Obama administration in full damage control mode

So what did FOX News tell you to say?

When will you rightie dupes figure out you've been lied to, used and discarded yet another time?

You would have thought the righties would have gotten a clue after their Fast & Furious humiliation, but they seem to be slow learners. Or they have that pathology where they demand to be lied to.

You'll have to explain how Fast & Furious was a "humiliation" for the Right, Mamooth because that's one of the strangest contentions I've heard in a long time. Fast & Furious was one of those things where when you hear what's been done...you scratch your head and ask yourself how it is that ANYONE could be that stupid, let alone high ranking government officials. You're going to sell assault rifles to Mexican drug cartels to prove that gun control laws in the US are too lax? And that seemed like a smart idea somehow? Fast & Furious made both Barack Obama AND Eric Holder look like a couple of idiots. How THAT translates into humiliation for the Right is something you'll have to explain.

Yup and she seems to forget that the only reason the investigation came to a halt was because Barry invoked the EP rule to save his buddy Holders Ass.

How quickly the left forgets.

And now obama is crapping all over Holder.
Since Holder is a first class idiot...the only reason he's lasted as long as he has is that he's pals with Barry. If he wasn't...he would have been run out of town shortly after the Fast & Furious story broke.
Remember when Obama took credit for cracking down on those leaks? Big strong leader touting his administration's efforts (even though much was just pursuing cases opened during the Bush administration). Chest puffing. Sheep lulling.

So now he should take credit for the AP seizure.

What a creepy hypocrite. Horning in to take credit for everything he can use to political advantage and tossing blame everywhere else whenever things go sour.
Gee, how many times can Jay Carney say "unfettered" in one press conference? This borders on farce at this point.
It is all coming down on obama at once.

Benghazi, IRS Create Perfect Storm Threatening Obama's Credibility - NationalJournal.com

When two storms collide, the weather gets hairy. For President Obama, the IRS and Benghazi stories converged this weekend for a self-inflicted tempest that threatens his credibility.
His people can’t get their stories straight.

Actually it is having the effect that is not wanted, it is motivating Dems all over. Here in Philadelphia there are now buses and cars going door to door already for 2014. The fact that the republicans are pushing Bengazi is a GOOD thing. It is what will sink them in the long term. Most people see the hypocrisy; republicans did the same thing in 2001/2003 also the GUN debate is killing the republican party. see ya in 2020 republican hack!
And now, the misdirection trick. Their phony leak story is a real hoot. Lets see which Media Outlets take the bait and eat it up.
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A house of lies is like a house of cards. Both fall apart once a key card is removed. In Obama's case, the goodwill assumption that he is truthful has been shot to hell.

It is all coming down on obama at once.

Benghazi, IRS Create Perfect Storm Threatening Obama's Credibility - NationalJournal.com

When two storms collide, the weather gets hairy. For President Obama, the IRS and Benghazi stories converged this weekend for a self-inflicted tempest that threatens his credibility.
His people can’t get their stories straight.

Actually it is having the effect that is not wanted, it is motivating Dems all over. Here in Philadelphia there are now buses and cars going door to door already for 2014. The fact that the republicans are pushing Bengazi is a GOOD thing. It is what will sink them in the long term. Most people see the hypocrisy; republicans did the same thing in 2001/2003 also the GUN debate is killing the republican party. see ya in 2020 republican hack!

3 scandals stacking up atop each other is a "motivating" thing for you Democrats? Sorry, Luke...but it's hard to see how that works. This is the kind of thing that makes people wash their hands of the politicians that they once supported without question.
The worst part of this for "Team Obama"?

The AP scandal is pissing off the main stream media at EXACTLY the time when Barry needs them in his corner to protect him. If they decide to take off the kid gloves in how they treat him? Ouch, he's in for a ROUGH ROUGH time!
Welcome to Chicago folks. This is how it's done there. This President was created by the ugly corrupt Chicago Political Machine. He can't escape the Machine. It's who he is. Unfortunately, it's gonna get much worse. The Left/Globalist MSM could only cover for him for so long. They got him re-elected, but now things are beginning to unravel. It's very sad, the man had a lot of promise.
It is all coming down on obama at once.

Benghazi, IRS Create Perfect Storm Threatening Obama's Credibility - NationalJournal.com

When two storms collide, the weather gets hairy. For President Obama, the IRS and Benghazi stories converged this weekend for a self-inflicted tempest that threatens his credibility.
His people can’t get their stories straight.

Actually it is having the effect that is not wanted, it is motivating Dems all over. Here in Philadelphia there are now buses and cars going door to door already for 2014. The fact that the republicans are pushing Bengazi is a GOOD thing. It is what will sink them in the long term. Most people see the hypocrisy; republicans did the same thing in 2001/2003 also the GUN debate is killing the republican party. see ya in 2020 republican hack!

MOST people aren't paying attention. Your assertion couldn't be further from the truth.

The only people paying attention are the die hards.
The worst part of this for "Team Obama"?

The AP scandal is pissing off the main stream media at EXACTLY the time when Barry needs them in his corner to protect him. If they decide to take off the kid gloves in how they treat him? Ouch, he's in for a ROUGH ROUGH time!
and what is so outrageous is Holder stating it was one of the most dangerous leaks he has ever seen......he didn't say a damn thing about the leaking of the Seal Team that took out Bin Laden ....
The worst part of this for "Team Obama"?

The AP scandal is pissing off the main stream media at EXACTLY the time when Barry needs them in his corner to protect him. If they decide to take off the kid gloves in how they treat him? Ouch, he's in for a ROUGH ROUGH time!

Just a dirty Chicago misdirection trick. They're hoping it will be a big distraction. And some in the corrupt MSM will gladly oblige. I'm sure you can guess which Media Outlets they will be. But you are right, the MSM has actually been under assault from this Administration. They should be angry.
Promise? With all due respect, Paul...Barack Obama has managed to parley the "gift" he got from being chosen as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review into a lifetime of cushy jobs while accomplishing next to nothing that's exceptional either as a lawyer...as a college lecturer or as a legislator.

He's the epitome of an "empty suit". All facade with little depth.
Promise? With all due respect, Paul...Barack Obama has managed to parley the "gift" he got from being chosen as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review into a lifetime of cushy jobs while accomplishing next to nothing that's exceptional either as a lawyer...as a college lecturer or as a legislator.

He's the epitome of an "empty suit". All facade with little depth.

I hear ya, but he did have a chance to do good and unite the People. Unfortunately, he allowed the despicable Chicago assholes to run the show. But i guess he had no choice. They created him after all. He's simply their puppet. The cretin holding that Press Conference today should be in cuffs and wearing an orange jumpsuit. He's a criminal. Brian Terry and his Family still haven't received justice for his horrific Fast & Furious travesty. But hey, it is the Chicago Way. I fully expected to see this corruption from day one. I'm not surprised at all. But is still very sad.
A house of lies is like a house of cards. Both fall apart once a key card is removed. In Obama's case, the goodwill assumption that he is truthful has been shot to hell.


I think the card that was removed reads "press."

Once the most corrupt administration in history started spying on the press, all the cockroaches suddenly started having a light shown on them....

Funny how that works.
Promise? With all due respect, Paul...Barack Obama has managed to parley the "gift" he got from being chosen as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review into a lifetime of cushy jobs while accomplishing next to nothing that's exceptional either as a lawyer...as a college lecturer or as a legislator.

He's the epitome of an "empty suit". All facade with little depth.

I hear ya, but he did have a chance to do good and unite the People. Unfortunately, he allowed the despicable Chicago assholes to run the show. But i guess he had no choice. They created him after all. He's simply their puppet. The cretin holding that Press Conference today should be in cuffs and wearing an orange jumpsuit. He's a criminal. Brian Terry and his Family still haven't received justice for his horrific Fast & Furious travesty. But hey, it is the Chicago Way. I fully expected to see this corruption from day one. I'm not surprised at all. But is still very sad.

Back when Emile Jones bragged to that Chicago beat reporter, "Watch me make a US Senator!" little did either of them know that what Jones was doing, when he took a totally ineffectual Illinois State Senator and fed him other people's bills to call his own, was to create a US President who is so totally in over his head on this job that it's not even funny.
A house of lies is like a house of cards. Both fall apart once a key card is removed. In Obama's case, the goodwill assumption that he is truthful has been shot to hell.


I think the card that was removed reads "press."

Once the most corrupt administration in history started spying on the press, all the cockroaches suddenly started having a light shown on them....

Funny how that works.

It's funnier than shit, in fact.

I have said since Obama's ascencion that those morons have been deceived into thinking he will PROTECT them, if they protect him, and that they are FAVORED by the progressives in general and will be guaranteed cush jobs for life if they just paint a rosy picture....

They aren't. They're tools, dupes and scapegoats.

I would love to see the result of all this, because what is going to be *discovered* is that most of the *sources* either don't exist, consist of other journalists, or, wait, don't exist.

Or they won't be in any way, shape or form who they are portrayed to be. For example, an anonymous admin official will be the janitor.
We had a U.S. President named Richard Nixon, booted out of office for far less. For their Fast & Furious travesty alone, heads should have rolled. And i mean at the very top. Instead, that despicable cretin Eric Holder stands there holding a lame Press Conference. Didn't even lose his job. So far, no one in this Administration has been held accountable for anything. That needs to change.
We had a U.S. President named Richard Nixon, booted out of office for far less. For their Fast & Furious travesty alone, heads should have rolled. And i mean at the very top. Instead, that despicable cretin Eric Holder stands there holding a lame Press Conference. Didn't even lose his job. So far, no one in this Administration has been held accountable for anything. That needs to change.

Obama exported the Chicago Way into DC...and the results are very ugly.

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