NYT Goes Birther: Attacks 'Canadian-Born' Cruz, Calls Him 'McCarthyite'


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
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by Tony Lee & Stephen K. Bannon16 Feb 2013post a comment

Liberals, the mainstream media, and establishment Republicans often reveal which conservatives they fear by their level of disdain and vitriol.

This week, they put their crosshairs on freshman Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a Tea Party conservative of Hispanic descent who undermines the mainstream media's ability to advance their false notion that being a minority and Tea Partier are mutually exclusive. He is a conservative who showed no desire to defer to the Senate's "courtly" ways, the preferences of the institution's old bulls.

The sinking ship that is the New York Times, the so-called paper of record, provided evidence of what it fears most in its Saturday edition: strong, distinct full-throated conservative voices from folks who ain't "country club," geriatric, and white.

The Washington Post and Politico joined the times in assailing Cruz this week for similar reasons.

The Times did a thorough review of the freshman senator's stunning seven-week run:
•leading the charge on the destruction of Chuck Hagel's bona fides as Secretary of Defense;
•one of only three Republicans to vote against John Kerry because of his longstanding less-than-vigorous defense of U.S. national security issues;
•one of only 34 that voted against raising the debt ceiling;
•one of only 22 who voted against the Violence Against Women Act;
•one of only 36 who voted against the pork-ladened Hurricane Sandy financial aid package;
•one of only 19 who voted against arming the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Cairo;
•called out Rahm Emanuel;
•confronted Chuck Schumer on national TV;
•enraged Senators Boxer and McCaskill enough for them to label him as a "McCarthyite"

That, ladies and gentleman, is how you fight.

Jonathan Weisman, the author of the piece, brings out all the old adages about "taking confrontational Tea Party sensibilities to new heights--or lows" before rolling out Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for the obligatory beat-down of conservatives. The Times also quotes McCain's sidekick, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has to watch his right flank because he faces a potential primary in 2014, who tells the publication some of Cruz's comments regarding Hagel were "out of bounds."

In what is known as a "tell" in the media parlor game, Weissman and the Times commit an unforgivable error by referring to Cruz as "Canadian-born" without mentioning he was born to a mother who was a U.S. citizen, which most likely makes Cruz "natural born" and eligible to run for the nation's highest office. Yes, just when the Texan shows some "muzzle velocity" toward 2016, the Times goes birther.

In a companion piece in the Times titled "The GOP's Nasty Newcomer," op-ed writer Frank Bruni wrote Cruz was an "ornery, swaggering piece of work" who, after less than two months in Congress, is known for his "naysaying, his nit-picking and his itch to upbraid lawmakers who are vastly senior to him, who have sacrificed more than he has and who deserve a measure of respect, or at least an iota of courtesy."

"Courtesy isn’t Cruz’s métier," Bruni writes, implying the minority senator is uppity. "Grandstanding and browbeating are."

all of it here
NYT Goes Birther: Attacks 'Canadian-Born' Cruz, Calls Him 'McCarthyite'
Boxer and McCaskill are too IGNORANT to realize that calling Cruz a "McCarthyite" is a HIGH COMPLIMENT.
I demand a birth certificate! And find me a sibling of his that he's not supporting! Then accuse him of killing Americans! And if that doesn't work then I'm sure there's something else we can pin on him!

And it's the left invents stories to hurt politicians? Don't make me laugh.
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by Tony Lee & Stephen K. Bannon16 Feb 2013post a comment

Liberals, the mainstream media, and establishment Republicans often reveal which conservatives they fear by their level of disdain and vitriol.

This week, they put their crosshairs on freshman Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a Tea Party conservative of Hispanic descent who undermines the mainstream media's ability to advance their false notion that being a minority and Tea Partier are mutually exclusive. He is a conservative who showed no desire to defer to the Senate's "courtly" ways, the preferences of the institution's old bulls.

The sinking ship that is the New York Times, the so-called paper of record, provided evidence of what it fears most in its Saturday edition: strong, distinct full-throated conservative voices from folks who ain't "country club," geriatric, and white.

The Washington Post and Politico joined the times in assailing Cruz this week for similar reasons.

The Times did a thorough review of the freshman senator's stunning seven-week run:
•leading the charge on the destruction of Chuck Hagel's bona fides as Secretary of Defense;
•one of only three Republicans to vote against John Kerry because of his longstanding less-than-vigorous defense of U.S. national security issues;
•one of only 34 that voted against raising the debt ceiling;
•one of only 22 who voted against the Violence Against Women Act;
•one of only 36 who voted against the pork-ladened Hurricane Sandy financial aid package;
•one of only 19 who voted against arming the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Cairo;
•called out Rahm Emanuel;
•confronted Chuck Schumer on national TV;
•enraged Senators Boxer and McCaskill enough for them to label him as a "McCarthyite"

That, ladies and gentleman, is how you fight.

Jonathan Weisman, the author of the piece, brings out all the old adages about "taking confrontational Tea Party sensibilities to new heights--or lows" before rolling out Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for the obligatory beat-down of conservatives. The Times also quotes McCain's sidekick, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has to watch his right flank because he faces a potential primary in 2014, who tells the publication some of Cruz's comments regarding Hagel were "out of bounds."

In what is known as a "tell" in the media parlor game, Weissman and the Times commit an unforgivable error by referring to Cruz as "Canadian-born" without mentioning he was born to a mother who was a U.S. citizen, which most likely makes Cruz "natural born" and eligible to run for the nation's highest office. Yes, just when the Texan shows some "muzzle velocity" toward 2016, the Times goes birther.

In a companion piece in the Times titled "The GOP's Nasty Newcomer," op-ed writer Frank Bruni wrote Cruz was an "ornery, swaggering piece of work" who, after less than two months in Congress, is known for his "naysaying, his nit-picking and his itch to upbraid lawmakers who are vastly senior to him, who have sacrificed more than he has and who deserve a measure of respect, or at least an iota of courtesy."

"Courtesy isn’t Cruz’s métier," Bruni writes, implying the minority senator is uppity. "Grandstanding and browbeating are."

all of it here
NYT Goes Birther: Attacks 'Canadian-Born' Cruz, Calls Him 'McCarthyite'

Frank Bruni was being too kind to Cubio.
links in article at site

by Tony Lee & Stephen K. Bannon16 Feb 2013post a comment

Liberals, the mainstream media, and establishment Republicans often reveal which conservatives they fear by their level of disdain and vitriol.

This week, they put their crosshairs on freshman Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a Tea Party conservative of Hispanic descent who undermines the mainstream media's ability to advance their false notion that being a minority and Tea Partier are mutually exclusive. He is a conservative who showed no desire to defer to the Senate's "courtly" ways, the preferences of the institution's old bulls.

The sinking ship that is the New York Times, the so-called paper of record, provided evidence of what it fears most in its Saturday edition: strong, distinct full-throated conservative voices from folks who ain't "country club," geriatric, and white.

The Washington Post and Politico joined the times in assailing Cruz this week for similar reasons.

The Times did a thorough review of the freshman senator's stunning seven-week run:
•leading the charge on the destruction of Chuck Hagel's bona fides as Secretary of Defense;
•one of only three Republicans to vote against John Kerry because of his longstanding less-than-vigorous defense of U.S. national security issues;
•one of only 34 that voted against raising the debt ceiling;
•one of only 22 who voted against the Violence Against Women Act;
•one of only 36 who voted against the pork-ladened Hurricane Sandy financial aid package;
•one of only 19 who voted against arming the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Cairo;
•called out Rahm Emanuel;
•confronted Chuck Schumer on national TV;
•enraged Senators Boxer and McCaskill enough for them to label him as a "McCarthyite"

That, ladies and gentleman, is how you fight.

::slaps head:: - so that's why we elect people to Congress: "to fight".
Ya learn sump'm every day.

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