Obama 37% poll.. is HIS fault alone even though MSM been his biggest supporters...

Obama is at 37%, the TPM about half of that.

Once we cut the TPM lose from the GOP, we can do more than just compete.
Unlike GWB who had this rating primarily because the MSM daily bashing of Bush contributed to his ratings, OBAMA has achieved this lowest rating all by himself!
When you had this editor of NewsWeek saying:

"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure,
there is a liberal bias. There is a liberal bias at Newsweek, the magazine I work for -most of the people who work at Newsweek live on the upper West Side in New York and they have a liberal bias"...Editor Newsweek Evan Thomas

Further proof Obama's polling decline was not the product like Bush's decline to the MSM bashing again..

Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But what about Obama ... any bashing here???
COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

And then to further prove MSM has NOT bashed Obama as they did Bush...

1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
An average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to GOP candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
An average Democrat contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

So in summary.. Bush was BASHED mercilessly by the MSM... Obama? He's a god!
Democrat news execs,personalities etc.. donated 85% to Obama/Demos... think they would then TEAR down the guy they gave money to???

NO we are seeing the complete failure of Obama and all his programs BECAUSE they were stupid in the first place!
Even today Obama blaming GOP "because I met with an awful lot of Republicans to try to get them to go along -- but because there was just ideological resistance to the idea of dealing with the uninsured and people with preexisting conditions."
Obama: Republicans Making It Difficult To Fix Obamacare Glitches | RealClearPolitics

AND HE HAS NO concept of why this "dealing with uninsured" and "preexisting conditions" was opposed!
STUPID for the reason there NEVER were 46 million uninsured when 10 million not citizens, 14 million already qualify for Medicaid and 18 million that DON"T WANT
or need as they are under 34 and make over $50k a year! So this gigantic fraud that exaggerated by nearly 1,000% the true 4 million that need and want
insurance is NOW coming back to in lower opinion of Obama!

Then the idiocy of ignoring "pre-existing conditions" just totally against insurance principles and consequently all that can happen is the cost EXPLODES!

Hmm, what are those GOP approval numbers again?

Congressional or across the board? Both side of the aisle in Congress have dismal records. There are more Republican governors and legislatures than Dems in the 50 states.
Wonder if blitzer will harp on obama's numbers like he did bushe's. Maybe if the msdia will quit praising obama for making a showing with clinton at the jfk's memorials?
Yeah he was busy giving a blow by blow description of Clinton's and Obama's travels to the memorial. He had no time to mourn for his messiah's low numbers.

Yeah the best they can do is say well bushe's numbers were 2 points lower at the sametimein his second term. They forget to mention it took them over 4 years of negative reporting to get bush there. If obama got the same treatment, he wouldn't qaulify as a dog walker for bush. Like the op said, obama did it all on his own, but he still tries to blame bush. Unbelievable!
With Barack Obama ALWAYS keep in mind 'Slick Willie's' acknowledgement that "Barack Obama is luckier than a dog with two dicks"

Both the NYT and the George Soros funded mediamatters website have instituted round the clock overtime shifts in an effort to correct Comrade Barack's current sagging popularity and approval ratings. Its interesting, though, that a mediamatters subsidiary, The Herndon Group, was the author of that snappy catchphrase statement Comrade Barack's political advisors insisted on using to present a distinctly clear and uncluttered message to the American people about Obamacare "If you like your present healthcare plan, you can keep it! Period!" which now seems to be the root cause of most of Mr Obama's troubles. I'm sure Mr Soros won't mind the extra expense of correcting the president's current downturn in approval. Mr Soros was only worth some eleven billion dollars when Comrade Commisar Barack took office. Mr Soros's net worth after five years of the Obama presidency is currently some nineteen billion dollars, indicating its not what you really know, all the time, but it sometimes depends on who you know.

Ahh the old "not as much" cry. The MSM are talking about the failed ACA rollout..but but but "Not as much" as they did with Bush.

The sun is shining but "Not as much" as yesterday.

That smells but "not as much" as that other thing.

"Not as much" is where Repubs like to live because "not as much" cannot be measured. The MSM was talking about Bush because he sucked and Obama sucks but "not as much"
One thing for sure is Obama's 37% approval rating is far worse than Bush's 36% approval rating was. It is quite entertaining to watch the media pacify their, and their kool-aid drinkers fragile eggshell minds by bringing up Bush. The problem is, the Democrat party's propaganda machine, the mainstream media, they relentlessly trashed Bush and would find the slightest things to brutally attack him on. This same media which circles the wagons around anyone with a "D" in front of their name, promotes and defends the Democrat party agenda and all Democrat....even with all the throne sniffers and rump swabs in the media, people have seen through the media's defense shield of Obama and Democrats.

This is why it's much worse for Obama, the Democrats rely on the media to destroy the Republican Party and be there for the Democrat party. Even with the media in their corner, Americans have woken up to Obama and the Democrats.

Obama is at 37%, the TPM about half of that.

Once we cut the TPM lose from the GOP, we can do more than just compete.

We? Jake, don't you get tired of lying about being a Republican? Your act is old, none of the real Republicans in this forum believe your act. They know you are a communist mole whose goal is to make communism look mainstream in the Republican Party and to make anyone to the right of Karl Marx look like extremists. You're not fooling anyone Jake. If you are a Republican, then Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are top leaders in the TEA Party movement.
Hey, if you want to be a hypocrite that's your business.
How am I a hypocrite Billy-Bub? Elaborate or shut up.

By saying you don't care their approval ratings were lower yet glorifying in Obama's numbers.
What part did you not understand?

You tout 47% for Democrats, but fail to include the fact that the poll is likely made up of 100% democrats AND that the media does little if anything to point out the most miniscule problems plaguing that party; yet they manage to get only 47%, while....

The GOP gets low 20% in a poll that consists of nearly 100% democrats with a media that day in and day out bash them without let up. All of this while you probably lament FoxNews spending every day attacking the Un-Affordable Healthcare Act as unreasonable.

Then you want to come in here and brag that Obama's numbers are better than the GOP's given that the full effort to hide the worst of Obama's policy by the media and is somehow proof that the American people prefer Obama to the GOP.

One has to only look at the distortion of the Continuing Resolution debate and the slow down of government as proof.

I'd say get a grip, but I fear this is probably your best hold on reality. Which is sad really.
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Just think this could be the end of the liberal media! The sweet part is they supported it! Lol
Hey, if you want to be a hypocrite that's your business.
How am I a hypocrite Billy-Bub? Elaborate or shut up.

By saying you don't care their approval ratings were lower yet glorifying in Obama's numbers.

Yet here you are defending Obama's numbers. Do you not realize you're the hypocrite you've accused Mr. T of being? You no doubt reveled in Bush's low approval numbers, but somehow Obama's, well, those who disapprove must all be racist. All 63% of them.

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