Obama Acting Big Shot Says U.S. Conventional Military 'Superior' To Putins Military

This thread serves to remind me what a bunch of fucking idiots I'm trying to reach in here.

Kind of a waste of time but... Whatever.

It doesn't matter how powerful our Military is if we can't get TO the Combat Theatre without being blown off the face of the Earth.

If War erupts in Ukraine, how do you propose we get there? Through the Black Sea? That's a Russian Lake. They'd sink every fucking Ship we tried to sail through the Dardanelles. Quick. Including Aircraft Carriers. They wouldn't have a chance of getting through if War broke out.

Overland? Through Poland? Belarus? :lmao:

With what? The thirty or forty Abrams we have left in Europe? :lmao:

THOUSANDS of miles for Russian Tank Busters to use us as target practice?

And are you dimocrap scum stupid enough to think that the Czech Republic or Poland is going to give us permission to travel through their Country as a War Fighting Force? AFTER the LYING COCKSUCKER IN CHIEF stabbed them in the back and took away their missile shield?

Yeah, in a neutral setting, we have the advantage big time and in a big, big way.

Defending our own Country? NOBODY could threaten us unless they Nuked us first.

We don't like Putin. He's a scumbag. We also don't hate our Country. I fought for it. Almost died for it on several occasions.

What I hate? I hate dimocrap scum. I hate you because you're fucking up all the work, all the Foreign Policy, all the good things done before you by Republicans and patriotic Democrats.

But you're not Democrats. You're dimocraps. The scum of the Earth.

And obama is the worst president in the History of our Country.

Pick a fight in Russia's back yard?

obama is talking out of his ass. As usual.

And dimocrap scum are too stupid to see it.

As usual
This thread serves to remind me what a bunch of fucking idiots I'm trying to reach in here.

Kind of a waste of time but... Whatever.

It doesn't matter how powerful our Military is if we can't get TO the Combat Theatre without being blown off the face of the Earth.

If War erupts in Ukraine, how do you propose we get there? Through the Black Sea? That's a Russian Lake. They'd sink every fucking Ship we tried to sail through the Dardanelles. Quick. Including Aircraft Carriers. They wouldn't have a chance of getting through if War broke out.

Overland? Through Poland? Belarus? :lmao:

With what? The thirty or forty Abrams we have left in Europe? :lmao:

THOUSANDS of miles for Russian Tank Busters to use us as target practice?

And are you dimocrap scum stupid enough to think that the Czech Republic or Poland is going to give us permission to travel through their Country as a War Fighting Force? AFTER the LYING COCKSUCKER IN CHIEF stabbed them in the back and took away their missile shield?

Yeah, in a neutral setting, we have the advantage big time and in a big, big way.

Defending our own Country? NOBODY could threaten us unless they Nuked us first.

We don't like Putin. He's a scumbag. We also don't hate our Country. I fought for it. Almost died for it on several occasions.

What I hate? I hate dimocrap scum. I hate you because you're fucking up all the work, all the Foreign Policy, all the good things done before you by Republicans and patriotic Democrats.

But you're not Democrats. You're dimocraps. The scum of the Earth.

And obama is the worst president in the History of our Country.

Pick a fight in Russia's back yard?

obama is talking out of his ass. As usual.

And dimocrap scum are too stupid to see it.

As usual

You hit the nail on the head with that accurate post. If there was ever a time of repercussions for Obama taking away the missile shield in Poland, nows the time for it to come back and bite us in the ass. He was foolish to do that. Putin most likely started planning the takeover at that time.
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Here it is again, for the gazillionth time -


And notice that not one of them have commented on this graphic.

Wonder why that is ....................

Okay...if it's accurate? It gives me warm fuzzies.....
Do you see a lot of Al quaeda suicides?

Is this a serious question?
Do you have any idea just how stupid it is?

You are being redirected...

Since 2000, however, around 3,500 suicide bombings have been recorded. The turning point came following the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

In all, al-Qaeda and jihadist groups have tallied more than 85 percent of the total suicide attacks worldwide, but in 2013 that figure rose to nearly 95%, the INSS study found.
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Do you see a lot of Al quaeda suicides?

Is this a serious question?
Do you have any idea just how stupid it is?

You are being redirected...

Since 2000, however, around 3,500 suicide bombings have been recorded. The turning point came following the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

In all, al-Qaeda and jihadist groups have tallied more than 85 percent of the total suicide attacks worldwide, but in 2013 that figure rose to nearly 95%, the INSS study found.

Suicide bombings is a method of attack. It isn't done by someone bored and depressed. To muslims the bomber is a method of delivering a lethal weapon.
Do you see a lot of Al quaeda suicides?

Is this a serious question?
Do you have any idea just how stupid it is?

You are being redirected...

Since 2000, however, around 3,500 suicide bombings have been recorded. The turning point came following the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

In all, al-Qaeda and jihadist groups have tallied more than 85 percent of the total suicide attacks worldwide, but in 2013 that figure rose to nearly 95%, the INSS study found.

Suicide bombings is a method of attack. It isn't done by someone bored and depressed. To muslims the bomber is a method of delivering a lethal weapon.

How do you know what is going through the mind of the Al Qaida suicides. You were sure wrong about them not committing suicide - so why should your credibility take a big leap when it comes to their state of mind?
Our conventional forces are full of drag queens that would throw down their weapons at the smell of Russian dick. obama is an official caricature. He's the mouse hoping his shadow makes him look like a rat. The entity known as obama has gone full on Disney cartoon.

Go onto a Marine Corps base and say that. I'll bring flowers to the funeral.

Katzndogz is Putin's whore. He just can't give Vladimir enough head. It's a serious, serious case of love. He adores those who have dictatorial powers. Once you realize this, everything clicks into place.
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President Obama is right.

Russia cannot even begin to compete with our military.

When you realize the truth that we have an incompetent CIC, Russia can compete!

Tell that to Bin Laden

Bush's Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EIT) led to finding osama bin floatin'

All the lying cocksucker in chief did was give the order. And it took him 16 hours of dithering to make THAT decision.
Bush's torturing gave us nothing - except dead Americans who were tasked to track down all those phony leads.

Bush was a totally inept CIC - Obama is no great CIC - but he's a lot better than Bush - which admittedly ain't saying much.
Bush's Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EIT) led to finding osama bin floatin'

All the lying cocksucker in chief did was give the order. And it took him 16 hours of dithering to make THAT decision.

They did?

Then why couldn't Bush kill bin Laden in eight years?

Don't try to confuse him with facts and logic

You people are just stupid. Beyond stupid. Pathetically stupid.

Do you think I'm a dimocrap scumbag? Do you think I post things without having the ability to make STUPID motherfuckers like you look even more stupid when you try to refute them?

Do yourselves a big favor, don't ever call me out again

CIA chief: Waterboarding aided bin Laden raid - TODAY News - TODAY.com

WASHINGTON — Intelligence garnered from waterboarded detainees was used to track down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and kill him, CIA Chief Leon Panetta told NBC News on Tuesday.

"Enhanced interrogation techniques" were used to extract information that led to the mission's success, Panetta said during an interview with anchor Brian Williams. Those techniques included waterboarding, he acknowledged.

Do the world a favor and get yourselves sterilized before you reproduce.
They did?

Then why couldn't Bush kill bin Laden in eight years?

Don't try to confuse him with facts and logic

You people are just stupid. Beyond stupid. Pathetically stupid.

Do you think I'm a dimocrap scumbag? Do you think I post things without having the ability to make STUPID motherfuckers like you look even more stupid when you try to refute them?

Do yourselves a big favor, don't ever call me out again

CIA chief: Waterboarding aided bin Laden raid - TODAY News - TODAY.com

WASHINGTON — Intelligence garnered from waterboarded detainees was used to track down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and kill him, CIA Chief Leon Panetta told NBC News on Tuesday.

"Enhanced interrogation techniques" were used to extract information that led to the mission's success, Panetta said during an interview with anchor Brian Williams. Those techniques included waterboarding, he acknowledged.

Do the world a favor and get yourselves sterilized before you reproduce.

So the CIA - the torturers - defended torturing and said it helped.

LOL - please try to stop being such an ignorant sheep. Non-partisan and much more objective sources say it did not help.

WASHINGTON -- A hotly disputed Senate report on torture concludes that waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods provided no key evidence in the hunt for Osama bin Laden, according to congressional aides and outside experts familiar with the investigation.
Senate panel says torture didn't help U.S. in hunt for Osama bin Laden: AP - CBS News

Panetta Himself!!!

In the end, no detainee in CIA custody revealed the facilitator/courier’s full true name or specific whereabouts. This information was discovered through other intelligence means.
I hear Al Qaida says 9/11 was good for America - you buying into THAT one too?
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Oh please what nonsense. Our military is so soft, so hollowed of any kind of warrior spirit they are killing themselves. No end necessary.

Why do you hate our troops? Don't you support their mission? Don't you want us to win? You just hate america, don't you?

I don't hate our troops. I do hate what has been done to them. Our troops have been turned into lab rats for experiments in social engineering. No I don't want obama to win when what he deserves is to be dragged out of the white house in handcuffs and leg irons. I would dearly love to see Putin do that, personally. America isn't obamaland. I have no loyalty to obamaland.

Fellow, you are a lying peice of shit. You prefer foriegn dictators to our own elected leaders. You have no loyalty to this nation? Then get the hell out and go to Russia. But they wouldn't allow such a feckless peice of shit in their nation.

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