NYT: "Tearing Down the Confederate Flag Is Just a Start "

Progressives are the American isis
Progress is usually a good thing... depending upon who is defining Progress in a given context... and how it is achieved... and what it costs.

As with most things, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, between Left and Right.

Not that we're likely to re-center ourselves anytime soon.
So Political Correctness de joure is the new standard of what historical monuments will be allowed?

Looks like one of the goals of the American Left is to literally remove anything, anything it decides is "offensive" from both public view and public discourse.

But those things it likes will remain and increase, because the American Left believes in its freedom to see and discuss them.

Watch. It's all unfolding before our eyes.

You people who are defending the confederate flag (battle flag whatever) do understand the rest of the country rightly sees this as defending the racism it represents yes?

No I don't think you do and neither do the dimbubls of conservative media like Dumbaugh. They are all doubling down and flailing their arms.

Good, don't stop.
Yes this is just a stepping stone for the far left and anyone supporting the far left at this point truly does hate America..
Tearing Down the Confederate Flag Is Just a Start

“The Confederate battle flag was the emblem of Jim Crow defiance to the civil rights movement, of the Dixiecrat opposition to integration, and of the domestic terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan,” noted Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention. “White Christians ought to think about what that flag says to our African-American brothers and sisters.”

Well, I concur, for different reasons.

Should white Southerners , rednecks and those who waived the confederate flags at one time , who speak with their distinct accent, be sent to concentration camps up north until they learn to speak with a Bostonian accent?

Are white Southerners culture an "emblem" of times gone by and should it be forcefully suppressed?

Should school textbooks be re-written to show that slavery and not oppressive taxation was the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression?

Points to ponder

Slavery was the real reason for the Civil War you moron.
Progressives are the American isis




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Progressives are the American isis



Modern Progressives have a new Holy Trinity of Progressive leaders: Stalin, Mao and Fidel

Don't interrupt when adults are talking son! Go back to school and learn what a Progressive is and maybe you can come on back in a year or so to contribute something positive to similar dialogue.

Then why are you interrupting? Far left drones(like you) are the equivalent to a two year old.
The Confederate flag was also a symbol of state sovereignty...which is the main reason why all the big government crowd want it hidden away. This notion that any of them give a crap about racism (other than as a tool to keep us fighting among ourselves) is silly and naive.
And just think. You people who voted for OBAMA and his nasty party voted to bring all this down on us. So far nothing but misery since he's been in office. and He's only got a short time to go so they REALLY NEED to step it up

have a wonderful miserable summer with that UGLY MAN Obama and his people of shit stirrers.
And just think. You people who voted for OBAMA and his nasty party voted to bring all this down on us. So far nothing but misery since he's been in office. and He's only got a short time to go so they REALLY NEED to step it up

have a wonderful miserable summer with that UGLY MAN Obama and his people of shit stirrers.

Maybe you're just a miserable person. I hear that misery loves company. :p
Should school textbooks be re-written to show that slavery and not oppressive taxation was the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression?



"The U.S. House of Representatives had passed the Morrill tariff in the 1859-1860 session, and the Senate passed it on March 2, 1861, two days before Lincoln’s inauguration. President James Buchanan, a Pennsylvanian who owed much of his own political success to Pennsylvania protectionists, signed it into law. The bill immediately raised the average tariff rate from about 15 percent (according to Frank Taussig in Tariff History of the United States) to 37.5 percent, but with a greatly expanded list of covered items. The tax burden would about triple. Soon thereafter, a second tariff increase would increase the average rate to 47.06 percent, Taussig writes.

So, Lincoln owed everything--his nomination and election--to Northern protectionists, especially the ones in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He was expected to be the enforcer of the Morrill tariff. Understanding all too well that the South Carolina tariff nullifiers had foiled the last attempt to impose a draconian protectionist tariff on the nation by voting in political convention not to collect the 1828 "Tariff of Abominations," Lincoln literally promised in his first inaugural address a military invasion if the new, tripled tariff rate was not collected."


Funny how not a SINGLE Southern state mentioned this tariff as a cause of war in their Declarations of the Cause of Secession.
Funny how they talk about slavery in every single one of their declarations - even though the war had NOTHING to do with slavery, right?

But you're a much better authority on the causes of secession that the SECEDING STATES THEMSELVES. South Carolina is obviously in a conspiracy with the North to make it look like the war was about slavery!
The Confederate flag was also a symbol of state sovereignty...which is the main reason why all the big government crowd want it hidden away. This notion that any of them give a crap about racism (other than as a tool to keep us fighting among ourselves) is silly and naive.

No it isn't. The Southern states supported only the sovereignty of slave states. It is clear from their declarations of secession they believed non-slave states have no sovereign right to outlaw slavery in their state.

BTW, the state sovereignties of Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Arkansas only came into existence by an act of Congress.

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