NYT Times Blabs Again: Jesus Was Likely A ‘Palestinian,’ Not White

The point of the article was what the point of so many leftist screeds is: "I have brilliantly discovered THIS, which I am sure no one else knows!" And then they go on to "educate" us about something we were all aware of a long time ago. And, as is also typical, it contained misinformation, because the author is neither very bright nor very educated, despite his/her belief that he/she is an insightful genius.

Those artists were well aware that He was not actually a white European. May I assume that you have not taken any art history classes?
Would you have any objection if, in the name of inclusiveness, every depiction of Jesus showed him to be an African? Any baby growing up from today on would only see the Messiah rendered as a Black man. Would anyone have a problem with that?

I take it from your questions that you assume I would. Tells me a great deal about YOUR racist tendencies.

Because, unlike you, I HAVE studied art history - and history in general - and I'm well aware that people have been depicting Jesus according to their own culture's standards since long before the medieval and Renaissance paintings which are the most familiar; and because I'm also - again, unlike you - actually well-versed in Christianity and theology and realize that what Jesus did or did not look like while He was Earth is basically irrelevant to the central purpose of His incarnation; and because, as a Christian, my primary interest is for as many people as possible, of all races and ethnicities and cultures, to develop a relationship with God, the answer is no. I really don't care if people choose to depict Him as whatever race makes them happy.

Now, I will add a few caveats to this. I would object vociferously about "in the name of inclusiveness" and "every depiction showed Him to be African", but because I object to EVERY encroachment on freedom of expression and EVERY attempt to cloak tyrannical fascism as "inclusiveness" and "tolerance" and whatever other oxymoron leftist twits have come up with, not because I care about the race in question.

Also, I object to depictions of Jesus - ANY depiction, no matter the race - that is intended to be disrespectful or to cause discord.

And I frankly consider it rather silly to depict Him during His life on Earth as anything but what he actually was. I think it was silly of earlier people to do it, and I think it's silly of people now to do it. But hey, art is supposed to be more about expression and emotion as it is about photo-realistic duplication, and I'm quite familiar with the concept of "artistic license".
As I recall, the author is Black and his objection was growing up seeing Jesus ONLY depicted as a blonde, blue-eyed, White man. I think he would have loved to see Jesus depicted as every race, just not only one race.
History lesson for NYT editors: Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs didn’t conquer the area until 700 years after Jesus was crucified. Jesus is an ancestor of David, a Jew. Jesus was not an Arab.

They think if they attack Christianity enough they’ll destroy the faith. :lmao:

NY Times Article: Jesus Was Likely A 'Palestinian,' Not White
Be serious for a minute, if you can.

Given the time and area of his birth (if he was actually real) it's highly I'll likely he was white, and if he was it would have been odd enough that it would be noted in every account of him.

He was a brown middle eastern Jew.

Gosh, I'm SOOOOO glad you and the NYT have come along to "brilliantly" explain to us . . . what we already knew a long time ago.

Be serious for a minute, if you can.

Do people on the left EVER realize that their "deep, original revelations" about things are ACTUALLY years behind everyone else?
Tell it to the evangelicals lady.
History lesson for NYT editors: Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs didn’t conquer the area until 700 years after Jesus was crucified. Jesus is an ancestor of David, a Jew. Jesus was not an Arab.

They think if they attack Christianity enough they’ll destroy the faith. :lmao:

NY Times Article: Jesus Was Likely A 'Palestinian,' Not White
Be serious for a minute, if you can.

Given the time and area of his birth (if he was actually real) it's highly I'll likely he was white, and if he was it would have been odd enough that it would be noted in every account of him.

He was a brown middle eastern Jew.
Yes, but depending upon what color God used.

But a Jew, not an Arab as the NYT states.
Middle Eastern Jews are not genetically distinct from Arabs.

It is unlikely in the extreme that Jesus was anything other than swarthy, black haired, brown eyed, and so on.

Pretty sure Weather doesn't think He was white with blond hair.

However, He was not "Palestinian", and Jews are not Palestinian. Feel free to find a Palestinian and ask him if you don't believe me.
Genetically they are.
History lesson for NYT editors: Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs didn’t conquer the area until 700 years after Jesus was crucified. Jesus is an ancestor of David, a Jew. Jesus was not an Arab.

They think if they attack Christianity enough they’ll destroy the faith. :lmao:

NY Times Article: Jesus Was Likely A 'Palestinian,' Not White
Be serious for a minute, if you can.

Given the time and area of his birth (if he was actually real) it's highly I'll likely he was white, and if he was it would have been odd enough that it would be noted in every account of him.

He was a brown middle eastern Jew.

Gosh, I'm SOOOOO glad you and the NYT have come along to "brilliantly" explain to us . . . what we already knew a long time ago.

Be serious for a minute, if you can.

Do people on the left EVER realize that their "deep, original revelations" about things are ACTUALLY years behind everyone else?
Tell it to the evangelicals lady.
I love atheists teaching religion.
i love republicans teaching religion


History lesson for NYT editors: Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs didn’t conquer the area until 700 years after Jesus was crucified. Jesus is an ancestor of David, a Jew. Jesus was not an Arab.

They think if they attack Christianity enough they’ll destroy the faith. :lmao:

NY Times Article: Jesus Was Likely A 'Palestinian,' Not White

Well, here's my question:

Why is it news to the NYT that He wasn't white? Who has been keeping this a secret from them up 'til now? And why do they assume we didn't already know that?
Who, besides the OP and his link, says this is news to The NY Times?

Well, the fact that they thought it needed a article written and published to talk about it. Seems to me that indicates they think they're telling people something that isn't already widespread and painfully obvious. I can't remember the last time they published a column about how the sky appears blue.
This appears in their Reader Center, where readers ask questions. And the author doesn’t state categorically that Jesus was Palestinian; and it comes off more as opinion than news.
History lesson for NYT editors: Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs didn’t conquer the area until 700 years after Jesus was crucified. Jesus is an ancestor of David, a Jew. Jesus was not an Arab.

They think if they attack Christianity enough they’ll destroy the faith. :lmao:

NY Times Article: Jesus Was Likely A 'Palestinian,' Not White
Be serious for a minute, if you can.

Given the time and area of his birth (if he was actually real) it's highly I'll likely he was white, and if he was it would have been odd enough that it would be noted in every account of him.

He was a brown middle eastern Jew.
Jesus was a blue eyed blonde Aryan

It is in all the movies
Again, I dare you to tell anyone from the above groups this canard about "every Israeli is a Palestinian".
Peoples reactions don't change reality. You could get a violent reaction from a racist if you called them that to their face.

Palestinian, Arab, and Semite are not synonyms, and it is incorrect and borderline illiterate of you to use them as if they are.
If you read more carefully you'll find I did no such thing.

And still, the timeline remains the same. Whatever people do or don't call that region now, they didn't call it "Palestine" during Jesus' time, and they certainly didn't call everyone in it "Palestinian". For that matter, those terms as you try to use them aren't universally accepted NOW.
True enough. Names change. You could find maps where Virginia was in a British Colony, a Confederation, a Confederacy, and a Union.

Rather my point. George Washington was a Virginian, and it would be quite incorrect to say that he was a Confederate, because Virginia was not part of the Confederacy during his lifetime; the Confederacy itself did not exist during his lifetime.

Likewise, the name "Palestine" applied to that region was not a thing during Jesus' lifetime; in this day and age, "Palestinian" is very specifically NOT meant to include Jews.
Sure it was ... it was known as Palaistinê some 2500 years ago...


The whole of the region was referred to as `Canaan’ in Mesopotamian texts and trade records found at Ebla and Mari as early as the 18th century BCE while the term `Palestine’ does not appear in any written records until the 5th century BCE in the Histories of Herodotus. After Herodotus, the term `Palestine’ came to be used for the entire region which was formerly known as Canaan.

That's where the name, 'Syria-Palaestina,' came from when the Romans renamed the region after Christ.

And that region included Nazareth, where Jesus was from, as were many Jews. I'm not saying that means Jesus was Palestinian ... no one will ever know. I'm just saying it's not out of the realm of possibilities.
History lesson for NYT editors: Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs didn’t conquer the area until 700 years after Jesus was crucified. Jesus is an ancestor of David, a Jew. Jesus was not an Arab.

They think if they attack Christianity enough they’ll destroy the faith. :lmao:

NY Times Article: Jesus Was Likely A 'Palestinian,' Not White
You don’t need to flail that way. Reality is that East Jerusalem belonged to Jordan. Jordan lost the territory and entered into a peace treaty with Israel. Everything else is non sequtur
Again, I dare you to tell anyone from the above groups this canard about "every Israeli is a Palestinian".
Peoples reactions don't change reality. You could get a violent reaction from a racist if you called them that to their face.

Palestinian, Arab, and Semite are not synonyms, and it is incorrect and borderline illiterate of you to use them as if they are.
If you read more carefully you'll find I did no such thing.

And still, the timeline remains the same. Whatever people do or don't call that region now, they didn't call it "Palestine" during Jesus' time, and they certainly didn't call everyone in it "Palestinian". For that matter, those terms as you try to use them aren't universally accepted NOW.
True enough. Names change. You could find maps where Virginia was in a British Colony, a Confederation, a Confederacy, and a Union.

Rather my point. George Washington was a Virginian, and it would be quite incorrect to say that he was a Confederate, because Virginia was not part of the Confederacy during his lifetime; the Confederacy itself did not exist during his lifetime.

Likewise, the name "Palestine" applied to that region was not a thing during Jesus' lifetime; in this day and age, "Palestinian" is very specifically NOT meant to include Jews.
Sure it was ... it was known as Palaistinê some 2500 years ago...


The whole of the region was referred to as `Canaan’ in Mesopotamian texts and trade records found at Ebla and Mari as early as the 18th century BCE while the term `Palestine’ does not appear in any written records until the 5th century BCE in the Histories of Herodotus. After Herodotus, the term `Palestine’ came to be used for the entire region which was formerly known as Canaan.

That's where the name, 'Syria-Palaestina,' came from when the Romans renamed the region after Christ.

And that region included Nazareth, where Jesus was from, as were many Jews. I'm not saying that means Jesus was Palestinian ... no one will ever know. I'm just saying it's not out of the realm of possibilities.
It was called Palestine by Roman’s who used that term for philistines. It was always Judea
History lesson for NYT editors: Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs didn’t conquer the area until 700 years after Jesus was crucified. Jesus is an ancestor of David, a Jew. Jesus was not an Arab.

They think if they attack Christianity enough they’ll destroy the faith. :lmao:

NY Times Article: Jesus Was Likely A 'Palestinian,' Not White
Be serious for a minute, if you can.

Given the time and area of his birth (if he was actually real) it's highly I'll likely he was white, and if he was it would have been odd enough that it would be noted in every account of him.

He was a brown middle eastern Jew.

Gosh, I'm SOOOOO glad you and the NYT have come along to "brilliantly" explain to us . . . what we already knew a long time ago.

Be serious for a minute, if you can.

Do people on the left EVER realize that their "deep, original revelations" about things are ACTUALLY years behind everyone else?
Tell it to the evangelicals lady.
I love atheists teaching religion.
I love religious fanatics "teaching" history.
History lesson for NYT editors: Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs didn’t conquer the area until 700 years after Jesus was crucified. Jesus is an ancestor of David, a Jew. Jesus was not an Arab.

They think if they attack Christianity enough they’ll destroy the faith. :lmao:

NY Times Article: Jesus Was Likely A 'Palestinian,' Not White
Be serious for a minute, if you can.

Given the time and area of his birth (if he was actually real) it's highly I'll likely he was white, and if he was it would have been odd enough that it would be noted in every account of him.

He was a brown middle eastern Jew.
Jesus was a blue eyed blonde Aryan

It is in all the movies
And the paintings, and the statues, and the stained glass windows and.....
History lesson for NYT editors: Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs didn’t conquer the area until 700 years after Jesus was crucified. Jesus is an ancestor of David, a Jew. Jesus was not an Arab.

They think if they attack Christianity enough they’ll destroy the faith. :lmao:

NY Times Article: Jesus Was Likely A 'Palestinian,' Not White
Be serious for a minute, if you can.

Given the time and area of his birth (if he was actually real) it's highly I'll likely he was white, and if he was it would have been odd enough that it would be noted in every account of him.

He was a brown middle eastern Jew.
Jesus was a blue eyed blonde Aryan

It is in all the movies
And the paintings, and the statues, and the stained glass windows and.....
Hé speaks with an english accent

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