Obama adviser John Podesta's biggest regret: Keeping America in dark about UFOs

Honestly, this happened at a fairly close range. Imagine looking at a softball sitting on your windshield as you drive. It was that large.

Made me wonder how many ufo reports are from the same kind of angle/sunlight/height.

I say this but still have a belief that UFO's exist, though I have no real proof.
thank you. I've gotten high and watched lights in the sky.

I doubt UFO's exist, and have no proof either that they do
And I didn't weep.
Then you have never experienced AWE and a wonderment of life.

so sad
One time I wept after perfect sex. Back in college.
Was that when you used the Mayonnaise to hump a Roast Beef?
Did I ever tell that story on usmb?
Taking the scale of just planet Earth, where ever life can exist, it does exist. There's so much life all over planet earth, and so much more that's gone extinct, that because the conditions here on Earth aren't so hard to come by, that it's happened all over the universe is likely. Even if only 1 in 100 billion stars has life similar to our's, because there's a hundred billion other galaxies means there's 100 billion other people similar to us.

On the cosmos they said we don't know for sure when or how life first started. They were theorizing a meteor hit mars and mars rock flew into space and landed on earth and had a stow away microb on it.

How do you think life got started?
How do you think life got started?

I always assumed it just did when the conditions were right but then I thought a comet. I never imagined that the life that once existed on mars got here and started it but I guess they found a meteor fragment and it seems to be the same age as.... I don't remember all the details. It blow my mind. We dont know for sure yet.

I think they're testing mars rocks to see if the meteor we found on earth is Mercian

Interplanetary collisions and comet impacts would mean life occuring is more frequent, not less, but still possible. And on the scale of a galaxy or whole universe even a vast reduction in frequency like that doesn't make for a statistically significant reduction. Even with such a unlikely set of occurences, we know that that unlikely occurence still means life crops up, because it already did with us. Thus, more frequently occuring planetary formations and development being more common means life gets started more, not less often.
Because the region of our galaxy we occupy is rather large, it's reasonable to assume alien life comparable to our's occupies that same region. As it lkely does in galaxies similar to our own. Just as Earth occupies the so-called Goldilocks zone around the Sun, the Sun exists in the G-zone of the galaxy. No tso close to the center than radiation makes life evolving harder, not so far that stars and planets are fewer and further between. Where ever life can occur in a galxy, just like on Earth, it does occur. That it already has here tells me it's occured all over.

Reasonable? Possible maybe, Probable, not.

We exist. Thus it is in fact probable because it happened once already. Just as there's WAY more thna only 1 form of life here, there's likely WAY more than just 1 system with life. Where life can exist, as in this region of the galaxy it does exist. If life can occur once, there's more reason to conclude it's happend more than once, just as it has here.

Unless you believe god created the universe all for us.

God could still have created everything. Might only be what we think is God is what's wrong, not that "God" doesn't exist. God could simply be whatever mechanism exists and occured naturally that gave rise to what we know for sure exists, the universe. God might just not be the sentient discrete being some of us think it is. God could be instead a force of nature as it were that makes universes in some as yet undescribe process.

Then don't call it god because when I hear god I think the guy who visited Abraham Moses Noah Adam Joseph Smith Mohammad

And made a guest appearance and met with and talked to the Jewish people and romans 2000 years ago and it ended badly.

Religions with gods were around a LONG time before the guy we talk about now. Who's to say "God" wasn't orginally a natural process and not a "person?"
Besides, after watching us for just a day or so they'd see how readily we kill our own species and every other. There'd be no reason to play nice with us and not just wipe us out if doing so gave them unfettered access to our planet.
That's why I think "they" are "us" from the future, time traveling back....and yes, some of "them" are small and grey and puny with big eyes, but that could be from having to live underground, (due to some sort of nuclear or astronomical disaster that took place) or from no longer needing to do anything physical anymore because we have computers or robots do everything for us.... or the small greys could be androids of some sort working for a 'larger us'?

I was going to try to write a sci fi book on this at one time..... :D

Science reality is so much better. Have you seen the old and new Cosmos series? Rent and watch them if not. I watched them several times. We are made of star stuff. Not our star but a star or several stars that died billions of years ago. These stars may have once harbored a planet with life. Billions of years ago before our sun was born maybe an intelligent life drove by and didn't see anything. Imagine being on a cruise ship and looking for a stick a pirate threw overboard 1000 years ago.

I just blew my mind. Write your book! You only live once. No heaven where you get to write books. Lol
Taking the scale of just planet Earth, where ever life can exist, it does exist. There's so much life all over planet earth, and so much more that's gone extinct, that because the conditions here on Earth aren't so hard to come by, that it's happened all over the universe is likely. Even if only 1 in 100 billion stars has life similar to our's, because there's a hundred billion other galaxies means there's 100 billion other people similar to us.

On the cosmos they said we don't know for sure when or how life first started. They were theorizing a meteor hit mars and mars rock flew into space and landed on earth and had a stow away microb on it.

How do you think life got started?
How do you think life got started?

I always assumed it just did when the conditions were right but then I thought a comet. I never imagined that the life that once existed on mars got here and started it but I guess they found a meteor fragment and it seems to be the same age as.... I don't remember all the details. It blow my mind. We dont know for sure yet.

I think they're testing mars rocks to see if the meteor we found on earth is Mercian

Interplanetary collisions and comet impacts would mean life occuring is more frequent, not less, but still possible. And on the scale of a galaxy or whole universe even a vast reduction in frequency like that doesn't make for a statistically significant reduction. Even with such a unlikely set of occurences, we know that that unlikely occurence still means life crops up, because it already did with us. Thus, more frequently occuring planetary formations and development being more common means life gets started more, not less often.

I think it's very common.
Taking the scale of just planet Earth, where ever life can exist, it does exist. There's so much life all over planet earth, and so much more that's gone extinct, that because the conditions here on Earth aren't so hard to come by, that it's happened all over the universe is likely. Even if only 1 in 100 billion stars has life similar to our's, because there's a hundred billion other galaxies means there's 100 billion other people similar to us.

On the cosmos they said we don't know for sure when or how life first started. They were theorizing a meteor hit mars and mars rock flew into space and landed on earth and had a stow away microb on it.

How do you think life got started?
How do you think life got started?

I always assumed it just did when the conditions were right but then I thought a comet. I never imagined that the life that once existed on mars got here and started it but I guess they found a meteor fragment and it seems to be the same age as.... I don't remember all the details. It blow my mind. We dont know for sure yet.

I think they're testing mars rocks to see if the meteor we found on earth is Mercian

With evidence like this I need no religion. I am almost always in awe of what science discovers
Taking the scale of just planet Earth, where ever life can exist, it does exist. There's so much life all over planet earth, and so much more that's gone extinct, that because the conditions here on Earth aren't so hard to come by, that it's happened all over the universe is likely. Even if only 1 in 100 billion stars has life similar to our's, because there's a hundred billion other galaxies means there's 100 billion other people similar to us.

On the cosmos they said we don't know for sure when or how life first started. They were theorizing a meteor hit mars and mars rock flew into space and landed on earth and had a stow away microb on it.

How do you think life got started?
How do you think life got started?

I always assumed it just did when the conditions were right but then I thought a comet. I never imagined that the life that once existed on mars got here and started it but I guess they found a meteor fragment and it seems to be the same age as.... I don't remember all the details. It blow my mind. We dont know for sure yet.

I think they're testing mars rocks to see if the meteor we found on earth is Mercian

Interplanetary collisions and comet impacts would mean life occuring is more frequent, not less, but still possible. And on the scale of a galaxy or whole universe even a vast reduction in frequency like that doesn't make for a statistically significant reduction. Even with such a unlikely set of occurences, we know that that unlikely occurence still means life crops up, because it already did with us. Thus, more frequently occuring planetary formations and development being more common means life gets started more, not less often.

I think it's very common.

Planets forming around stars is very common. Planets forming around stars then getting smacked by debris from neighboring planets struck by comets would be less common. But if even in the less-common situation like our's life still occurs, that means where such collisions don't occur, life occuring would be more common.
Vigilante I guess the Vig-man is clueless that Jules Verne's book(s) is 'science fiction' -- notice it is fiction based on science

Well, you mean you finally understood that... come on, who told you?

What science did Vern work off of flying to the moon.... have a link to that?
Jesus you're an idjit 1st class
Taking the scale of just planet Earth, where ever life can exist, it does exist. There's so much life all over planet earth, and so much more that's gone extinct, that because the conditions here on Earth aren't so hard to come by, that it's happened all over the universe is likely. Even if only 1 in 100 billion stars has life similar to our's, because there's a hundred billion other galaxies means there's 100 billion other people similar to us.

On the cosmos they said we don't know for sure when or how life first started. They were theorizing a meteor hit mars and mars rock flew into space and landed on earth and had a stow away microb on it.

How do you think life got started?
How do you think life got started?

I always assumed it just did when the conditions were right but then I thought a comet. I never imagined that the life that once existed on mars got here and started it but I guess they found a meteor fragment and it seems to be the same age as.... I don't remember all the details. It blow my mind. We dont know for sure yet.

I think they're testing mars rocks to see if the meteor we found on earth is Mercian

Interplanetary collisions and comet impacts would mean life occuring is more frequent, not less, but still possible. And on the scale of a galaxy or whole universe even a vast reduction in frequency like that doesn't make for a statistically significant reduction. Even with such a unlikely set of occurences, we know that that unlikely occurence still means life crops up, because it already did with us. Thus, more frequently occuring planetary formations and development being more common means life gets started more, not less often.

I think life or DNA or amino acids come from stars. Everything does. What is cooking in stars is what makes planets and ice and meteors and comics and moons.

Saying life came from mars doesn't answer the question because then we will ask how did life start on mars.

I think life comes from icy comets. Isn't that how water got here? I love talking about this stuff. So much I don't know.
They were speculation at the time, still in the INVENTION stage, as I suppose Vern's wonderful novel of moon traveling was! They knew it was coming in the 19th century!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
There you go again...backtracking.

What you have just described is NOT magical thinking.

You: Let's see, it been postulated that the Aliens are us, either from the future,.

Dante: one of many silly postulations based on nothing credible but magical thinking

You: As was the cell phone, and the internet! You suck at logic, and credibility.

early 'stories' about technology that appear to have predicted cell phones and the internet were based on know science of the time. It's true. Look it up on the internet with your cell phone.

When sci-fi writers posited technological advances, they were NOT engaging in magical thinking. Wonderment and speculation based on evidence of real technological possibilities is NOT magical thinking -- like believing a god talks to you



Jules Vern. Thanks for playing!
It's amazing that somebody as dumb as you can make it through life. DO you have a caretaker?

And in typical Dainty One style, a diversion when he might have realized Vern wrote his book 150 years ago.... I few days before the moon landing was a verging project.
Jesus Christ! Jules Verne as a psychic visionary?

How many things in Verne's books are just plain nutty?
Vern tried not to write sci fi books that were not feasible...rather he wrote about things that truly were feasible some day.

He was anal with his research...he had a brother or a brother in law that was physicist of some sort and he racked his brains on all of his ideas to make certain they were not unbelievable or unfeasible, by the science community....

And with his sci fi predictions of space travel, he got everything right, including the Cape Canaveral area of where the spaceship should launch, EXCEPT he predicted that we would use a sling shot launch and not waste all that fuel the way we do, to launch in to space....(we are now testing this idea of a sling shot launch btw)
On the cosmos they said we don't know for sure when or how life first started. They were theorizing a meteor hit mars and mars rock flew into space and landed on earth and had a stow away microb on it.

How do you think life got started?
How do you think life got started?

I always assumed it just did when the conditions were right but then I thought a comet. I never imagined that the life that once existed on mars got here and started it but I guess they found a meteor fragment and it seems to be the same age as.... I don't remember all the details. It blow my mind. We dont know for sure yet.

I think they're testing mars rocks to see if the meteor we found on earth is Mercian

Interplanetary collisions and comet impacts would mean life occuring is more frequent, not less, but still possible. And on the scale of a galaxy or whole universe even a vast reduction in frequency like that doesn't make for a statistically significant reduction. Even with such a unlikely set of occurences, we know that that unlikely occurence still means life crops up, because it already did with us. Thus, more frequently occuring planetary formations and development being more common means life gets started more, not less often.

I think it's very common.

Planets forming around stars is very common. Planets forming around stars then getting smacked by debris from neighboring planets struck by comets would be less common. But if even in the less-common situation like our's life still occurs, that means where such collisions don't occur, life occuring would be more common.

We exist because debris smacked around. Isn't that how we got a moon?
Vigilante I guess the Vig-man is clueless that Jules Verne's book(s) is 'science fiction' -- notice it is fiction based on science

Well, you mean you finally understood that... come on, who told you?

What science did Vern work off of flying to the moon.... have a link to that?
Jesus you're an idjit 1st class
Somebody please, please...help out Vigilante

From the Earth to the Moon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The story is also notable in that Verne attempted to do some rough calculations as to the requirements for the cannon and, considering the comparative lack of any data on the subject at the time, some of his figures are surprisingly close to reality. However, his scenario turned out to be impractical for safe manned space travel since a much longer muzzle would have been required to reach escape velocity while limiting acceleration to survivable limits for the passengers.​
There you go again...backtracking.

What you have just described is NOT magical thinking.

You: Let's see, it been postulated that the Aliens are us, either from the future,.

Dante: one of many silly postulations based on nothing credible but magical thinking

You: As was the cell phone, and the internet! You suck at logic, and credibility.

early 'stories' about technology that appear to have predicted cell phones and the internet were based on know science of the time. It's true. Look it up on the internet with your cell phone.

When sci-fi writers posited technological advances, they were NOT engaging in magical thinking. Wonderment and speculation based on evidence of real technological possibilities is NOT magical thinking -- like believing a god talks to you



Jules Vern. Thanks for playing!
It's amazing that somebody as dumb as you can make it through life. DO you have a caretaker?

And in typical Dainty One style, a diversion when he might have realized Vern wrote his book 150 years ago.... I few days before the moon landing was a verging project.
Jesus Christ! Jules Verne as a psychic visionary?

How many things in Verne's books are just plain nutty?
Vern tried not to write sci fi books that were not feasible...rather he wrote about things that truly were feasible some day.

He was anal with his research...he had a brother or a brother in law that was physicist of some sort and he racked his brains on all of his ideas to make certain they were not unbelievable or unfeasible, by the science community....

And with his sci fi predictions of space travel, he got everything right, including the Cape Canaveral area of where the spaceship should launch, EXCEPT he predicted that we would use a sling shot launch and not waste all that fuel the way we do, to launch in to space....(we are now testing this idea of a sling shot launch btw)
Hmm, some of this seems suspect -- concerning what Verne is supposed to have gotten 'right'

Just syain' you know, the fastest horse?
How do you think life got started?

I always assumed it just did when the conditions were right but then I thought a comet. I never imagined that the life that once existed on mars got here and started it but I guess they found a meteor fragment and it seems to be the same age as.... I don't remember all the details. It blow my mind. We dont know for sure yet.

I think they're testing mars rocks to see if the meteor we found on earth is Mercian

Interplanetary collisions and comet impacts would mean life occuring is more frequent, not less, but still possible. And on the scale of a galaxy or whole universe even a vast reduction in frequency like that doesn't make for a statistically significant reduction. Even with such a unlikely set of occurences, we know that that unlikely occurence still means life crops up, because it already did with us. Thus, more frequently occuring planetary formations and development being more common means life gets started more, not less often.

I think it's very common.

Planets forming around stars is very common. Planets forming around stars then getting smacked by debris from neighboring planets struck by comets would be less common. But if even in the less-common situation like our's life still occurs, that means where such collisions don't occur, life occuring would be more common.

We exist because debris smacked around. Isn't that how we got a moon?

Current favored theory how Earth got its Moon was a protoplanet smacked the early Earth resulting in its bouncing off the Earth and into orbit. Bu tnot every moon around every planet forms in this manner as evidenced by say Jupiter with over 60 moons yet no solid surface to bounce off of.
There you go again...backtracking.

What you have just described is NOT magical thinking.

You: Let's see, it been postulated that the Aliens are us, either from the future,.

Dante: one of many silly postulations based on nothing credible but magical thinking

You: As was the cell phone, and the internet! You suck at logic, and credibility.

early 'stories' about technology that appear to have predicted cell phones and the internet were based on know science of the time. It's true. Look it up on the internet with your cell phone.

When sci-fi writers posited technological advances, they were NOT engaging in magical thinking. Wonderment and speculation based on evidence of real technological possibilities is NOT magical thinking -- like believing a god talks to you



Jules Vern. Thanks for playing!
It's amazing that somebody as dumb as you can make it through life. DO you have a caretaker?

And in typical Dainty One style, a diversion when he might have realized Vern wrote his book 150 years ago.... I few days before the moon landing was a verging project.
Jesus Christ! Jules Verne as a psychic visionary?

How many things in Verne's books are just plain nutty?
Vern tried not to write sci fi books that were not feasible...rather he wrote about things that truly were feasible some day.

He was anal with his research...he had a brother or a brother in law that was physicist of some sort and he racked his brains on all of his ideas to make certain they were not unbelievable or unfeasible, by the science community....

And with his sci fi predictions of space travel, he got everything right, including the Cape Canaveral area of where the spaceship should launch, EXCEPT he predicted that we would use a sling shot launch and not waste all that fuel the way we do, to launch in to space....(we are now testing this idea of a sling shot launch btw)
Some believe that many of these insights were self-fulfilling. This may very well be the case; Verne exerted considerable influence on those scientists and engineers who pioneered space flight, including Hermann Oberth and Konstantin Tsiolkovski.

Journey to the Center of Jules Verne
thank you. I've gotten high and watched lights in the sky.

I doubt UFO's exist, and have no proof either that they do
And I didn't weep.
Then you have never experienced AWE and a wonderment of life.

so sad
One time I wept after perfect sex. Back in college.
Was that when you used the Mayonnaise to hump a Roast Beef?
Did I ever tell that story on usmb?
OH MY GOODNESS! :rofl: :lol:

(but I know I shouldn't be :lol: !) :eek:
Just sayin' From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne

When I was studying
journalism years ago, I was told that my accounts needed to answer
the five Ws (who, what, when, where, why) and the one H (how).
Verne, in this book, is very H-heavy.

The early portion of the story moves with—in that grand bit of
judicial doubletalk—“all deliberate speed.” In other words, it plods
along. Yet Verne gets high marks for how much he anticipated the
details of the later Apollo journey, from the starting point (he
launches his astronauts within a two hour drive of Cape Canaveral)
to the size of the capsule and the duration of the trip. Not all the
science here adds up—when I tried to check some of the sources
cited by Verne, I came up empty-handed, so he clearly bent his
“facts” to match his story. And you will be amused to find the
launch team counting up to forty rather than down to zero for
blastoff into space, while five million bystanders sing "Yankee
Doodle." Even so, I have a hunch that, if a gathering of leading
technologists and industrialists had been convened in 1865 to come
up with the most realistic plan for a moon trip based in on means
available to them at the time, they would have arrived at a plan
largely similar to the one Verne concocts.

Verne was also sensitive to the cultural and political ramifications
of his subject. His nineteenth century space program is the result of
the armaments industry in the US trying to cope with the end of the
Civil War​
And I didn't weep.
Then you have never experienced AWE and a wonderment of life.

so sad
One time I wept after perfect sex. Back in college.
Was that when you used the Mayonnaise to hump a Roast Beef?
Did I ever tell that story on usmb?
OH MY GOODNESS! :rofl: :lol:

(but I know I shouldn't be :lol: !) :eek:

You know who I hate? The generation that thinks american pie and stiffler and the guy banging the pie is funny. 1 wasn't the worst movie I guess but 2? And 3? Then saving silverman? That dweeb better have saved his money.

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