NYT Calls Americans Who Want to Enforce Existing US Immigration Law 'Hardliners'

Do republicans have any solutions to any problems that doesn't involve murdering large amounts of people?
...like Obama's personal drone assassination program, his Un-Constitutional War in Libya, or his Un-Constitutional War in Syria....?
which you called him a coward for not murdering more innocent civlians
You LIE. I never called Obama a coward for having his own Drone assassination program.
Who would you consider a hardliner?
Perhaps people who want to shutdown the govt to prevent our nations borders from being secured and our people made more secure / safe.
That would be an hardliner on the left... who would be a hardliner on the right?
the tea party shutdown the government in 2013?.... and still nobody knows why... something about a birth certificate I think?
Who would you consider a hardliner?
Perhaps people who want to shutdown the govt to prevent our nations borders from being secured and our people made more secure / safe.
That would be an hardliner on the left... who would be a hardliner on the right?
Barry Goldwater God bless him.
What happened to him?

Umm...he died? 1998
Do republicans have any solutions to any problems that doesn't involve murdering large amounts of people?

How does enforcing our laws murder large amounts of people? How does a wall murder large numbers of people? Hyperbole much?
I love that you swamp people are so deluded that you think democrats would oppose you if that's all you were suggesting

You've been watching way too much television.
Who would you consider a hardliner?
Perhaps people who want to shutdown the govt to prevent our nations borders from being secured and our people made more secure / safe.
That would be an hardliner on the left... who would be a hardliner on the right?
Barry Goldwater God bless him.
What happened to him?

Umm...he died? 1998
He is why I became conservative. Not to may people more far right then me.
Do republicans have any solutions to any problems that doesn't involve murdering large amounts of people?

How does enforcing our laws murder large amounts of people? How does a wall murder large numbers of people? Hyperbole much?
I love that you swamp people are so deluded that you think democrats would oppose you if that's all you were suggesting
Swamp people? Go on. Elaborate.
Don't correct them. This is how Democrats lost last time.
Do republicans have any solutions to any problems that doesn't involve murdering large amounts of people?

How does enforcing our laws murder large amounts of people? How does a wall murder large numbers of people? Hyperbole much?
I love that you swamp people are so deluded that you think democrats would oppose you if that's all you were suggesting
Swamp people? Go on. Elaborate.
Don't correct them. This is how Democrats lost last time.
yeah republicans never call people names you guys are so mature and polite lol....
Obeying the law can be tasking but that's more a feeling and even if difficult it needs to be done and that's a fact
Who would you consider a hardliner?
Perhaps people who want to shutdown the govt to prevent our nations borders from being secured and our people made more secure / safe.

You mean Republicans? If they don't want the government shut down, it won't be shut down. They have enough votes to do what ever they want to do.
Obeying the law can be tasking but that's more a feeling and even if difficult it needs to be done and that's a fact
Technology is getting better and better, would you support using sensors, cameras, and drones to monitor our highways? Automatically give tickets to everybody who speeds or rolls through a stop sign or forgets to use their blinker? The law is the law and car accidents are a leading cause of death so what do you think about this idea?
Do republicans have any solutions to any problems that doesn't involve murdering large amounts of people?

How does enforcing our laws murder large amounts of people? How does a wall murder large numbers of people? Hyperbole much?
I love that you swamp people are so deluded that you think democrats would oppose you if that's all you were suggesting

I love how you elitist Bolsheviks are too stupid to hide your disdain for average Americans. Keep it up. Its been working well for you.

Many top Dems have stated on camera that the wall is a deal breaker, period. ANY funding for the wall and they shut the govt down. So yeah, I do believe them.
Obeying the law can be tasking but that's more a feeling and even if difficult it needs to be done and that's a fact
Technology is getting better and better, would you support using sensors, cameras, and drones to monitor our highways? Automatically give tickets to everybody who speeds or rolls through a stop sign or forgets to use their blinker? The law is the law and car accidents are a leading cause of death so what do you think about this idea?
Planes or drones are not able to identify the driver so I guess there mr Chavez you want to micro chip folks?

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