Obama admin secretly changes Obamacare *again*, extending another deadline


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Wow. Where can I sign up for a position where I can change an Act of Congress without their say-so, all by myself, for no more reason that "I feel like doing it"?

There are several I have in mind.

What's the formal name for that position, again? So I can get business cards printed up.....


Administration Extends Deadline for Obamacare Sign-Up Through Christmas Eve | National Review Online!

Administration Extends Deadline for Obamacare Sign-Up Through Christmas Eve

by Eliana Johnson
December 23, 2013 11:51 AM

The clock to sign up for Obamacare coverage that begins January 1 was supposed to run out at midnight on Monday, but administration officials have extended it 24 hours, through Christmas eve, according to the Washington Post. The Post reports that they did so without any public announcement of the change:

Over the weekend, government officials and outside IT contractors working on the online marketplace’s computer system made a software change that automatically gives people a Jan. 1 start date for their new coverage as long as they enroll by 11:59 p.m. on Christmas Eve.

Sources told the Post that the 24-hour extension has been built into the online system and is intended as a precaution in the event that the the problem-plagued website sees a surge of traffic from individuals looking to sign up at the last minute, and buckles under the weight.

The extension, said the sources, cannot be overridden by insurance companies if they object to it. It is the latest of several last-minute, ad hoc rule changes issued by the administration, including last week’s announcement that individuals whose insurance plans were canceled may receive an exemption from the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.
Where can I sign up for a position where I can change an Act of Congress without their say-so, all by myself, for no more reason that "I feel like doing it"?

What's the formal name for that position, again?

Secretly? Silly goof. Executives manage. Get over it.

TRANSLATION: I don't dare answer the actual questions you asked, since truthful answers would admit Obama had broken Federal law yet again. So I'll attack the messenger instead, call him names, and hope I can trick someone into believing it's no big deal instead of the constitutional violation that it is.
Well the "reactionary far left" Obama drones can only follow their programming, any type of independent thought is not allowed.
Well the "reactionary far left" Obama drones can only follow their programming, any type of independent thought is not allowed.

When it comes to Democrap Care, they have much in common with the Titanic's captain.

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