Obama Addresses VA issue

oh boy, another meaningless speech I suppose

He should just go attend his fundraisers...Nobody believes or cares what he has to say anymore

He can't even take the time to pronounce, corpsman...he can stop pretending he cares

as said 'we'll see'. Today this is the hill I would choose to die on.

Beyond anger---well beyond anger. And really don't know why others don't feel the same.

I do think there are others who feel the same--perhaps for different reasons. time will tell.

I am a veteran and I've been pissed about the VA for a long time. I have an appointment at the Ear, Throat, and Nose Clinic in the VA Hospital in Gainesville Florida on the 28th of this month. I have no choice if I want the tests done, can't afford Obamacare, and besides, the wait would be longer. I've learned from my experience with the VA that it's kinda like going to Las Vegas. Some win, some lose, throw of the dice. I'm going in for specimens to be taken for cancer and a neck and lower jaw ct scan. (heavy smoker for years, smoke free since Oct. 95)

Friend of mine's Dad went there for a minor operation in the seventies and came home paralyzed from the waist down. He was a Navy Corpsman with the Marines on Okinawa in WW2, survived the Japanese to be paralyzed by a dumb mistake in a VA Hospital.

Wasn't it the Bush Administration that took 13 billion from the VA and used it to pay for medicare part D, (prescription drugs).

I know it's much deeper than money will fix, but taking 13 billion from the VA while our troops are fighting a war is not a good idea.

It was even worse before there was a VA. Hundreds of Veterans of the Cuban invasion of the Spanish/American War died of yellow fever and malara in ships anchored off the coast of the United States because it would be a political embarrassment to Teddy Roosevelt for the public to see the horrid treatment of the Heroes of 'San Juan Hill'.

There is a twisted version of the Marine slogan, "Semper Fidelis", that fit's veteran's treatment following most wars in the U.S., and around the World for that matter. "Simply Forget Us".

Obama is going to have the VA investigate itself, just like Benghazi and the IRS, the fox is investigating the missing chickens.
oh boy, another meaningless speech I suppose

He should just go attend his fundraisers...Nobody believes or cares what he has to say anymore

He can't even take the time to pronounce, corpsman...he can stop pretending he cares

as said 'we'll see'. Today this is the hill I would choose to die on.

Beyond anger---well beyond anger. And really don't know why others don't feel the same.

I do think there are others who feel the same--perhaps for different reasons. time will tell.

you really shouldnt feel angry about it

the situation at the va is typical of the situation you see in any government

run health care

actually many on the left are begging for this sort of treatment

I have calmed down a bit. I suppose like everyone else--stuff builds up.

one thing that builds up for me--and I spent some time analyzing this--is the endless emphasis on 'Racism is Evil'. sigh

this will sound crazy--I'm sure I ususally do anyway--is there no way to get a pass on this.

I have never been a racist. I can absolutely prove it. Really I can. So--If I could have one wish before I die--just don't let me have to hear this anymore. Never gonna happen.

around age 12 I read 'To Kill a Mockingbird'--in the 60's in Atlanta. Knew that racism was wrong---many racists around me--in fact there was nothing wrong with it--it was 'rfght'--still knew it was wrong. Chose privately never to think that way.

More than anything --that is really most upsetting to me. To criticize Him or Her--racism?

I don't like them--don't like what they are doing.

Trying to live with 'all this'---I suppose it affects people in different ways. Racist or not ---The POTUS needs to step up his game--is that the correct term. Too old to know what the current terms may be.
Obama is interested now because it's in the headlines..That's when he finds out about stuff....
It will blow over and he will move on to something else.Or just move on.

Just another, "Phoney scandal" and "It's racism". then Jay Carney will go before the press and say, "Dude, that's old news".

What will it take for the Democrat chickens to realize they've elected the Fox to run the henhouse?
oh boy, another meaningless speech I suppose

He should just go attend his fundraisers...Nobody believes or cares what he has to say anymore

He can't even take the time to pronounce, corpsman...he can stop pretending he cares

as said 'we'll see'. Today this is the hill I would choose to die on.

Beyond anger---well beyond anger. And really don't know why others don't feel the same.

I do think there are others who feel the same--perhaps for different reasons. time will tell.

I am a veteran and I've been pissed about the VA for a long time. I have an appointment at the Ear, Throat, and Nose Clinic in the VA Hospital in Gainesville Florida on the 28th of this month. I have no choice if I want the tests done, can't afford Obamacare, and besides, the wait would be longer. I've learned from my experience with the VA that it's kinda like going to Las Vegas. Some win, some lose, throw of the dice. I'm going in for specimens to be taken for cancer and a neck and lower jaw ct scan. (heavy smoker for years, smoke free since Oct. 95)

Friend of mine's Dad went there for a minor operation in the seventies and came home paralyzed from the waist down. He was a Navy Corpsman with the Marines on Okinawa in WW2, survived the Japanese to be paralyzed by a dumb mistake in a VA Hospital.

Wasn't it the Bush Administration that took 13 billion from the VA and used it to pay for medicare part D, (prescription drugs).

I know it's much deeper than money will fix, but taking 13 billion from the VA while our troops are fighting a war is not a good idea.

It was even worse before there was a VA. Hundreds of Veterans of the Cuban invasion of the Spanish/American War died of yellow fever and malara in ships anchored off the coast of the United States because it would be a political embarrassment to Teddy Roosevelt for the public to see the horrid treatment of the Heroes of 'San Juan Hill'.

There is a twisted version of the Marine slogan, "Semper Fidelis", that fit's veteran's treatment following most wars in the U.S., and around the World for that matter. "Simply Forget Us".

Obama is going to have the VA investigate itself, just like Benghazi and the IRS, the fox is investigating the missing chickens.

I'm going in for specimens to be taken for cancer and a neck and lower jaw ct scan.

i hope all goes well for you on that
as said 'we'll see'. Today this is the hill I would choose to die on.

Beyond anger---well beyond anger. And really don't know why others don't feel the same.

I do think there are others who feel the same--perhaps for different reasons. time will tell.

I am a veteran and I've been pissed about the VA for a long time. I have an appointment at the Ear, Throat, and Nose Clinic in the VA Hospital in Gainesville Florida on the 28th of this month. I have no choice if I want the tests done, can't afford Obamacare, and besides, the wait would be longer. I've learned from my experience with the VA that it's kinda like going to Las Vegas. Some win, some lose, throw of the dice. I'm going in for specimens to be taken for cancer and a neck and lower jaw ct scan. (heavy smoker for years, smoke free since Oct. 95)

Friend of mine's Dad went there for a minor operation in the seventies and came home paralyzed from the waist down. He was a Navy Corpsman with the Marines on Okinawa in WW2, survived the Japanese to be paralyzed by a dumb mistake in a VA Hospital.

Wasn't it the Bush Administration that took 13 billion from the VA and used it to pay for medicare part D, (prescription drugs).

I know it's much deeper than money will fix, but taking 13 billion from the VA while our troops are fighting a war is not a good idea.

It was even worse before there was a VA. Hundreds of Veterans of the Cuban invasion of the Spanish/American War died of yellow fever and malara in ships anchored off the coast of the United States because it would be a political embarrassment to Teddy Roosevelt for the public to see the horrid treatment of the Heroes of 'San Juan Hill'.

There is a twisted version of the Marine slogan, "Semper Fidelis", that fit's veteran's treatment following most wars in the U.S., and around the World for that matter. "Simply Forget Us".

Obama is going to have the VA investigate itself, just like Benghazi and the IRS, the fox is investigating the missing chickens.

I'm going in for specimens to be taken for cancer and a neck and lower jaw ct scan.

i hope all goes well for you on that

that provides some perspective--which I doubt that I would ever get from any media source. They are saying these things--I am hearing these things--hearing 'too much'.

Reconciling myself into 'another realm'. Again--hats off to the US military. If it were in my power---you would 'go first'---just how I feel. Hard to understand--very hard to understand---so many things.

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