Oath breaker pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy.

"No one plotted to kill the governor of Michigan, dumbass. That case was thrown out of court."

Ah, little bripat, it's always good to have your thoughtful contributions to adult discussions here.

But, you are wrong in the above assertion.
Yup, some dunderheaded Covid-Truthers conspired to kidnap the Governor.
(ps...emphasis on dunderheaded. Those country-blokes have been losers all their lives. They failed in their attempt to go big time.)

Second, the case was NOT thrown out of court.
In fact, there was a trial.
A couple of the dunderheaded were acquitted.
A couple of the dunderheads were subject to a mistrial.
And may be tried again. Tho I personally doubt it. These losers couldn't organize a barbecue. The DOJ may just decide to let 'em go on their loser way....as long as they don't do something else as stupid as this caper.)

Still, L'il Bripat......it's good you still try hard.
Shows the rough treatment you get on this venue hasn't completely beaten the snot outta you..

Ah, little bripat, it's always good to have your thoughtful contributions to adult discussions here.

But, you are wrong in the above assertion.
Yup, some dunderheaded Covid-Truthers conspired to kidnap the Governor.

(ps...emphasis on dunderheaded. Those country-blokes have been losers all their lives. They failed in their attempt to go big time.)

Second, the case was NOT thrown out of court.
In fact, there was a trial.
A couple of the dunderheaded were acquitted.
A couple of the dunderheads were subject to a mistrial.
And may be tried again. Tho I personally doubt it. These losers couldn't organize a barbecue. The DOJ may just decide to let 'em go on their loser way....as long as they don't do something else as stupid as this caper.)

Still, L'il Bripat......it's good you still try hard.
Shows the rough treatment you get on this venue hasn't completely beaten the snot outta you..
So nothing?
Did I say that was election day? Please point out where I said that was election day n be specific!!!
that was the dude's post. What happened on Jan 6 was the result of election day which he stated. You must agree since your point wasn't about election day.
Take you traitors out...that sounds violent

You really are astoundingly stupid.

The fascist democrat party is a nest of traitors. You founded your party on the Trail of Tears. You based it on slavery. You fought a civil war when Republicans made you give up your slaves. You created the KKK/BLM as domestic terrorism. You created Jim Crow to interfere in free and fair elections, you've waged a 3 year Kristalnacht on America. You engaged in a real insurrection, sending your ARMED Brown Shirts to occupy CHAZ/CHOP.

You went too far - you've gone full Hitler and it looks like America is done with you for good.

Decent people - those who are so different than you - hope for this nation, that the shameful Nazi democrats will enter history as the stain on this nation you are, never again to be repeated.
You really are astoundingly stupid.

The fascist democrat party is a nest of traitors. You founded your party on the Trail of Tears. You based it on slavery. You fought a civil war when Republicans made you give up your slaves. You created the KKK/BLM as domestic terrorism. You created Jim Crow to interfere in free and fair elections, you've waged a 3 year Kristalnacht on America. You engaged in a real insurrection, sending your ARMED Brown Shirts to occupy CHAZ/CHOP.

You went too far - you've gone full Hitler and it looks like America is done with you for good.

Decent people - those who are so different than you - hope for this nation, that the shameful Nazi democrats will enter history as the stain on this nation you are, never again to be repeated.

The people who venerate those deplorable Confederate Democrats and Klan members are Southern Conservatives. I'm all for teaching Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were deplorable pieces of shit. How much you want to bet the people who come here to defend them are Republican?

The people who venerate those deplorable Confederate Democrats and Klan members are Southern Conservatives.

Nope - democrats are democrats.

I'm all for teaching Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis were deplorable pieces of shit. How much you want to bet the people who come here to defend them are Republican?

You are uneducated and jaw-droppingly stupid.

How about teaching facts.

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