NYT: "Tearing Down the Confederate Flag Is Just a Start "

Liberals seem to have the biggest knee jerk reactions to tragedy. An evil fat person who is a racist kills people, so ban guns, flags, trans fats, soda pop, and I heard he liked pokemon so ban it too!
I'm not saying to not take a second look at the confederate flag etc but these knee jerk extreme reactions when will it end?

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The rebel battle flag is not being banned. The controversy is whether to keep it flying on public lands. That controversy has been an ongoing phenomenon for decades, it is NOT knee jerk.

LOL Lame


Modern Progressives have a new Holy Trinity of Progressive leaders: Stalin, Mao and Fidel

Don't interrupt when adults are talking son! Go back to school and learn what a Progressive is and maybe you can come on back in a year or so to contribute something positive to similar dialogue.

Stalin and Mao were Progressives

No.. they were communists!

Right, Progressives.
know, my hero Ronald reagan was famous for getting offensive icons taken down. Here is one for the Gipper!:



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You people who are defending the confederate flag (battle flag whatever) do understand the rest of the country rightly sees this as defending the racism it represents yes?

No I don't think you do and neither do the dimbubls of conservative media like Dumbaugh. They are all doubling down and flailing their arms.

Good, don't stop.

If it was defending "racism" I would not defend it.

SC had threatened to secede in 1828 over Tariff of Abominations and its right to nullify unconstitutional federal laws.

Liberals seem to have the biggest knee jerk reactions to tragedy. An evil fat person who is a racist kills people, so ban guns, flags, trans fats, soda pop, and I heard he liked pokemon so ban it too!
I'm not saying to not take a second look at the confederate flag etc but these knee jerk extreme reactions when will it end?

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every damn week it's something else. a few weeks ago it was a law in a state they didn't even live in. then it went to CAKES AND PIZZIAS.

They prove it daily how liberalism is a mental disorder. It and they are petty whacked out and scary all rolled into one. it creeps me out watching them. it's like whoa I wouldn't want to run into one in a dark alley
The confederate battle flag has a place in history, alright . Right next to the Japanese rising sun or the German flag/with swastika. But not flying in the present day world as a representative of any area past present or future. All the empty arguments aside, the south and America is better of putting that symbol aside.
personally, I don't care one way or the other about the flag. It's not taking any skin off these peoples asses making a big stink over it. And it should be LEFT UP to the people living in that state. NO ONE ELSE

But it sure isn't DRIVING me or anyone else to want to go out and murder, like these idiots are tying to make that connection. THEY just can't seem to get enough of STOMPING on other peoples right in this country. and you think it's going to stop with this flag. WAKE UP AND NOW
Tearing Down the Confederate Flag Is Just a Start

“The Confederate battle flag was the emblem of Jim Crow defiance to the civil rights movement, of the Dixiecrat opposition to integration, and of the domestic terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan,” noted Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention. “White Christians ought to think about what that flag says to our African-American brothers and sisters.”

Well, I concur, for different reasons.

Should white Southerners , rednecks and those who waived the confederate flags at one time , who speak with their distinct accent, be sent to concentration camps up north until they learn to speak with a Bostonian accent?

Are white Southerners culture an "emblem" of times gone by and should it be forcefully suppressed?

Should school textbooks be re-written to show that slavery and not oppressive taxation was the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression?

Points to ponder

Well I would pay good money to fund any exercise whose goal it is to round up the Distinct sounding Rednecks for re-education.

As long as I get rights to the video.
What does "just a start" mean? Will the radical left encourage book burning bonfires? Does "just a start" mean that the radical left is intent on undermining the 1st Amendment?
Liberals seem to have the biggest knee jerk reactions to tragedy. An evil fat person who is a racist kills people, so ban guns, flags, trans fats, soda pop, and I heard he liked pokemon so ban it too!
I'm not saying to not take a second look at the confederate flag etc but these knee jerk extreme reactions when will it end?

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every damn week it's something else. a few weeks ago it was a law in a state they didn't even live in. then it went to CAKES AND PIZZIAS.

They prove it daily how liberalism is a mental disorder. It and they are petty whacked out and scary all rolled into one. it creeps me out watching them. it's like whoa I wouldn't want to run into one in a dark alley

Now now, you are operating in direct opposition to the Jonathan Haidt theories. Better get back in line.
Liberals seem to have the biggest knee jerk reactions to tragedy. An evil fat person who is a racist kills people, so ban guns, flags, trans fats, soda pop, and I heard he liked pokemon so ban it too!
I'm not saying to not take a second look at the confederate flag etc but these knee jerk extreme reactions when will it end?

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It's actually Republicans who are taking down the Confederate Flag. They're deflecting, hoping to avoid a real discussion about racism and guns.

I'm just sitting here with my martini and my popcorn watching Matthew, Stephanie and the rest of the usual suspects run around with their hair on fire over nothing.

Of course it's not nothing, it's Freedom.

That lot wouldn't know or understand what real freedom is if it jumped up and bit them in the ass.
SC had threatened to secede in 1828 over Tariff of Abominations and its right to nullify unconstitutional federal laws.
Yet didn't, but did secede over the right to assert the natural inferiority of the black man. Seems racist to me.
SC had threatened to secede in 1828 over Tariff of Abominations and its right to nullify unconstitutional federal laws.
Yet didn't, but did secede over the right to assert the natural inferiority of the black man. Seems racist to me.


"The U.S. House of Representatives had passed the Morrill tariff in the 1859-1860 session, and the Senate passed it on March 2, 1861, two days before Lincoln’s inauguration. President James Buchanan, a Pennsylvanian who owed much of his own political success to Pennsylvania protectionists, signed it into law. The bill immediately raised the average tariff rate from about 15 percent (according to Frank Taussig in Tariff History of the United States) to 37.5 percent, but with a greatly expanded list of covered items. The tax burden would about triple. Soon thereafter, a second tariff increase would increase the average rate to 47.06 percent, Taussig writes.
'Incorrect' - bullshit, 'incorrect'.
Completely correct. Perhaps if you make your font smaller you won't be blinded by it.

The causes of secession document mentions nothing about tariffs. Rather it concentrates on the injustice of not having its escaped property returned. This is so normal, we hear all these reasons for secession but when we check the actual documents slavery is the only thing that appears as shown in the excerpt below.

Confederate States of America - Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union

Avalon Project

In the present case, that fact is established with certainty. We assert that fourteen of the States have deliberately refused, for years past, to fulfill their constitutional obligations, and we refer to their own Statutes for the proof.

The Constitution of the United States, in its fourth Article, provides as follows: "No person held to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up, on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due."

It goes on to labour the point further in its following paragraphs.
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So it was about the South being angry because the North wouldn't return the South's slave that had escaped to Northern States?
Well they didn't mention tariffs that I saw. I must admit I skimmed the whining a little.
What is your opinion on confederate hoodies? I thought pure white hoodies were pretty bad in themselves but a confederate one.
Liberals seem to have the biggest knee jerk reactions to tragedy. An evil fat person who is a racist kills people, so ban guns, flags, trans fats, soda pop, and I heard he liked pokemon so ban it too!
I'm not saying to not take a second look at the confederate flag etc but these knee jerk extreme reactions when will it end?

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It's actually Republicans who are taking down the Confederate Flag. They're deflecting, hoping to avoid a real discussion about racism and guns.

I'm just sitting here with my martini and my popcorn watching Matthew, Stephanie and the rest of the usual suspects run around with their hair on fire over nothing.

Of course it's not nothing, it's Freedom.

That lot wouldn't know or understand what real freedom is if it jumped up and bit them in the ass.
No they are trying to hold on to the Millennial voter base.
Tearing Down the Confederate Flag Is Just a Start

“The Confederate battle flag was the emblem of Jim Crow defiance to the civil rights movement, of the Dixiecrat opposition to integration, and of the domestic terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan,” noted Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention. “White Christians ought to think about what that flag says to our African-American brothers and sisters.”

Well, I concur, for different reasons.

Should white Southerners , rednecks and those who waived the confederate flags at one time , who speak with their distinct accent, be sent to concentration camps up north until they learn to speak with a Bostonian accent?

Are white Southerners culture an "emblem" of times gone by and should it be forcefully suppressed?

Should school textbooks be re-written to show that slavery and not oppressive taxation was the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression?

Points to ponder

You link is pure commie bullshit, just another fucking lib blaming society for poor children being disadvantage when he should be point a finger at the ignorant, lazy and irresponsible people that brought them into the world and expects everyone else to raise them. No one is to blame for the plight of poor children today but the people who bore them with no intent or means of properly taking care of them.

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