NYT & Antifa threaten FXN anchor Tucker Carlson's home, again, Carlson outs NYT editors...someone is going to get hurt...

If the NYT posts address of Tucker, is it OK for FXN to post the names/addresses of NYT editors?

  • Hell yes its OK, if protesters hurt Tucker's family, the NYT editors are fair game...

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • No, its never OK to threaten the NYT, they are way more woke than the rest of us.

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
Back in November Tucker's home in DC was attacked by Antifa protesters.

So Tucker moved his family, wife and 4-kids, to NYC. Now the NYT is publishing Tucker's home address in hops that it will be attacked again

Tucker is bravely fighting back by outing the NYT editors that are threatening his home and family. It might be time to keep score...we'll see.
Back in November Tucker's home in DC was attacked by Antifa protesters.

So Tucker moved his family, wife and 4-kids, to NYC. Now the NYT is publishing Tucker's home address in hops that it will be attacked again

Tucker is bravely fighting back by outing the NYT editors that are threatening his home and family. It might be time to keep score...we'll see.

Yeah whatever. I looked high and low and couldn't find Tucker's address in the article. Apparently it's in a still unpublished article...how convenient. Anything you say Tuck.
But that didn't stop Tucker from issuing his own threat.

“They hate my politics, they want this show off the air,” he said of the “soulless robot editors of the New York Times.” Holding his last card close to the chest, Carlson also threatened to make public Carpenter’s home address, the photographer working on the story and others at the paper – “We could do that, we know who they are.”

Hate to tell you Tucker, the majority of Americans don't give a shit about the lies and bullshit you bloviate on your show.
But I am worried about Tucker's digestive health. The guy perpetually looks like he's constipated.
Whatever happens, the NYT's editors should be charged as accomplices, facilitators, intentionally endangering lives...

'Should be charged".......?
NewFlash.....WON'T be charged
You obviously have lost your situational awareness by a factor of 10

Still counting on the Establishment, to save you from the Establishment eh?
Sweet Jesus these people are naive
Racist Tucker Carlson has other things to worry about...

Two women also accuse Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity of sexual misconduct and take aim at Fox News for its alleged failure to stop them.

Back in November Tucker's home in DC was attacked by Antifa protesters.

So Tucker moved his family, wife and 4-kids, to NYC. Now the NYT is publishing Tucker's home address in hops that it will be attacked again

Tucker is bravely fighting back by outing the NYT editors that are threatening his home and family. It might be time to keep score...we'll see.

Tucker spends his life making people hate their fellow countrymen and spreading lies that kill his fellow countrymen. He can go fuck himself. Bravo to the NYT.
Racist Tucker Carlson has other things to worry about...

Two women also accuse Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity of sexual misconduct and take aim at Fox News for its alleged failure to stop them.

Commies trying to bring down top cable shows in the country, who'd a thunk? Same shit new lies.

Racist Tucker Carlson has other things to worry about...

Two women also accuse Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity of sexual misconduct and take aim at Fox News for its alleged failure to stop them.

Shut up, Injun! Tucker is a man of common sense and principles. You red savages have none. You wish violence to befallen on Tucker, his wife, and kids. The trail of tears should have never ended for you type people.
Racist Tucker Carlson has other things to worry about...

Two women also accuse Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity of sexual misconduct and take aim at Fox News for its alleged failure to stop them.

Commies trying to bring down top cable shows in the country, who'd a thunk? Same shit new lies.

Low IQ Maxine threatens Trump supporters....
'Should be charged".......?
NewFlash.....WON'T be charged
You obviously have lost your situational awareness by a factor of 10

Still counting on the Establishment, to save you from the Establishment eh?
Sweet Jesus these people are naive
Cam down, Francis. No one is asking the 'establishment' to save anyone. If you notice in the news there are still some good members of the DOJ, police, and even Judges out there fighting for the people the Democrats and domestic terrorists have abandoned and are targeting.

If all else fails, if it comes down to it, I hope Carlson defends himself and his family to the full extent of 'self-defense'.

And gee, what, if anything, will save the NY Times from wrath and violence now that BLM knows the ancestors of the owners of the NY Times also owned slaves?!
Back in November Tucker's home in DC was attacked by Antifa protesters.

So Tucker moved his family, wife and 4-kids, to NYC. Now the NYT is publishing Tucker's home address in hops that it will be attacked again

Tucker is bravely fighting back by outing the NYT editors that are threatening his home and family. It might be time to keep score...we'll see.

Tucker spends his life making people hate their fellow countrymen and spreading lies that kill his fellow countrymen. He can go fuck himself. Bravo to the NYT.

No he didn't. You're pumping out your emotions and feelings again.
Racist Tucker Carlson has other things to worry about...

Two women also accuse Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity of sexual misconduct and take aim at Fox News for its alleged failure to stop them.

You really need to learn a new word. no one pays attention to your 24x7 calls of racism anymore.
Two women also accuse Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity of sexual misconduct and take aim at Fox News for its alleged failure to stop them.

So the hell what? Didn't the failed 'Lynching' of the latest USSC Justice teach you anything?

On the other side, you want to allow the NYT to endanger Carlson's family because he is - according to Democrats, Liberal Lying media, and snowflakes - a 'racist'?! Joe Biden is a flaming racist ('You ain't black...'...'a clean, articulate black man - it's a fairytale, man') and where Trump was accused of grabbing women by the pu$$y after they twisted his words to manufacture the bogus claim, Joe Biden actually DID grab a woman by the pu$$y...and youdisgusting POSes are fine with it.

Back in November Tucker's home in DC was attacked by Antifa protesters.

So Tucker moved his family, wife and 4-kids, to NYC. Now the NYT is publishing Tucker's home address in hops that it will be attacked again

Tucker is bravely fighting back by outing the NYT editors that are threatening his home and family. It might be time to keep score...we'll see.

Yeah whatever. I looked high and low and couldn't find Tucker's address in the article. Apparently it's in a still unpublished article...how convenient. Anything you say Tuck.
But that didn't stop Tucker from issuing his own threat.

“They hate my politics, they want this show off the air,” he said of the “soulless robot editors of the New York Times.” Holding his last card close to the chest, Carlson also threatened to make public Carpenter’s home address, the photographer working on the story and others at the paper – “We could do that, we know who they are.”

Hate to tell you Tucker, the majority of Americans don't give a shit about the lies and bullshit you bloviate on your show.
But I am worried about Tucker's digestive health. The guy perpetually looks like he's constipated.

What a tough guy you must be!!!!!! Railing against a TV personality you don't know or even watch. They already doxed him once punk.
Back in November Tucker's home in DC was attacked by Antifa protesters.

So Tucker moved his family, wife and 4-kids, to NYC. Now the NYT is publishing Tucker's home address in hops that it will be attacked again

Tucker is bravely fighting back by outing the NYT editors that are threatening his home and family. It might be time to keep score...we'll see.

Tucker spends his life making people hate their fellow countrymen and spreading lies that kill his fellow countrymen. He can go fuck himself. Bravo to the NYT.

Ok look!!!!!!! Another bad ass. Here's to hoping someone shows up at your house and threatens you and your family.
Back in November Tucker's home in DC was attacked by Antifa protesters.

So Tucker moved his family, wife and 4-kids, to NYC. Now the NYT is publishing Tucker's home address in hops that it will be attacked again

Tucker is bravely fighting back by outing the NYT editors that are threatening his home and family. It might be time to keep score...we'll see.

Yeah whatever. I looked high and low and couldn't find Tucker's address in the article. Apparently it's in a still unpublished article...how convenient. Anything you say Tuck.
But that didn't stop Tucker from issuing his own threat.

“They hate my politics, they want this show off the air,” he said of the “soulless robot editors of the New York Times.” Holding his last card close to the chest, Carlson also threatened to make public Carpenter’s home address, the photographer working on the story and others at the paper – “We could do that, we know who they are.”

Hate to tell you Tucker, the majority of Americans don't give a shit about the lies and bullshit you bloviate on your show.
But I am worried about Tucker's digestive health. The guy perpetually looks like he's constipated.

What a tough guy you must be!!!!!! Railing against a TV personality you don't know or even watch. They already doxed him once punk.

I've been watching Tucker's evolution for over a decade now (since he left MSNBC). But, I remember him when he was on CNN's Crossfire. He fits right in at Fox.
Same right wing bloviating he's parroted for years. Nothing new. But once you start issuing threats of your own, he kind of loses the moral high ground that
he had after the 2018 incident. I believe multiple media hosts on the left wing side of the aisle spoke out in support for him.
Can't answer your poll. It is NEVER ok to DOX people no matter who you are.

Everyone needs to support Tucker and watch his show. Push his ratings through the roof and stop the left dead in their tracks with this cancel culture bullshit.
Even if you don't care for Tucker you can still stand up for whats right
Back in November Tucker's home in DC was attacked by Antifa protesters.

So Tucker moved his family, wife and 4-kids, to NYC. Now the NYT is publishing Tucker's home address in hops that it will be attacked again

Tucker is bravely fighting back by outing the NYT editors that are threatening his home and family. It might be time to keep score...we'll see.

Yeah whatever. I looked high and low and couldn't find Tucker's address in the article. Apparently it's in a still unpublished article...how convenient. Anything you say Tuck.
But that didn't stop Tucker from issuing his own threat.

“They hate my politics, they want this show off the air,” he said of the “soulless robot editors of the New York Times.” Holding his last card close to the chest, Carlson also threatened to make public Carpenter’s home address, the photographer working on the story and others at the paper – “We could do that, we know who they are.”

Hate to tell you Tucker, the majority of Americans don't give a shit about the lies and bullshit you bloviate on your show.
But I am worried about Tucker's digestive health. The guy perpetually looks like he's constipated.

I see you left out the part of the quote where he said he would not do that. He was making a point but as usual you dishonest pricks LIE
Back in November Tucker's home in DC was attacked by Antifa protesters.

So Tucker moved his family, wife and 4-kids, to NYC. Now the NYT is publishing Tucker's home address in hops that it will be attacked again

Tucker is bravely fighting back by outing the NYT editors that are threatening his home and family. It might be time to keep score...we'll see.

Tucker spends his life making people hate their fellow countrymen and spreading lies that kill his fellow countrymen. He can go fuck himself. Bravo to the NYT.

Easy , don't watch. Practice your goosestep instead

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