NYT: "Tearing Down the Confederate Flag Is Just a Start "

Is the Cornerstone Speech left out of textbooks?

Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens

Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.


What I would most desire,” Abraham Lincoln also declared, “would be the separation of the white and black races” (CW, Vol. II, p. 521). And, “I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races . . . . I am in favor of the race to which I belong, having the superior position” (CW, Vol. III, p. 16).
I don't believe anyone is arguing that Lincoln was NOT a racist by today's standards. However, there can be no doubt that the South thought he was TOO progressive (yes, the Republicans were the progressives back then) and feared for their "Peculiar Institution".
Progressives are the American isis



Modern Progressives have a new Holy Trinity of Progressive leaders: Stalin, Mao and Fidel

Don't interrupt when adults are talking son! Go back to school and learn what a Progressive is and maybe you can come on back in a year or so to contribute something positive to similar dialogue.

Then why are you interrupting? Far left drones(like you) are the equivalent to a two year old.

Are you standing in a hole, shorty? Or are your legs naturally bent at a 45 degree angle to facilitate your purpose in life:
fellatio. Especially of your racist republican icons?
Progressives are the American isis



Modern Progressives have a new Holy Trinity of Progressive leaders: Stalin, Mao and Fidel

Don't interrupt when adults are talking son! Go back to school and learn what a Progressive is and maybe you can come on back in a year or so to contribute something positive to similar dialogue.

Stalin and Mao were Progressives
Progressives are the American isis



Modern Progressives have a new Holy Trinity of Progressive leaders: Stalin, Mao and Fidel

Modern Progressives are not true progressives, they just allowed the far left to hijack that term.
No one here is even saying they are a progressive. You right wing hacks keep throwing any label that pops into your twisted minds to attack those you consider "lefties." You uneducated morons created an entire genre of false political ideologies, including your own. You aren't real "conservatives" just because you oppose affirmative action or just because you THINK you are.
Progressives are the American isis



Modern Progressives have a new Holy Trinity of Progressive leaders: Stalin, Mao and Fidel

Don't interrupt when adults are talking son! Go back to school and learn what a Progressive is and maybe you can come on back in a year or so to contribute something positive to similar dialogue.

Stalin and Mao were Progressives

No.. they were communists!
Progressives are the American isis



Modern Progressives have a new Holy Trinity of Progressive leaders: Stalin, Mao and Fidel

Don't interrupt when adults are talking son! Go back to school and learn what a Progressive is and maybe you can come on back in a year or so to contribute something positive to similar dialogue.

Stalin and Mao were Progressives

No.. they were communists!

Right, Progressives.
Tearing Down the Confederate Flag Is Just a Start

“The Confederate battle flag was the emblem of Jim Crow defiance to the civil rights movement, of the Dixiecrat opposition to integration, and of the domestic terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan,” noted Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention. “White Christians ought to think about what that flag says to our African-American brothers and sisters.”

Well, I concur, for different reasons.

Should white Southerners , rednecks and those who waived the confederate flags at one time , who speak with their distinct accent, be sent to concentration camps up north until they learn to speak with a Bostonian accent?

Are white Southerners culture an "emblem" of times gone by and should it be forcefully suppressed?

Should school textbooks be re-written to show that slavery and not oppressive taxation was the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression?

Points to ponder

"Bostonian Concentration Camp"


My Gawd, the weird wet-dreams that Righties have.....

Jesus, you just cannot make this stuff up.
Clearly they can
Tearing Down the Confederate Flag Is Just a Start

“The Confederate battle flag was the emblem of Jim Crow defiance to the civil rights movement, of the Dixiecrat opposition to integration, and of the domestic terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan,” noted Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention. “White Christians ought to think about what that flag says to our African-American brothers and sisters.”

Well, I concur, for different reasons.

Should white Southerners , rednecks and those who waived the confederate flags at one time , who speak with their distinct accent, be sent to concentration camps up north until they learn to speak with a Bostonian accent?

Are white Southerners culture an "emblem" of times gone by and should it be forcefully suppressed?

Should school textbooks be re-written to show that slavery and not oppressive taxation was the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression?

Points to ponder

"Bostonian Concentration Camp"


My Gawd, the weird wet-dreams that Righties have.....

Jesus, you just cannot make this stuff up.

Justice at War: The Story of the Japanese-American Internment Cases

Justice at War irrevocably alters the reader's perception of one of the most disturbing events in U.S. history—the internment during World War II of American citizens of Japanese descent. Peter Irons' exhaustive research has uncovered a government campaign of suppression, alteration, and destruction of crucial evidence that could have persuaded the Supreme Court to strike down the internment order. Irons documents the debates that took place before the internment order and the legal response during and after the internment.

Both of these left wing rags has become nothing more but shit stirring American hating slimes

the Washingtoncompost has an article asking should the 188 schools with confederate names need to be changed.

more from the slimes trying to start shit.
Why Don’t the Poor Rise Up?
Why are today’s working poor so quiescent? I’m not the only one posing this question.
“Why aren’t the poor storming the barricades?” asks The Economist. “Why don’t voters demand more redistribution?” wonders David Samuels, a political scientist at the University of Minnesota. The headline on an April 7 National Catholic Reporter article reads: “Why aren’t Americans doing more to protest inequality?”

people needs to shun these hate filled rags

Sounds like you are calling for an American Spring


Modern Progressives have a new Holy Trinity of Progressive leaders: Stalin, Mao and Fidel

Don't interrupt when adults are talking son! Go back to school and learn what a Progressive is and maybe you can come on back in a year or so to contribute something positive to similar dialogue.

Stalin and Mao were Progressives

No.. they were communists!

Right, Progressives.

You were born with an IQ on the far left side of the bell curve but the drugs and alcohol have taken their toll. You are one of the few humans with an IQ located on the top left side of an upside down bell curve.
Should school textbooks be re-written to show that slavery and not oppressive taxation was the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression?

The documents of secession destroy every white revisionist argument for the Civil War.

Their own words destroy their lies.

Really? Didn't South Carolina threaten to secede in 1828 over tariffs and the protectionism of northern industry?
Should school textbooks be re-written to show that slavery and not oppressive taxation was the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression?

The documents of secession destroy every white revisionist argument for the Civil War.

Their own words destroy their lies.

Really? Didn't South Carolina threaten to secede in 1828 over tariffs and the protectionism of northern industry?
Should school textbooks be re-written to show that slavery and not oppressive taxation was the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression?


Ever bother to read what South Carolina has to say about her reasons for secession, or were you content to take the brainwash the Daughters of the Confederacy rammed down your throat? Here it is, HISTORY - try it out for a change:

The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution. es provided by her own law and by the laws of Congress. In the State of New York even the right of transit for a slave has been denied by her tribunals; and the States of Ohio and Iowa have refused to surrender to justice fugitives charged with murder, and with inciting servile insurrection in the State of Virginia. Thus the constituted compact has been deliberately broken and disregarded by the non-slaveholding States, and the consequence follows that South Carolina is released from her obligation.



Taxation is only mentioned ONCE in the entire document, and NOT as a reason for secession.

Here's Texas:
DECLARATION OF CAUSES February 2 1861 A declaration of the causes which impel the State of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. TSLAC

taxation - NOT MENTIONED ONCE - slavery - mentioned all over the place.

Mississippi -
"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world"

Not ONE mention of taxation.

Mississippi Declaration of Secession

Here's Georgia's:

search for "slave" - 38 matches
search for "tax" - 0 matches

Georgia Declaration of Secession

Odd that Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, and Mississippi didn't get the memo - the war is about taxes, not slavery!

The documents of secession destroy every white revisionist argument for the Civil War.

Their own words destroy their lies.

Really? Didn't South Carolina threaten to secede in 1828 over tariffs and the protectionism of northern industry?

All of this is going to promote a backlash like people have never seen.
Either that or it will be over after the next 24 hour news cycle.

Americans are stupid, Jonathan Gruber, Obama Administration Bureaucrat.

So I predict that it will be over after the next 24 hour news cycle.

WHy do you think that "justice" Roberts has such an easy job declaring government usurpations constitutional. It's like stealing candy from a baby.

Modern Progressives have a new Holy Trinity of Progressive leaders: Stalin, Mao and Fidel

Don't interrupt when adults are talking son! Go back to school and learn what a Progressive is and maybe you can come on back in a year or so to contribute something positive to similar dialogue.

Stalin and Mao were Progressives

No.. they were communists!

Right, Progressives.

You were born with an IQ on the far left side of the bell curve but the drugs and alcohol have taken their toll. You are one of the few humans with an IQ located on the top left side of an upside down bell curve.

Don't interrupt when adults are talking son! Go back to school and learn what a Progressive is and maybe you can come on back in a year or so to contribute something positive to similar dialogue.

Stalin and Mao were Progressives

No.. they were communists!

Right, Progressives.

You were born with an IQ on the far left side of the bell curve but the drugs and alcohol have taken their toll. You are one of the few humans with an IQ located on the top left side of an upside down bell curve.


You laugh at your own jokes? Are you a fucking retard?
Stalin and Mao were Progressives

No.. they were communists!

Right, Progressives.

You were born with an IQ on the far left side of the bell curve but the drugs and alcohol have taken their toll. You are one of the few humans with an IQ located on the top left side of an upside down bell curve.


You laugh at your own jokes? Are you a fucking retard?
You don't laugh at yours and neither does anyone else... you confederate sympathizing idiot!
Liberals seem to have the biggest knee jerk reactions to tragedy. An evil fat person who is a racist kills people, so ban guns, flags, trans fats, soda pop, and I heard he liked pokemon so ban it too!
I'm not saying to not take a second look at the confederate flag etc but these knee jerk extreme reactions when will it end?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liberals seem to have the biggest knee jerk reactions to tragedy. An evil fat person who is a racist kills people, so ban guns, flags, trans fats, soda pop, and I heard he liked pokemon so ban it too!
I'm not saying to not take a second look at the confederate flag etc but these knee jerk extreme reactions when will it end?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The rebel battle flag is not being banned. The controversy is whether to keep it flying on public lands. That controversy has been an ongoing phenomenon for decades, it is NOT knee jerk.

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