harlem and the South Bronx. My son is a police officer.

Other changes include a mandate that cops fill out a new “Threat, Resistance or Injury Incident Worksheet” every time they fight with a suspect or use pepper spray or a Taser.

A supervisor also will be required to investigate anytime someone is injured or there’s an allegation of brutality.

Furthermore, the new rules explicitly prohibit cops from using force to keep suspects from swallowing illegal drugs or to remove them from someone’s mouth or other orifice, and from using a Taser on someone handcuffed behind their back.

I like the part where they have to let the perps swallow their illegal drugs! That's cool. Why don't they just disband the police force and let the perps rule the streets. Save some money.

They won't allow cops to taser someone who is cuffed behind their back?

Liberal bastards!

Hmmm.....WHY WOULD you taze someone who is handcuffed?

Say you're at the jail. Handcuffed psycho in back of car. When you try to remove him....he's on his back kicking as hard as he can at you trying to smash your teeth in. You go around the other side to get his head and shoulders......and he's spitting and biting and his mouth is bleeding...and he probably has AIDS.

A. Taser....and he stops. No one hurt.
B. Fill back seat with pepper spray and...well....who knows
C. Drag him out by his legs....and he hits his head on concrete as you pull him out
D. Jump in and whoop his ass....and get arrested yourself
E. Shut the door and wait him out
F. Reason with him and Dr. Phil him into submission

I'm interested in what libs pick.

Wait him out.....get additional officers

You do know that if cops picked that option....it would bring law enforcement to a stand still since it would occupy half the manpower trying to "wait out" psychos and committing 3 or 4 cops to every 1 mentally fucked up asshole....right?

(AND....how often do we hear liberal dipshits whining "oh it takes 4 cops to arrest 1 person???" And the next day their answer to resistors is "get additional officers". Liberals are fucking retards man.)

I can imagine a patrol Leiutenant asking why no one is available to answer a 911 call.....and they respond "LT we are waiting out Jonny Psycho....he's having a temper tantrum in the car and resisting....we sure wouldn't wanna make him uncomfortable or be mean".

LT would respond "Oh ok...no problem....all these 911 calls will just have to wait....whatever you do don't be mean to Jonny Psycho!!"

And some leftist fag with a camera will be saying "oh oh oh....it really takes 3 gestapo cops to handle 1 man huh????"

Basically....whatever cops DO...libs say they should have done the opposite.

You get all of your LEO info from TV shows.
Sensitivity rules are turning our cops into shrinks

"Street shrinks" are what the cops are mocking this liberal mayors brilliant idea as. A new directive mandating cops to use "calming phrases" and "appeal to the rational mind" of mentally ill criminals on the street.

Yeah....this is gonna be a total disaster. This is the kind of shit that....well.....there's a reason almost every liberal run city is a crime infested shithole.

Hey...they deserve it ...they voted in a left wing socialist nut job who thinks the police are the problem...the blood is on their hands.....I hope they enjoy the summer..........they will need a lot of cleaning products to get the blood off the streets....
Sorry, dummy. Being a cop is a profession. It isn't a job. Law enforcement officers all over the world are trained to deal with crazy people in ways that reduce the chances of injury to all parties.

If you were truly an advocate for cops, you'd applaud this sort of news.

So you want cops to be doctors and psychiatrists now??? Hmmm. I expect they will be getting a massive pay raise soon then.

If they've committed a crime....they should be treated no differently. Arrest them.

If they haven't committed a crime....LAW ENFORCEMENT should not be showing up. Counseling isn't their job.
You truly are a ridiculous idiot.

Being a police officer is as much social work as it is law enforcement; a significant number of citizens the police encounter in fact suffer from mental illness, where restraint and a measured response is warranted.

Indeed, many violent encounters with law enforcement are the result of police acting too quickly in an effort to ‘gain control’ of a situation and ‘compel compliance’ using physical force where such force is not justified, the killing of Eric Garner in New York being one of many tragic examples.
Will you have a set of rules for the criminals too? You know, to keep the cops safe?
They won't allow cops to taser someone who is cuffed behind their back?

Liberal bastards!

Hmmm.....WHY WOULD you taze someone who is handcuffed?

Say you're at the jail. Handcuffed psycho in back of car. When you try to remove him....he's on his back kicking as hard as he can at you trying to smash your teeth in. You go around the other side to get his head and shoulders......and he's spitting and biting and his mouth is bleeding...and he probably has AIDS.

A. Taser....and he stops. No one hurt.
B. Fill back seat with pepper spray and...well....who knows
C. Drag him out by his legs....and he hits his head on concrete as you pull him out
D. Jump in and whoop his ass....and get arrested yourself
E. Shut the door and wait him out
F. Reason with him and Dr. Phil him into submission

I'm interested in what libs pick.

Wait him out.....get additional officers
To what? Sweet talk? Maybe the hallelujah chorus would do it?

Why not if it will calm someone down?

Many domestic calls could use a "time out" to let them calm down. Busting heads is not always the best solution

But conservatives are not happy unless a perp is put in the hospital
Oh really. You want the cops to give the nasty perps time to finish beating the shit out of their wives. That's innovative for sure.

Or else you can calm down a domestic situation before it becomes violent
Do you live in or near NYC?

Ruh Roh! I'd better be careful. A nutbag has asked me a leading question. If I answer it...I run the risk of falling prey to his superior intellect. I'm sure he's got a reply ready regardless of how I reply.

Danger! Danger!

It wasn't a leading question.
The belligerence of the criminal element in NYC has risen dramatically.
It would be nice if all a cop had to do to calm down an emotionally disturbed individual was to speak softly.
Life isn't so simple, especially when everyone in NY knows DeBlasio will crucify a cop before a convicted criminal.

All bullshit. Congratulations.

You apparently don't watch a NYC News Broadcast on a daily basis.
Either that, or you're a batshit insane Progressive who thinks all cops are evil and all criminals simply woke on the wrong side of the bed.

Silly nutter. I'm a former resident of NYC. My daughter recently spent a "gap year" living and volunteering in Harlem and the South Bronx. My son is a police officer.

in NYC? Poor thing. I feel sorry for him living under these rules.

Lieberman said she hoped the NYPD would go further and catalog incidents where cops forced people to put their hands against cars or buildings.

That type of force is not reflected in the new guidelines, but it could be added to the list of force incidents if the subject sustains an injury, according to Ward.

The city’s largest police union blasted the new policy Thursday.

"No amount of new training or additional paperwork will make necessary force that is lawful and properly used by police officers acceptable to those who want to return to the hands-off, reactive policing strategies that sent crime soaring in the past,” Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association President Pat Lynch said in a statement. “More paperwork coupled with a serious shortage of police officers and the continual second-guessing of their actions is a formula for disaster.”

And, Jesus wept!

These liberal policies will cripple law enforcement. But....it's happened before. It goes in cycles.

We are soon going to see the RETURN OF "Professional Policing" to replace (again) "Community Policing".

Professional Policing is:
- Very strict internal discipline...."paramilitary"....to bring corruption and discipline issues to nearly zero
- 99.9% reactionary. To avoid bad incidents they only respond to what they MUST
- Very stern and robotic...unseen until crimes occur

This model was popular in the 50s-60s and 80s/early 90s as a reaction to the corruption and cop hate of the 20's and 30s and the 70s. Crime soars of course.
Hmmm.....WHY WOULD you taze someone who is handcuffed?

Say you're at the jail. Handcuffed psycho in back of car. When you try to remove him....he's on his back kicking as hard as he can at you trying to smash your teeth in. You go around the other side to get his head and shoulders......and he's spitting and biting and his mouth is bleeding...and he probably has AIDS.

A. Taser....and he stops. No one hurt.
B. Fill back seat with pepper spray and...well....who knows
C. Drag him out by his legs....and he hits his head on concrete as you pull him out
D. Jump in and whoop his ass....and get arrested yourself
E. Shut the door and wait him out
F. Reason with him and Dr. Phil him into submission

I'm interested in what libs pick.

Wait him out.....get additional officers
To what? Sweet talk? Maybe the hallelujah chorus would do it?

Why not if it will calm someone down?

Many domestic calls could use a "time out" to let them calm down. Busting heads is not always the best solution

But conservatives are not happy unless a perp is put in the hospital
Oh really. You want the cops to give the nasty perps time to finish beating the shit out of their wives. That's innovative for sure.

Or else you can calm down a domestic situation before it becomes violent

If it hasn't become violent yet....why are cops there??? No crime has occurred.

THE SOLUTION to that is "No crime has occurred? Then there is no law needing enforcement. We won't be responding."
Predictably.....liberals who have never spent so much as 10 minutes as a cop on a dark street at midnight dealing with an "emotionally disturbed person" (aka fucking violent psychotic criminal) are all chiming in with FULL APPLAUSE of the new Dr. Phil approach to law enforcement.
Straw man fallacy.

No one is referring to a clearly dangerous situation.

The issue concerns situations where the police are in no immediate danger, as a resolution to a situation can be resolved without police resorting to physical force.

The fact is that many situations get out of control and turn violent because law enforcement resorted to physical force too soon.

And yes – citizens do have the right to be critical of police and second-guess their actions; if they can’t accept such criticism and make changes accordingly then they should consider a profession in something other than law enforcement.
Hmmm.....WHY WOULD you taze someone who is handcuffed?

Say you're at the jail. Handcuffed psycho in back of car. When you try to remove him....he's on his back kicking as hard as he can at you trying to smash your teeth in. You go around the other side to get his head and shoulders......and he's spitting and biting and his mouth is bleeding...and he probably has AIDS.

A. Taser....and he stops. No one hurt.
B. Fill back seat with pepper spray and...well....who knows
C. Drag him out by his legs....and he hits his head on concrete as you pull him out
D. Jump in and whoop his ass....and get arrested yourself
E. Shut the door and wait him out
F. Reason with him and Dr. Phil him into submission

I'm interested in what libs pick.

Wait him out.....get additional officers
To what? Sweet talk? Maybe the hallelujah chorus would do it?

Why not if it will calm someone down?

Many domestic calls could use a "time out" to let them calm down. Busting heads is not always the best solution

But conservatives are not happy unless a perp is put in the hospital
Oh really. You want the cops to give the nasty perps time to finish beating the shit out of their wives. That's innovative for sure.

Or else you can calm down a domestic situation before it becomes violent
How long must they talk while her brains are being bashed in?
Predictably.....liberals who have never spent so much as 10 minutes as a cop on a dark street at midnight dealing with an "emotionally disturbed person" (aka fucking violent psychotic criminal) are all chiming in with FULL APPLAUSE of the new Dr. Phil approach to law enforcement.
Straw man fallacy.

No one is referring to a clearly dangerous situation.

The issue concerns situations where the police are in no immediate danger, as a resolution to a situation can be resolved without police resorting to physical force.

The fact is that many situations get out of control and turn violent because law enforcement resorted to physical force too soon.

And yes – citizens do have the right to be critical of police and second-guess their actions; if they can’t accept such criticism and make changes accordingly then they should consider a profession in something other than law enforcement.
They should become professional donut eaters!
Other changes include a mandate that cops fill out a new “Threat, Resistance or Injury Incident Worksheet” every time they fight with a suspect or use pepper spray or a Taser.

A supervisor also will be required to investigate anytime someone is injured or there’s an allegation of brutality.

Furthermore, the new rules explicitly prohibit cops from using force to keep suspects from swallowing illegal drugs or to remove them from someone’s mouth or other orifice, and from using a Taser on someone handcuffed behind their back.

I like the part where they have to let the perps swallow their illegal drugs! That's cool. Why don't they just disband the police force and let the perps rule the streets. Save some money.

They won't allow cops to taser someone who is cuffed behind their back?

Liberal bastards!

Hmmm.....WHY WOULD you taze someone who is handcuffed?

Say you're at the jail. Handcuffed psycho in back of car. When you try to remove him....he's on his back kicking as hard as he can at you trying to smash your teeth in. You go around the other side to get his head and shoulders......and he's spitting and biting and his mouth is bleeding...and he probably has AIDS.

A. Taser....and he stops. No one hurt.
B. Fill back seat with pepper spray and...well....who knows
C. Drag him out by his legs....and he hits his head on concrete as you pull him out
D. Jump in and whoop his ass....and get arrested yourself
E. Shut the door and wait him out
F. Reason with him and Dr. Phil him into submission

I'm interested in what libs pick.

Wait him out.....get additional officers

You do know that if cops picked that option....it would bring law enforcement to a stand still since it would occupy half the manpower trying to "wait out" psychos and committing 3 or 4 cops to every 1 mentally fucked up asshole....right?

(AND....how often do we hear liberal dipshits whining "oh it takes 4 cops to arrest 1 person???" And the next day their answer to resistors is "get additional officers". Liberals are fucking retards man.)

I can imagine a patrol Leiutenant asking why no one is available to answer a 911 call.....and they respond "LT we are waiting out Jonny Psycho....he's having a temper tantrum in the car and resisting....we sure wouldn't wanna make him uncomfortable or be mean".

LT would respond "Oh ok...no problem....all these 911 calls will just have to wait....whatever you do don't be mean to Jonny Psycho!!"

And some leftist fag with a camera will be saying "oh oh oh....it really takes 3 gestapo cops to handle 1 man huh????"

Basically....whatever cops DO...libs say they should have done the opposite.

You get all of your LEO info from TV shows.

Got it from 8 years of Atlanta, Zone 3 patrol.


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