Obama admin delays keystone pipeline decision again

So, temporary or not, you'd rather keep 42,000 people sitting on their butts at home then? You hypocrite. A job is a job, temporary or no. Even the 35 permanent jobs it creates will be critical to it's operation. But hey, you just don't give a damn if people have to continue paying higher prices for gas. You won't lift a finger to help the millions of Americans struggling to buy gas and pay their bills. Nope. You'd much rather be hugging a damned tree.

We have some of the largest oil deposits in the world in North America, but we can't get to them without Keystone, genius. Tell me, how do we take advantage of this? With shovels and picks? Toothbrushes? You're outnumbered on this issue buddy, just deal with it.

What is so special about the Keystone pipeline?

What will it do that the hundreds of existing pipelines don't already do?

I just told you. Had you bothered to do any research, you would have known the Bakken oil formation is the largest deposit of oil shale in the world. What the Keystone Pipeline will do is make us energy dependent for the next millennium (so that is a bit of an exaggeration, but still, there's enough oil there to be used until the demise of America and beyond) by tapping into that vast reserve. The economic benefits would far exceed just the $20 billion it immediately brings. Instead of us looking to the world for oil, the world would be looking to US for oil. The logic, Doc, is undeniable.

1.) The Keystone pipeline will bring oil from Canada to ports in Texas. Bakken is in the US.

2.) There are already plenty of pipelines to bring Bakken oil sands oil to anywhere it needs to get to.
Are the companies advocating for the pipeline willing to sign a document that they will cover every single dime of expense should that pipe leak for any reason whatsoever rather than dumping the cost on the EPA as all those companies do?

And I am sure those companies will fight any regulation whatsoever on the building and maintaining of the pipe.

Newsflash. Life is about taking risks.
We do what we must to mitigate risk. We do not eliminate risk.
When we look to eliminate risk, we no longer progress as a people.
You are an environmental extremist. Impractical. Unrealistic.
Are the companies advocating for the pipeline willing to sign a document that they will cover every single dime of expense should that pipe leak for any reason whatsoever rather than dumping the cost on the EPA as all those companies do?

And I am sure those companies will fight any regulation whatsoever on the building and maintaining of the pipe.

Newsflash. Life is about taking risks.
We do what we must to mitigate risk. We do not eliminate risk.
When we look to eliminate risk, we no longer progress as a people.
You are an environmental extremist. Impractical. Unrealistic.

That's very easy to say when the pipeline isn't running through your backyard.
What is so special about the Keystone pipeline?

What will it do that the hundreds of existing pipelines don't already do?

I just told you. Had you bothered to do any research, you would have known the Bakken oil formation is the largest deposit of oil shale in the world. What the Keystone Pipeline will do is make us energy dependent for the next millennium (so that is a bit of an exaggeration, but still, there's enough oil there to be used until the demise of America and beyond) by tapping into that vast reserve. The economic benefits would far exceed just the $20 billion it immediately brings. Instead of us looking to the world for oil, the world would be looking to US for oil. The logic, Doc, is undeniable.

1.) The Keystone pipeline will bring oil from Canada to ports in Texas. Bakken is in the US.

2.) There are already plenty of pipelines to bring Bakken oil sands oil to anywhere it needs to get to.

That is a strawman argument, Doc.

It's proposed 1.1 million bpd (barrels per day) discharge capacity would make it an artery of crude, compared to the capillaries of smaller lines running across the US; it would also deliver oil to the Midwest, to places such as Patoka, Illinois and not just "ports in Texas." It's construction would thereby make it the second largest crude pipeline in the United States, behind the Enbridge Pipeline System, which supplies the Midwest and Ontario, Canada.
Are the companies advocating for the pipeline willing to sign a document that they will cover every single dime of expense should that pipe leak for any reason whatsoever rather than dumping the cost on the EPA as all those companies do?

And I am sure those companies will fight any regulation whatsoever on the building and maintaining of the pipe.

There are already more than 2.3 million miles of petroleum pipelines in operation in the US, and you are getting your panties in a twist over a few hundred more? You do know that the southern leg of the line is already being built? This line will provide good long term jobs for refinery workers, pump station operators and people who monitor and maintain the line. So why would you object?

PHMSA - FAQs - General Pipeline FAQs

Obama is using the pipeline as a political tool. he has to secure the enviro- wacko voting base for the mid terms and the 2016 elections.
Otherwise, he could not give two shits about this project.
How about we make a deal?

Republicans approve to Jobs Bill and Obama approves Keystone. Win-win

Republicans have approved several jobs bills that wound up in reids trash, this is all about dems raising campaign cash from the eco-nazis.

You guys never did figure out how that compromise stuff works. Compromise is not two of your own bills being passed
Pass Obamas jobs bill, he passes your pipeline


first...Your idea is not realistic. Second, the HOuse could give Obama it's entire net worth and he still wouldn't permit the pipeline to be finished. The reason is simple. Obama is holding the project hostage for the 2014 mid terms.
Obama does nothing unless there is political gain in it for him and the democrat party.
To deny this is to lie to one's self.
And who makes the money off of the pipeline? Oil companies. How much money do Conservatives say the states will make from taxes? $5b over 100 years. A negligible amount.

So who does this benefit? Oil companies. Because $5b spread out over 100 years is not enough to make a difference in any state's deficit, let alone the national debt.

Just like mindless Conservatives rallied behind rich man Bundy because they don't know what reality is, mindless Conservatives want to rally around rich oil executives to build another pipeline. Why? Not even Conservatives can tell you that.
Are the companies advocating for the pipeline willing to sign a document that they will cover every single dime of expense should that pipe leak for any reason whatsoever rather than dumping the cost on the EPA as all those companies do?

And I am sure those companies will fight any regulation whatsoever on the building and maintaining of the pipe.

Newsflash. Life is about taking risks.
We do what we must to mitigate risk. We do not eliminate risk.
When we look to eliminate risk, we no longer progress as a people.
You are an environmental extremist. Impractical. Unrealistic.

That's very easy to say when the pipeline isn't running through your backyard.

Funny how we need gas to run our cars, but we outrightly reject something that gives it to us. It's confusing, saying you're an environmentalist, but just like the millions of other drivers in America, rely on your need for gasoline to fuel your vehicle. Its rather unfair for you to deny a resource to others simply because of your objections. There are other people who need this oil to fuel their cars, company vehicles or whatnot. Without it, America does not function. If you hate it so much, ride a bike, reduce your impact on the environment, that or quit complaining.

You are indeed being unrealistic, frankly irrational. You sit in a minority of objectors, Doc.
You guys never did figure out how that compromise stuff works. Compromise is not two of your own bills being passed
Pass Obamas jobs bill, he passes your pipeline


Really, you can even mention the word compromise with this "my way or the highway" administration? :lol::lol::lol:

Obama Jobs bill for Republican Pipeline

You game?

Stop it...
There is no such thing as a jobs bill that creates jobs. Well, check that...When money grubbing Washington politicians want to expand the size of government, they invent a new tax or increase existing taxes, and then they create these stupid bureaucracies that require employees. Not workers. Just employees.
And who makes the money off of the pipeline? Oil companies. How much money do Conservatives say the states will make from taxes? $5b over 100 years. A negligible amount.

So who does this benefit? Oil companies. Because $5b spread out over 100 years is not enough to make a difference in any state's deficit, let alone the national debt.

Sure, oil companies get 4% of profit from the sales of oil. The government gets 15. Tell me, how does it benefit oil companies again? Oil companies average roughly 7 cents per gallon of gasoline, while the government nets 50 cents per gallon. So, once again, tell me how this benefits oil companies?
Newsflash. Life is about taking risks.
We do what we must to mitigate risk. We do not eliminate risk.
When we look to eliminate risk, we no longer progress as a people.
You are an environmental extremist. Impractical. Unrealistic.

That's very easy to say when the pipeline isn't running through your backyard.

Funny how we need gas to run our cars, but we outrightly reject something that gives it to us. It's confusing, saying you're an environmentalist, but just like the millions of other drivers in America, rely on your need for gasoline to fuel your vehicle. Its rather unfair for you to deny a resource to others simply because of your objections. There are other people who need this oil to fuel their cars, company vehicles or whatnot. Without it, America does not function. If you hate it so much, ride a bike, reduce your impact on the environment, that or quit complaining.

You are indeed being unrealistic, frankly irrational. You sit in a minority of objectors, Doc.

I am neither an environmentalist, nor a driver.

I don't "object" to the Keystone pipeline either. I just think it's ridiculously naive to think that it's actually going to tangibly benefit anyone other than oil companies.
Really, you can even mention the word compromise with this "my way or the highway" administration? :lol::lol::lol:

Obama Jobs bill for Republican Pipeline

You game?

you know they are only interested in "drill baby drill". they don't believe in infrastructure. they only believe in enriching exxon mobil et al...

but heaven forbid there should be environmental regs.

because G-d doesn't believe in stopping pollution. :cuckoo:

Oh please stop the nonsense.
And who makes the money off of the pipeline? Oil companies. How much money do Conservatives say the states will make from taxes? $5b over 100 years. A negligible amount.

So who does this benefit? Oil companies. Because $5b spread out over 100 years is not enough to make a difference in any state's deficit, let alone the national debt.

Sure, oil companies get 4% of profit from the sales of oil. The government gets 15. Tell me, how does it benefit oil companies again? Oil companies average roughly 7 cents per gallon of gasoline, while the government nets 50 cents per gallon. So, once again, tell me how this benefits oil companies?

Wait, what?

Are you really asking how a pipeline bringing Canadian oil to ports for shipping to China benefits oil companies?
Really, you can even mention the word compromise with this "my way or the highway" administration? :lol::lol::lol:

Obama Jobs bill for Republican Pipeline

You game?

you know they are only interested in "drill baby drill". they don't believe in infrastructure. they only believe in enriching exxon mobil et al...

but heaven forbid there should be environmental regs.

because G-d doesn't believe in stopping pollution. :cuckoo:

Do you believe this decision by Obama is based on environmental concerns?
There is no joy for Our Kenyan President in this!

The delay-until-after-the-election tactic has pissed off half of the Marx-O-Crat base that wanted it killed (the envirofreaks).

It has also pissed off the other half who are being beaten up by their constituents who are sick of high gas prices and want jobs....and want them NOW.

Not His fault this time - He was screwed no matter which way He hopped.

Had He let it fly the split would be the same. Had He killed it entirely the split would still be the same. His only hope is to pull off the greatest apology of all time. And, He IS up to that!
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You guys never did figure out how that compromise stuff works. Compromise is not two of your own bills being passed
Pass Obamas jobs bill, he passes your pipeline


Really, you can even mention the word compromise with this "my way or the highway" administration? :lol::lol::lol:

any other lies you'd like to tell?

repealing the ACA is not a compromise... well, except in wingnutworld.

When was ACA repealed?
Umm, ACA may never be repealed, but in due time it will not resemble the disaster it is today.
And Obama is clearly a my way or the highway type.
Obama: ?I Will Not Negotiate? - Bruce Bialosky - Page full..
He has stated he would not negotiate.
" I have a pen" . "I have a phone"....His threat to use the executive order as a bludgeon to get what he wants. Damn the legal process and separation of powers.

You claim to be an educated person. I'm not seeing it.
That's very easy to say when the pipeline isn't running through your backyard.

Funny how we need gas to run our cars, but we outrightly reject something that gives it to us. It's confusing, saying you're an environmentalist, but just like the millions of other drivers in America, rely on your need for gasoline to fuel your vehicle. Its rather unfair for you to deny a resource to others simply because of your objections. There are other people who need this oil to fuel their cars, company vehicles or whatnot. Without it, America does not function. If you hate it so much, ride a bike, reduce your impact on the environment, that or quit complaining.

You are indeed being unrealistic, frankly irrational. You sit in a minority of objectors, Doc.

I am neither an environmentalist, nor a driver.

I don't "object" to the Keystone pipeline either. I just think it's ridiculously naive to think that it's actually going to tangibly benefit anyone other than oil companies.

Well then. If you aren't objecting, then what exactly are you doing? Arguing for the sake of arguing? Your statements and rhetoric suggest that you object to the pipeline. Why else would you say "I think it's ridiculously naive to think that it's going to tangibly benefit anyone other than oil companies" if not to voice objection to it?

Besides, if you want to get down to the nitty gritty, it actually benefits the government more. They take in roughly 50 cents per gallon of gas sold in the United States. Oil companies make 7 cents for every gallon. Your distrust is misplaced, Doc.

And regardless of the semantics, it ultimately benefits the American people, whether you choose to take advantage of it or not. It is foolish not to take advantage of a natural resource purely because "it will only benefit X." That's like building a campfire and walking away from it simply because you think the logs fueling the fire would get more heat than you. Absolutely ludicrous.
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And who makes the money off of the pipeline? Oil companies. How much money do Conservatives say the states will make from taxes? $5b over 100 years. A negligible amount.

So who does this benefit? Oil companies. Because $5b spread out over 100 years is not enough to make a difference in any state's deficit, let alone the national debt.

Sure, oil companies get 4% of profit from the sales of oil. The government gets 15. Tell me, how does it benefit oil companies again? Oil companies average roughly 7 cents per gallon of gasoline, while the government nets 50 cents per gallon. So, once again, tell me how this benefits oil companies?

Wait, what?

Are you really asking how a pipeline bringing Canadian oil to ports for shipping to China benefits oil companies?

No. I'm asking who profits more. It isn't oil companies. Your hatred is misplaced, once again. Naturally, anyone will profit regardless, but to say it solely benefits those evil oil companies is dishonest.
Funny how we need gas to run our cars, but we outrightly reject something that gives it to us. It's confusing, saying you're an environmentalist, but just like the millions of other drivers in America, rely on your need for gasoline to fuel your vehicle. Its rather unfair for you to deny a resource to others simply because of your objections. There are other people who need this oil to fuel their cars, company vehicles or whatnot. Without it, America does not function. If you hate it so much, ride a bike, reduce your impact on the environment, that or quit complaining.

You are indeed being unrealistic, frankly irrational. You sit in a minority of objectors, Doc.

I am neither an environmentalist, nor a driver.

I don't "object" to the Keystone pipeline either. I just think it's ridiculously naive to think that it's actually going to tangibly benefit anyone other than oil companies.

Well then. If you aren't objecting, then what exactly are you doing? Arguing for the sake of arguing? Your statements and rhetoric suggest that you object to the pipeline. Why else would you say "I think it's ridiculously naive to think that it's going to tangibly benefit anyone other than oil companies" if not to voice objection to it?

I'm not "voicing objection" to the pipeline. I'm voicing objection to your claims of energy independence the moment the pipeline goes live.

Besides, if you want to get down to the nitty gritty, it actually benefits the government more. They take in roughly 50 cents per gallon of gas sold in the United States. Oil companies make 7 cents for every gallon. Your distrust is misplaced, Doc.

Eh? "Distrust" has nothing to do with it.

And regardless of the semantics, it ultimately benefits the American people, whether you choose to take advantage of it or not. It is foolish not to take advantage of a natural resource purely because "it will only benefit X." That's like building a campfire and walking away from it simply because you think the logs fueling the fire would get more heat than you would.

I don't think you're understanding my argument at all.

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