NYPD officer in Eric Garner case fired

By your logic then a cop could not risk killing someone they are trying to arrest unless that person is committing a capital crime.

So basically they could only attempt to arrest people who commit first degree murder, and then only in States with the death penalty.
No, that's not my logic, that's your fucked up "logic"

Your statement implies what I described.
My statement implies no such thing, what's tripping you up is your inability to correctly interpret what I said.

There's no need to complicate the matter, lethal force in defense of one's life or the lives of others is what defines the lawful use of force even for cops. Shooting someone in the back who's fleeing because they have outstanding warrants for failing to pay child support doesn't warrant killing someone over yet far too many law enforcement officers have no problem at all immediatley escalating the situation because they erroneously believe that being a cop in America allows them to lawfully brutalize and kill their fellow human beings, even when the subject poses no actual threat to them except perhaps in the cop's own mind.

If a police officer hollers at a fleeing criminal, "stop or I'll shoot", he loses credibility if the criminal doesn't stop and he doesn't shoot.

The credibility of the police force is important.
Then maybe he should be shouting his intentions because as the situation changes, he's supposed to be able to change his actions accordingly, not follow up shooting and killing someone unnecessary simply because he wants to save face. This is exactly that aforementioned lack of integrity that I brought up. Determining what to do, not according to what is lawful, reasonable and right, but instead on how likely one is to get away with said act or being concerned with "how will it look"?

So I take it you're not familiar with the fleeing felon rule? Don't worry you're not alone as many cops are apparently oblivious to it as well

Abstract: In its decision, the Court held that apprehension by the use of deadly force is a seizure subject to the reasonableness requirement of the fourth amendment, and that its use to prevent the escape of all felony suspects was constitutionally impermissible. The proper rule, as the court suggests, would allow the use of deadly force only when a suspect poses a substantial risk of serious physical harm. However, a major problem with the decision is that it requires a police office to be practically certain that a suspect is dangerous without providing any guidance to the arresting officer for making this determination. A better approach would be to emphasize the risk encountered by the officer in a specific situation, but also to allow the officer to be guided by the nature of the crime involved. This approach would limit the use of deadly force to inherently dangerous situations, while also providing the protection needed to the arresting officer and the general public. 121 footnotes.
In other words, taking off because the cops recognize you and you don't want to go to jail because you have warrants out or for whatever reason is worlds apart from a fleeing felon who just robbed a bank and shot the security officer and a couple of bank customers although some cops want to treat them both as the same level of threat requiring shooting the subject in the back and killing them.

That is what is so disturbing about so many of you, that you don't see any difference between the two situations. And/or you just don't care that there is a difference.

When the guys went in to pinch Osama Ladin, Obama ordered that Ladin be shot. And Ladin was shot.

Why do you give Obama a pass, while you don't with others?
By your logic then a cop could not risk killing someone they are trying to arrest unless that person is committing a capital crime.

So basically they could only attempt to arrest people who commit first degree murder, and then only in States with the death penalty.
No, that's not my logic, that's your fucked up "logic"

Your statement implies what I described.
My statement implies no such thing, what's tripping you up is your inability to correctly interpret what I said.

There's no need to complicate the matter, lethal force in defense of one's life or the lives of others is what defines the lawful use of force even for cops. Shooting someone in the back who's fleeing because they have outstanding warrants for failing to pay child support doesn't warrant killing someone over yet far too many law enforcement officers have no problem at all immediatley escalating the situation because they erroneously believe that being a cop in America allows them to lawfully brutalize and kill their fellow human beings, even when the subject poses no actual threat to them except perhaps in the cop's own mind.

This wasn't a shooting, it was a takedown. they WERE using less than lethal force.

You just hate cops, you worthless prog twat.
By your logic then a cop could not risk killing someone they are trying to arrest unless that person is committing a capital crime.

So basically they could only attempt to arrest people who commit first degree murder, and then only in States with the death penalty.
No, that's not my logic, that's your fucked up "logic"

Your statement implies what I described.
My statement implies no such thing, what's tripping you up is your inability to correctly interpret what I said.

There's no need to complicate the matter, lethal force in defense of one's life or the lives of others is what defines the lawful use of force even for cops. Shooting someone in the back who's fleeing because they have outstanding warrants for failing to pay child support doesn't warrant killing someone over yet far too many law enforcement officers have no problem at all immediatley escalating the situation because they erroneously believe that being a cop in America allows them to lawfully brutalize and kill their fellow human beings, even when the subject poses no actual threat to them except perhaps in the cop's own mind.

This wasn't a shooting, it was a takedown. they WERE using less than lethal force.

You just hate cops, you worthless prog twat.

What libs might not realize is that if police officer are routinely punished severely for the altercations with America's sacred cows, they will just avoid contact with them, and the Ghettos will be "no go"zones like they have in Paris, France and other islamic hot spots.

That will not help the community, and it will not help the Sacred Cows who won't learn self control.
By your logic then a cop could not risk killing someone they are trying to arrest unless that person is committing a capital crime.

So basically they could only attempt to arrest people who commit first degree murder, and then only in States with the death penalty.

Don’t even bother. These idiots don’t know the first thing about the law, law enforcement or any knowledge of what happened. He didn’t have him in an illegal choke hold, he was with the rest of the officers where trying to subdue him and he kept resting. He died of a heart attack, not from a choke hold as he had numerous health issues. The cop wasn’t found guilty but the department fired him because the mayor is an asshole and they knew the animals would protest. These pansies think they know what there talking about but don’t have a clue. If they had to arrest this guy they shit there pants. Until you walk in our shoes your opinions and comments mean nothing. It took what 3 Cops to try and subdue him but that’s ok the. Ops can get hurt or killed but the piece of shit whose been locked up 30 has to be handled carefully. Instead of complaining from behind your desk where your nice and safe, try doing the job and then come and talk to me. The complainers would never dare become a cop or a fireman because they’re scared of there own shadow

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Your ignorance and lack of knowledge of what you claim to be your professional is beyond appauling. You don't possess the professionalism to do the job properly if you are unable to perform your duties without a guarantee that you can kill whomever you so choose, for any petty, minor offense, without any repercussions at all.

You're a disgrace to the professional men and women who actually perform the job day in and day out without violating anyone's civil rights or causing the unwarranted death of other human beings.

Lastly, with the lack of knowledge & intelligence (or more accurately, lack thereof) that you've demonstrated on this board alone, you've got no room to be calling anyone else names denigrating their mental facilities. How in the hell can anyone other than a dumbass retire from a career in law enforcement without knowing that our justice system doesn't find defendants "Innocent". It's either guilty or not guilty, and with a burden of proof of around 98% a person can be 97% guilty and still not be convicted. That's hardly "innocent" even if that were the proper legal term.

Go fuck yourself. I have more citations and medals that prove you wrong. Your just another scumbag who thinks he knows what he is talking about. I’ve arrested over 1000 people and all are alive. Don’t talk about what you don’t know. Yeah, my department made me a training officer because I was bad at what I do. Your a fucking imbecile. Don’t talk about what you don’t know. Your one of those liberal pussy’s who hides behind a desk. You and the other idiots are a disgrace. Go and see if you can do better but you won’t because your a coward. And being I was so horrible the Prosecutors Office transferred to there departmental do Intel and Counter Terrorism. I had secret clearance and worked with NYPD’s counter terrorism unit in Brooklyn, plus the FBI and Secret Service. When I retired I ran Executive and Dignitary Protection as well as International Securitry. I handled top secret information while I worked with a financial company. I was such a disgrace so they gave me Top Secret clearance So please keep amusing me with your Diarrhea of the mouth.

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LOL yeah just what I thought nothing but a cowardly little boy who makes his threats in private where he thinks no one will know what he did. You don't have the ability to make me do ANYTHING let alone shut my mouth but go ahead and try.

And for the record, I didn't question your character because you have none. Your affiliation with all of those agencies cannot give you what you've never possessed and that's integrity. Without it people do horrendous things to their fellow human beings and then justify it by pointing at some law knowing full well if someone were to impose the same brutality & cruelty on them or any of their loved ones that you all would torch the earth in retribution.

I find it absolutely astounding (not really) that you viewed me disagreeing with you as disrepect. That is the ultimate in childishness, but hey that's what bullies do - they're unable to take what they dish out. On the upside though, respect is something you don't have to worry about with me. Just like your character it simply does not exist

Oh and fyi, you've already got a problem and there is no "we" involved. Why did you get banned around Aug 12th and what's the E in your moniker stand for?

View attachment 275333

Yeah yeah. Who’s the pussy hiding. You are not me.

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Damn you're stupid. Why do you think I'm hiding? LOL Oh wait, no it couldn't be... you're not the Key guy that has been perusing my professional profile without masking your identity first? Oh my gosh, that's hilarious, he's a retired law enforcement officer same as you're claiming to be.

How in the hell are you going to explain to the judge how you went from alledgedly being this retired law enforcement "professional" (notice the quotes, we know you don't possess the ability to conduct yourself as a professional) to cyberstalking women on the internet simply because they disagree with you? Do you know how pathetic that is?
And he was a quasi-cop,as a sworn member of the Block Watch.
A "sworn member" of the Block Watch? What does "sworn member" mean to you?

Normally I side with concealed carry holders and people who lawfully execise their 2nd amendment rights to protect themselves and their families but Zimmerman was WRONG. And the fact that for so many people all they care about is that he killed a black "thug" and got away with it says all I'll ever need to know about any of you who have chimed in on the topic.
He was also known for kicking the shit out of anyone who encroached on his cigarette selling turf. He was a real piece of shit. Im guessing he assaulted someone, the cops came, then he got nabbed.

Well, you can guess that, it's just not true. They came to break up a fight other people started, and when they go there, they realized this guy had outstanding warrents and tried to take him in. Because, Dammit, we're arresting someone for something!

We don't care when criminals die while resisting arrest. Get it through that thick skull of yours. What he was or wasn't doing before resisting arrest is irrelevant.

You know what, I care that we all have to pay millions of dollars in settlements to victims of thug cops. Garner's family got $5.9 million. Tamir Rice's family got 6 Million. LaQuan McDonald's family got 5 million. Your racism has much too high of a price tag.
Progressives like you want MOAR LAWS, and then you bitch about it when they are enforced.

Fuck your check privilege bullshit.

The law wasn't the problem here, Marty.. the problem was using a choke hold to enforce it.

He was resisting arrest.

He was fat and out of shape.

I find it amusing that you think that selling loose cigs should be a death penalty thing, but man, some wife-beating baker doxes a gay couple that complains about him, and you think he's a total victim.

Check your privilege, buddy.
The law abiding citizenry might have complained. The police commander would bitch at the patrolman about loosies being trafficked on the streets and how much money the city was losing.

No kind of heat that a cop wouldn't be able to take.

I'm sure that this now the common reaction of the police to this kind of activity- particularly when black youths are involved.

Yes, its a sad day when police can't use petty violations to hassle black folks.... I mean, they'll have to treat them like white folks, now! THE HORROR OF IT ALL!!!!
The law abiding citizenry might have complained. The police commander would bitch at the patrolman about loosies being trafficked on the streets and how much money the city was losing.

No kind of heat that a cop wouldn't be able to take.

I'm sure that this now the common reaction of the police to this kind of activity- particularly when black youths are involved.

Yes, its a sad day when police can't use petty violations to hassle black folks.... I mean, they'll have to treat them like white folks, now! THE HORROR OF IT ALL!!!!
What a typical dumb fucking anti-law enforcement, racist, spew of bullshit. Fuck that cocksucker that died. He was asked to comply and did not. Fuck him.
What a typical dumb fucking anti-law enforcement, racist, spew of bullshit. Fuck that cocksucker that died. He was asked to comply and did not. Fuck him.

The cop lost his job and the city had to pay out $6 Million. Sorry, man, I'm sure this kind of racist bullying makes you feel better about your tiny dick, but the rest of us can't afford it.
He was also known for kicking the shit out of anyone who encroached on his cigarette selling turf. He was a real piece of shit. Im guessing he assaulted someone, the cops came, then he got nabbed.

Well, you can guess that, it's just not true. They came to break up a fight other people started, and when they go there, they realized this guy had outstanding warrents and tried to take him in. Because, Dammit, we're arresting someone for something!

We don't care when criminals die while resisting arrest. Get it through that thick skull of yours. What he was or wasn't doing before resisting arrest is irrelevant.

You know what, I care that we all have to pay millions of dollars in settlements to victims of thug cops. Garner's family got $5.9 million. Tamir Rice's family got 6 Million. LaQuan McDonald's family got 5 million. Your racism has much too high of a price tag.
Youre complaining that the cops arrested someone with an outstanding warrant?
Youre complaining that the cops arrested someone with an outstanding warrant?

No, I'm complaining they used lethal force to carry it out..
Lethal force? They didnt use a weapon. Every Saturday i watch the strongest grapplers on earth choking people out in the UFC. No one ever dies.
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Live updates: NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo fired - CNN

Not surprising, since the Judge reviewing the case recommended it, and the current Police Chief is nothing more than a DiBlasio shill.

Needless to say the PBA isn't happy about this:

The asshole should be in jail



Do you think that Officer Pantaleo purposed killed this guy? Or his intent is irrelevant because
Garner was a Sacred Cow who should never be touched at all?

So, if I purposefully attack someone & kill him by accident, it is no problem. I get it.
Until the police learn that they can not freely violate the civil rights of others like they once did it's going to cost the taxpayers millions of more dollars.

If you feel this is a good use of your money.............
most of the cops are found NOT guilty or not even charged
it's not the cops--it's the criminals and people like you who are PRO criminal

You're because they usually get racist like you on the jury who let them off.

Let me ask you a serious question.

Do you believe that police officers go out on the beat with the idea of shooting America's Sacred Cow, the African American youth?

Police officers know what happened to Officer Wilson in Ferguson, the guys in Baltimore who were involved in the Freddie Gay incident, Zimmerman in Sanford, etc. Even if they were found not guilty, they still lost their jobs, got sued up the wazoo, incurred humongous legal bills, basically their lives were ruined when a Sacred Cow was slain.

They would have to be pretty foolish to go out and shoot black youths , just because they are prejudiced against blacks.
How in the hell does Zimmerman get mentioned in a discussion regarding actual police officers?

Zimmerman had his life ruined by false charges as well, after capping a Sacred Cow, a black youth. He endured tremendous legal bills, lost his entire hope of becoming a cop or being elected to the Presidency. And he was a quasi-cop,as a sworn member of the Block Watch.
Zimmerman as a employed neighborhood watch leader:
1) Was not supposed to get out of his truck
2) Was not allowed to be armed
3) Failed to Identify himself.

1) Was walking to his father's place on a sidewalk
2) He sees someone stalking him
3) He asks what Zimmerman was doing
4) Upon receiving no answer, he stood his ground & protected himself.

He should be in jail.
For petty nothing stuff. Just think what this costs the taxpayers compared to what they were losing by him selling someone a smoke for .50 cents.
THIRTY arrests .......
......what's ruining the US is you people ALLOWING criminals to get paid for committing crime...no wonder the black race is a failure
....black Mosby did the same thing----when the cops were found innocent

Until the police learn that they can not freely violate the civil rights of others like they once did it's going to cost the taxpayers millions of more dollars.

If you feel this is a good use of your money.............
most of the cops are found NOT guilty or not even charged
it's not the cops--it's the criminals and people like you who are PRO criminal

You're because they usually get racist like you on the jury who let them off.

Fuck your "sacred cow" bulldshit. Your rscist roots are showing.

Lets see what happens when they gun down a liliy white kid from the "good" part of town.

Let me ask you a serious question.

Do you believe that police officers go out on the beat with the idea of shooting America's Sacred Cow, the African American youth?

Police officers know what happened to Officer Wilson in Ferguson, the guys in Baltimore who were involved in the Freddie Gay incident, Zimmerman in Sanford, etc. Even if they were found not guilty, they still lost their jobs, got sued up the wazoo, incurred humongous legal bills, basically their lives were ruined when a Sacred Cow was slain.

They would have to be pretty foolish to go out and shoot black youths , just because they are prejudiced against blacks.
most of the cops are found NOT guilty or not even charged
it's not the cops--it's the criminals and people like you who are PRO criminal

You're because they usually get racist like you on the jury who let them off.

Let me ask you a serious question.

Do you believe that police officers go out on the beat with the idea of shooting America's Sacred Cow, the African American youth?

Police officers know what happened to Officer Wilson in Ferguson, the guys in Baltimore who were involved in the Freddie Gay incident, Zimmerman in Sanford, etc. Even if they were found not guilty, they still lost their jobs, got sued up the wazoo, incurred humongous legal bills, basically their lives were ruined when a Sacred Cow was slain.

They would have to be pretty foolish to go out and shoot black youths , just because they are prejudiced against blacks.
How in the hell does Zimmerman get mentioned in a discussion regarding actual police officers?

Zimmerman had his life ruined by false charges as well, after capping a Sacred Cow, a black youth. He endured tremendous legal bills, lost his entire hope of becoming a cop or being elected to the Presidency. And he was a quasi-cop,as a sworn member of the Block Watch.
Zimmerman as a employed neighborhood watch leader:
1) Was not supposed to get out of his truck
2) Was not allowed to be armed
3) Failed to Identify himself.

1) Was walking to his father's place on a sidewalk
2) He sees someone stalking him
3) He asks what Zimmerman was doing
4) Upon receiving no answer, he stood his ground & protected himself.

He should be in jail.

A jury of his peers determined that Zimmerman was as innocent as a newborn babe.
Live updates: NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo fired - CNN

Not surprising, since the Judge reviewing the case recommended it, and the current Police Chief is nothing more than a DiBlasio shill.

Needless to say the PBA isn't happy about this:

The asshole should be in jail



Do you think that Officer Pantaleo purposed killed this guy? Or his intent is irrelevant because
Garner was a Sacred Cow who should never be touched at all?

So, if I purposefully attack someone & kill him by accident, it is no problem. I get it.

Depends. But generally speaking, if a police officer is just doing his job it isn't a crime when he shoots or manhandles people, a part of his job. When the great Boom Boom Mancini punched a little oriental dude in the head in the ring, and the guy died, he wasn't charged. No mens rea.
Live updates: NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo fired - CNN

Not surprising, since the Judge reviewing the case recommended it, and the current Police Chief is nothing more than a DiBlasio shill.

Needless to say the PBA isn't happy about this:

The asshole should be in jail



Do you think that Officer Pantaleo purposed killed this guy? Or his intent is irrelevant because
Garner was a Sacred Cow who should never be touched at all?
He was negligent in his duties
A man died

So the police commander has decreed, and as a result he was fired.

But its a different story when you propose imprisoning someone or asking them to have a seat in the electric chair.
I guess it would be
The law abiding citizenry might have complained. The police commander would bitch at the patrolman about loosies being trafficked on the streets and how much money the city was losing.

No kind of heat that a cop wouldn't be able to take.

I'm sure that this now the common reaction of the police to this kind of activity- particularly when black youths are involved.

Yes, its a sad day when police can't use petty violations to hassle black folks.... I mean, they'll have to treat them like white folks, now! THE HORROR OF IT ALL!!!!
Hand the guy a ticket

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