Obama administration in full damage control mode

We had a U.S. President named Richard Nixon, booted out of office for far less. For their Fast & Furious travesty alone, heads should have rolled. And i mean at the very top. Instead, that despicable cretin Eric Holder stands there holding a lame Press Conference. Didn't even lose his job. So far, no one in this Administration has been held accountable for anything. That needs to change.

Obama exported the Chicago Way into DC...and the results are very ugly.

We had a U.S. President named Richard Nixon, booted out of office for far less. For their Fast & Furious travesty alone, heads should have rolled. And i mean at the very top. Instead, that despicable cretin Eric Holder stands there holding a lame Press Conference. Didn't even lose his job. So far, no one in this Administration has been held accountable for anything. That needs to change.

Obama exported the Chicago Way into DC...and the results are very ugly.


Richard Milhouse Obama..
Recent poll shows voters trust Hillary over the GOP on Benghazi. :_)
"I never read the memo's, and as far as I know, nobody in my department read the memo's"

Hillary won't make it past the primary,....'cause it's damn sure a given that those very telling words about her leadership style, are going to be used against her, en masse, by her dem challengers.....That wench is toast......But then, all that needs to be said about that clown, is that she has stuck by a man whose dick has been in more skanky liberal pussy than a common street pimp.....Yeah, she's a "strong woman" alright....More like, "gullible and incredibly ignorant" woman

And of course, there are clueless idiots like yourself, who will follow blindly along, as you fools do with the worst President in US history, because you are blinded by abject ignorance and stupidity.
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Recent poll shows voters trust Hillary over the GOP on Benghazi. :_)
"I never read the memo's, and as far as I know, nobody in my department read the memo's"

Hillary won't make it past the primary,....'cause it's damn sure a given that those very telling words about her leadership style, are going to be used against her, en masse, by her dem challengers.....That wench is toast......But then, all that needs to be said about that clown, is that she has stuck by a man who's dick has been in more skanky liberal pussy than a common a street pimp.....Yeah, she's a "strong woman" alright....More like, "gullible and incredibly ignorant" womam

And of course, there are clueless idiots like yourself, who will follow blindly along, as you fools do with the worst President in US history, because you are blinded by abject ignorance and stupidity.

Unfortunately, you are giving far too much credit to those who vote left of center. While I know some very intelligent, knowledgeable, and thoughtful liberals who I admire--some I love--dearly, these are very rare. Most would vote for anybody with a D after their name because that is far more important to them than anything the candidate has or has not done or accomplished or tried to do.

If that were not true, Obama would not be getting the free ride from most of the mainstream media that he has been getting. He's a "D", therefore above criticism, reproach, or close scrutiny. And, because he is black, all who presumes to criticze, analyze, or scrutinize what he does or what he has or has not accomplished are immediately accused of being on a 'witch hunt' because they are racist.
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It's because they're idiots.

Foxy is too nice to say it, but honestly...someone who votes that way is just too stupid.

And they're usually criminal, uneducated, and/or foreign, these are the groups the Dems pay to vote for them, and to break laws for them so they can retain or gain power.
It's because they're idiots.

Foxy is too nice to say it, but honestly...someone who votes that way is just too stupid.

And they're usually criminal, uneducated, and/or foreign, these are the groups the Dems pay to vote for them, and to break laws for them so they can retain or gain power.

Criminal, uneducated, and/or foreign - OR - simply brainwashed, products of a government education system that indoctrinates instead of educates, or they are opportunistic and/or addicted to free stuff courtesy of the taxpayer. And throw into that mix a few honest idealistic ideologues who truly believe that the liberal way is the noble high road.

But none are willing to closely scrutinize the results or progress or unintended consequences of what their heroes do.
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what is the CRIME in Benghazi again?

The Obama administration did not commit a crime in Benghazi. He & his admin lied about what happened there to help his image during the election. He & the media also lied about Benghazi in his debate against Romney.
It's because they're idiots.

Foxy is too nice to say it, but honestly...someone who votes that way is just too stupid.

And they're usually criminal, uneducated, and/or foreign, these are the groups the Dems pay to vote for them, and to break laws for them so they can retain or gain power.

Criminal, uneducated, and/or foreign - OR - simply brainwashed, products of a government education system that indoctrinates instead of educates, or they are opportunistic and/or addicted to free stuff courtesy of the taxpayer. And throw into that mix a few honest idealistic ideologues who truly believe that the liberal way is the noble high road.

But none are willing to closely scrutinize the results or progress or unintended consequences of what their heroes do.

I detested Nixon, followed Woodstein religiously through the end of high school and into college. By that time, I was fairly conservative which didn't matter.

I'd read Nixon Agonistes in early high school and while I recognized the personal bias of Wills, I also saw the complexity of Nixon, including his very dark side. Once that happened, it was inevitable that I'd see the problems with Watergate and the cover-up.

Since 2008, seen the same with Obama, after reading his autobiographies. The man is complex, granted. He's not nearly as smart and certainly not self-aware as one would think, with two autobiographies under his belt.
It's because they're idiots.

Foxy is too nice to say it, but honestly...someone who votes that way is just too stupid.

And they're usually criminal, uneducated, and/or foreign, these are the groups the Dems pay to vote for them, and to break laws for them so they can retain or gain power.

Criminal, uneducated, and/or foreign - OR - simply brainwashed, products of a government education system that indoctrinates instead of educates, or they are opportunistic and/or addicted to free stuff courtesy of the taxpayer. And throw into that mix a few honest idealistic ideologues who truly believe that the liberal way is the noble high road.

But none are willing to closely scrutinize the results or progress or unintended consequences of what their heroes do.

I detested Nixon, followed Woodstein religiously through the end of high school and into college. By that time, I was fairly conservative which didn't matter.

I'd read Nixon Agonistes in early high school and while I recognized the personal bias of Wills, I also saw the complexity of Nixon, including his very dark side. Once that happened, it was inevitable that I'd see the problems with Watergate and the cover-up.

Since 2008, seen the same with Obama, after reading his autobiographies. The man is complex, granted. He's not nearly as smart and certainly not self-aware as one would think, with two autobiographies under his belt.

I can't say I detested Nixon though I had not been converted away from the Democratic Party at that time, and I did not vote for him. In retrospect, I can now see that he was left of JFK, and there are components of his administration I can neither justify or defend on any basis, but I can also appreciate the flashes of brilliance that were there and acknowledge the things he got right and did well. Like Obama he inherited a highly unpopular war, a deepening recession with stagflation, and also a far more precarious international dynamic than what Obama has had to deal with.

Few people know that Nixon's No. 1 priority was to usher in a "New generation of peace" and accomplished a number of things toward that goal. Unfortunately, like some of his predecessors, he wasn't above turning the Constitution on its head to get some things done and he did some damage in that process. But even resigning in disgrace cannot take away from him some accomplishment he can point to with pride.

So far, Obama doesn't have much to point to with pride. But it's hard to get things done when you don't know anything about anything, when nobody tells you anything about anything, when you are out of every loop of anything that even potentially includes a problem.
Here's the problem that the Obama folks are now facing, Mamooth...

You can only use the excuse that "I didn't know anything about that" so many times before people begin to ask WHY you didn't know about it. If you're running the show...you're supposed to know what's going on. Saying that you didn't know about this...and you didn't know about that...and no, I didn't have a clue THAT was going on starts to leave the impression that you're clueless.

Damn straight.

You're the President of the United States of America and you're telling me you don't know what the fuck is going on in your own administration?
Criminal, uneducated, and/or foreign - OR - simply brainwashed, products of a government education system that indoctrinates instead of educates, or they are opportunistic and/or addicted to free stuff courtesy of the taxpayer. And throw into that mix a few honest idealistic ideologues who truly believe that the liberal way is the noble high road.

But none are willing to closely scrutinize the results or progress or unintended consequences of what their heroes do.

I detested Nixon, followed Woodstein religiously through the end of high school and into college. By that time, I was fairly conservative which didn't matter.

I'd read Nixon Agonistes in early high school and while I recognized the personal bias of Wills, I also saw the complexity of Nixon, including his very dark side. Once that happened, it was inevitable that I'd see the problems with Watergate and the cover-up.

Since 2008, seen the same with Obama, after reading his autobiographies. The man is complex, granted. He's not nearly as smart and certainly not self-aware as one would think, with two autobiographies under his belt.

I can't say I detested Nixon though I had not been converted away from the Democratic Party at that time, and I did not vote for him. In retrospect, I can now see that he was left of JFK, and there are components of his administration I can neither justify or defend on any basis, but I can also appreciate the flashes of brilliance that were there and acknowledge the things he got right and did well. Like Obama he inherited a highly unpopular war, a deepening recession with stagflation, and also a far more precarious international dynamic than what Obama has had to deal with.

Few people know that Nixon's No. 1 priority was to usher in a "New generation of peace" and accomplished a number of things toward that goal. Unfortunately, like some of his predecessors, he wasn't above turning the Constitution on its head to get some things done and he did some damage in that process. But even resigning in disgrace cannot take away from him some accomplishment he can point to with pride.

So far, Obama doesn't have much to point to with pride. But it's hard to get things done when you don't know anything about anything, when nobody tells you anything about anything, when you are out of every loop of anything that even potentially includes a problem.

Unlike Nixon, Obama has zero that will be looked back on as 'groundbreaking' other than his non-race. Obamacare? If it proceeds as likely, he'll rue the day he was happy to have his name attached.

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