Obama admin delays keystone pipeline decision again

Small job that mostly benefits Canada. We have huge jobs building new bridges, tunnels, roadways, communications and power grid infrastructure that would add hundreds of billions to the economy

Why do Republicans block those?

Uh, no. The State Department has complete jurisdiction over this pipeline, namely because most of it resides IN THE UNITED STATES. There are 42,000 jobs that could be created because of this, and there is $20 billion worth of economic activity at stake here. Why do you balk at a chance to put people to work or help our economy in such a way? Huh? Why is it this one thing you won't stand for? Seriously, you sound like a child at the dinner table refusing to eat his veggies, "I don't like it!" the child says, to whence the parents reply "You haven't tried it! How do you know you don't like it?"

Ha. Some progressive you are.

Total bullshit

All jobs would be temporary and nowhere close to 42,000. For a pipeline? Are you fucking crazy? It's laying pipe

In terms of infrastructure, a pipeline is small potatoes. Highways, bridges, tunnels......those are jobs

Republicans vote against those. The pipeline helps the oil companies and Republicans can't do enough

Temporary? You just don't build the thing a leave it there to rot, do you? Are you nuts? What need are bridges, highways, and roads to us if we can't build a pipeline to deliver gas to the vehicles who use them? Funny, I think those things go hand in hand. Such a one track mind you have RW.
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Good. We don't need it.

Who is "we"?
Do you speak for the thousands of workers that would have gainful employment during and after construction?
And of course let us not forget the ancillary employment that would result from the project.
Are those people also included in "we"?
Hell, he doesn't want to create any good jobs does he?

Interestingly, he wasn't too worried about varying opinions when he forced Obamacare down our throats.

We've gone from a great nation to a luke-warm, mediocre nation in a few short years.

How about we make a deal?

Republicans approve to Jobs Bill and Obama approves Keystone. Win-win

Jobs bills do not create jobs. Projects with plans approved and contracts signed put people to work.
Jobs bills are just pork barrel spending. Ornaments for politicians to hang on their rear view mirrors to increase their voting base.
In other words a huge waste of taxpayer resources and meddling by government.
That's it?

What did Republicans offer America on healthcare? Let them die?

Perhaps you should stop quoting Alan Grayson and do a little reading:

Comprehensive Republican health reform plans introduced in Congress

Let’s start with 5 comprehensive health reform proposals that have actually been introduced in Congress—some well before President Obama even was nominated for president, and all months before the House (11/7/09) or Senate (12/24/09) voted on what eventually became Obamacare.

Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act (S. 1783) introduced by Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) July 12, 2007.

Every American Insured Health Act introduced by Senators Richard Burr (R-NC) and Bob Corker (R-TN) with co-sponsors Tom Coburn (R-OK), Mel Martinez (formerly R-FL) and Elizabeth Dole (formerly R-NC) on July 26, 2007.

Senators Bob Bennett (R-UT) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced the Healthy Americans Act on January 18, 2007 and re-introduced the same bill on February 5, 2009.

Patients’ Choice Act of 2009 introduced by Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Richard Burr (R-NC) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Devin Nunes (R-CA) on May 20, 2009. [See Update #1 for why this bill was of particular significance]

H.R. 2300, Empowering Patients First Act introduced July 30, 2009 by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA).

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

None of those are comprehensive healthcare....NONE
Nowhere close to Obamacare

And they were introduced with a Republican President and allowed to die on the vine. If Republicans wanted healthcare they could have put their own plan in between 2001 and 2009

They didn't do shit

You are in a pure state of denial. Republicans have been proposing healthcare laws as early as 1995. And truthfully, John McCain ran on a plan more progressive and intrusive than Obamacare during his 2008 campaign.

McCain's Health Care Plan: Radical and Right | Cato Institute
Uh, no. The State Department has complete jurisdiction over this pipeline, namely because most of it resides IN THE UNITED STATES. There are 42,000 jobs that could be created because of this, and there is $20 billion worth of economic activity at stake here. Why do you balk at a chance to put people to work or help our economy in such a way? Huh? Why is it this one thing you won't stand for? Seriously, you sound like a child at the dinner table refusing to eat his veggies, "I don't like it!" the child says, to whence the parents reply "You haven't tried it! How do you know you don't like it?"

Ha. Some progressive you are.

Total bullshit

All jobs would be temporary and nowhere close to 42,000. For a pipeline? Are you fucking crazy? It's laying pipe

In terms of infrastructure, a pipeline is small potatoes. Highways, bridges, tunnels......those are jobs

Republicans vote against those. The pipeline helps the oil companies and Republicans can't do enough

Temporary? You just don't build the thing a leave it there to rot, do you? Are you nuts? What need are bridges, highways, and roads to us if we can't build a pipeline to deliver gas to the vehicles who drive use them? Funny, I think those thing go hand in hand. Such a one track mind you have RW.

Yes you do. Once it is built, the pipeline provides jobs in the hundreds not thousands

The gas from the pipeline does not help us. It is shipped overseas. That is why they built the pipeline to go to ports in Texas.

We are now in a position where we are an oil exporter. We do not need Keystone. The oil companies do

Our roads, bridges and tunnels are falling apart. So is our power and communications infrastructure. Republicans won't lift a finger for those hundreds of thousands of jobs.....they only care about the oil companies
Total bullshit

All jobs would be temporary and nowhere close to 42,000. For a pipeline? Are you fucking crazy? It's laying pipe

In terms of infrastructure, a pipeline is small potatoes. Highways, bridges, tunnels......those are jobs

Republicans vote against those. The pipeline helps the oil companies and Republicans can't do enough

Temporary? You just don't build the thing a leave it there to rot, do you? Are you nuts? What need are bridges, highways, and roads to us if we can't build a pipeline to deliver gas to the vehicles who drive use them? Funny, I think those thing go hand in hand. Such a one track mind you have RW.

Yes you do. Once it is built, the pipeline provides jobs in the hundreds not thousands

The gas from the pipeline does not help us. It is shipped overseas. That is why they built the pipeline to go to ports in Texas.

We are now in a position where we are an oil exporter. We do not need Keystone. The oil companies do

Our roads, bridges and tunnels are falling apart. So is our power and communications infrastructure. Republicans won't lift a finger for those hundreds of thousands of jobs.....they only care about the oil companies

So, temporary or not, you'd rather keep 42,000 people sitting on their butts at home then? You hypocrite. A job is a job, temporary or no. Even the 35 permanent jobs it creates will be critical to it's operation. But hey, you just don't give a damn if people have to continue paying higher prices for gas. You won't lift a finger to help the millions of Americans struggling to buy gas and pay their bills. Nope. You'd much rather be hugging a damned tree.

We are now in a position where we are an oil exporter. We do not need Keystone. The oil companies do

We have some of the largest oil deposits in the world in North America, but we can't get to them without Keystone, genius. Tell me, how do we take advantage of this? With shovels and picks? Toothbrushes? You're outnumbered on this issue buddy, just deal with it.
Temporary? You just don't build the thing a leave it there to rot, do you? Are you nuts? What need are bridges, highways, and roads to us if we can't build a pipeline to deliver gas to the vehicles who drive use them? Funny, I think those thing go hand in hand. Such a one track mind you have RW.

Yes you do. Once it is built, the pipeline provides jobs in the hundreds not thousands

The gas from the pipeline does not help us. It is shipped overseas. That is why they built the pipeline to go to ports in Texas.

We are now in a position where we are an oil exporter. We do not need Keystone. The oil companies do

Our roads, bridges and tunnels are falling apart. So is our power and communications infrastructure. Republicans won't lift a finger for those hundreds of thousands of jobs.....they only care about the oil companies

So, temporary or not, you'd rather keep 42,000 people sitting on their butts at home then? You hypocrite. A job is a job, temporary or no. Even the 35 permanent jobs it creates will be critical to it's operation. But hey, you just don't give a damn if people have to continue paying higher prices for gas. You won't lift a finger to help the millions of Americans struggling to buy gas and pay their bills. Nope. You'd much rather be hugging a damned tree.

We are now in a position where we are an oil exporter. We do not need Keystone. The oil companies do

We have some of the largest oil deposits in the world in North America, but we can't get to them without Keystone, genius. Tell me, how do we take advantage of this? With shovels and picks? Toothbrushes? You're outnumbered on this issue buddy, just deal with it.

What is so special about the Keystone pipeline?

What will it do that the hundreds of existing pipelines don't already do?
The Heritage Foundation says that it will bring $5.2B to six midwestern Republican states spread out over the next 100 years.

What deal did he make with Republicans on Obamacare? I gotta hear this one

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period."


"This law will not add one dime to the deficit" (Yet the law costs over a trillion dollars).

That's it?

What did Republicans offer America on healthcare? Let them die?

You need to get out of obama's "echo chamber 4 goons". Your butt buddy reid doesn't let any come up for a vote in the senate....:D
That's it?

What did Republicans offer America on healthcare? Let them die?

Perhaps you should stop quoting Alan Grayson and do a little reading:

Comprehensive Republican health reform plans introduced in Congress

Let’s start with 5 comprehensive health reform proposals that have actually been introduced in Congress—some well before President Obama even was nominated for president, and all months before the House (11/7/09) or Senate (12/24/09) voted on what eventually became Obamacare.

Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act (S. 1783) introduced by Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) July 12, 2007.

Every American Insured Health Act introduced by Senators Richard Burr (R-NC) and Bob Corker (R-TN) with co-sponsors Tom Coburn (R-OK), Mel Martinez (formerly R-FL) and Elizabeth Dole (formerly R-NC) on July 26, 2007.

Senators Bob Bennett (R-UT) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced the Healthy Americans Act on January 18, 2007 and re-introduced the same bill on February 5, 2009.

Patients’ Choice Act of 2009 introduced by Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Richard Burr (R-NC) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Devin Nunes (R-CA) on May 20, 2009. [See Update #1 for why this bill was of particular significance]

H.R. 2300, Empowering Patients First Act introduced July 30, 2009 by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA).

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

None of those are comprehensive healthcare....NONE
Nowhere close to Obamacare

And they were introduced with a Republican President and allowed to die on the vine. If Republicans wanted healthcare they could have put their own plan in between 2001 and 2009

They didn't do shit
Didn't need to overhaul the system, just needed to get the uninsured insured, could have been done with tweaks and opening up states to competition.

You're just one of obama's goons who dosen't do any critical thinking.
Yes you do. Once it is built, the pipeline provides jobs in the hundreds not thousands

The gas from the pipeline does not help us. It is shipped overseas. That is why they built the pipeline to go to ports in Texas.

We are now in a position where we are an oil exporter. We do not need Keystone. The oil companies do

Our roads, bridges and tunnels are falling apart. So is our power and communications infrastructure. Republicans won't lift a finger for those hundreds of thousands of jobs.....they only care about the oil companies

So, temporary or not, you'd rather keep 42,000 people sitting on their butts at home then? You hypocrite. A job is a job, temporary or no. Even the 35 permanent jobs it creates will be critical to it's operation. But hey, you just don't give a damn if people have to continue paying higher prices for gas. You won't lift a finger to help the millions of Americans struggling to buy gas and pay their bills. Nope. You'd much rather be hugging a damned tree.

We are now in a position where we are an oil exporter. We do not need Keystone. The oil companies do

We have some of the largest oil deposits in the world in North America, but we can't get to them without Keystone, genius. Tell me, how do we take advantage of this? With shovels and picks? Toothbrushes? You're outnumbered on this issue buddy, just deal with it.

What is so special about the Keystone pipeline?

What will it do that the hundreds of existing pipelines don't already do?

I just told you, via the post you just quoted. Had you bothered to do any research, you would have known the Bakken oil formation is the largest deposit of oil shale in the world. What the Keystone Pipeline will do is make us energy dependent for the next millennium (so that is a bit of an exaggeration, but still, there's enough oil there to be used until the demise of America and beyond) by tapping into that vast reserve. The economic benefits would far exceed just the $20 billion it immediately brings. Instead of us looking to the world for oil, the world would be looking to US for oil. The logic, Doc, is undeniable.
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