Obama 1998--speech--"I actually believe in redistribution"--aka Socialism

And oh my God! These parasites of the right pay no taxes or very little also, but let the RWer's beat up on old people, the poor and the crippled. typical hate from the right.

One problem with the Republican theory is that many big corporations actually pay little, if any, federal income tax. For example, The New York Times has reported that General Electric, the sixth-largest corporation in the United States, earned $14.2 billion in 2010, but disclosed in federal filings that it had no federal tax liability.

Bruce Bartlett: Some Big Corporations Don't Pay Taxes, Either - NYTimes.com

The lazy parasite come in Right and Left alike. Left poor do not have dibs on welfare. And poor people vote right and left.:eusa_hand: Romney just don't give a fuck if they are right or left, he just hate poor people.
If the wealth is not redistributed, the have nots will take what the haves have by force. And there will be no government to help you because the have has dismantled law enforcement. If the poor don't eat, no one eats.

Thanks for this really well thought out response.

And oh my God! These parasites of the right pay no taxes or very little also, but let the RWer's beat up on old people, the poor and the crippled. typical hate from the right.

One problem with the Republican theory is that many big corporations actually pay little, if any, federal income tax. For example, The New York Times has reported that General Electric, the sixth-largest corporation in the United States, earned $14.2 billion in 2010, but disclosed in federal filings that it had no federal tax liability.

Bruce Bartlett: Some Big Corporations Don't Pay Taxes, Either - NYTimes.com

The lazy parasite come in Right and Left alike. Left poor do not have dibs on welfare. And poor people vote right and left.:eusa_hand: Romney just don't give a fuck if they are right or left, he just hate poor people.

It is like this, Romney has a heart but it is for Mormons and rich folk, anybody else is fodder for the fire.
Here is a youtube video of an Obama speech where he actually states "I actually believe in redistribution."

This is nothing new. Every thinking person knows this is what Obama has always believed and that includes his supporters as well.
it would be nice if billionaires could pay a little more than min wage, but you know how it is when you is rich poor folk.
these days, whenever I see some rightie using the word "socialism", I just automatically assume that they are using it solely as an epithet and that they really have no idea what the word actually means. This thread supports that assumption.
These bums are the rights most hated in society.But you RWer's would gladly go down on the spot to these people cause they is rich. get them lips ready.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Nobody's really talking about this slice of the pie, but Mitt Romney's "47%" who pay no federal income tax include several thousand of the highest-income households in the country.

The Tax Policy Center estimates that 4,000 households with incomes over $1 million ended up with zero federal income tax liability in 2011. Another 14,000 made between $500,000 and $1 million.

4,000 of the richest in Romney's '47%' - Sep. 18, 2012

That's in the OP. All you had to do was stop frothing long enough to read and you wouldn't have wasted your time.

Typical lefty.. always a short cut.
Well hell. If Barry wants to redistribute his wealth I'm sure there are loads out there who will take it.

Problem is he wants to redistribute everyones wealth whether they want to contribute or not.

Doesn't matter if your a non producer you certainly deserve someone elses hard earned money.

Social Justice and all.

Of course thats the liberal slant on things. We should all be just overjoyed to share our hard earned dollars with the poor and downtrodden.

The "evil" rich should be doing handsprings to support the whole country.

Of course if there were no rich the middle class would be carrying the load.

The poor pay for nothing now and will continue to pay for nothing.

Better hope that 49% doesn't turn into 50, 55 or 60%.
These bums are the rights most hated in society.But you RWer's would gladly go down on the spot to these people cause they is rich. get them lips ready.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Nobody's really talking about this slice of the pie, but Mitt Romney's "47%" who pay no federal income tax include several thousand of the highest-income households in the country.

The Tax Policy Center estimates that 4,000 households with incomes over $1 million ended up with zero federal income tax liability in 2011. Another 14,000 made between $500,000 and $1 million.

4,000 of the richest in Romney's '47%' - Sep. 18, 2012

The bigger question is..

Why do so many Americans work their asses off..but do not make enough to pay federal taxes..

While other Americans do absolutely nothing..but draw incomes on the basis of the families they were born into..and have more power politically then most of the country.

Gotta love it.

The new aristocracy.
The left would be up in arms and screaming about the economy if a Republican was doing what Obama has done to us.
A downgrade from triple A to double A-
Groceries up 24 to 22%
Utilities and rent has gone up
Gas has gone up 83%
We were number one in the global economy in 2009, was downgrade to # 7 after QE 1 and 2.
Now we are 10th thanks to QE3 and Obama will not fire Bernanke.
Unemployed still at all time high.
And the people of this country still want to re-elect him?
It this was a Republican President the left would be screaming about this.
Here is a youtube video of an Obama speech where he actually states "I actually believe in redistribution."

Obama In 1998: "I Actually Believe In Redistribution"

Now it all makes sense--tax the RICH--while campaigning on not raising taxes on the 47% that pay no federal income taxes anyway.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Most people think they pay too much to Uncle Sam, but for some people it simply is not true.

In 2009, roughly 47% of households, or 71 million, will not owe any federal income tax, according to estimates by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

Some in that group will even get additional money from the government because they qualify for refundable tax breaks.

The ranks of those whose major federal tax burdens net out at zero -- or less -- is on the rise. The center's original 2009 estimate was 38%. That was before enactment in February of the $787 billion economic recovery package, which included a host of new or expanded tax breaks.

The issue doesn't get a lot of attention even as lawmakers debate how to pay for policy initiatives like health reform, whether to extend the Bush tax cuts and how to reduce the deficit.

The vast majority of households making up to $30,000 fall into the category, as do nearly half of all households making between $30,000 and $40,000.

As you move up the income scale the percentages drop.

Nearly 22% of those making between $50,000 and $75,000 end up with no federal income tax liability or negative liability as do 9% of households with incomes between $75,000 and $100,000.

Of course, income taxes don't tell the whole story. Workers are also subject to payroll taxes, which support Social Security and Medicare.

When considering federal income taxes in combination with payroll taxes, the percent of households with a net liability of zero or less is estimated to be 24% this year, according to the Tax Policy Center's estimates.

A key reason why there is a zero-liability group at all is because the U.S. tax system is progressive. Those who bring in more money pay more than those lower down the income scale to support government functions such as national defense and social safety nets like Medicaid for those in need. That progressivity can be dialed up or down.

"Some think it's too progressive. Some don't think it's progressive enough," said Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the center.

President Obama falls into the latter camp. He has proposed increasing the income tax burden on families making more than $250,000 and individuals making more than $200,000, while offering new measures to reduce the tax bite for most Americans making less.

One of Obama's proposals is to extend the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts for everyone except high-income tax filers, which was the group that derived the most benefit from those cuts.

As a result, under Obama's budget, he would keep the ranks of the non-payers higher than they would otherwise be.
47% of households owe no tax - and their ranks are growing - Sep. 30, 2009


47% of households owe no tax - and their ranks are growing - Sep. 30, 2009


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama

I agree with Obama. Let's distribute the white folks' money.

Thanks for being an honest racist.
These bums are the rights most hated in society.But you RWer's would gladly go down on the spot to these people cause they is rich. get them lips ready.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Nobody's really talking about this slice of the pie, but Mitt Romney's "47%" who pay no federal income tax include several thousand of the highest-income households in the country.

The Tax Policy Center estimates that 4,000 households with incomes over $1 million ended up with zero federal income tax liability in 2011. Another 14,000 made between $500,000 and $1 million.

4,000 of the richest in Romney's '47%' - Sep. 18, 2012

The bigger question is..

Why do so many Americans work their asses off..but do not make enough to pay federal taxes..

While other Americans do absolutely nothing..but draw incomes on the basis of the families they were born into..and have more power politically then most of the country.

Gotta love it.

The new aristocracy.

Really? those of us who pay taxes do so because of the family we were born into?

It's no wonder you have obummers dick up your ass so far, you think just like him.l
If the wealth is not redistributed, the have nots will take what the haves have by force. And there will be no government to help you because the have has dismantled law enforcement. If the poor don't eat, no one eats.

Wow... You just insulted 47% of Americans and didn't even blink. Shameless.
It is the sacred job of a Constitutionally limited government to take from the haves and redistribute the wealth to the less well off.

It's right there in the Penumbra Clause.
If the wealth is not redistributed, the have nots will take what the haves have by force. And there will be no government to help you because the have has dismantled law enforcement. If the poor don't eat, no one eats.

Let us suppose that we wake up one morning to find that ALL the wealth on the Earth has been totally equally distributed among all the people of the Earth.

It is a safe bet that within five years, those who had been poor will be poor again and those who had been rich will be rich again.

Only in the make-believe liberal fairy-land are all people equal.
Socialism is the best and most just system in the world.

Until you run out of someone else's money.

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