Obama adviser John Podesta's biggest regret: Keeping America in dark about UFOs

The 'second event' was in fact military flares. But this event is what made the rounds on tv. The actual UFO sighting wasn't captured on video, nor did it appear on the various tv shows about the incident. The Governor himself confirmed this after he was out of office.

There was one video of the "First event" but frankly, it looked like an airplane flying at night with its lights on.

I've seen every US made UFO documentary ever made (more or less.) But I've yet tos ee a supposed alien aircraft/spacecraft that didn't make it seem like the aliens were retarded putting lights on their vehicles.

If you're and wish to keep that fact discreet and covert, why dya have lights on your crafts? :)

Why, perhaps they found a way to use light as a form of transportation! Many theories about wrapping a ship, if you will inside a bubble, and transport it anywhere at unheard of speed. Logically, if we look at the artifacts that were thousands of years old, that we see in our minds eye as something familiar, it could possibly be that soon (100-500 yrs.?) man can TIME TRAVEL, go back to the start of mankind and if not interact, have humans there SEE THEM, as we currently see object in the here and now that are unknown.....Science fiction has an odd way of becoming science fact. I always point out to the CELL PHONE used on Star Trek, long before it became an appendage to humans.
The 'second event' was in fact military flares. But this event is what made the rounds on tv. The actual UFO sighting wasn't captured on video, nor did it appear on the various tv shows about the incident. The Governor himself confirmed this after he was out of office.

There was one video of the "First event" but frankly, it looked like an airplane flying at night with its lights on.

I've seen every US made UFO documentary ever made (more or less.) But I've yet tos ee a supposed alien aircraft/spacecraft that didn't make it seem like the aliens were retarded putting lights on their vehicles.

If you're and wish to keep that fact discreet and covert, why dya have lights on your crafts? :)
Lights in the sky are NOT UFOs. They are lights. Lights do not fly

Lights are NOT UFOs
I think most UFO believers are crackpots and kooks.

However, I've had 2 really good friends who were, in my opinion, extremely skeptical tell me of an experience they had that I can't just brush off.

Then there are things like this:

Phoenix Lights - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I'm not a believer. But sometimes something happens or is witnessed that defies explanation or understanding. And who doesn't enjoy a good mystery?

The Phoenix Lights were explained. From your link.

The U.S. Air Force explained the second event as slow-falling, long-burning LUU-2B/B illumination flares dropped by a flight of fourA-10 Warthog aircraft on a training exercise at the Barry Goldwater Range at Luke Air Force Base. According to this explanation, the flares would have been visible in Phoenix and appeared to hover due to rising heat from the burning flares creating a "balloon" effect on their parachutes, which slowed the descent.[21] The lights then appeared to wink out as they fell behind the Sierra Estrella, a mountain range to the southwest of Phoenix.

Yes, but the witnesses describe something utterly strange that one would be hard pressed to discount as military flares. Their claims are eerily similar and some of them lived hundred of miles north of the Air Force base.
The truth about government investigations?


Like the truth about government involvement in testing psychics?

Podesta has not said he believes we have been visited by aliens

I have yet to see any convincing evidence we've been, or are being visited by aliens. Most obvious reaosn being we're still here. An alien species capable of just getting here will be so much more advanced than us, their not doing as they please would be like our going out of way not to step on an ant. If you detected our radio emissions, and mounted an expedition to get here, why did you go to all that trouble just to stay hidden? While it's plausible to wish discretion after watching old 1950s UFO movies where we react rather unpleasantly, it's more plausible an advanced species wouldn't care if we knew they're here or not since nothing we have poses any threat to them.

The aliens are benevolent because they're more evolved and thus good doesn't make any sense. Only species which evolve to developing technology are predators. Prey don't evolve technology. Thus aliens will be the top predator species of their planets and however advanced they become still have that instinctual desire to dominate and consume prey.
The 'second event' was in fact military flares. But this event is what made the rounds on tv. The actual UFO sighting wasn't captured on video, nor did it appear on the various tv shows about the incident. The Governor himself confirmed this after he was out of office.

There was one video of the "First event" but frankly, it looked like an airplane flying at night with its lights on.

I've seen every US made UFO documentary ever made (more or less.) But I've yet tos ee a supposed alien aircraft/spacecraft that didn't make it seem like the aliens were retarded putting lights on their vehicles.

If you're and wish to keep that fact discreet and covert, why dya have lights on your crafts? :)
Lights in the sky are NOT UFOs. They are lights. Lights do not fly

Lights are NOT UFOs

Well we see that there are no LIGHTS on in your mind! :321:
Does anyone really thing we are alone?? I, for one, do not.

I just don't think any intelligent being from another world could get to us.

At top speed it would take us 70,000 years to get to the nearest star to our sun.

But I could be wrong. They may know how to go as fast as 10% the speed of light.
Besides, after watching us for just a day or so they'd see how readily we kill our own species and every other. There'd be no reason to play nice with us and not just wipe us out if doing so gave them unfettered access to our planet.
The truth about government investigations?


Like the truth about government involvement in testing psychics?

Podesta has not said he believes we have been visited by aliens

I have yet to see any convincing evidence we've been, or are being visited by aliens. Most obvious reaosn being we're still here. An alien species capable of just getting here will be so much more advanced than us, their not doing as they please would be like our going out of way not to step on an ant. If you detected our radio emissions, and mounted an expedition to get here, why did you go to all that trouble just to stay hidden? While it's plausible to wish discretion after watching old 1950s UFO movies where we react rather unpleasantly, it's more plausible an advanced species wouldn't care if we knew they're here or not since nothing we have poses any threat to them.

The aliens are benevolent because they're more evolved and thus good doesn't make any sense. Only species which evolve to developing technology are predators. Prey don't evolve technology. Thus aliens will be the top predator species of their planets and however advanced they become still have that instinctual desire to dominate and consume prey.

You're projecting. Sad. A species that could travel through space and time would have to be advanced. They would have had to have digits like thumbs and fingers in order to initially build and work things. After that, what would you add that doesn't make a ridiculous leap to -- prey?
I was driving down the interstate one day and saw something in the sky. It looked like the prototypical triangular shaped UFO. Driving next to me was a SUV and I looked over and saw them both looking at the thing with shocked looks on their faces.

I looked back at the thing, thinking I am seeing something that could change my life forever. Proof we are not alone.

After a few moments the thing turned slightly and it became apparent it was just an airliner that was angled just right at that moment to look like a UFO.

Or maybe the aliens just took control of my mind????

Evil beings!!!
The truth about government investigations?


Like the truth about government involvement in testing psychics?

Podesta has not said he believes we have been visited by aliens

I have yet to see any convincing evidence we've been, or are being visited by aliens. Most obvious reaosn being we're still here. An alien species capable of just getting here will be so much more advanced than us, their not doing as they please would be like our going out of way not to step on an ant. If you detected our radio emissions, and mounted an expedition to get here, why did you go to all that trouble just to stay hidden? While it's plausible to wish discretion after watching old 1950s UFO movies where we react rather unpleasantly, it's more plausible an advanced species wouldn't care if we knew they're here or not since nothing we have poses any threat to them.

The aliens are benevolent because they're more evolved and thus good doesn't make any sense. Only species which evolve to developing technology are predators. Prey don't evolve technology. Thus aliens will be the top predator species of their planets and however advanced they become still have that instinctual desire to dominate and consume prey.

Let's see, it been postulated that the Aliens are us, either from the future, as we look back at ancient civilizations and wonder, so do the US of the future... perhaps our future withholds a dramatic collapse, leaving only some humans to repopulate Earth and recover our lost history to them, or it could be beings from inside Earth, or it could be humans, that left this world tens of thousand of years ago with the help of those that the artifacts were made for and developing them 1000 years in our time to their 100 years. You can speculate forever on this, but the fact is there are something in the skies that we have no idea about. A fun topic.
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Does anyone really thing we are alone?? I, for one, do not.

I just don't think any intelligent being from another world could get to us.

At top speed it would take us 70,000 years to get to the nearest star to our sun.

But I could be wrong. They may know how to go as fast as 10% the speed of light.

How about it takes them 7 HOURS our time to cross BILLIONS of miles? A FOLD in space, the old Black Hole theory, hell, they just came out saying the BIG BANG might not have really happened.... The BEST minds of mankind, and they STILL ARE CLUELESS!
The truth about government investigations?


Like the truth about government involvement in testing psychics?

Podesta has not said he believes we have been visited by aliens

I have yet to see any convincing evidence we've been, or are being visited by aliens. Most obvious reaosn being we're still here. An alien species capable of just getting here will be so much more advanced than us, their not doing as they please would be like our going out of way not to step on an ant. If you detected our radio emissions, and mounted an expedition to get here, why did you go to all that trouble just to stay hidden? While it's plausible to wish discretion after watching old 1950s UFO movies where we react rather unpleasantly, it's more plausible an advanced species wouldn't care if we knew they're here or not since nothing we have poses any threat to them.

The aliens are benevolent because they're more evolved and thus good doesn't make any sense. Only species which evolve to developing technology are predators. Prey don't evolve technology. Thus aliens will be the top predator species of their planets and however advanced they become still have that instinctual desire to dominate and consume prey.

You assume they are like us. Also there are too many of us. And we do have nukes that could kill them.

If we develops a ship fast enough to get to another world what weapon would we take to defeat a race of 1 billion?

Maybe we would take a few nuclear bombs but then we can't live there after we nuke the place.

I think spacemen came and were our pharaoh's. And they did enslave us. They may have even genetically made us and taught us to mine gold. The mega rich that control our world might be their ancestors.
I was driving down the interstate one day and saw something in the sky. It looked like the prototypical triangular shaped UFO. Driving next to me was a SUV and I looked over and saw them both looking at the thing with shocked looks on their faces.

I looked back at the thing, thinking I am seeing something that could change my life forever. Proof we are not alone.

After a few moments the thing turned slightly and it became apparent it was just an airliner that was angled just right at that moment to look like a UFO.

Or maybe the aliens just took control of my mind????

Evil beings!!!
I grew up next to a major airport. I've seen lights in the sky.

One time I was camping in the deep dark forests of upstate NY. I saw a bright light moving across the sky. I wept. I was told it was an identified flying object -- the space station
I have no doubt there's alien technologically developed species all over the universe. So far, nothing we've discovered here or off-planet is unique. So why would technologically developed species like our's be unique if nothing else is?

But the scientific limitations and hurdles of interstellar travel aren't like in our past when crossing oceans was thought impossible. You knew boats float on water all along, so crossing an ocean was never thought impossible so much as just impractical. But getting to other stars is impossible. There's any number of issues with organic beings travelling away from the protective shields their panets likely afford that intelligent life existed long enough to develop technology. Raditaion, hyper velocity impacts with micrometeors, fuel, air, water, running out, and sheer velocity limitations. Going fast wont ever get anyone from star A to star B. Even AT light-speed it'd still take too long. And if you're going that fast and hit a grain of sand you're dead.

Warping space itself is plausible, and so far the only theoretical way to travel between stars. We know it is in large part because the early universe was warping space naturally. Though the universe being under 14 billion years old means we can't see any further than 14 billion light-years, the actual dimaeter of the universe is estimated at about 80 billion light-years. Due to warped space expansion (i.e. inflation theory,) the earliest universe is estimated to have been expanding at some 10,000 times light-speed. This is proof warp drives are possible. May not be practical for us right now, but neither was flying for most of our existence.

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