Obama actually the antichrist?

Obama the anti-christ?

Jesus-F-ing-Christ... people post the stupidest stuff sometimes. Every president since Nixon has been called the anti-christ so many times it is ridiculous.

Can't people find something newsworthy to post about, like Robert Mugabe's election results..?

If its not good enough to post in a real newspaper or magazine then its not worth posting in a blog.

Blog Pet Peeve #1: People who post pet pictures that nobody but themselves gives a damn about.

Blog Pet Peeve #2: People who post ridiculous conspiracy theories and use religious heresy to justify it.

Example of Pet Peeve #2: Someone recently contacted me that the world was going to end in 2012 unless we ALL stop eating meat, and then used the bible and some religious wacko called Supreme Master Ching Hai to try and convince me that the whole world needs to become vegan or else we'll all get killed by global warming releasing toxic gases trapped under the ice in the arctic. (I calmly explained to her that there was no way in hell the whole world would ever become vegan, that eating meat has nothing to do with greenhouse gas emissions and that there is nothing under the arctic ice but seawater and bedrock. Where do we find these idiots?)

Yeah, you'd think people could get original.

It's already been mentioned that quite a few other people have called the antichrist.

There are several threads in the World forum on Mugabe's election.

If you don't like pictures of people's pets, don't click on the forum that's titled "Pets".
i know what youre saying. i simply want leaders to leave religion out of their decision making. saying 'God told me' should never be enough to make a decision. dont ask wwjd, ask what is legal and would be the best course of action. their beliefs may influence the decision, but it shouldnt be the primary one.

You would think that even if someone believed "God told him" he'd be smart enough to keep that little tidbit to himself.

When it comes to making a decision, it would depend on what that decision is. A legal decision should of course adhere to law. Moral decisions not covered by law are a different matter altogether. Sometimes, belief is the only thing that guides you.

Everything is not legislated ... then there's the fact the law is not always right.
Did God tell Denny Hastert to ignore Mark Foley preying on underage male pages because the 06 midterm was coming up?

Did God forget to issue a brain when you were in line at supply?

What is premise of your comment? I am not arguing that God told anyone to do anything, nor do I give a rat's ass about either Hastert or Foley.

Kinda makes your comment pointless, doesn't it? But then, when AREN'T your comments pointless?
Yeah, actually there are several articles floating around on the net which document Bush's claiming "God told him to invade" Iraq. I think Bush has a serious vacancy problem upstairs, or he really believes this stuff!:eusa_whistle:


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ps. mccain is a manchurian candidate. brainwashed for 5 yrs. its on record, he broke. he denounced the united states. they won't make his psychological profile public because he isn't fit to be commander and chief. even republicans think he needs anger management. calls asians goks and his 2nd wife a ****. left first wife for elite rich woman, much like john kerry you swift boat mother fukers! lol.

Mac is too stupid to be the manchurian candidate. You need somelike slick and well tempered for such a coup... You forgot to mention however that his first wife stayed at his side [figuratively speaking] the entire time that he was a POW. Upon his return, finding his wife crippled and maimed, he started several extra marital affairs which collumnated in a relationship with cindy in april of 79. They [the first McCains] were separated shortly thereafter...

God what an asshole...
CLINTON was the Manchurian candidate for goodness sakes.

That isn't obvious?

Count the WALMARTS in you areas, folks.

China WON the war and most of you don't even know it yet.
Obama isn't the anti-christ! I am! Mwahaahahaaa!

BTW, I am postponing Dooms Day until the 23rd century so I can practice my golf swing. See you in a few hundred years.


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