Obama Admits Administration Failure: Says Overestimated Iraq Army, Underestimated I S I S

Why don't you stick to the matter at hand?

If the Iraqis with an army of half a million can't or won't stop ISIS's few thousand fighters,

why should Americans go and die in their place? Why is that our obligation?

You libs are pathetic in every way. You're stupid. You lie. When I post something serious and you low lives turn it personal....then I fire back....all of a sudden I'M THE ONE NOT STICKING to the matter at hand. Pathetic hypocrites. You wreak of desperation.

I love you ppl keep putting it in writing.

You do realize some of us copy these threads and disseminate to people who are actually interested in knowing facts, don't you?

You want to stick to the topic, then stop going to the gutter.

Obama has admitted failure just like the title says. Now THAT's the matter at hand.

Let me repeat the question:

If the Iraqis with an army of half a million can't or won't stop ISIS's few thousand fighters,

why should Americans go and die in their place? Why is that our obligation?

I wonder why Econchick so scrupulously avoids this issue?

If you can't make a good argument for defending a nation that refuses to defend itself, despite its obvious capability to do so,

what's the justification for doing it?

I wonder why you have to be told 50 times the answer. Their military leaders abandoned them.

I could have sworn you said you were ex military. Either you're a liar or quite the idiot to have this explained to you.

So were you military or not?

That has nothing to do with my question. I asking why Americans should die in place of Iraqis who are fleeing the field of battle.

What's the justification?

THAT question is a fair debate. That's not the question I responded to.
"If you can't make a good argument for defending a nation that refuses to defend itself, despite its obvious capability to do so."

Here is your quote above.

Your premise is wrong.
If we had left Korea or Germany just after we had won the war, the same would've happened. We stayed to help the transition and shore up our win.
Obama's trying to hang ISIS missteps on the intelligence community, but the IC warned Obama about ISIS a year ago.

Now he's on 60 Minutes admitting his Administration's failure.....after all, Director Clapper is part of HIS Administration..... about a number of missteps including underestimating ISIS and overestimating the Iraqi Army.

But the IC isn't going to put up with allowing Obama to hang that lie around their necks. It was his stupidity, not theirs.

Eye Opener President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS - Videos - CBS News

Eye Opener: President Obama admits he underestimated ISIS

This Administration's biggest problem is telling the truth and thinking the people will always believe them.
It isn't an eye opener unless you've been in a coma. He is never responsible for anything, blamed Bush for faulty intel then blames the intel on his watch. He's a slimeball that moves the goal posts wherever it suits him for the moment. The libs are too near sighted to see it and the media is too busy polishing his turds to care.

You got it right! The intelligence reports from more than one country believed Sadam had Weapons of Mass Destruction. The question is where did they go. Syria?
Contrast the behavior of the Secret Service director, who immediately took responsibility for the recent failures of those under her leadership, with that of the CIC, who doesn't take responsibility for anything. He's pleased as punch to say "I", and "we" all day long when he expects accolades, but when something bad happens, you never hear him talk about himself.
You libs are pathetic in every way. You're stupid. You lie. When I post something serious and you low lives turn it personal....then I fire back....all of a sudden I'M THE ONE NOT STICKING to the matter at hand. Pathetic hypocrites. You wreak of desperation.

I love you ppl keep putting it in writing.

You do realize some of us copy these threads and disseminate to people who are actually interested in knowing facts, don't you?

You want to stick to the topic, then stop going to the gutter.

Obama has admitted failure just like the title says. Now THAT's the matter at hand.

Let me repeat the question:

If the Iraqis with an army of half a million can't or won't stop ISIS's few thousand fighters,

why should Americans go and die in their place? Why is that our obligation?

I wonder why Econchick so scrupulously avoids this issue?

If you can't make a good argument for defending a nation that refuses to defend itself, despite its obvious capability to do so,

what's the justification for doing it?

I wonder why you have to be told 50 times the answer. Their military leaders abandoned them.

I could have sworn you said you were ex military. Either you're a liar or quite the idiot to have this explained to you.

So were you military or not?

That has nothing to do with my question. I asking why Americans should die in place of Iraqis who are fleeing the field of battle.

What's the justification?

THAT question is a fair debate. That's not the question I responded to.

Well, you want Americans back over there fighting and dying, so you justifiy it.
i never called you a liar..Want to link that for me or do you just want to save some face and retract it?

You never said it LITERALY but you clearly implied it by your posts "I'm Superman." "I'm batman." Are you playing games now?

It's called used of analogy or figuratively speaking.

Why did you clearly state the lies "I'm Superman" and "I'm Batman."

Everyone knows what that's supposed to mean. If you start pulling some Bill Clinton "I didn't have sex with that woman" semantic games, I will lose all respect.

How about i just never said it and stop with the lawyer talk.

What? Never said what?

You never said "I'm Batman" and "I'm Superman."???????

Are you saying you never said that? It's posted.
that you are a liar..

I'm waiting for one of you pathetic, cowardly, dumb ass, useless, desperate liberals to back up your claim with money.

I'm standing by with $2000 to show the confidence in MY assertion. Where's the money to back up yours?

Don't answer.....we've been through this with all you liars making false accusations.

No objective person reading believes them or you.

By all means keep trolling - which is against the rules - or not, I don't give a shit.

Obama is a failure. Now THAT is on topic.

You don't charge the cashier $2000 to show him your ID when you're buying beer.

You want the beer? Show us your ID.
It isn't an eye opener unless you've been in a coma. He is never responsible for anything, blamed Bush for faulty intel then blames the intel on his watch. He's a slimeball that moves the goal posts wherever it suits him for the moment. The libs are too near sighted to see it and the media is too busy polishing his turds to care.

You got it right! The intelligence reports from more than one country believed Sadam had Weapons of Mass Destruction. The question is where did they go. Syria?
I think it's a pretty good bet. Did Assad make his own? I never saw that, somehow he had them though.
You never said it LITERALY but you clearly implied it by your posts "I'm Superman." "I'm batman." Are you playing games now?

It's called used of analogy or figuratively speaking.

Why did you clearly state the lies "I'm Superman" and "I'm Batman."

Everyone knows what that's supposed to mean. If you start pulling some Bill Clinton "I didn't have sex with that woman" semantic games, I will lose all respect.

How about i just never said it and stop with the lawyer talk.

What? Never said what?

You never said "I'm Batman" and "I'm Superman."???????

Are you saying you never said that? It's posted.
that you are a liar..

I'm waiting for one of you pathetic, cowardly, dumb ass, useless, desperate liberals to back up your claim with money.

I'm standing by with $2000 to show the confidence in MY assertion. Where's the money to back up yours?

Don't answer.....we've been through this with all you liars making false accusations.

No objective person reading believes them or you.

By all means keep trolling - which is against the rules - or not, I don't give a shit.

Obama is a failure. Now THAT is on topic.

You don't charge the cashier $2000 to show him your ID when you're buying beer.

You want the beer? Show us your ID.

Another dumb analogy. If I accuse YOU of beating your wife, sane people wouldn't ask YOU to disprove or prove it, they'd ask me to prove it.

I guess you'll do anything to deflect from Obama's failures on foreign policy.
Anyone else tired of hearing this lame ass excuse by the President of our country?

This incompetent man should of been impeached or ran out on rail a long time ago
As more and more comes out, the more they spiral downward at the WH....

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