NYT lists all of Trumps lies since taking office . (It's long )

does the times offer any proof they are lies? No they don't. lol...
Even if they are truly lies, he has a looooong way to go to catch up with 0bama, the biggest liar of them all.
does the times offer any proof they are lies? No they don't. lol...

Yes they do . Each one has a reply . Is there one particular you'd like to address?
a reply is not proof. the only liar i see is the nyt and you.
Mike, it's sad you so willfully refuse to believe the truth when it slaps you upside the head. So what if the President makes "mistakes" or "exaggerates" (hyperbole, he calls it in his book, a useful tool he says). The facts are still the facts. It isn't going to help ANY of Trump's people to act ignorant of the facts. It just makes it easier to ignore you. What if you have something IMPORTANT to say and you've insisted on defending obvious "inaccuracies" so often that no one will believe you. It's happening already. I think you guys should change your tactics.
Trump is a miracle worker. After 8 long years the left again care if a President tells the truth.
does the times offer any proof they are lies? No they don't. lol...

Yes they do . Each one has a reply . Is there one particular you'd like to address?
a reply is not proof. the only liar i see is the nyt and you.
Mike, it's sad you so willfully refuse to believe the truth when it slaps you upside the head. So what if the President makes "mistakes" or "exaggerates" (hyperbole, he calls it in his book, a useful tool he says). The facts are still the facts. It isn't going to help ANY of Trump's people to act ignorant of the facts. It just makes it easier to ignore you. What if you have something IMPORTANT to say and you've insisted on defending obvious "inaccuracies" so often that no one will believe you. It's happening already. I think you guys should change your tactics.
Something being printed by a newspaper is not proof. If you take that paper into a court of law and try to use it to convict Trump, it will be thrown out. It is NOT PROOF!
does the times offer any proof they are lies? No they don't. lol...

Yes they do . Each one has a reply . Is there one particular you'd like to address?
a reply is not proof. the only liar i see is the nyt and you.
Mike, it's sad you so willfully refuse to believe the truth when it slaps you upside the head. So what if the President makes "mistakes" or "exaggerates" (hyperbole, he calls it in his book, a useful tool he says). The facts are still the facts. It isn't going to help ANY of Trump's people to act ignorant of the facts. It just makes it easier to ignore you. What if you have something IMPORTANT to say and you've insisted on defending obvious "inaccuracies" so often that no one will believe you. It's happening already. I think you guys should change your tactics.
Something being printed by a newspaper is not proof. If you take that paper into a court of law and try to use it to convict Trump, it will be thrown out. It is NOT PROOF!
There's nothing in there about the investigation. No one is trying to convict him of being a liar in any court! NYT is honest enough to know they DON'T KNOW if he's been lying about the Russian thing (or the Comey thing). They're leaving that to the investigators. It's not part of their list.
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Hope the link works . Nice collection of Trumps bullshit .

Yeah, BULL, Tummy. So the NYT prints it doesn't make any of the crap true! The NYT is the LAST place I would ever expect to find honest journalism on Trump, just a block of non-vetted, clipped phrases strung altogether, but you go right ahead keep sucking on that crap if it makes you feel better. You like sucking it like diarrhea from a garden hose. Proof once again that the Donald is totally inside your head living there 24/7!
Even if they are truly lies, he has a looooong way to go to catch up with 0bama, the biggest liar of them all.

Oh yeah . What'd he lie about ?

Everything, for eight straight years.

Well then. You should be able to give a bunch of examples ! Right off the top of your head!


The attack at Benghazi was caused by an internet video.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

The affordable care act will save families on their healthcare insurance.

There's more of course. Eight years worth.
Even if they are truly lies, he has a looooong way to go to catch up with 0bama, the biggest liar of them all.

Oh yeah . What'd he lie about ?

Everything, for eight straight years.

Well then. You should be able to give a bunch of examples ! Right off the top of your head!


The attack at Benghazi was caused by an internet video.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

The affordable care act will save families on their healthcare insurance.

There's more of course. Eight years worth.

I have a list of 252 lies and things (written years before the end of his terms), that Obama did, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS ANNOTATED with documentation of dates and details. Not just a phrase of bull thrown out there. It would blow Tummy's list right out of the water. I would post it all but it might break the server. It is a massive read. I could shorten it to just a list of the lies and events with no details, but it would still be long!
Even if they are truly lies, he has a looooong way to go to catch up with 0bama, the biggest liar of them all.

Oh yeah . What'd he lie about ?

Everything, for eight straight years.

Well then. You should be able to give a bunch of examples ! Right off the top of your head!


The attack at Benghazi was caused by an internet video.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

The affordable care act will save families on their healthcare insurance.

There's more of course. Eight years worth.

That's the best u got ?

The video made sense because there were protests all over the mid east at the time . And the endless Benghazi investigation proved no wrongdoing .

How many people lost their doctors ? Did you ?

The Aca added millions to health coverage .
The words 'NYT' made reading any further un-necessary... 'NYT' in interchangeable with fake news 'CNN'... :p

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