NYPD now req'd to use "calming phrases" and "appeal to rational mind" of psychotic criminals

They won't allow cops to taser someone who is cuffed behind their back?

Liberal bastards!

Hmmm.....WHY WOULD you taze someone who is handcuffed?

Say you're at the jail. Handcuffed psycho in back of car. When you try to remove him....he's on his back kicking as hard as he can at you trying to smash your teeth in. You go around the other side to get his head and shoulders......and he's spitting and biting and his mouth is bleeding...and he probably has AIDS.

A. Taser....and he stops. No one hurt.
B. Fill back seat with pepper spray and...well....who knows
C. Drag him out by his legs....and he hits his head on concrete as you pull him out
D. Jump in and whoop his ass....and get arrested yourself
E. Shut the door and wait him out
F. Reason with him and Dr. Phil him into submission

I'm interested in what libs pick.

Wait him out.....get additional officers

You do know that if cops picked that option....it would bring law enforcement to a stand still since it would occupy half the manpower trying to "wait out" psychos and committing 3 or 4 cops to every 1 mentally fucked up asshole....right?

(AND....how often do we hear liberal dipshits whining "oh it takes 4 cops to arrest 1 person???" And the next day their answer to resistors is "get additional officers". Liberals are fucking retards man.)

I can imagine a patrol Leiutenant asking why no one is available to answer a 911 call.....and they respond "LT we are waiting out Jonny Psycho....he's having a temper tantrum in the car and resisting....we sure wouldn't wanna make him uncomfortable or be mean".

LT would respond "Oh ok...no problem....all these 911 calls will just have to wait....whatever you do don't be mean to Jonny Psycho!!"

And some leftist fag with a camera will be saying "oh oh oh....it really takes 3 gestapo cops to handle 1 man huh????"

Basically....whatever cops DO...libs say they should have done the opposite.

You get all of your LEO info from TV shows.

Got it from 8 years of Atlanta, Zone 3 patrol.


Nope. You did not. You are lying and stealing valor again.
Ruh Roh! I'd better be careful. A nutbag has asked me a leading question. If I answer it...I run the risk of falling prey to his superior intellect. I'm sure he's got a reply ready regardless of how I reply.

Danger! Danger!

It wasn't a leading question.
The belligerence of the criminal element in NYC has risen dramatically.
It would be nice if all a cop had to do to calm down an emotionally disturbed individual was to speak softly.
Life isn't so simple, especially when everyone in NY knows DeBlasio will crucify a cop before a convicted criminal.

All bullshit. Congratulations.

You apparently don't watch a NYC News Broadcast on a daily basis.
Either that, or you're a batshit insane Progressive who thinks all cops are evil and all criminals simply woke on the wrong side of the bed.

Silly nutter. I'm a former resident of NYC. My daughter recently spent a "gap year" living and volunteering in Harlem and the South Bronx. My son is a police officer.


So why don't you care?
Or are you projecting your masochism onto your son?

I care. These kinds of policies make LEO's safer.
Oh really. You want the cops to give the nasty perps time to finish beating the shit out of their wives. That's innovative for sure.

Or else you can calm down a domestic situation before it becomes violent

If it hasn't become violent yet....why are cops there??? No crime has occurred.

THE SOLUTION to that is "No crime has occurred? Then there is no law needing enforcement. We won't be responding."

Police often encounter alleged criminal activity that is in no way violent.

You said a "domestic situation" idiot. Not a property crime or drug crime. And there are only 2 kinds. Violent (a crime) and non violent (an argument...not a crime). Cops shouldn't be going to enforce arguments.

The term "domestic situation" means a person on person conflict at home.

Wanna start over??? Because again....you people don't know this topic very well obviously.
Cops are called into domestic arguments all the time.

Stop it before it becomes a crime

If no crime has occurred.....what authority does a cop have to "stop it"??? You lefties whine about cops not overstepping their authority.

I agree. And if no crime has occurred....they shouldn't be there.

Cops shouldn't be getting called in to be family counselors.

And luckily.....MY WAY is starting to overtake most police departments. They are more and more going into the "Professional Policing" bunker mentality and letting people sort out arguments and mental illness on their own. Showing up quickly only when a crime has occurred to enforce.

Good. That's their job and authority begins and ends with the commission of a crime.
Ruh Roh! I'd better be careful. A nutbag has asked me a leading question. If I answer it...I run the risk of falling prey to his superior intellect. I'm sure he's got a reply ready regardless of how I reply.

Danger! Danger!

It wasn't a leading question.
The belligerence of the criminal element in NYC has risen dramatically.
It would be nice if all a cop had to do to calm down an emotionally disturbed individual was to speak softly.
Life isn't so simple, especially when everyone in NY knows DeBlasio will crucify a cop before a convicted criminal.

All bullshit. Congratulations.

You apparently don't watch a NYC News Broadcast on a daily basis.
Either that, or you're a batshit insane Progressive who thinks all cops are evil and all criminals simply woke on the wrong side of the bed.

Silly nutter. I'm a former resident of NYC. My daughter recently spent a "gap year" living and volunteering in Harlem and the South Bronx. My son is a police officer.


I presume his beat is in a slum area?

It's a relatively high crime area. He stays busy.
Or else you can calm down a domestic situation before it becomes violent

If it hasn't become violent yet....why are cops there??? No crime has occurred.

THE SOLUTION to that is "No crime has occurred? Then there is no law needing enforcement. We won't be responding."

Police often encounter alleged criminal activity that is in no way violent.

You said a "domestic situation" idiot. Not a property crime or drug crime. And there are only 2 kinds. Violent (a crime) and non violent (an argument...not a crime). Cops shouldn't be going to enforce arguments.

The term "domestic situation" means a person on person conflict at home.

Wanna start over??? Because again....you people don't know this topic very well obviously.
Cops are called into domestic arguments all the time.

Stop it before it becomes a crime

If no crime has occurred.....what authority does a cop have to "stop it"??? You lefties whine about cops not overstepping their authority.

I agree. And if no crime has occurred....they shouldn't be there.

Cops shouldn't be getting called in to be family counselors.

And luckily.....MY WAY is starting to overtake most police departments. They are more and more going into the "Professional Policing" bunker mentality and letting people sort out arguments and mental illness on their own. Showing up quickly only when a crime has occurred to enforce.

Good. That's their job and authority begins and ends with the commission of a crime.
Domestic violence is a crime.
It wasn't a leading question.
The belligerence of the criminal element in NYC has risen dramatically.
It would be nice if all a cop had to do to calm down an emotionally disturbed individual was to speak softly.
Life isn't so simple, especially when everyone in NY knows DeBlasio will crucify a cop before a convicted criminal.

All bullshit. Congratulations.

You apparently don't watch a NYC News Broadcast on a daily basis.
Either that, or you're a batshit insane Progressive who thinks all cops are evil and all criminals simply woke on the wrong side of the bed.

Silly nutter. I'm a former resident of NYC. My daughter recently spent a "gap year" living and volunteering in Harlem and the South Bronx. My son is a police officer.


So why don't you care?
Or are you projecting your masochism onto your son?

I care. These kinds of policies make LEO's safer.

No they dont. You have no fucking clue about officer safety. The longer you wait....the more time the violent or potentially violent person has to assess and formulate their own plan for attacking you. Ooda loop.

And you can't say what you want about my 8 years at APD...I don't care and you can't prove or disprove anything. Your son isn't a cop either.
The cops failed Nicole Brown Simpson too. I bring this out to illustrate what happens when cops do nothing. Want nothing? Then disband the cops.
If it hasn't become violent yet....why are cops there??? No crime has occurred.

THE SOLUTION to that is "No crime has occurred? Then there is no law needing enforcement. We won't be responding."

Police often encounter alleged criminal activity that is in no way violent.

You said a "domestic situation" idiot. Not a property crime or drug crime. And there are only 2 kinds. Violent (a crime) and non violent (an argument...not a crime). Cops shouldn't be going to enforce arguments.

The term "domestic situation" means a person on person conflict at home.

Wanna start over??? Because again....you people don't know this topic very well obviously.
Cops are called into domestic arguments all the time.

Stop it before it becomes a crime

If no crime has occurred.....what authority does a cop have to "stop it"??? You lefties whine about cops not overstepping their authority.

I agree. And if no crime has occurred....they shouldn't be there.

Cops shouldn't be getting called in to be family counselors.

And luckily.....MY WAY is starting to overtake most police departments. They are more and more going into the "Professional Policing" bunker mentality and letting people sort out arguments and mental illness on their own. Showing up quickly only when a crime has occurred to enforce.

Good. That's their job and authority begins and ends with the commission of a crime.
Domestic violence is a crime.

Yes. The "violence" part.
It wasn't a leading question.
The belligerence of the criminal element in NYC has risen dramatically.
It would be nice if all a cop had to do to calm down an emotionally disturbed individual was to speak softly.
Life isn't so simple, especially when everyone in NY knows DeBlasio will crucify a cop before a convicted criminal.

All bullshit. Congratulations.

You apparently don't watch a NYC News Broadcast on a daily basis.
Either that, or you're a batshit insane Progressive who thinks all cops are evil and all criminals simply woke on the wrong side of the bed.

Silly nutter. I'm a former resident of NYC. My daughter recently spent a "gap year" living and volunteering in Harlem and the South Bronx. My son is a police officer.


I presume his beat is in a slum area?

It's a relatively high crime area. He stays busy.


The parent of a cop would NEVER support or say the things LoneLaugher does.
NYC has done to it's cops what Obama did to the soldiers in Iraq and to the border patrol.
Or else you can calm down a domestic situation before it becomes violent

If it hasn't become violent yet....why are cops there??? No crime has occurred.

THE SOLUTION to that is "No crime has occurred? Then there is no law needing enforcement. We won't be responding."

Police often encounter alleged criminal activity that is in no way violent.

You said a "domestic situation" idiot. Not a property crime or drug crime. And there are only 2 kinds. Violent (a crime) and non violent (an argument...not a crime). Cops shouldn't be going to enforce arguments.

The term "domestic situation" means a person on person conflict at home.

Wanna start over??? Because again....you people don't know this topic very well obviously.
Cops are called into domestic arguments all the time.

Stop it before it becomes a crime

If no crime has occurred.....what authority does a cop have to "stop it"??? You lefties whine about cops not overstepping their authority.

I agree. And if no crime has occurred....they shouldn't be there.

Cops shouldn't be getting called in to be family counselors.

And luckily.....MY WAY is starting to overtake most police departments. They are more and more going into the "Professional Policing" bunker mentality and letting people sort out arguments and mental illness on their own. Showing up quickly only when a crime has occurred to enforce.

Good. That's their job and authority begins and ends with the commission of a crime.
Do you have any concept what a cop does for a living?

Not all calls lead to an arrest.....that is a good thing
If it hasn't become violent yet....why are cops there??? No crime has occurred.

THE SOLUTION to that is "No crime has occurred? Then there is no law needing enforcement. We won't be responding."

Police often encounter alleged criminal activity that is in no way violent.

You said a "domestic situation" idiot. Not a property crime or drug crime. And there are only 2 kinds. Violent (a crime) and non violent (an argument...not a crime). Cops shouldn't be going to enforce arguments.

The term "domestic situation" means a person on person conflict at home.

Wanna start over??? Because again....you people don't know this topic very well obviously.
Cops are called into domestic arguments all the time.

Stop it before it becomes a crime

If no crime has occurred.....what authority does a cop have to "stop it"??? You lefties whine about cops not overstepping their authority.

I agree. And if no crime has occurred....they shouldn't be there.

Cops shouldn't be getting called in to be family counselors.

And luckily.....MY WAY is starting to overtake most police departments. They are more and more going into the "Professional Policing" bunker mentality and letting people sort out arguments and mental illness on their own. Showing up quickly only when a crime has occurred to enforce.

Good. That's their job and authority begins and ends with the commission of a crime.
Do you have any concept what a cop does for a living?

Not all calls lead to an arrest.....that is a good thing

Yes I do. Cops enforce broken laws. That is their ONLY authority. Laws on the books. That's it.

Arguments? No.
Rude neighbors? No.
Counselors? No.

Do some do it? Yes. And it's stupid. It's why community policing is a failing model of policing. When police brass try to make their officers the answer to EVERYTHING in an effort to solve everyone's complaints.....they also make the uniform the scapegoat and easy target to blame when the inevitable failure of the solution comes. It's like Comcast telling it's technicians they'll be sent to fix ALL household problems....plumbing...yard...AC...dog training...carpentry.....all of it...and who will they be mad at when it doesn't work out??? Comcast.

If the situation can't be resolved any other way.....sending an armed man in uniform who has NO AUTHORITY outside of a broken law....isn't going to fix it. It's only gonna bring scrutiny on the man in the uniform.

But....as I said....most PDs are adjusting to my way of thinking so the problem will change.

Police often encounter alleged criminal activity that is in no way violent.

You said a "domestic situation" idiot. Not a property crime or drug crime. And there are only 2 kinds. Violent (a crime) and non violent (an argument...not a crime). Cops shouldn't be going to enforce arguments.

The term "domestic situation" means a person on person conflict at home.

Wanna start over??? Because again....you people don't know this topic very well obviously.
Cops are called into domestic arguments all the time.

Stop it before it becomes a crime

If no crime has occurred.....what authority does a cop have to "stop it"??? You lefties whine about cops not overstepping their authority.

I agree. And if no crime has occurred....they shouldn't be there.

Cops shouldn't be getting called in to be family counselors.

And luckily.....MY WAY is starting to overtake most police departments. They are more and more going into the "Professional Policing" bunker mentality and letting people sort out arguments and mental illness on their own. Showing up quickly only when a crime has occurred to enforce.

Good. That's their job and authority begins and ends with the commission of a crime.
Do you have any concept what a cop does for a living?

Not all calls lead to an arrest.....that is a good thing

Yes I do. Cops enforce broken laws. That is their ONLY authority. Laws on the books. That's it.

Arguments? No.
Rude neighbors? No.
Counselors? No.

Do some do it? Yes. And it's stupid. It's why community policing is a failing model of policing. When police brass try to make their officers the answer to EVERYTHING in an effort to solve everyone's complaints.....they also make the uniform the scapegoat and easy target to blame when the inevitable failure of the solution comes.

If the situation can't be resolved any other way.....sending an armed man in uniform who has NO AUTHORITY outside of a broken law....isn't going to fix it. It's only gonna bring scrutiny on the man in the uniform.

But....as I said....most PDs are adjusting to my way of thinking so the problem will change.
So you don't understand what a peace officer does
You said a "domestic situation" idiot. Not a property crime or drug crime. And there are only 2 kinds. Violent (a crime) and non violent (an argument...not a crime). Cops shouldn't be going to enforce arguments.

The term "domestic situation" means a person on person conflict at home.

Wanna start over??? Because again....you people don't know this topic very well obviously.
Cops are called into domestic arguments all the time.

Stop it before it becomes a crime

If no crime has occurred.....what authority does a cop have to "stop it"??? You lefties whine about cops not overstepping their authority.

I agree. And if no crime has occurred....they shouldn't be there.

Cops shouldn't be getting called in to be family counselors.

And luckily.....MY WAY is starting to overtake most police departments. They are more and more going into the "Professional Policing" bunker mentality and letting people sort out arguments and mental illness on their own. Showing up quickly only when a crime has occurred to enforce.

Good. That's their job and authority begins and ends with the commission of a crime.
Do you have any concept what a cop does for a living?

Not all calls lead to an arrest.....that is a good thing

Yes I do. Cops enforce broken laws. That is their ONLY authority. Laws on the books. That's it.

Arguments? No.
Rude neighbors? No.
Counselors? No.

Do some do it? Yes. And it's stupid. It's why community policing is a failing model of policing. When police brass try to make their officers the answer to EVERYTHING in an effort to solve everyone's complaints.....they also make the uniform the scapegoat and easy target to blame when the inevitable failure of the solution comes.

If the situation can't be resolved any other way.....sending an armed man in uniform who has NO AUTHORITY outside of a broken law....isn't going to fix it. It's only gonna bring scrutiny on the man in the uniform.

But....as I said....most PDs are adjusting to my way of thinking so the problem will change.
So you don't understand what a peace officer does

Apparently not. Please explain what a "Peace Officers" job is? HIS DUTY.

Because I can assure you this. He ONLY has authority if a law is broken. Outside of that....he has no more authority than a janitor.
The object of nonsense like this is to open up a whole new front in the war on police. Of course they can't be counselors or mediators. They can't be mental health professionals. Now they can be punished for every failure. The set up is brilliant.
Um....."rightwinger".....are you going to define the job of a "Peace Officer" for us???

Other than do the ONLY thing they have authority to do.....enforce laws.

No....I'm gonna preempt your "protect AND SERVE" generic answer and say.....explain....."serve" how?

Can I call cops because my dishes need washing?
Can I call because my car needs an oil change?
Can I call the cops if my HD TV isn't working and I need audio/visual hookup assistance???

Outside of enforcing the law.....rightwinger....what obligation does a cop.....err....I mean....."Peace Officer" as you call them...have?
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The object of nonsense like this is to open up a whole new front in the war on police. Of course they can't be counselors or mediators. They can't be mental health professionals. Now they can be punished for every failure. The set up is brilliant.

This whole problem began with "community policing". When politicians and liberal chiefs began saying at community events "Oh just give is a call...we'll send an officer over to help you (fill in the chore)".

And when people weren't happy.....cops got blamed.
Bucky is upset that he hasn't convinced anyone that he was a cop. He's now making shit up about what the job description of police officers is.

Stolen valor mother fucker.
The object of nonsense like this is to open up a whole new front in the war on police. Of course they can't be counselors or mediators. They can't be mental health professionals. Now they can be punished for every failure. The set up is brilliant.

This whole problem began with "community policing". When politicians and liberal chiefs began saying at community events "Oh just give is a call...we'll send an officer over to help you (fill in the chore)".

And when people weren't happy.....cops got blamed.
We didn't want them in the first place...
My goodness wait until hostage negotiators find out all their training is useless!! Why would the cops train hostage negotiators when it doesn't work!!

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