Oath Keepers: Pro-Trump Militia Plots 'Undercover' Election Sting

Wow, is that like Hillary admitting guilt by deleting emails or saying I don't recall about 30 times. That quote is from your link. Do those writers think before they publish?

The DOJ said Hillary was legally allowed to delete her personal emails - so she did. What's the problem?

DOJ: Hillary Had the Authority to Delete Personal Emails from Server

After the subpoena from Congress? She is as guilty as the day is long.

"No, she's not." - Republican FBI Director and Republican House Committees (7 of them).

When you destroy evidence and leverage the Republican FBI director by your connections to his relatives it is going to be near impossible to prove guilt. But, in the court of public opinion she is guilty, and looks worse everyday thanks to Wikileaks.

All Wikileaks has done is confirm her to essentially be a moderate republican in her Wall Street views. Apart from that, it's done nothing.

And lol @ "leveraging" the FBI director. Again, you guys give the Clintons WAyyyyy too much credit.
FBI Director Let Hillary Off the Hook. Now, We Know Why He Wouldn't Talk About The Clinton Foundation.
I'm thoroughly convinced Vince Foster could show up after being missing for years and you guys would still insist Hillary murdered him. It's just unreal the pathological hate that she seems to generate from right-wing conspiracy nuts.

The right-wing group will be looking out for “busloads” of voters to make sure the election isn’t “stolen.”

WASHINGTON ― The founder of a fringe right-wing group issued a “call to action” this week asking members of the organization to go undercover to watch for voter fraud and voter intimidation at polling places on Election Day.

Stewart Rhodes posted his call to action on the Oath Keepers website this week on “Operation Sabot 2016,” to “help police ensure the free and fair election process is not stolen from the citizens of the United States of America.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Rhodes said Oath Keepers wouldn’t intimidate any voters because they are not going to be wearing any gear that would indicate they are a member of the organization. Rhodes’ post encouraged volunteers not to wear any Oath Keepers gear, and encouraged them to go “incognito,” dressed to “blend in” with the public.

“You won’t even know they’re there,” Rhodes said in the interview. “If someone is just going about their business, have a nice day. But if it looks like they’re doing something illegal, we’re going to record it.”

“The ideal would be to catch somebody ― you know, a carload or a busload or a vanload ― of people going from one polling place to another,” Rhodes said. “That is obviously a smoking gun video we’d like to have, but clearly us being out there is hopefully going to put a damper on those kinds of activities. So if nothing happens, then great, we have a boring day and just walk around and enjoy the outdoors.”

In-person voter fraud in the United States is very rare. Justin Levitt, a former professor at Loyola Law School who now serves as a top voting rights official in the Justice Department, found just 31 credible accusations of voter impersonation fraud out of one billion ballots cast over several elections.

Rhodes’ post encouraged members to dress “to NOT impress” and in a way that would allow them to be “overlooked and forgotten” outside of polling stations. He suggested they wear clothing that would let them fade into their surroundings.

“That may mean wearing a Bob Marley, pot leaf, tie-die peace symbol, or ‘Che’ Guevara T -Shirt, etc. (we have plenty of long-haired, former ‘Hippy’ Vietnam Veterans, for example, who can easily do that), or it may mean wearing working-man Carhartt pants and a plaid shirt,” he wrote. “Dress in whatever manner you think will help you blend in, depending on where you live and your local social environment. But please don’t dress in cammo pants or shirt, like a wanna-be militia member.”

In an Oath Keepers video, Louisiana Oath Keepers State Coordinator Duncan Simmons said they did not want to be viewed as infringing on the rights of voters. “We’re there to document, not to interfere,” Simmons said.

“If you start seeing busloads of people get off at one poll ... just to get off the bus at another poll, report that to your local law enforcement,” Greg McWhirter, identified as a member of the national board of directors, said in the video. He encouraged volunteers to be “friendly” and non-confrontational.

“Also, don’t be armed,” McWhirter added.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Oath Keepers an“extremist” antigovernment group that subscribes to “paranoid conspiracy theories.” Members of the organization were involved in the Cliven Bundy standoff, and also showed up during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of Michael Brown in August 2014. The organization is open to current and former members of the military, law enforcement and first responder organizations.

More: Oath Keepers Founder Says 'Undercover' Poll Watching Effort Won't Intimidate Voters | Huffington Post

It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong...

Like the Black Panthers in Philly in 2008 that Holder never prosecuted?

so...there will only be TWO of them? And if asked to leave, they will quietly? And then people can be afraid of them for years and years and years?
I'm thoroughly convinced Vince Foster could show up after being missing for years and you guys would still insist Hillary murdered him. It's just unreal the pathological hate that she seems to generate from right-wing conspiracy nuts.

Can't you see how tired that is? Do you honestly think that explains anyones problem with Clinton? And what far right conspiracy the one she talked about in the 90's? Try again, if she did not destroy evidence like she has from her first scandal on she would be in jail, if not, certainly not running for president.

So stop with the hate shit and look at the more than valid reasons not to trust her and oppose her presidency.

The right-wing group will be looking out for “busloads” of voters to make sure the election isn’t “stolen.”

WASHINGTON ― The founder of a fringe right-wing group issued a “call to action” this week asking members of the organization to go undercover to watch for voter fraud and voter intimidation at polling places on Election Day.

Stewart Rhodes posted his call to action on the Oath Keepers website this week on “Operation Sabot 2016,” to “help police ensure the free and fair election process is not stolen from the citizens of the United States of America.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Rhodes said Oath Keepers wouldn’t intimidate any voters because they are not going to be wearing any gear that would indicate they are a member of the organization. Rhodes’ post encouraged volunteers not to wear any Oath Keepers gear, and encouraged them to go “incognito,” dressed to “blend in” with the public.

“You won’t even know they’re there,” Rhodes said in the interview. “If someone is just going about their business, have a nice day. But if it looks like they’re doing something illegal, we’re going to record it.”

“The ideal would be to catch somebody ― you know, a carload or a busload or a vanload ― of people going from one polling place to another,” Rhodes said. “That is obviously a smoking gun video we’d like to have, but clearly us being out there is hopefully going to put a damper on those kinds of activities. So if nothing happens, then great, we have a boring day and just walk around and enjoy the outdoors.”

In-person voter fraud in the United States is very rare. Justin Levitt, a former professor at Loyola Law School who now serves as a top voting rights official in the Justice Department, found just 31 credible accusations of voter impersonation fraud out of one billion ballots cast over several elections.

Rhodes’ post encouraged members to dress “to NOT impress” and in a way that would allow them to be “overlooked and forgotten” outside of polling stations. He suggested they wear clothing that would let them fade into their surroundings.

“That may mean wearing a Bob Marley, pot leaf, tie-die peace symbol, or ‘Che’ Guevara T -Shirt, etc. (we have plenty of long-haired, former ‘Hippy’ Vietnam Veterans, for example, who can easily do that), or it may mean wearing working-man Carhartt pants and a plaid shirt,” he wrote. “Dress in whatever manner you think will help you blend in, depending on where you live and your local social environment. But please don’t dress in cammo pants or shirt, like a wanna-be militia member.”

In an Oath Keepers video, Louisiana Oath Keepers State Coordinator Duncan Simmons said they did not want to be viewed as infringing on the rights of voters. “We’re there to document, not to interfere,” Simmons said.

“If you start seeing busloads of people get off at one poll ... just to get off the bus at another poll, report that to your local law enforcement,” Greg McWhirter, identified as a member of the national board of directors, said in the video. He encouraged volunteers to be “friendly” and non-confrontational.

“Also, don’t be armed,” McWhirter added.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Oath Keepers an“extremist” antigovernment group that subscribes to “paranoid conspiracy theories.” Members of the organization were involved in the Cliven Bundy standoff, and also showed up during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of Michael Brown in August 2014. The organization is open to current and former members of the military, law enforcement and first responder organizations.

More: Oath Keepers Founder Says 'Undercover' Poll Watching Effort Won't Intimidate Voters | Huffington Post

It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong...

Boo fuckin hoo... When you're done pissing yourself.... Reread the article. They said unarmed, and nonconfrontational. Unlike your BLM hero's. SPLC is a hate group.

You still have nightmares about those two non-confrontational BLACK guys in 2008, don't you?

The right-wing group will be looking out for “busloads” of voters to make sure the election isn’t “stolen.”

WASHINGTON ― The founder of a fringe right-wing group issued a “call to action” this week asking members of the organization to go undercover to watch for voter fraud and voter intimidation at polling places on Election Day.

Stewart Rhodes posted his call to action on the Oath Keepers website this week on “Operation Sabot 2016,” to “help police ensure the free and fair election process is not stolen from the citizens of the United States of America.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Rhodes said Oath Keepers wouldn’t intimidate any voters because they are not going to be wearing any gear that would indicate they are a member of the organization. Rhodes’ post encouraged volunteers not to wear any Oath Keepers gear, and encouraged them to go “incognito,” dressed to “blend in” with the public.

“You won’t even know they’re there,” Rhodes said in the interview. “If someone is just going about their business, have a nice day. But if it looks like they’re doing something illegal, we’re going to record it.”

“The ideal would be to catch somebody ― you know, a carload or a busload or a vanload ― of people going from one polling place to another,” Rhodes said. “That is obviously a smoking gun video we’d like to have, but clearly us being out there is hopefully going to put a damper on those kinds of activities. So if nothing happens, then great, we have a boring day and just walk around and enjoy the outdoors.”

In-person voter fraud in the United States is very rare. Justin Levitt, a former professor at Loyola Law School who now serves as a top voting rights official in the Justice Department, found just 31 credible accusations of voter impersonation fraud out of one billion ballots cast over several elections.

Rhodes’ post encouraged members to dress “to NOT impress” and in a way that would allow them to be “overlooked and forgotten” outside of polling stations. He suggested they wear clothing that would let them fade into their surroundings.

“That may mean wearing a Bob Marley, pot leaf, tie-die peace symbol, or ‘Che’ Guevara T -Shirt, etc. (we have plenty of long-haired, former ‘Hippy’ Vietnam Veterans, for example, who can easily do that), or it may mean wearing working-man Carhartt pants and a plaid shirt,” he wrote. “Dress in whatever manner you think will help you blend in, depending on where you live and your local social environment. But please don’t dress in cammo pants or shirt, like a wanna-be militia member.”

In an Oath Keepers video, Louisiana Oath Keepers State Coordinator Duncan Simmons said they did not want to be viewed as infringing on the rights of voters. “We’re there to document, not to interfere,” Simmons said.

“If you start seeing busloads of people get off at one poll ... just to get off the bus at another poll, report that to your local law enforcement,” Greg McWhirter, identified as a member of the national board of directors, said in the video. He encouraged volunteers to be “friendly” and non-confrontational.

“Also, don’t be armed,” McWhirter added.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Oath Keepers an“extremist” antigovernment group that subscribes to “paranoid conspiracy theories.” Members of the organization were involved in the Cliven Bundy standoff, and also showed up during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of Michael Brown in August 2014. The organization is open to current and former members of the military, law enforcement and first responder organizations.

More: Oath Keepers Founder Says 'Undercover' Poll Watching Effort Won't Intimidate Voters | Huffington Post

It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong...

Boo fuckin hoo... When you're done pissing yourself.... Reread the article. They said unarmed, and nonconfrontational. Unlike your BLM hero's. SPLC is a hate group.

You still have nightmares about those two non-confrontational BLACK guys in 2008, don't you?

That is why one had a club in his hand. Dumbass.

The right-wing group will be looking out for “busloads” of voters to make sure the election isn’t “stolen.”

WASHINGTON ― The founder of a fringe right-wing group issued a “call to action” this week asking members of the organization to go undercover to watch for voter fraud and voter intimidation at polling places on Election Day.

Stewart Rhodes posted his call to action on the Oath Keepers website this week on “Operation Sabot 2016,” to “help police ensure the free and fair election process is not stolen from the citizens of the United States of America.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Rhodes said Oath Keepers wouldn’t intimidate any voters because they are not going to be wearing any gear that would indicate they are a member of the organization. Rhodes’ post encouraged volunteers not to wear any Oath Keepers gear, and encouraged them to go “incognito,” dressed to “blend in” with the public.

“You won’t even know they’re there,” Rhodes said in the interview. “If someone is just going about their business, have a nice day. But if it looks like they’re doing something illegal, we’re going to record it.”

“The ideal would be to catch somebody ― you know, a carload or a busload or a vanload ― of people going from one polling place to another,” Rhodes said. “That is obviously a smoking gun video we’d like to have, but clearly us being out there is hopefully going to put a damper on those kinds of activities. So if nothing happens, then great, we have a boring day and just walk around and enjoy the outdoors.”

In-person voter fraud in the United States is very rare. Justin Levitt, a former professor at Loyola Law School who now serves as a top voting rights official in the Justice Department, found just 31 credible accusations of voter impersonation fraud out of one billion ballots cast over several elections.

Rhodes’ post encouraged members to dress “to NOT impress” and in a way that would allow them to be “overlooked and forgotten” outside of polling stations. He suggested they wear clothing that would let them fade into their surroundings.

“That may mean wearing a Bob Marley, pot leaf, tie-die peace symbol, or ‘Che’ Guevara T -Shirt, etc. (we have plenty of long-haired, former ‘Hippy’ Vietnam Veterans, for example, who can easily do that), or it may mean wearing working-man Carhartt pants and a plaid shirt,” he wrote. “Dress in whatever manner you think will help you blend in, depending on where you live and your local social environment. But please don’t dress in cammo pants or shirt, like a wanna-be militia member.”

In an Oath Keepers video, Louisiana Oath Keepers State Coordinator Duncan Simmons said they did not want to be viewed as infringing on the rights of voters. “We’re there to document, not to interfere,” Simmons said.

“If you start seeing busloads of people get off at one poll ... just to get off the bus at another poll, report that to your local law enforcement,” Greg McWhirter, identified as a member of the national board of directors, said in the video. He encouraged volunteers to be “friendly” and non-confrontational.

“Also, don’t be armed,” McWhirter added.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Oath Keepers an“extremist” antigovernment group that subscribes to “paranoid conspiracy theories.” Members of the organization were involved in the Cliven Bundy standoff, and also showed up during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of Michael Brown in August 2014. The organization is open to current and former members of the military, law enforcement and first responder organizations.

More: Oath Keepers Founder Says 'Undercover' Poll Watching Effort Won't Intimidate Voters | Huffington Post

It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong...

Boo fuckin hoo... When you're done pissing yourself.... Reread the article. They said unarmed, and nonconfrontational. Unlike your BLM hero's. SPLC is a hate group.

You still have nightmares about those two non-confrontational BLACK guys in 2008, don't you?

Only in your dreams shitskin...
These psychos are dangerous!

No they aren't. They are men who served this country and men who want to keep an eye on things. You are the only one who sees them as dangerous.

Another lamo thread brought to you by Shittingbull the biggest biased hack on the board.

Carry on asshole.

The right-wing group will be looking out for “busloads” of voters to make sure the election isn’t “stolen.”

WASHINGTON ― The founder of a fringe right-wing group issued a “call to action” this week asking members of the organization to go undercover to watch for voter fraud and voter intimidation at polling places on Election Day.

Stewart Rhodes posted his call to action on the Oath Keepers website this week on “Operation Sabot 2016,” to “help police ensure the free and fair election process is not stolen from the citizens of the United States of America.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Rhodes said Oath Keepers wouldn’t intimidate any voters because they are not going to be wearing any gear that would indicate they are a member of the organization. Rhodes’ post encouraged volunteers not to wear any Oath Keepers gear, and encouraged them to go “incognito,” dressed to “blend in” with the public.

“You won’t even know they’re there,” Rhodes said in the interview. “If someone is just going about their business, have a nice day. But if it looks like they’re doing something illegal, we’re going to record it.”

“The ideal would be to catch somebody ― you know, a carload or a busload or a vanload ― of people going from one polling place to another,” Rhodes said. “That is obviously a smoking gun video we’d like to have, but clearly us being out there is hopefully going to put a damper on those kinds of activities. So if nothing happens, then great, we have a boring day and just walk around and enjoy the outdoors.”

In-person voter fraud in the United States is very rare. Justin Levitt, a former professor at Loyola Law School who now serves as a top voting rights official in the Justice Department, found just 31 credible accusations of voter impersonation fraud out of one billion ballots cast over several elections.

Rhodes’ post encouraged members to dress “to NOT impress” and in a way that would allow them to be “overlooked and forgotten” outside of polling stations. He suggested they wear clothing that would let them fade into their surroundings.

“That may mean wearing a Bob Marley, pot leaf, tie-die peace symbol, or ‘Che’ Guevara T -Shirt, etc. (we have plenty of long-haired, former ‘Hippy’ Vietnam Veterans, for example, who can easily do that), or it may mean wearing working-man Carhartt pants and a plaid shirt,” he wrote. “Dress in whatever manner you think will help you blend in, depending on where you live and your local social environment. But please don’t dress in cammo pants or shirt, like a wanna-be militia member.”

In an Oath Keepers video, Louisiana Oath Keepers State Coordinator Duncan Simmons said they did not want to be viewed as infringing on the rights of voters. “We’re there to document, not to interfere,” Simmons said.

“If you start seeing busloads of people get off at one poll ... just to get off the bus at another poll, report that to your local law enforcement,” Greg McWhirter, identified as a member of the national board of directors, said in the video. He encouraged volunteers to be “friendly” and non-confrontational.

“Also, don’t be armed,” McWhirter added.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Oath Keepers an“extremist” antigovernment group that subscribes to “paranoid conspiracy theories.” Members of the organization were involved in the Cliven Bundy standoff, and also showed up during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of Michael Brown in August 2014. The organization is open to current and former members of the military, law enforcement and first responder organizations.

More: Oath Keepers Founder Says 'Undercover' Poll Watching Effort Won't Intimidate Voters | Huffington Post

It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong...

Boo fuckin hoo... When you're done pissing yourself.... Reread the article. They said unarmed, and nonconfrontational. Unlike your BLM hero's. SPLC is a hate group.

You still have nightmares about those two non-confrontational BLACK guys in 2008, don't you?

That is why one had a club in his hand. Dumbass.

So....clubs in one's hand is illegal? Did he branish it at someone?

The right-wing group will be looking out for “busloads” of voters to make sure the election isn’t “stolen.”

WASHINGTON ― The founder of a fringe right-wing group issued a “call to action” this week asking members of the organization to go undercover to watch for voter fraud and voter intimidation at polling places on Election Day.

Stewart Rhodes posted his call to action on the Oath Keepers website this week on “Operation Sabot 2016,” to “help police ensure the free and fair election process is not stolen from the citizens of the United States of America.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Rhodes said Oath Keepers wouldn’t intimidate any voters because they are not going to be wearing any gear that would indicate they are a member of the organization. Rhodes’ post encouraged volunteers not to wear any Oath Keepers gear, and encouraged them to go “incognito,” dressed to “blend in” with the public.

“You won’t even know they’re there,” Rhodes said in the interview. “If someone is just going about their business, have a nice day. But if it looks like they’re doing something illegal, we’re going to record it.”

“The ideal would be to catch somebody ― you know, a carload or a busload or a vanload ― of people going from one polling place to another,” Rhodes said. “That is obviously a smoking gun video we’d like to have, but clearly us being out there is hopefully going to put a damper on those kinds of activities. So if nothing happens, then great, we have a boring day and just walk around and enjoy the outdoors.”

In-person voter fraud in the United States is very rare. Justin Levitt, a former professor at Loyola Law School who now serves as a top voting rights official in the Justice Department, found just 31 credible accusations of voter impersonation fraud out of one billion ballots cast over several elections.

Rhodes’ post encouraged members to dress “to NOT impress” and in a way that would allow them to be “overlooked and forgotten” outside of polling stations. He suggested they wear clothing that would let them fade into their surroundings.

“That may mean wearing a Bob Marley, pot leaf, tie-die peace symbol, or ‘Che’ Guevara T -Shirt, etc. (we have plenty of long-haired, former ‘Hippy’ Vietnam Veterans, for example, who can easily do that), or it may mean wearing working-man Carhartt pants and a plaid shirt,” he wrote. “Dress in whatever manner you think will help you blend in, depending on where you live and your local social environment. But please don’t dress in cammo pants or shirt, like a wanna-be militia member.”

In an Oath Keepers video, Louisiana Oath Keepers State Coordinator Duncan Simmons said they did not want to be viewed as infringing on the rights of voters. “We’re there to document, not to interfere,” Simmons said.

“If you start seeing busloads of people get off at one poll ... just to get off the bus at another poll, report that to your local law enforcement,” Greg McWhirter, identified as a member of the national board of directors, said in the video. He encouraged volunteers to be “friendly” and non-confrontational.

“Also, don’t be armed,” McWhirter added.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Oath Keepers an“extremist” antigovernment group that subscribes to “paranoid conspiracy theories.” Members of the organization were involved in the Cliven Bundy standoff, and also showed up during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of Michael Brown in August 2014. The organization is open to current and former members of the military, law enforcement and first responder organizations.

More: Oath Keepers Founder Says 'Undercover' Poll Watching Effort Won't Intimidate Voters | Huffington Post

It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong...

Boo fuckin hoo... When you're done pissing yourself.... Reread the article. They said unarmed, and nonconfrontational. Unlike your BLM hero's. SPLC is a hate group.

You still have nightmares about those two non-confrontational BLACK guys in 2008, don't you?

Only in your dreams shitskin...

You're still terrified. You are.

The right-wing group will be looking out for “busloads” of voters to make sure the election isn’t “stolen.”

WASHINGTON ― The founder of a fringe right-wing group issued a “call to action” this week asking members of the organization to go undercover to watch for voter fraud and voter intimidation at polling places on Election Day.

Stewart Rhodes posted his call to action on the Oath Keepers website this week on “Operation Sabot 2016,” to “help police ensure the free and fair election process is not stolen from the citizens of the United States of America.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Rhodes said Oath Keepers wouldn’t intimidate any voters because they are not going to be wearing any gear that would indicate they are a member of the organization. Rhodes’ post encouraged volunteers not to wear any Oath Keepers gear, and encouraged them to go “incognito,” dressed to “blend in” with the public.

“You won’t even know they’re there,” Rhodes said in the interview. “If someone is just going about their business, have a nice day. But if it looks like they’re doing something illegal, we’re going to record it.”

“The ideal would be to catch somebody ― you know, a carload or a busload or a vanload ― of people going from one polling place to another,” Rhodes said. “That is obviously a smoking gun video we’d like to have, but clearly us being out there is hopefully going to put a damper on those kinds of activities. So if nothing happens, then great, we have a boring day and just walk around and enjoy the outdoors.”

In-person voter fraud in the United States is very rare. Justin Levitt, a former professor at Loyola Law School who now serves as a top voting rights official in the Justice Department, found just 31 credible accusations of voter impersonation fraud out of one billion ballots cast over several elections.

Rhodes’ post encouraged members to dress “to NOT impress” and in a way that would allow them to be “overlooked and forgotten” outside of polling stations. He suggested they wear clothing that would let them fade into their surroundings.

“That may mean wearing a Bob Marley, pot leaf, tie-die peace symbol, or ‘Che’ Guevara T -Shirt, etc. (we have plenty of long-haired, former ‘Hippy’ Vietnam Veterans, for example, who can easily do that), or it may mean wearing working-man Carhartt pants and a plaid shirt,” he wrote. “Dress in whatever manner you think will help you blend in, depending on where you live and your local social environment. But please don’t dress in cammo pants or shirt, like a wanna-be militia member.”

In an Oath Keepers video, Louisiana Oath Keepers State Coordinator Duncan Simmons said they did not want to be viewed as infringing on the rights of voters. “We’re there to document, not to interfere,” Simmons said.

“If you start seeing busloads of people get off at one poll ... just to get off the bus at another poll, report that to your local law enforcement,” Greg McWhirter, identified as a member of the national board of directors, said in the video. He encouraged volunteers to be “friendly” and non-confrontational.

“Also, don’t be armed,” McWhirter added.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Oath Keepers an“extremist” antigovernment group that subscribes to “paranoid conspiracy theories.” Members of the organization were involved in the Cliven Bundy standoff, and also showed up during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of Michael Brown in August 2014. The organization is open to current and former members of the military, law enforcement and first responder organizations.

More: Oath Keepers Founder Says 'Undercover' Poll Watching Effort Won't Intimidate Voters | Huffington Post

It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong...

Boo fuckin hoo... When you're done pissing yourself.... Reread the article. They said unarmed, and nonconfrontational. Unlike your BLM hero's. SPLC is a hate group.

You still have nightmares about those two non-confrontational BLACK guys in 2008, don't you?

That is why one had a club in his hand. Dumbass.

So....clubs in one's hand is illegal? Did he branish it at someone?

First of all what the hell is branish?
And second, you'd have to be a complete moron or an extreme partisan hack to try and pretend standing in front of a polling place with clubs is anything but illegal.
So are you a moron or a hack?
"It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong..."

So now there's something "extreme" about being alert for violations of the law? Are you a criminal sympathizer? I appreciate their efforts and will aid them if I can.

The right-wing group will be looking out for “busloads” of voters to make sure the election isn’t “stolen.”

WASHINGTON ― The founder of a fringe right-wing group issued a “call to action” this week asking members of the organization to go undercover to watch for voter fraud and voter intimidation at polling places on Election Day.

Stewart Rhodes posted his call to action on the Oath Keepers website this week on “Operation Sabot 2016,” to “help police ensure the free and fair election process is not stolen from the citizens of the United States of America.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Rhodes said Oath Keepers wouldn’t intimidate any voters because they are not going to be wearing any gear that would indicate they are a member of the organization. Rhodes’ post encouraged volunteers not to wear any Oath Keepers gear, and encouraged them to go “incognito,” dressed to “blend in” with the public.

“You won’t even know they’re there,” Rhodes said in the interview. “If someone is just going about their business, have a nice day. But if it looks like they’re doing something illegal, we’re going to record it.”

“The ideal would be to catch somebody ― you know, a carload or a busload or a vanload ― of people going from one polling place to another,” Rhodes said. “That is obviously a smoking gun video we’d like to have, but clearly us being out there is hopefully going to put a damper on those kinds of activities. So if nothing happens, then great, we have a boring day and just walk around and enjoy the outdoors.”

In-person voter fraud in the United States is very rare. Justin Levitt, a former professor at Loyola Law School who now serves as a top voting rights official in the Justice Department, found just 31 credible accusations of voter impersonation fraud out of one billion ballots cast over several elections.

Rhodes’ post encouraged members to dress “to NOT impress” and in a way that would allow them to be “overlooked and forgotten” outside of polling stations. He suggested they wear clothing that would let them fade into their surroundings.

“That may mean wearing a Bob Marley, pot leaf, tie-die peace symbol, or ‘Che’ Guevara T -Shirt, etc. (we have plenty of long-haired, former ‘Hippy’ Vietnam Veterans, for example, who can easily do that), or it may mean wearing working-man Carhartt pants and a plaid shirt,” he wrote. “Dress in whatever manner you think will help you blend in, depending on where you live and your local social environment. But please don’t dress in cammo pants or shirt, like a wanna-be militia member.”

In an Oath Keepers video, Louisiana Oath Keepers State Coordinator Duncan Simmons said they did not want to be viewed as infringing on the rights of voters. “We’re there to document, not to interfere,” Simmons said.

“If you start seeing busloads of people get off at one poll ... just to get off the bus at another poll, report that to your local law enforcement,” Greg McWhirter, identified as a member of the national board of directors, said in the video. He encouraged volunteers to be “friendly” and non-confrontational.

“Also, don’t be armed,” McWhirter added.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Oath Keepers an“extremist” antigovernment group that subscribes to “paranoid conspiracy theories.” Members of the organization were involved in the Cliven Bundy standoff, and also showed up during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of Michael Brown in August 2014. The organization is open to current and former members of the military, law enforcement and first responder organizations.

More: Oath Keepers Founder Says 'Undercover' Poll Watching Effort Won't Intimidate Voters | Huffington Post

It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong...

Boo fuckin hoo... When you're done pissing yourself.... Reread the article. They said unarmed, and nonconfrontational. Unlike your BLM hero's. SPLC is a hate group.

You still have nightmares about those two non-confrontational BLACK guys in 2008, don't you?

That is why one had a club in his hand. Dumbass.

So....clubs in one's hand is illegal? Did he branish it at someone?

From the OP:

Rhodes told HuffPost that their operation was inspired by an undercover video published by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas. A video put out by the organization earlier this month features a Democratic operative talking theoretically about how a voter fraud operation might work. That video was a “smoking gun,” Rhodes said.
So they knew the 2020 election was rigged and they were ready to revolt even before the 2016 election? Interesting.

Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes gathered around a phone with other extremists at the Phoenix Park Hotel in Washington, D.C., to see if they could speak directly with then-President Donald Trump, court documents say.
The identity of the person Rhodes called is not specified, but appears to have had access to Trump, as the person was able to deny Rhodes’ request to speak directly with the president.

How closely has Trump been working with this group and for how long?
"It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong..."

So now there's something "extreme" about being alert for violations of the law? Are you a criminal sympathizer? I appreciate their efforts and will aid them if I can.
And if they would have lost 2016, they would have stormed the Capitol and claimed the election was rigged. But because Trump won, they stood down.
Are we? Do we try to steal elections like Trump and his Oath Keepers?
I wonder what oath you think Oath Keepers are proud to keep? All high level politicians swear the same one including the alleged current president.
I wonder what oath you think Oath Keepers are proud to keep? All high level politicians swear the same one including the alleged current president.
The Oath Keepers are nuts. They have a perverted understanding of what America is and the constitution.

Just remember, what Ron Paul thinks is unconstitutional is not the same as what Trump believes. Or Hillary. Hell, even Hillary and Obama would argue what is and isn't constitutional.

Give you a great example. You guys believe abortion is murder. We don't. So you would translate life liberty and the pursuit of happiness differently than us.

The right-wing group will be looking out for “busloads” of voters to make sure the election isn’t “stolen.”

WASHINGTON ― The founder of a fringe right-wing group issued a “call to action” this week asking members of the organization to go undercover to watch for voter fraud and voter intimidation at polling places on Election Day.

Stewart Rhodes posted his call to action on the Oath Keepers website this week on “Operation Sabot 2016,” to “help police ensure the free and fair election process is not stolen from the citizens of the United States of America.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Rhodes said Oath Keepers wouldn’t intimidate any voters because they are not going to be wearing any gear that would indicate they are a member of the organization. Rhodes’ post encouraged volunteers not to wear any Oath Keepers gear, and encouraged them to go “incognito,” dressed to “blend in” with the public.

“You won’t even know they’re there,” Rhodes said in the interview. “If someone is just going about their business, have a nice day. But if it looks like they’re doing something illegal, we’re going to record it.”

“The ideal would be to catch somebody ― you know, a carload or a busload or a vanload ― of people going from one polling place to another,” Rhodes said. “That is obviously a smoking gun video we’d like to have, but clearly us being out there is hopefully going to put a damper on those kinds of activities. So if nothing happens, then great, we have a boring day and just walk around and enjoy the outdoors.”

In-person voter fraud in the United States is very rare. Justin Levitt, a former professor at Loyola Law School who now serves as a top voting rights official in the Justice Department, found just 31 credible accusations of voter impersonation fraud out of one billion ballots cast over several elections.

Rhodes’ post encouraged members to dress “to NOT impress” and in a way that would allow them to be “overlooked and forgotten” outside of polling stations. He suggested they wear clothing that would let them fade into their surroundings.

“That may mean wearing a Bob Marley, pot leaf, tie-die peace symbol, or ‘Che’ Guevara T -Shirt, etc. (we have plenty of long-haired, former ‘Hippy’ Vietnam Veterans, for example, who can easily do that), or it may mean wearing working-man Carhartt pants and a plaid shirt,” he wrote. “Dress in whatever manner you think will help you blend in, depending on where you live and your local social environment. But please don’t dress in cammo pants or shirt, like a wanna-be militia member.”

In an Oath Keepers video, Louisiana Oath Keepers State Coordinator Duncan Simmons said they did not want to be viewed as infringing on the rights of voters. “We’re there to document, not to interfere,” Simmons said.

“If you start seeing busloads of people get off at one poll ... just to get off the bus at another poll, report that to your local law enforcement,” Greg McWhirter, identified as a member of the national board of directors, said in the video. He encouraged volunteers to be “friendly” and non-confrontational.

“Also, don’t be armed,” McWhirter added.

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers the Oath Keepers an“extremist” antigovernment group that subscribes to “paranoid conspiracy theories.” Members of the organization were involved in the Cliven Bundy standoff, and also showed up during the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of Michael Brown in August 2014. The organization is open to current and former members of the military, law enforcement and first responder organizations.

More: Oath Keepers Founder Says 'Undercover' Poll Watching Effort Won't Intimidate Voters | Huffington Post

It's scary that a pack of homegrown extremists will be stalking polling stations. Reminds me of Hitler's undercover SS agents. What could possibly go wrong...

Many senior facilities take residents to vote in buses.

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