NYT Calls Americans Who Want to Enforce Existing US Immigration Law 'Hardliners'

NYT: Immigration Hard-Liners Rising in Trump Administration - Breitbart

"Advocates who want America’s immigration laws enforced have found a home in President Donald Trump’s administration, the New York Times’ Nicholas Kulish reports."

A look inside the twisted mind og snowflakes reveals how they (the NYT) calls Americans who actually want to enforce existing US Immigration laws - instead of refuse to enforce them or break them as Obama and his administration did for 8 years - 'Hardliners'.

but dude, obummer did enforce them. look at the deportation stats.
NYT: Immigration Hard-Liners Rising in Trump Administration - Breitbart

"Advocates who want America’s immigration laws enforced have found a home in President Donald Trump’s administration, the New York Times’ Nicholas Kulish reports."

A look inside the twisted mind og snowflakes reveals how they (the NYT) calls Americans who actually want to enforce existing US Immigration laws - instead of refuse to enforce them or break them as Obama and his administration did for 8 years - 'Hardliners'.

but dude, obummer did enforce them. look at the deportation stats.
Turn backs are not reports no matter what that lying ass coon told you!
Do republicans have any solutions to any problems that doesn't involve murdering large amounts of people?
who's murdering people? you ok? I think you've been banging your head on a wall. A brick wall. Or, you have tourette syndrome and just blurt out anything that comes into your head without thought?
NYT: Immigration Hard-Liners Rising in Trump Administration - Breitbart

"Advocates who want America’s immigration laws enforced have found a home in President Donald Trump’s administration, the New York Times’ Nicholas Kulish reports."

A look inside the twisted mind og snowflakes reveals how they (the NYT) calls Americans who actually want to enforce existing US Immigration laws - instead of refuse to enforce them or break them as Obama and his administration did for 8 years - 'Hardliners'.

but dude, obummer did enforce them. look at the deportation stats.
Turn backs are not reports no matter what that lying ass coon told you!
yep, but he did deport incoming illegals. so he must be a hardliner. He just wasn't as hardlined about it as Trump. Trump takes it all the way there baby!!! I'm proud of Trump.
Obeying the law can be tasking but that's more a feeling and even if difficult it needs to be done and that's a fact
Technology is getting better and better, would you support using sensors, cameras, and drones to monitor our highways? Automatically give tickets to everybody who speeds or rolls through a stop sign or forgets to use their blinker? The law is the law and car accidents are a leading cause of death so what do you think about this idea?
Planes or drones are not able to identify the driver so I guess there mr Chavez you want to micro chip folks?
If that better enforces the law then why not? It's a question to weather, not my personal position. I'm for personal freedom over authoritarian law enforcement
Obeying the law can be tasking but that's more a feeling and even if difficult it needs to be done and that's a fact
Technology is getting better and better, would you support using sensors, cameras, and drones to monitor our highways? Automatically give tickets to everybody who speeds or rolls through a stop sign or forgets to use their blinker? The law is the law and car accidents are a leading cause of death so what do you think about this idea?
Planes or drones are not able to identify the driver so I guess there mr Chavez you want to micro chip folks?
If that better enforces the law then why not? It's a question to weather, not my personal position. I'm for personal freedom over authoritarian law enforcement
I agree, the citizens personal freedoms. why do you wish to step on citizens of your country in favor of illegals?
Obeying the law can be tasking but that's more a feeling and even if difficult it needs to be done and that's a fact
Technology is getting better and better, would you support using sensors, cameras, and drones to monitor our highways? Automatically give tickets to everybody who speeds or rolls through a stop sign or forgets to use their blinker? The law is the law and car accidents are a leading cause of death so what do you think about this idea?
Planes or drones are not able to identify the driver so I guess there mr Chavez you want to micro chip folks?
If that better enforces the law then why not? It's a question to weather, not my personal position. I'm for personal freedom over authoritarian law enforcement
I agree, the citizens personal freedoms. why do you wish to step on citizens of your country in favor of illegals?
I don't wish that. I believe our land is one of freedom and opportunity. I think people need to come here legally. I think it's not realistic to try and deport over 10 million people so we can think of smarter solutions. I know a wall is a big waste of time and money
Obeying the law can be tasking but that's more a feeling and even if difficult it needs to be done and that's a fact
Technology is getting better and better, would you support using sensors, cameras, and drones to monitor our highways? Automatically give tickets to everybody who speeds or rolls through a stop sign or forgets to use their blinker? The law is the law and car accidents are a leading cause of death so what do you think about this idea?
Planes or drones are not able to identify the driver so I guess there mr Chavez you want to micro chip folks?
If that better enforces the law then why not? It's a question to weather, not my personal position. I'm for personal freedom over authoritarian law enforcement
I agree, the citizens personal freedoms. why do you wish to step on citizens of your country in favor of illegals?
I don't wish that. I believe our land is one of freedom and opportunity. I think people need to come here legally. I think it's not realistic to try and deport over 10 million people so we can think of smarter solutions. I know a wall is a big waste of time and money
but no one is deporting 10 million people. that's all talking points of the left. for once, i'd love to see a libturd point to a fking fact.
Technology is getting better and better, would you support using sensors, cameras, and drones to monitor our highways? Automatically give tickets to everybody who speeds or rolls through a stop sign or forgets to use their blinker? The law is the law and car accidents are a leading cause of death so what do you think about this idea?
Planes or drones are not able to identify the driver so I guess there mr Chavez you want to micro chip folks?
If that better enforces the law then why not? It's a question to weather, not my personal position. I'm for personal freedom over authoritarian law enforcement
I agree, the citizens personal freedoms. why do you wish to step on citizens of your country in favor of illegals?
I don't wish that. I believe our land is one of freedom and opportunity. I think people need to come here legally. I think it's not realistic to try and deport over 10 million people so we can think of smarter solutions. I know a wall is a big waste of time and money
but no one is deporting 10 million people. that's all talking points of the left. for once, i'd love to see a libturd point to a fking fact.
Here are the facts. Obama and Trump both put emphasis on deporting criminals. Obama specified violent criminals and Trump is saying criminals which could apply to all illegals given the fact it's a crime to be here without documentation. Add his campaign rhetoric about a deportation force and you have millions living in fear without any options but to live in the shadows or go back to their country. Many of these people live in poverty and gave up everything to be here so they could have opportunity. They did it the wrong way and should face consequences, but for the ones who have been here for years, having to leave is too harsh a punishment and unrealistic in my opinion. there needs to be a pathway to legal status that includes a realistic form of punishment. This will bring people out of the shadows and solve many problems. If the Right can compromise on this then the Left should be able to compromise on border security funding. Hopefully the funding will go towards smarter efforts other than a wall. But apparently a bunch of blockheads think it will make a difference.
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Planes or drones are not able to identify the driver so I guess there mr Chavez you want to micro chip folks?
If that better enforces the law then why not? It's a question to weather, not my personal position. I'm for personal freedom over authoritarian law enforcement
I agree, the citizens personal freedoms. why do you wish to step on citizens of your country in favor of illegals?
I don't wish that. I believe our land is one of freedom and opportunity. I think people need to come here legally. I think it's not realistic to try and deport over 10 million people so we can think of smarter solutions. I know a wall is a big waste of time and money
but no one is deporting 10 million people. that's all talking points of the left. for once, i'd love to see a libturd point to a fking fact.
Here are the facts. Obama and Trump both put emphasis on deporting criminals. Obama specified violent criminals and Trump is saying criminals which could apply to all illegals given the fact it's a crime to be here without documentation. Add his campaign rhetoric about a deportation force and you have millions living in fear without any options but to live in the shadows or go back to their country. Many of these people live in poverty and gave up everything to be here so they could have opportunity. They did it the wrong way and should face consequences, butter the ines who have been here for years, having to leave is too harsh a punishment and unrealistic in my opinion.
so you're saying they both did the same thing. So why is it news that the right are hardliners? seems so is the left then. kind of makes the article baseless.
Planes or drones are not able to identify the driver so I guess there mr Chavez you want to micro chip folks?
If that better enforces the law then why not? It's a question to weather, not my personal position. I'm for personal freedom over authoritarian law enforcement
I agree, the citizens personal freedoms. why do you wish to step on citizens of your country in favor of illegals?
I don't wish that. I believe our land is one of freedom and opportunity. I think people need to come here legally. I think it's not realistic to try and deport over 10 million people so we can think of smarter solutions. I know a wall is a big waste of time and money
but no one is deporting 10 million people. that's all talking points of the left. for once, i'd love to see a libturd point to a fking fact.
Here are the facts. Obama and Trump both put emphasis on deporting criminals. Obama specified violent criminals and Trump is saying criminals which could apply to all illegals given the fact it's a crime to be here without documentation. Add his campaign rhetoric about a deportation force and you have millions living in fear without any options but to live in the shadows or go back to their country. Many of these people live in poverty and gave up everything to be here so they could have opportunity. They did it the wrong way and should face consequences, but having to leave is too harsh a punishment and unrealistic in my opinion.
320 million can afford to report 10 million.
If that better enforces the law then why not? It's a question to weather, not my personal position. I'm for personal freedom over authoritarian law enforcement
I agree, the citizens personal freedoms. why do you wish to step on citizens of your country in favor of illegals?
I don't wish that. I believe our land is one of freedom and opportunity. I think people need to come here legally. I think it's not realistic to try and deport over 10 million people so we can think of smarter solutions. I know a wall is a big waste of time and money
but no one is deporting 10 million people. that's all talking points of the left. for once, i'd love to see a libturd point to a fking fact.
Here are the facts. Obama and Trump both put emphasis on deporting criminals. Obama specified violent criminals and Trump is saying criminals which could apply to all illegals given the fact it's a crime to be here without documentation. Add his campaign rhetoric about a deportation force and you have millions living in fear without any options but to live in the shadows or go back to their country. Many of these people live in poverty and gave up everything to be here so they could have opportunity. They did it the wrong way and should face consequences, butter the ines who have been here for years, having to leave is too harsh a punishment and unrealistic in my opinion.
so you're saying they both did the same thing. So why is it news that the right are hardliners? seems so is the left then. kind of makes the article baseless.
There is a very distinct difference. Obama tried to create options for the people living here without documentation. Things like the Dreamers Act, trump is acting like a tough guy and kicking the can down the road saying we will see. Its actually an effective way of creating fear to reduce the people coming here illegally and is scaring many undocumented people back to their countries. So mission accomplished for those hardliners that want those results. I think the term hardline is being used because supporters don't seem to care how it gets done as long as it gets done.
I agree, the citizens personal freedoms. why do you wish to step on citizens of your country in favor of illegals?
I don't wish that. I believe our land is one of freedom and opportunity. I think people need to come here legally. I think it's not realistic to try and deport over 10 million people so we can think of smarter solutions. I know a wall is a big waste of time and money
but no one is deporting 10 million people. that's all talking points of the left. for once, i'd love to see a libturd point to a fking fact.
Here are the facts. Obama and Trump both put emphasis on deporting criminals. Obama specified violent criminals and Trump is saying criminals which could apply to all illegals given the fact it's a crime to be here without documentation. Add his campaign rhetoric about a deportation force and you have millions living in fear without any options but to live in the shadows or go back to their country. Many of these people live in poverty and gave up everything to be here so they could have opportunity. They did it the wrong way and should face consequences, butter the ines who have been here for years, having to leave is too harsh a punishment and unrealistic in my opinion.
so you're saying they both did the same thing. So why is it news that the right are hardliners? seems so is the left then. kind of makes the article baseless.
There is a very distinct difference. Obama tried to create options for the people living here without documentation. Things like the Dreamers Act, trump is acting like a tough guy and kicking the can down the road saying we will see. Its actually an effective way of creating fear to reduce the people coming here illegally and is scaring many undocumented people back to their countries. So mission accomplished for those hardliners that want those results. I think the term hardline is being used because supporters don't seem to care how it gets done as long as it gets done.
How you figure trump is kicking a can? The only dreamer that has been impacted is one who failed to follow the rules to stay one. Now he's trying to sue? LOL. The fact is is that Trump hasn't touched that Dreamers Act at all. more left talking points that is a lie and perpetuated through the media. It ain't happening. follow the rules and the illegal is fine. Commit a crime and you're gone, forget to reacclimate yourself and you're done, over stay your visa and your done. Why is this so fking hard for libs to grasp? I tell you boy.
I don't wish that. I believe our land is one of freedom and opportunity. I think people need to come here legally. I think it's not realistic to try and deport over 10 million people so we can think of smarter solutions. I know a wall is a big waste of time and money
but no one is deporting 10 million people. that's all talking points of the left. for once, i'd love to see a libturd point to a fking fact.
Here are the facts. Obama and Trump both put emphasis on deporting criminals. Obama specified violent criminals and Trump is saying criminals which could apply to all illegals given the fact it's a crime to be here without documentation. Add his campaign rhetoric about a deportation force and you have millions living in fear without any options but to live in the shadows or go back to their country. Many of these people live in poverty and gave up everything to be here so they could have opportunity. They did it the wrong way and should face consequences, butter the ines who have been here for years, having to leave is too harsh a punishment and unrealistic in my opinion.
so you're saying they both did the same thing. So why is it news that the right are hardliners? seems so is the left then. kind of makes the article baseless.
There is a very distinct difference. Obama tried to create options for the people living here without documentation. Things like the Dreamers Act, trump is acting like a tough guy and kicking the can down the road saying we will see. Its actually an effective way of creating fear to reduce the people coming here illegally and is scaring many undocumented people back to their countries. So mission accomplished for those hardliners that want those results. I think the term hardline is being used because supporters don't seem to care how it gets done as long as it gets done.
How you figure trump is kicking a can? The only dreamer that has been impacted is one who failed to follow the rules to stay one. Now he's trying to sue? LOL. The fact is is that Trump hasn't touched that Dreamers Act at all. more left talking points that is a lie and perpetuated through the media. It ain't happening. follow the rules and the illegal is fine. Commit a crime and you're gone, forget to reacclimate yourself and you're done, over stay your visa and your done. Why is this so fking hard for libs to grasp? I tell you boy.
Perhaps I've missed it. Can you explain what Trumps position is for the millions of undocumented living in this country that are not violent criminals?

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