Obama a marxist.

That's communism.


Socialism (called social democracy so US RWers' heads don't explode) is always democratic,


REGULATES production to protect the public, may socialize some necessities.

Franco, you're dumb as a stone, but at least....

Wait, there is no "at least."

Carry on.

Yeah, I got a kick out of that as well. Whenever these socialists start giving details about their conception of Utopia, I fall all over myself laughing.
Yes, Nazis were into the occult. The Swastika is a religious symbol from India.

Don't you liberal turds know anything?

What part of they were backed by the vatican..don'cha get?

Please quote the document or speech where the Vatican endorsed the Nazi agenda.

History ain't your thing, eh?

The Reichskonkordat is a treaty that was agreed between the Holy See and Nazi government, that guarantees the rights of the Catholic Church in Germany. It was signed on July 20, 1933 by Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli (who later became Pope Pius XII) and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of Pope Pius XI and President Paul von Hindenburg respectively. The Holy See reported many violations of the agreement which began soon after it was ratified and culminated in the issuing of the papal encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge in early 1937. The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several concordats agreed between various states and the Vatican during the reign of Pope Pius XI and is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust.
Reichskonkordat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Least you are not a Nazi. You want the US to become a Kingdom.

That's different. :D
Oh... Doctors should be well compensated..

You won't put them in prison if they show up to the clinic?

I guess that is a sort of compensation...

didn't say or even imply that... so should nurses and CNA's. The problem is the institutions themselves. they should be non-profit and yes.... government subsidized.

What do you figure, $50K for a doctor? That's plenty, they need to "serve humanity" not get rich, right?

Yeah... Chivarillo(sp?)... was the piece of shit judge and part owner of the facility.

There are crooks everywhere. A taco stand in my city (Los Angeles) was recently busted for hunting stray dogs and using them for meat. (Carne de pero, MAGNIFICO!)

And I actually AGREE with you on the prison for Children thing. But all "for profit" Prisons make their money by keeping their beds full.

The only way that can happen is if corrupt judges are involved.

That, in turn makes for the potential of Harsher Prison Sentences for Non-violent crimes(like the war on Drugs) and paying off judges like Chivarillo. Are the judges culpable? Of course... but the temptors are just as, if not more culpable.

The crooks running the prison don't have the power to lock people up, only judges have the public trust to do so. It isn't even close.

When you give the state power to fuck with people, then people get hurt. This is something the left never seems to grasp.

EDIT: as far as the start of my post? Fuck ya if ya can't take a joke.

Um, okay..

What part of they were backed by the vatican..don'cha get?

Please quote the document or speech where the Vatican endorsed the Nazi agenda.

History ain't your thing, eh?

The Reichskonkordat is a treaty that was agreed between the Holy See and Nazi government, that guarantees the rights of the Catholic Church in Germany. It was signed on July 20, 1933 by Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli (who later became Pope Pius XII) and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of Pope Pius XI and President Paul von Hindenburg respectively. The Holy See reported many violations of the agreement which began soon after it was ratified and culminated in the issuing of the papal encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge in early 1937. The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several concordats agreed between various states and the Vatican during the reign of Pope Pius XI and is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust.
Reichskonkordat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Least you are not a Nazi. You want the US to become a Kingdom.

That's different. :D

I don't see anything where the Vatican endorses the Nazi agenda. It signed an agreement to protect Catholics, which is an entirely different thing. Neville Chamberlain signed an agreement with the Nazis that fed Czechoslovakia to the wolves.

Also, I'm not a monarchist, but I do believe monarchy is superior to democracy. The fact that you can vote is the most damning indictment of democracy imaginable.

A monarchy may have an interest in taking some of the money I earn, but only for its own use, and it has no interest in destroying me. The scumbags who are in power under democracy, on the other hand, will squeeze me as much as the mob demands it. Since they have no vested interest in preserving me as a productive enterprise, they are perfectly happy to destroy whole classes of people. There is no creature more despicable than a politician under democracy.
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Ah..so you are saying that didn't happen?

I'm saying that you're not nearly as clever as you think. Pious XII was a pig, but your claim that the Catholic Church endorsed the Nazi Reich is false, as you well know.

Sanitatizing history again..are ya?

I leave the distortions to you, I'm not moving in on your turf.

That's just so Nazi..man. :D

Please quote the document or speech where the Vatican endorsed the Nazi agenda.

History ain't your thing, eh?

The Reichskonkordat is a treaty that was agreed between the Holy See and Nazi government, that guarantees the rights of the Catholic Church in Germany. It was signed on July 20, 1933 by Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli (who later became Pope Pius XII) and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of Pope Pius XI and President Paul von Hindenburg respectively. The Holy See reported many violations of the agreement which began soon after it was ratified and culminated in the issuing of the papal encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge in early 1937. The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several concordats agreed between various states and the Vatican during the reign of Pope Pius XI and is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust.
Reichskonkordat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Least you are not a Nazi. You want the US to become a Kingdom.

That's different. :D

I don't see anything where the Vatican endorses the Nazi agenda. It signed an agreement to protect Catholics, which is an entirely different thing. Neville Chamberlain signed an agreement with the Nazis that fed Czechoslovakia to the wolves.

Also, I'm not a monarchist, but I do believe monarchy is superior to democracy. The fact that you can vote is the most damning indictment of democracy imaginable.


Most of the hands..killing Jews in Germany..were Christian.
Oh... Doctors should be well compensated..

You won't put them in prison if they show up to the clinic?

I guess that is a sort of compensation...

didn't say or even imply that... so should nurses and CNA's. The problem is the institutions themselves. they should be non-profit and yes.... government subsidized.

What do you figure, $50K for a doctor? That's plenty, they need to "serve humanity" not get rich, right?

There are crooks everywhere. A taco stand in my city (Los Angeles) was recently busted for hunting stray dogs and using them for meat. (Carne de pero, MAGNIFICO!)

The only way that can happen is if corrupt judges are involved.

That, in turn makes for the potential of Harsher Prison Sentences for Non-violent crimes(like the war on Drugs) and paying off judges like Chivarillo. Are the judges culpable? Of course... but the temptors are just as, if not more culpable.

The crooks running the prison don't have the power to lock people up, only judges have the public trust to do so. It isn't even close.

When you give the state power to fuck with people, then people get hurt. This is something the left never seems to grasp.

EDIT: as far as the start of my post? Fuck ya if ya can't take a joke.

Um, okay..


There is no way we are going to agree... you aren't changing my mind, and I ain't changing yours. You go to extremes with this shit.. $50K for a doctor.... $50k for an RN is more like it, and that's kind of lowball. Anytime you do anything for profit...the powers that be try to lowball the consumer and their employees... they oh, let's see... find dubious reasons for not covering a patient or drop them if they get sick(in the case of health Insurance). They Run superfluous tests to run up the bill(in the case of Medical institutions and also charge outrageous prices for the least of services(like the $20 tylenol... as one really small example).

But yeah.. keep on thinking there's nothing wrong.
Ah..so you are saying that didn't happen?

I'm saying that you're not nearly as clever as you think. Pious XII was a pig, but your claim that the Catholic Church endorsed the Nazi Reich is false, as you well know.

Sanitatizing history again..are ya?

I leave the distortions to you, I'm not moving in on your turf.

That's just so Nazi..man. :D



Pope Pius headed the Vatican, chief. He was, the Pope, after all.

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