O la la! Could It Be? Will Fox Fire Glenn Beck?

Only a comic can do Beck justice, the man is so far out there one wonders only at the educational level of his followers. If America is truly this historically illiterate any nonsense will pass as truth.


There are Republicans, there are responsible conservatives, and then there are those who call themselves Republicans and conservatives who listen to and believe Beck.


you too.... :doubt:
The Egypt uprising has raised the stakes for Beck -- and Fox. In the past two weeks, Beck has viewed events in Egypt through his own rather warped filter. He claims that the rebellion is not about the people, not about democracy. Instead, he says, it's a move by radical Islamists to take over Egypt, as part of a larger plan to install a caliphate that stretches from the Middle East through Europe and toward the United States. And he contends that "uber-leftists" and Islamic extremists are "plotting together" toward this end. Last week on his radio show, he declared, "Groups from the hard-core socialist and communist left and extreme Islam will work together because they are both a common enemy of Israel and the Jew. . . . Islam wants a caliphate. Communists want a communist new world order. They'll work together, and they'll destabilize. Because they both want chaos."

As Beck becomes increasingly unhinged and lost in conspiracy-land, he may well become a litmus test for the right -- and a measure of whether the leaders of Fox News care about any claim to respectability. Should Fox throw him out of the coop, Beck will still have a cult-like following that he can service via his syndicated radio show, website, and books -- and still make tens of millions of dollars a year. He won't crawl off to an undisclosed location. But he will no longer have the imprimatur of the right's main media outfit. And what better confirmation that the conspiracy is vast, oh so vast.

Glenn Beck: Should Fox Toss Him Out of the Coop?

What do you think? Will Fox finally dump Glenn Beck and his John Bircher craziness?

Let's not speculate because we may or may not dislike Glenn Beck. Let's do some investigation.

In a news report by the new york times we read that the Muslim Brotherhood wants to govern using the Islamic tenets

Op-Ed Contributor
What the Muslim Brothers WantBy ESSAM EL-ERRIAN
Published: February 9, 2011

In Egypt, religion continues to be an important part of our culture and heritage. Moving forward, we envision the establishment of a democratic, civil state that draws on universal measures of freedom and justice, which are central Islamic values. We embrace democracy not as a foreign concept that must be reconciled with tradition, but as a set of principles and objectives that are inherently compatible with and reinforce Islamic tenets.


Now what are the Islamic tenets? After further review I found this

1. "One of the central doctrines of Islamic faith is belief in all
of God's revealed messages, which now consist of four books:
Torah, Psalms, Gospels, and Qur'an."
2. "These four Books are to be regarded as Holy Scriptures, even
though the three Books preceding the Qur'an include certain
human imperfections."
3. "With the appearance of the Qur'an, the noblest of the Books,
these earlier Books, it is believed, were abrogated."
4. "...it is an article of faith that the purpose of the Qur'an is
to preserve original divine revelations by restoring the
eternal truth of God." (Qur'an 5:44-48)
5. "Since the Qur'an abrogates all earlier Books, its ordinances
continue to remain in force until the Day of Judgment..."

The Religion Of Islam - The Tenets Of Islam

After looking where they get there ordinances I found this

Some Statutes And Penalties Of Islamic Law

The Penalty Of The Thief

Some Ordinances and Laws of the Qur’an and Islam
Thousands of women, who have claimed to be rape-victims, are now languishing in jail or have their lives ruined even after being acquitted, due to trying them under zina bil Jabr of Hudood Laws. [Jahangir and Jilani, chapters III-IV] "No distinction has been made between Zina and Zina Bil Jabr (rape), resulting in it becoming an instrument of exploitation and oppression." [Niaz, 2001]
Article: "Rape and Hudood Ordinance: Perversions of Justice in the Name of Islam"

Not such a great idea for the PC people is it?

If the September elections go off without interference, there's no doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood will win some seats simply by virtue of their reputation for helping the impoverished. I heard somewhere yesterday that they have built 82 hospitals in Egypt. But I seriously doubt they will have the clout to completely take over the government and install Sharia law. Egyptians are Muslims, but they're not barbarians.
Glenn Beck: Should Fox Toss Him Out of the Coop?

What do you think? Will Fox finally dump Glenn Beck and his John Bircher craziness?

Let's not speculate because we may or may not dislike Glenn Beck. Let's do some investigation.

In a news report by the new york times we read that the Muslim Brotherhood wants to govern using the Islamic tenets

Op-Ed Contributor
What the Muslim Brothers WantBy ESSAM EL-ERRIAN
Published: February 9, 2011

In Egypt, religion continues to be an important part of our culture and heritage. Moving forward, we envision the establishment of a democratic, civil state that draws on universal measures of freedom and justice, which are central Islamic values. We embrace democracy not as a foreign concept that must be reconciled with tradition, but as a set of principles and objectives that are inherently compatible with and reinforce Islamic tenets.


Now what are the Islamic tenets? After further review I found this

1. "One of the central doctrines of Islamic faith is belief in all
of God's revealed messages, which now consist of four books:
Torah, Psalms, Gospels, and Qur'an."
2. "These four Books are to be regarded as Holy Scriptures, even
though the three Books preceding the Qur'an include certain
human imperfections."
3. "With the appearance of the Qur'an, the noblest of the Books,
these earlier Books, it is believed, were abrogated."
4. "...it is an article of faith that the purpose of the Qur'an is
to preserve original divine revelations by restoring the
eternal truth of God." (Qur'an 5:44-48)
5. "Since the Qur'an abrogates all earlier Books, its ordinances
continue to remain in force until the Day of Judgment..."

The Religion Of Islam - The Tenets Of Islam

After looking where they get there ordinances I found this

Some Statutes And Penalties Of Islamic Law

The Penalty Of The Thief

Some Ordinances and Laws of the Qur’an and Islam
Thousands of women, who have claimed to be rape-victims, are now languishing in jail or have their lives ruined even after being acquitted, due to trying them under zina bil Jabr of Hudood Laws. [Jahangir and Jilani, chapters III-IV] "No distinction has been made between Zina and Zina Bil Jabr (rape), resulting in it becoming an instrument of exploitation and oppression." [Niaz, 2001]
Article: "Rape and Hudood Ordinance: Perversions of Justice in the Name of Islam"

Not such a great idea for the PC people is it?

If the September elections go off without interference, there's no doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood will win some seats simply by virtue of their reputation for helping the impoverished. I heard somewhere yesterday that they have built 82 hospitals in Egypt. But I seriously doubt they will have the clout to completely take over the government and install Sharia law. Egyptians are Muslims, but they're not barbarians.

Go back and reread those subtile words of the muslim brotherhood and what they want, and then follow the trail.
So, if Glenn Beck is fired by FOX, the world will end?

Give me a break, bigreb.

Would egypt and the world be better off if the Muslim Brotherhood was in charge? That should be the question.

Whatever they represent, it's not up to the United States to attempt to influence the outcome of the future leadership of Egypt. How would you like it if some foreign leader, an ally, told us that we'd be better off without the influence of the tea party?

The only thing the United States can do is sit on the sidelines and hope that whatever happens, it won't be the beginning of yet another hot spot in the region that has a severe global effect on our overall foreign relations and our economy. Our ace in the hole, however, is to stop all foreign aid to Egypt if it becomes a pro-terrorist nation.

hAd you rather do something now or wait and have two Irans too worry about? Let's revisit history. Iran use to be one of our Allies, now what are they?
I was very well aware of it, and in a context of which you are unaware. Egypt is not an iman-driven madhouse with a Khomeini driving the bus wildly down the road. Anyone who pretends that such is the case is hitting the bong.

It allow boils down to one thing they are muslims. The muslim brotherhood is not our friends, the country will become a muslim Mecca They will still opress the people with shiria law. But I amm sure with all of you awareness you knew this?:eusa_whistle:
Ok, the stupidity from the very far right is that "they are all Muslims." That is their simplistic argument. Even Cheney would tell bigreb and the guys, "fuck you".

No, this is not Iran, not anything close to it. Anyone who denies this is either illiterate, mentally feeble, or malignantly motivated. I will echo Cheney on this one.
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Ok, the stupidity from the very far right is that "they are all Muslims." That is their simplistic argument. Even Cheney would tell bigreb and the guys, "fuck you".

No, this is not Iran, not anything close to it. Anyone who denies this is either illiterate, mentally feeble, or malignantly motivated. I will echo Chencey on this one.

Not anything close too it? We were friend s with Iran at one time then we had a democrat in the white house, the shawl get's overthrown

Now we have another friend who's government is overthrown and we have a democrat in the white house.
Only a comic can do Beck justice, the man is so far out there one wonders only at the educational level of his followers. If America is truly this historically illiterate any nonsense will pass as truth.


You use a video that reference beck as a Nazi, but when I said the Muslim brotherhood religious leader invokes Hitler you still want to bash Beck? Are you a fucking moron?

Please try to use civilized language when expressing your incorrect ideas. If you had watched the video you would have understood it is Beck who is using the Nazi card. You may want to go back and retract your bad words and wrong ideas. Give listening and not reacting a try.
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Please try to use civilized language when expressing your incorrect ideas. If you had watched the video you would have understood it is Beck who is using the Nazi card. You may want to go back and retract your bad words and wrong ideas. Give listening and not reacting a try.

So the fact that leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood supported Nazi action against the Jews and hope that they will continue it in the future doesn't bother you at all?
Only a comic can do Beck justice, the man is so far out there one wonders only at the educational level of his followers. If America is truly this historically illiterate any nonsense will pass as truth.


You use a video that reference beck as a Nazi, but when I said the Muslim brotherhood religious leader invokes Hitler you still want to bash Beck? Are you a fucking moron?

Please try to use civilized language when expressing your incorrect ideas. If you had watched the video you would have understood it is Beck who is using the Nazi card. You may want to go back and retract your bad words and wrong ideas. Give listening and not reacting a try.

You call beck a nazi and do not condemn the ones who invoke hitler yes, you are a stupid bitch.
Glenn Beck: Should Fox Toss Him Out of the Coop?

What do you think? Will Fox finally dump Glenn Beck and his John Bircher craziness?

Let's not speculate because we may or may not dislike Glenn Beck. Let's do some investigation.

In a news report by the new york times we read that the Muslim Brotherhood wants to govern using the Islamic tenets

Op-Ed Contributor
What the Muslim Brothers WantBy ESSAM EL-ERRIAN
Published: February 9, 2011

In Egypt, religion continues to be an important part of our culture and heritage. Moving forward, we envision the establishment of a democratic, civil state that draws on universal measures of freedom and justice, which are central Islamic values. We embrace democracy not as a foreign concept that must be reconciled with tradition, but as a set of principles and objectives that are inherently compatible with and reinforce Islamic tenets.


Now what are the Islamic tenets? After further review I found this

1. "One of the central doctrines of Islamic faith is belief in all
of God's revealed messages, which now consist of four books:
Torah, Psalms, Gospels, and Qur'an."
2. "These four Books are to be regarded as Holy Scriptures, even
though the three Books preceding the Qur'an include certain
human imperfections."
3. "With the appearance of the Qur'an, the noblest of the Books,
these earlier Books, it is believed, were abrogated."
4. "...it is an article of faith that the purpose of the Qur'an is
to preserve original divine revelations by restoring the
eternal truth of God." (Qur'an 5:44-48)
5. "Since the Qur'an abrogates all earlier Books, its ordinances
continue to remain in force until the Day of Judgment..."

The Religion Of Islam - The Tenets Of Islam

After looking where they get there ordinances I found this

Some Statutes And Penalties Of Islamic Law

The Penalty Of The Thief

Some Ordinances and Laws of the Qur’an and Islam
Thousands of women, who have claimed to be rape-victims, are now languishing in jail or have their lives ruined even after being acquitted, due to trying them under zina bil Jabr of Hudood Laws. [Jahangir and Jilani, chapters III-IV] "No distinction has been made between Zina and Zina Bil Jabr (rape), resulting in it becoming an instrument of exploitation and oppression." [Niaz, 2001]
Article: "Rape and Hudood Ordinance: Perversions of Justice in the Name of Islam"

Not such a great idea for the PC people is it?

If the September elections go off without interference, there's no doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood will win some seats simply by virtue of their reputation for helping the impoverished. I heard somewhere yesterday that they have built 82 hospitals in Egypt. But I seriously doubt they will have the clout to completely take over the government and install Sharia law. Egyptians are Muslims, but they're not barbarians.

Firstly, Egyptians are NOT Muslims, they are Egyptians. Most are Muslims, many are Christian, and a substantial number have no faith whatsoever. Can you please stop lumping individuals into boxes into which they do not fit. Thanks.

Secondly.... and far more importantly.... You have, I assume, heard of a country called Iran. Back in the 1970s, they were quite secular, and pretty keen to have democracy. They had a revolution to achieve it. Look what happened to them. You want another Iran in the region? I don't.
Secondly.... and far more importantly.... You have, I assume, heard of a country called Iran. Back in the 1970s, they were quite secular, and pretty keen to have democracy. They had a revolution to achieve it. Look what happened to them. You want another Iran in the region? I don't.

yeah, well , we don't wanna bring up all that history here, do we ?
Secondly.... and far more importantly.... You have, I assume, heard of a country called Iran. Back in the 1970s, they were quite secular, and pretty keen to have democracy. They had a revolution to achieve it. Look what happened to them. You want another Iran in the region? I don't.

yeah, well , we don't wanna bring up all that history here, do we ?[/QUOTE]

I tend to lean towards that whole 'those who do not learn from history, are destined to repeat it' school of thought. Admittedly, it does require a reasonable level of intellect, an ability to study and learn, and the skill of critical thinking.... to achieve a reasoned, fact based, opinion... but that's just how I roll.
Let's not speculate because we may or may not dislike Glenn Beck. Let's do some investigation.

In a news report by the new york times we read that the Muslim Brotherhood wants to govern using the Islamic tenets

Op-Ed Contributor
What the Muslim Brothers WantBy ESSAM EL-ERRIAN
Published: February 9, 2011

In Egypt, religion continues to be an important part of our culture and heritage. Moving forward, we envision the establishment of a democratic, civil state that draws on universal measures of freedom and justice, which are central Islamic values. We embrace democracy not as a foreign concept that must be reconciled with tradition, but as a set of principles and objectives that are inherently compatible with and reinforce Islamic tenets.


Now what are the Islamic tenets? After further review I found this

1. "One of the central doctrines of Islamic faith is belief in all
of God's revealed messages, which now consist of four books:
Torah, Psalms, Gospels, and Qur'an."
2. "These four Books are to be regarded as Holy Scriptures, even
though the three Books preceding the Qur'an include certain
human imperfections."
3. "With the appearance of the Qur'an, the noblest of the Books,
these earlier Books, it is believed, were abrogated."
4. "...it is an article of faith that the purpose of the Qur'an is
to preserve original divine revelations by restoring the
eternal truth of God." (Qur'an 5:44-48)
5. "Since the Qur'an abrogates all earlier Books, its ordinances
continue to remain in force until the Day of Judgment..."

The Religion Of Islam - The Tenets Of Islam

After looking where they get there ordinances I found this

Some Statutes And Penalties Of Islamic Law

The Penalty Of The Thief

Some Ordinances and Laws of the Qur’an and Islam
Thousands of women, who have claimed to be rape-victims, are now languishing in jail or have their lives ruined even after being acquitted, due to trying them under zina bil Jabr of Hudood Laws. [Jahangir and Jilani, chapters III-IV] "No distinction has been made between Zina and Zina Bil Jabr (rape), resulting in it becoming an instrument of exploitation and oppression." [Niaz, 2001]
Article: "Rape and Hudood Ordinance: Perversions of Justice in the Name of Islam"

Not such a great idea for the PC people is it?

If the September elections go off without interference, there's no doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood will win some seats simply by virtue of their reputation for helping the impoverished. I heard somewhere yesterday that they have built 82 hospitals in Egypt. But I seriously doubt they will have the clout to completely take over the government and install Sharia law. Egyptians are Muslims, but they're not barbarians.

Firstly, Egyptians are NOT Muslims, they are Egyptians. Most are Muslims, many are Christian, and a substantial number have no faith whatsoever. Can you please stop lumping individuals into boxes into which they do not fit. Thanks.

Secondly.... and far more importantly.... You have, I assume, heard of a country called Iran. Back in the 1970s, they were quite secular, and pretty keen to have democracy. They had a revolution to achieve it. Look what happened to them. You want another Iran in the region? I don't.

I keep repeating exactly what you just posted and the left will not listen. It's like they can't see the past their PC agenda. We will have another Iran.
If the September elections go off without interference, there's no doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood will win some seats simply by virtue of their reputation for helping the impoverished. I heard somewhere yesterday that they have built 82 hospitals in Egypt. But I seriously doubt they will have the clout to completely take over the government and install Sharia law. Egyptians are Muslims, but they're not barbarians.

Firstly, Egyptians are NOT Muslims, they are Egyptians. Most are Muslims, many are Christian, and a substantial number have no faith whatsoever. Can you please stop lumping individuals into boxes into which they do not fit. Thanks.

Secondly.... and far more importantly.... You have, I assume, heard of a country called Iran. Back in the 1970s, they were quite secular, and pretty keen to have democracy. They had a revolution to achieve it. Look what happened to them. You want another Iran in the region? I don't.

I keep repeating exactly what you just posted and the left will not listen. It's like they can't see the past their PC agenda. We will have another Iran.

I'm not certain that we will. What I think is wise is that we consider what happened in Iran and that our Government does what it can (and it actually can do a substantial amount) to ensure that a real democracy is born in Egypt. That is what the Egyptians have said they want, it would serve the US well to help them to achieve that. The US has a strong relationship with the Egyptian Army leaders who are currently in control. It seems to me that the right thing to do would be to offer some support to them now. Of course, we should do that behind closed doors and not in front of a tv camera.
Firstly, Egyptians are NOT Muslims, they are Egyptians. Most are Muslims, many are Christian, and a substantial number have no faith whatsoever. Can you please stop lumping individuals into boxes into which they do not fit. Thanks.

Secondly.... and far more importantly.... You have, I assume, heard of a country called Iran. Back in the 1970s, they were quite secular, and pretty keen to have democracy. They had a revolution to achieve it. Look what happened to them. You want another Iran in the region? I don't.

I keep repeating exactly what you just posted and the left will not listen. It's like they can't see the past their PC agenda. We will have another Iran.

I'm not certain that we will. What I think is wise is that we consider what happened in Iran and that our Government does what it can (and it actually can do a substantial amount) to ensure that a real democracy is born in Egypt. That is what the Egyptians have said they want, it would serve the US well to help them to achieve that. The US has a strong relationship with the Egyptian Army leaders who are currently in control. It seems to me that the right thing to do would be to offer some support to them now. Of course, we should do that behind closed doors and not in front of a tv camera.

There is no Egyptian Army without $1.3 billion in US aid. The army knows that turning control over to the brotherhood will end that aid
I keep repeating exactly what you just posted and the left will not listen. It's like they can't see the past their PC agenda. We will have another Iran.

I'm not certain that we will. What I think is wise is that we consider what happened in Iran and that our Government does what it can (and it actually can do a substantial amount) to ensure that a real democracy is born in Egypt. That is what the Egyptians have said they want, it would serve the US well to help them to achieve that. The US has a strong relationship with the Egyptian Army leaders who are currently in control. It seems to me that the right thing to do would be to offer some support to them now. Of course, we should do that behind closed doors and not in front of a tv camera.

There is no Egyptian Army without $1.3 billion in US aid. The army knows that turning control over to the brotherhood will end that aid

Do you actually think that without our money the Egyptian army will go away? Egypt will get their money from one of their Islamic brother countries. You're thinking foolishly if you think any other way.
I'm not certain that we will. What I think is wise is that we consider what happened in Iran and that our Government does what it can (and it actually can do a substantial amount) to ensure that a real democracy is born in Egypt. That is what the Egyptians have said they want, it would serve the US well to help them to achieve that. The US has a strong relationship with the Egyptian Army leaders who are currently in control. It seems to me that the right thing to do would be to offer some support to them now. Of course, we should do that behind closed doors and not in front of a tv camera.

There is no Egyptian Army without $1.3 billion in US aid. The army knows that turning control over to the brotherhood will end that aid

Do you actually think that without our money the Egyptian army will go away? Egypt will get their money from one of their Islamic brother countries. You're thinking foolishly if you think any other way.

Egypt is not Islamic the way other countries in the region are. There is no way those countries would cough up $1.3 billion
There is no Egyptian Army without $1.3 billion in US aid. The army knows that turning control over to the brotherhood will end that aid

Do you actually think that without our money the Egyptian army will go away? Egypt will get their money from one of their Islamic brother countries. You're thinking foolishly if you think any other way.

Egypt is not Islamic the way other countries in the region are. There is no way those countries would cough up $1.3 billion

What is the muslim brotherhood doing in Egypt?

Really you need to give me a good rep for correcting you.

The majority religion is Islam, of which the Sunnis are the largest sect. The 1971 constitution declares Islam to be the state religion. According to official estimates, 90% of the population are Muslim and 8% to 10% are Christian, with the Coptic Orthodox Church being the largest Christian denomination

Read more: Religions - Egypt Religions - Egypt
Constitution Of The Arab Republic of Egypt
Article 2
Islam is the religion of the state and Arabic its official language.
Islamic jurisprudence is the principal source of legislation.
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