NYT: Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

He joins the hosts to talk inflation, bad vibes, and how voters will respond in November.
link: Paul Krugman Weighs In.

View attachment 907272

link: Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, is a very bright guy. He's an honest man as he has owned his own errors and does not hide the fact that he chose long ago to become a partisan fighting against serious partisan economic arguments put forth by the right for far too long -- unchallenged.

Paul is usually right on the money in his opinions, and in his facts he is rarely ever debunked.

btw, "Paul Krugman has been an Opinion columnist since 2000 and is also a distinguished professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on international trade and economic geography."
and in other news:

Paul Krugman

The Mystery of White Rural Rage​

Feb. 26, 2024

This process and its effects are laid out in devastating, terrifying and baffling detail in “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy,” a new book by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman. I say “devastating” because the hardship of rural Americans is real, “terrifying” because the political backlash to this hardship poses a clear and present danger to our democracy and “baffling” because at some level I still don’t get the politics.

Technology is the main driver of rural decline, Schaller and Waldman argue. Indeed, American farms produce more than five times as much as they did 75 years ago, but the agricultural work force declined by about two-thirds over the same period, thanks to machinery, improved seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Coal production has been falling recently, but thanks partly to technologies like mountaintop removal, coal mining as a way of life largely disappeared long ago, with the number of miners falling 80 percent even as production roughly doubled.

Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

He joins the hosts to talk inflation, bad vibes, and how voters will respond in November.
link: Paul Krugman Weighs In.

View attachment 907272

link: Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, is a very bright guy. He's an honest man as he has owned his own errors and does not hide the fact that he chose long ago to become a partisan fighting against serious partisan economic arguments put forth by the right for far too long -- unchallenged.

Paul is usually right on the money in his opinions, and in his facts he is rarely ever debunked.
I think voters today tend to vote based on what is happening to them, not what the BLM reports says, FBI Crime Reports, or statements from the Fed chairman says.

So if Joe get's a great bonus because his company is doing well, he is likely to think Biden is really doing a good job on the economy. Now Mary across the street just got a new boss, a Latino she has worked with for some time, who doesn't speak very good English and clearly is not a good boss. Since Biden lets those people into the country, Mary will vote for Trump. Sam, next door had his car stolen and the police did nothing so Sam is going to vote for Trump because he will be tough on crime. Jenny two doors down needed an abortion and got one so she's voting for Biden because he'll see that abortions remain legal.

The reality is in none of these cases is it likely that the next president will have any great impact on these problems. The president does not control the economy nor does he have any responsibility for it. Despite public belief to the contrary, a president can do little to permanently stop illegal immigration without the support of congress. The president can evoke emergency measures at the border but without courts and congress support that will not last long, again no matter who is president. Every candidate claims he will be tough on crime but the fact is the fight against crime is mostly a local and state issue. Lastly, the Supreme Court made abortion a state issue. The only thing a president can do on this issue is support congress on a decision to make Abortion legal or illegal nationally. Considering how divided the country is , that is not likely to happen regardless of who is president
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The wisdom and objectivity of Paul Krugman when it comes to President Trump.
The wisdom and objectivity of Paul Krugman when it comes to President Trump.
Paul Krugman has been an Opinion columnist since 2000 and is also a distinguished professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on international trade and economic geography

And you? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

2016: Krugman’s pessimistic view comes in the wake of a more than 800-point plunge in U.S. stock futures that coincided with Trump’s increasingly strong showing in the polls. Trump has repeatedly attacked the Federal Reserve, accusing Chairwoman Janet Yellen of keeping interest rates low in a bid to help the economy and get Hillary Clinton elected.

Krugman Plays Down US Economic Harm From Trump’s Tariff Plan​

  • Trump has floated the idea of a 10% tariff on all US imports
  • Krugman says ‘dirty little secret’ is tariff impact limited

Paul Krugman admits economy doing 'pretty well' after predicting Trump would lead to global recession​

The Daily Blast with Greg Sargent/
February 5, 2024

Krugman: Trump-MAGA Are in Deep Denial About Biden’s Good Economy​

Columnist Paul Krugman on the good economic news—and why it’s creating such cognitive dissonance for Trump and MAGA Republicans.​

Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

He joins the hosts to talk inflation, bad vibes, and how voters will respond in November.
link: Paul Krugman Weighs In.

View attachment 907272

link: Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, is a very bright guy. He's an honest man as he has owned his own errors and does not hide the fact that he chose long ago to become a partisan fighting against serious partisan economic arguments put forth by the right for far too long -- unchallenged.

Paul is usually right on the money in his opinions, and in his facts he is rarely ever debunked.

Paul "Often wrong in the trillions column" Krugman
Paul "Often wrong in the trillions column" Krugman
HE has you irritated again. Paul Krugman has been an Opinion columnist since 2000 and is also a distinguished professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on international trade and economic geography

You? Loser on a fading www message board :auiqs.jpg:
HE has you irritated again. Paul Krugman has been an Opinion columnist since 2000 and is also a distinguished professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on international trade and economic geography

You? Loser on a fading www message board :auiqs.jpg:

"By 2005, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s” -- Paul "Often Wrong in the Trillions Column" Krugman, 1998
Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

He joins the hosts to talk inflation, bad vibes, and how voters will respond in November.
link: Paul Krugman Weighs In.

View attachment 907272

link: Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, is a very bright guy. He's an honest man as he has owned his own errors and does not hide the fact that he chose long ago to become a partisan fighting against serious partisan economic arguments put forth by the right for far too long -- unchallenged.

Paul is usually right on the money in his opinions, and in his facts he is rarely ever debunked.
That fucking loser? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Kudlow only admktted that the stock market numbers are up. He is a big investor....for him that's good. Aside from the fact that it's only a handful of companies holding the stock market up bottom lines do not translate into wealth for Main Street.

The economy will favor Trump.
That doesn't necessarily mean he'll get elected.... But a lot of people who vote this time around are going to be voting their wallets which are on fire and empty.

The next problem will be if Trump does get in what will he do to change that situation.
He may not be able to do anything.

People always vote for personal reasons which often has no relation to real problems the nation faces. I believe the most common reasons in this election election are
I hate Trump
I love Trump
I lost my job
I got a pay raise
I hate people that are different than me
I love people who are different than me
I want to see more guns
I want to see less guns
I hate the government
I love goverment
etc, etc.
This is the why people like Putin hate democracy.
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People always vote for personal reasons which often has no relation to real problems the nation faces. I believe the most common reasons in this election election are
I hate Trump
I love Trump
I lost my job
I got a pay raise
I hate people that are different than me
I love people who are different than me
I want to see more guns
I want to see less guns
I hate the government
I love goverment
etc, etc.
This is very reason why people like Putin hate democracy.
No argument
Krugman is an establishment propagandist for the weak minded and the dumb.

. . . and not a very good one at that.

Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

He joins the hosts to talk inflation, bad vibes, and how voters will respond in November.
link: Paul Krugman Weighs In.

View attachment 907272

link: Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, is a very bright guy. He's an honest man as he has owned his own errors and does not hide the fact that he chose long ago to become a partisan fighting against serious partisan economic arguments put forth by the right for far too long -- unchallenged.

Paul is usually right on the money in his opinions, and in his facts he is rarely ever debunked.
Paul Krugman has never been right about anything
Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

He joins the hosts to talk inflation, bad vibes, and how voters will respond in November.
link: Paul Krugman Weighs In.

View attachment 907272

link: Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, is a very bright guy. He's an honest man as he has owned his own errors and does not hide the fact that he chose long ago to become a partisan fighting against serious partisan economic arguments put forth by the right for far too long -- unchallenged.

Paul is usually right on the money in his opinions, and in his facts he is rarely ever debunked.
Are you aware of Krugman's reputation as a complete moron ??????????????????

NY Times’ Paul Krugman says ‘inflation is over’ — if you exclude food, gas and rent​

Social Links forAriel Zilber
Published Oct. 13, 2023
Are you aware of Krugman's reputation as a complete moron ??????????????????

NY Times’ Paul Krugman says ‘inflation is over’ — if you exclude food, gas and rent​

Social Links forAriel Zilber
Published Oct. 13, 2023
"Complete moron?"

HE was awarded a Noble Prize.


You can't even be respected on a failing, anonymous message board
Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

He joins the hosts to talk inflation, bad vibes, and how voters will respond in November.
link: Paul Krugman Weighs In.

View attachment 907272

link: Will the Economy Favor Biden or Trump? Paul Krugman Weighs In.

Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, is a very bright guy. He's an honest man as he has owned his own errors and does not hide the fact that he chose long ago to become a partisan fighting against serious partisan economic arguments put forth by the right for far too long -- unchallenged.

Paul is usually right on the money in his opinions, and in his facts he is rarely ever debunked.

Noticing the MAGA can't refute a single thing, or discuss as adults.

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