NYT reports on 4 dozen questions Mueller wants Trump to answer

Trump says a partial list of proposed questions sent by Mueller to WH lawyers, that contain grammatical errors, show "no collusion," and the Trumbots claim Mueller leaked them when the Mueller team has not leaked stuff in the past.

The corruption is on the other side of the table.


Trump says a partial list of proposed questions sent by Mueller to WH lawyers, that contain grammatical errors, show "no collusion," and the Trumbots claim Mueller leaked them when the Mueller team has not leaked stuff in the past.

"when the Mueller team has not leaked stuff in the past."
What ?
just like everything else Trump does those questions are a damn joke.

next thing he will leak the answers.
Trump says a partial list of proposed questions sent by Mueller to WH lawyers, that contain grammatical errors, show "no collusion," and the Trumbots claim Mueller leaked them when the Mueller team has not leaked stuff in the past.



Sassy Sassy Sassy. You know NOT from whence the leak's come. LOL

Only that AFTER Mueller's team briefed someone, a leak occurred.
Trump says a partial list of proposed questions sent by Mueller to WH lawyers, that contain grammatical errors, show "no collusion," and the Trumbots claim Mueller leaked them when the Mueller team has not leaked stuff in the past.



Sassy Sassy Sassy. You know NOT from whence the leak's come. LOL

Ben Ben Ben....you're a clueless wonder.
Sassy Sassy Sassy, we all know Team Trump has never leaked information
We are approaching the anniversary of when Mueller was appointed to investigate the Trump administration and.....more specifically......Trump himself.

The 47 questions revealed by the sources to the NYT are just "teasers" since we all know that the answer to any of those individual questions, prompt a series of follow ups.

It is rather interesting that the questions concentrate more on the obstruction of justice allegations, and to a lesser extent the collusion-related ones......This may be because of the pending trial on Paul Manafort whose alleged crimes may, once adjudicated, confirm collusion with Russia and, if collusion is tainted with conspiracy, then the crimes are much more severe.

For now, the questions on obstruction of justice by Trump himself should be very worrisome for the president, since even the most partisan of voter should believe that NO president is above the law and should never interfere with an investigation unless there is something to be hidden from public scrutiny.

With 6 months to go before the midterm elections, the pressure increases on elected officials to address and settle these political issues.
Trump’s propensity for lying is infamous – he can’t help himself.
Trump’s propensity for lying is infamous – he can’t help himself.

President Trump has made 3001 false or ... - Washington Post
10 hours ago - In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. .
More leaks, eh?

I doubt the list came from Mueller. He's been really tight on information. It's not like all those right wing investigations where they leaked for political reasons almost every day.
It may not have come from Muller, but I don't see the man trying at all to stop the leaks either.

lol what do you think such an effort looks like?
Heads rolling. The man is supposedly in charge of the investigation.

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