Obama administration in full damage control mode

I am watching his presser on Fox News right now and his lies in response to the questions dealing with Benghazi were simply amazing, starting with his claim, debunked even by Candy Crowley, that he said it was an act of terrorism the day after it happened.

How someone can get up in front of the cameras and lie like he is doing, when the facts are known, is beyond me.

He is a pathological liar. And he has a few working for him as well.
Just passed the tv where Obama is talking about "political games" in regard to Benghazi and it made my stomach turn. For that, unfortunately, is exactly what he and Hillary did the night of, and the dsay after the attacks on the Consulate.

The only time they spend due diligence in thinking about that Consulate was in covering the tracks (ass) in regards to not protecting the Consulate in the first place; coming up for a reason for the attacks besides the obvious 9/11 anniversary; why no help was sent to the men when they knew what was going on in the areas.

The entire "political gamesmanship" was Alqaeda was exercising their influence in the Middle East while Obama was the Foreign Leader we chose for our president. It was seen in Benghazi, Tripoli and a host of other Western sites in the Middle East and it had to be denied by this administration.

So, nothing was out of order, except a nasty anti muslim video was causing problems in the Middle East. Something that this administration and the State Department had no control over. This "political game" caused the death of 4 good men. What will be the upshot of the cover up? Time will Tell. Where's Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?
what is the crime you alledge?

what is the law that you claim was broken by the admin?
I think the IRS thing was ordered from the top. If proven, it could be an Impeachable offense. It's far worse than Watergate. Targeting average American Citizens for merely holding different political views, is an awful abuse of power. There will have to be accountability.
Refusing to protect our men that are working for the president in dangerous areas is a serious offense. Lying to the American people is a serious offense. Not doing the job of leading this country , the job you were sworn to do, is a serious offense. He broke no laws, but he broke his promise to the American people. The does not bother you?

Did I claim he broke a law?
there is no law that was broken is there guys?

even if all you claim is true there is no law that was broken.

remember how Bush never got charged for anything for lying about Pat Tillmans death.

Jessica Lynchs heroism

Abu Garib.

Rummnys "we know where the WMDS are"

Your Rices "mushroom clouds"

remember you never wanted anyone charged for any of those lies
I think the IRS thing was ordered from the top. If proven, it could be an Impeachable offense. It's far worse than Watergate. Targeting average American Citizens for merely holding different political views, is an awful abuse of power. There will have to be accountability.

Removed content - Newby

You should be concerned with this as well. It's far beyond the old Republican vs. Democrat thing. This goes to the heart & soul of our Nation. Using a powerful Government apparatus to attack fellow Americans, is cowardly and Un-American. It's not what this country is about. There must be accountability. Period, end of story.
You set and set and set and set and set and set the precidence.

Now you wnat your lies to be taken seriously?
I think the IRS thing was ordered from the top. If proven, it could be an Impeachable offense. It's far worse than Watergate. Targeting average American Citizens for merely holding different political views, is an awful abuse of power. There will have to be accountability.

Removed content - Newby

Isn't that an incredible immature statement for an adult message board?
I think the IRS thing was ordered from the top. If proven, it could be an Impeachable offense. It's far worse than Watergate. Targeting average American Citizens for merely holding different political views, is an awful abuse of power. There will have to be accountability.

Removed content - Newby

Isn't that an incredible immature statement for an adult message board?

He or she is well-known here for hysterical hissy fits. It actually gets to be pretty hilarious. He or she is stuck in full Dear Leader-Worship Mode. Him and the Democrats can do no wrong. This IRS thing is awful. No doubt about that.
I am watching his presser on Fox News right now and his lies in response to the questions dealing with Benghazi were simply amazing, starting with his claim, debunked even by Candy Crowley, that he said it was an act of terrorism the day after it happened.

How someone can get up in front of the cameras and lie like he is doing, when the facts are known, is beyond me.

Easy...Obama is someone who knows very well that at least 90% of Americans are pretty much clueless to anything beyond what is on TV tonight and what only affects them. So unless the media challenge him, he gets away with virtually anything.
Face it - ONE media company stayed with Benghazi, if it wasn't for Fox - we wouldn't even have had hearings about it.
Obstruction of Justice is a crime ZOMBIES.

Lawyer for Benghazi Whistle-blower: The Administration is Obstructing Justice - Guy Benson

So is using the IRS to silence political opposition. Your boy is toast and so is Hillbilly Hill.

what often doesn't get mentioned in all this is the fact the Administration continues to stonewall over documents requested by Congress.

This one and 'Fast & Furious' are so much worse than Watergate. Yet no one has been held accountable on either one. How much longer will the American People stand for this? This IRS travesty should be the last straw. I would think even the most loyal Obama-Worshippers, would have to be concerned with this one.

Bullshit Obama called the GOP clowns & moved on . Full Faux vision in progress :eusa_hand:

He cried and cried. Even went so far as to personally name people in his administration that are being picked on with him.

He is such a fucking whiney bitch.

Whatever gets you through the day :eusa_liar:

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