Obama administration in full damage control mode

This has got to sting. Months of going batshit crazy at Hillary, and it's gained the Republicans ... zilch. No wonder they're having such meltdowns. It was the only strategy they had, and it failed hard. Except the rightie TrueBelievers, nobody has fallen for the propaganda.

Voters trust Clinton over GOP on Benghazi - Public Policy Polling
Voters trust Hillary Clinton over Congressional Republicans on the issue of Benghazi by a 49/39 margin and Clinton's +8 net favorability rating at 52/44 is identical to what it was on our last national poll in late March.

Also, good to see the Republicans failing to learn anything from 2012. You know, that they might want to embrace policies that most Americans don't hate, and stop demonizing minorities and the middle class. The Republican soul-searching had grown anemic over the past few months, and has now stopped completely. The moral high ground just took too much effort to hike up to, so Republicans are heading back down to the moral wetlands and counting on phony scandals and personal attacks to win it in 2016.

And speaking of ignorant, most Republicans polled were some of the dumbest 'effin people on the planet.
While voters overall may think Congress' focus should be elsewhere there's no doubt about how mad Republicans are about Benghazi. 41% say they consider this to be the biggest political scandal in American history to only 43% who disagree with that sentiment. Only 10% of Democrats and 20% of independents share that feeling. Republicans think by a 74/19 margin than Benghazi is a worse political scandal than Watergate, by a 74/12 margin that it's worse than Teapot Dome, and by a 70/20 margin that it's worse than Iran Contra.

One interesting thing about the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history is that 39% of them don't actually know where it is.
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The economy is improving, the IRS nuts will get fired, and the rightwingloons will continue to meltdown over the last election.


Hopefully, the head of the IRS will lost his job.

He's a pub, appointed by geeDumya - a tiny factoid the rw's are ignoring.

But, yes, the economy is growing as fast as it can in view of the constant obstructionism from the right.

BTW, why is the R refusing to even discuss looking for those who attacked Benghazi AND increasing security for our embassies? Hmmm?
The corrupt Chicago political assholes simply relocated to Washington. That's what we're dealing with. This President is a powerless Lame Duck from here on. The trust is gone. His IRS travesty should be the last straw for most.
This has got to sting. Months of going batshit crazy at Hillary, and it's gained the Republicans ... zilch. No wonder they're having such meltdowns. It was the only strategy they had, and it failed hard. Except the rightie TrueBelievers, nobody has fallen for the propaganda.

Voters trust Clinton over GOP on Benghazi - Public Policy Polling
Voters trust Hillary Clinton over Congressional Republicans on the issue of Benghazi by a 49/39 margin and Clinton's +8 net favorability rating at 52/44 is identical to what it was on our last national poll in late March.

Also, good to see the Republicans failing to learn anything from 2012. You know, that they might want to embrace policies that most Americans don't hate, and stop demonizing minorities and the middle class. The Republican soul-searching had grown anemic over the past few months, and has now stopped completely. The moral high ground just took too much effort to hike up to, so Republicans are heading back down to the moral wetlands and counting on phony scandals and personal attacks to win it in 2016.

And speaking of ignorant, most Republicans polled were some of the dumbest 'effin people on the planet.
While voters overall may think Congress' focus should be elsewhere there's no doubt about how mad Republicans are about Benghazi. 41% say they consider this to be the biggest political scandal in American history to only 43% who disagree with that sentiment. Only 10% of Democrats and 20% of independents share that feeling. Republicans think by a 74/19 margin than Benghazi is a worse political scandal than Watergate, by a 74/12 margin that it's worse than Teapot Dome, and by a 70/20 margin that it's worse than Iran Contra.

One interesting thing about the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history is that 39% of them don't actually know where it is.

Neither she nor Obama has done anything wrong and MOST people are smart enough to know that.

OTOH, the Rs cut security, leaving these people out in the open. And, of course, as usual, they're not interested in getting those who did this and they sure as hell won't increase security. Useless bastards.

Kinda fun watching the idiot rw's running around, snatching at their hair and repeating rw lies.
If you want to hear President Obama's press conference this morning re the IRS and Benghazi, here it is unedited and in its entirety.


I didn't go back to relisten, but I'm pretty sure that he contradicted himself here - early on saying that they quickly put out the information re the Benghazi attack being organized terrorism and he also said that Susan Rice, several days, later, reporting that the attack was a spontaneous mob inflamed over the video, was reporting what he and others had put out. (?) I could have heard that wrong but will re-listen when I get some time and/or will find a copy of the printed transcript.

But it is true he is blaming everybody but his administration for any screw ups and any negative publicity.

And the current line will now be not "What the definition of "is" is" but "There is no there there." :)
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This has got to sting. Months of going batshit crazy at Hillary, and it's gained the Republicans ... zilch. No wonder they're having such meltdowns. It was the only strategy they had, and it failed hard. Except the rightie TrueBelievers, nobody has fallen for the propaganda.

Voters trust Clinton over GOP on Benghazi - Public Policy Polling
Voters trust Hillary Clinton over Congressional Republicans on the issue of Benghazi by a 49/39 margin and Clinton's +8 net favorability rating at 52/44 is identical to what it was on our last national poll in late March.

Also, good to see the Republicans failing to learn anything from 2012. You know, that they might want to embrace policies that most Americans don't hate, and stop demonizing minorities and the middle class. The Republican soul-searching had grown anemic over the past few months, and has now stopped completely. The moral high ground just took too much effort to hike up to, so Republicans are heading back down to the moral wetlands and counting on phony scandals and personal attacks to win it in 2016.

And speaking of ignorant, most Republicans polled were some of the dumbest 'effin people on the planet.
While voters overall may think Congress' focus should be elsewhere there's no doubt about how mad Republicans are about Benghazi. 41% say they consider this to be the biggest political scandal in American history to only 43% who disagree with that sentiment. Only 10% of Democrats and 20% of independents share that feeling. Republicans think by a 74/19 margin than Benghazi is a worse political scandal than Watergate, by a 74/12 margin that it's worse than Teapot Dome, and by a 70/20 margin that it's worse than Iran Contra.

One interesting thing about the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history is that 39% of them don't actually know where it is.

I'm sorry, Mamooth...but anyone who "trusts" Hilary Clinton to tell the truth isn't the brightest bulb on the tree. She's got a rather long history of NOT telling the truth.
This has got to sting. Months of going batshit crazy at Hillary, and it's gained the Republicans ... zilch. No wonder they're having such meltdowns. It was the only strategy they had, and it failed hard. Except the rightie TrueBelievers, nobody has fallen for the propaganda.

Voters trust Clinton over GOP on Benghazi - Public Policy Polling
Voters trust Hillary Clinton over Congressional Republicans on the issue of Benghazi by a 49/39 margin and Clinton's +8 net favorability rating at 52/44 is identical to what it was on our last national poll in late March.

Also, good to see the Republicans failing to learn anything from 2012. You know, that they might want to embrace policies that most Americans don't hate, and stop demonizing minorities and the middle class. The Republican soul-searching had grown anemic over the past few months, and has now stopped completely. The moral high ground just took too much effort to hike up to, so Republicans are heading back down to the moral wetlands and counting on phony scandals and personal attacks to win it in 2016.

And speaking of ignorant, most Republicans polled were some of the dumbest 'effin people on the planet.
While voters overall may think Congress' focus should be elsewhere there's no doubt about how mad Republicans are about Benghazi. 41% say they consider this to be the biggest political scandal in American history to only 43% who disagree with that sentiment. Only 10% of Democrats and 20% of independents share that feeling. Republicans think by a 74/19 margin than Benghazi is a worse political scandal than Watergate, by a 74/12 margin that it's worse than Teapot Dome, and by a 70/20 margin that it's worse than Iran Contra.

One interesting thing about the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history is that 39% of them don't actually know where it is.

I'm sorry, Mamooth...but anyone who "trusts" Hilary Clinton to tell the truth isn't the brightest bulb on the tree. She's got a rather long history of NOT telling the truth.

Women who are in relationships they are ashamed of typically lie so much to hide it that it becomes second nature
This has got to sting. Months of going batshit crazy at Hillary, and it's gained the Republicans ... zilch. No wonder they're having such meltdowns. It was the only strategy they had, and it failed hard. Except the rightie TrueBelievers, nobody has fallen for the propaganda.

Voters trust Clinton over GOP on Benghazi - Public Policy Polling
Voters trust Hillary Clinton over Congressional Republicans on the issue of Benghazi by a 49/39 margin and Clinton's +8 net favorability rating at 52/44 is identical to what it was on our last national poll in late March.

Also, good to see the Republicans failing to learn anything from 2012. You know, that they might want to embrace policies that most Americans don't hate, and stop demonizing minorities and the middle class. The Republican soul-searching had grown anemic over the past few months, and has now stopped completely. The moral high ground just took too much effort to hike up to, so Republicans are heading back down to the moral wetlands and counting on phony scandals and personal attacks to win it in 2016.

And speaking of ignorant, most Republicans polled were some of the dumbest 'effin people on the planet.
While voters overall may think Congress' focus should be elsewhere there's no doubt about how mad Republicans are about Benghazi. 41% say they consider this to be the biggest political scandal in American history to only 43% who disagree with that sentiment. Only 10% of Democrats and 20% of independents share that feeling. Republicans think by a 74/19 margin than Benghazi is a worse political scandal than Watergate, by a 74/12 margin that it's worse than Teapot Dome, and by a 70/20 margin that it's worse than Iran Contra.

One interesting thing about the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history is that 39% of them don't actually know where it is.

Neither she nor Obama has done anything wrong and MOST people are smart enough to know that.

OTOH, the Rs cut security, leaving these people out in the open. And, of course, as usual, they're not interested in getting those who did this and they sure as hell won't increase security. Useless bastards.

Kinda fun watching the idiot rw's running around, snatching at their hair and repeating rw lies.

Since that talking point was totally destroyed by Charlene Lamb's testimony...you're going to have to come up with another "excuse" for Benghazi than "the R's cut security", Luddley.

You seem to think that deliberately misleading the American people doesn't fall under the heading of not doing anything "wrong". I'm sorry but I disagree with that assessment. They made a political calculation that they could go with the YouTube story and it would hold up long enough to get them to the election relatively unscathed. It worked. Now the truth is finally coming out and they'll have to pay a political price for the lies they told.
This has got to sting. Months of going batshit crazy at Hillary, and it's gained the Republicans ... zilch. No wonder they're having such meltdowns. It was the only strategy they had, and it failed hard. Except the rightie TrueBelievers, nobody has fallen for the propaganda.

Voters trust Clinton over GOP on Benghazi - Public Policy Polling
Voters trust Hillary Clinton over Congressional Republicans on the issue of Benghazi by a 49/39 margin and Clinton's +8 net favorability rating at 52/44 is identical to what it was on our last national poll in late March.

Also, good to see the Republicans failing to learn anything from 2012. You know, that they might want to embrace policies that most Americans don't hate, and stop demonizing minorities and the middle class. The Republican soul-searching had grown anemic over the past few months, and has now stopped completely. The moral high ground just took too much effort to hike up to, so Republicans are heading back down to the moral wetlands and counting on phony scandals and personal attacks to win it in 2016.

And speaking of ignorant, most Republicans polled were some of the dumbest 'effin people on the planet.
While voters overall may think Congress' focus should be elsewhere there's no doubt about how mad Republicans are about Benghazi. 41% say they consider this to be the biggest political scandal in American history to only 43% who disagree with that sentiment. Only 10% of Democrats and 20% of independents share that feeling. Republicans think by a 74/19 margin than Benghazi is a worse political scandal than Watergate, by a 74/12 margin that it's worse than Teapot Dome, and by a 70/20 margin that it's worse than Iran Contra.

One interesting thing about the voters who think Benghazi is the biggest political scandal in American history is that 39% of them don't actually know where it is.

I'm sorry, Mamooth...but anyone who "trusts" Hilary Clinton to tell the truth isn't the brightest bulb on the tree. She's got a rather long history of NOT telling the truth.

Women who are in relationships they are ashamed of typically lie so much to hide it that it becomes second nature

Hilary is a lawyer and a politician. Playing games with the truth is what both professions
I'm sorry, Mamooth...but anyone who "trusts" Hilary Clinton to tell the truth isn't the brightest bulb on the tree. She's got a rather long history of NOT telling the truth.

Women who are in relationships they are ashamed of typically lie so much to hide it that it becomes second nature

Hilary is a lawyer and a politician. Playing games with the truth is what both professions

And going all the way back to Gennifer Flowers, the Whitewater hearings, some inquiries into questionable investments, etc., and the events surrounding Benghazi, she knows even less about stuff she is responsible for than Obama does.

Makes you wonder how people who know nothing about anything, who aren't informed by their insubordinates about anything, who apparently never attend briefings or read e-mails or watch television or ask anything about what is going on. . . . .how did these people convince others they were smart enough or competent enough to be elected and/or appointed to high office?

Either they are a whole lot smarter than they let on, or there's a whole lot of people even more clueless than they report they are who voted for them.
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It's definitely getting tougher & tougher for the Left/Globalist Media to defend this Administration. How many at CNN, NBC, or the NY Times will be calling for Impeachment over their guy's ugly IRS travesty? Stay tuned i guess...Or don't. I'll understand. :)
So what did FOX News tell you to say?

When will you rightie dupes figure out you've been lied to, used and discarded yet another time?

You would have thought the righties would have gotten a clue after their Fast & Furious humiliation, but they seem to be slow learners. Or they have that pathology where they demand to be lied to.
So what did FOX News tell you to say?

When will you rightie dupes figure out you've been lied to, used and discarded yet another time?

You would have thought the righties would have gotten a clue after their Fast & Furious humiliation, but they seem to be slow learners. Or they have that pathology where they demand to be lied to.

???? The last I heard as of last October, they had achieved one conviction with prison time with others pending? Who got handed what there?

And I don't hear anybody repeating anything Fox News told them to say. Several of us have been posting links from Fox News--since they are the only ones competently covering this stuff--and these links are the actual speeches, testimony, commentary that the Administration is providing to the media.

Now if you think that's all bogus, then good. You're finally able to recognize when somebody with a "D" after their name is lying. That's real progress.
So what did FOX News tell you to say?

When will you rightie dupes figure out you've been lied to, used and discarded yet another time?

You would have thought the righties would have gotten a clue after their Fast & Furious humiliation, but they seem to be slow learners. Or they have that pathology where they demand to be lied to.

You'll have to explain how Fast & Furious was a "humiliation" for the Right, Mamooth because that's one of the strangest contentions I've heard in a long time. Fast & Furious was one of those things where when you hear what's been done...you scratch your head and ask yourself how it is that ANYONE could be that stupid, let alone high ranking government officials. You're going to sell assault rifles to Mexican drug cartels to prove that gun control laws in the US are too lax? And that seemed like a smart idea somehow? Fast & Furious made both Barack Obama AND Eric Holder look like a couple of idiots. How THAT translates into humiliation for the Right is something you'll have to explain.
Here's the problem that the Obama folks are now facing, Mamooth...

You can only use the excuse that "I didn't know anything about that" so many times before people begin to ask WHY you didn't know about it. If you're running the show...you're supposed to know what's going on. Saying that you didn't know about this...and you didn't know about that...and no, I didn't have a clue THAT was going on starts to leave the impression that you're clueless.
what cover up?

CNN even says there WAS a cover-up for political purposes.

But in the center ring is something that still begs an explanation, despite the president's dismissiveness: How -- and why-- did the account of what happened at Benghazi (i.e. the infamous talking points) go through a dozen iterations, beginning with a fairly detailed description of the potential involvement of al Qaeda that morphed over the course of a day into a simple, gauzy, bland (and false) theory?

What we do know is this: In an e-mail, Victoria Nuland, the State Department's spokeswoman at the time, makes the point that a key paragraph in the talking points -- containing context and detail about five other attacks in Benghazi -- "could be abused by members of Congress to beat up the State Department for not paying attention to warnings so why would we feed that either ... "

She's right: Republicans and Mitt Romney would no doubt have accused the administration of not paying enough attention to warning signs. But since it was also the truth -- or an important part of it -- why suppress it?

Opinion: Did political spin hide the truth of Benghazi? - CNN.com
What Nuland is essentially saying is "we're going to lie about this to keep from getting hammered on the issue". Which they then did REPEATEDLY.
So what did FOX News tell you to say?

When will you rightie dupes figure out you've been lied to, used and discarded yet another time?

You would have thought the righties would have gotten a clue after their Fast & Furious humiliation, but they seem to be slow learners. Or they have that pathology where they demand to be lied to.

You'll have to explain how Fast & Furious was a "humiliation" for the Right, Mamooth because that's one of the strangest contentions I've heard in a long time. Fast & Furious was one of those things where when you hear what's been done...you scratch your head and ask yourself how it is that ANYONE could be that stupid, let alone high ranking government officials. You're going to sell assault rifles to Mexican drug cartels to prove that gun control laws in the US are too lax? And that seemed like a smart idea somehow? Fast & Furious made both Barack Obama AND Eric Holder look like a couple of idiots. How THAT translates into humiliation for the Right is something you'll have to explain.

Yup and she seems to forget that the only reason the investigation came to a halt was because Barry invoked the EP rule to save his buddy Holders Ass.

How quickly the left forgets.

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