Obama adviser John Podesta's biggest regret: Keeping America in dark about UFOs

I just don't think any intelligent being from another world could get to us.
then you're speaking out of your ass. If such entities existed you have no idea what technology they'd have that we are unaware of -- unknown unknowns.

That said, Dante does not believe we;ve been visited
Then your also talking out of your ass.

What do you mean we have no idea? We know that any other world is incredibly far and we know we don't possess technology that can get us to them so we can assume neither do they.
Well, now we know that Obama wasn't born in Kenya. He's an Alien who landed in a UFO. Fo shizzle.
The truth about government investigations?


Like the truth about government involvement in testing psychics?

Podesta has not said he believes we have been visited by aliens

I have yet to see any convincing evidence we've been, or are being visited by aliens. Most obvious reaosn being we're still here. An alien species capable of just getting here will be so much more advanced than us, their not doing as they please would be like our going out of way not to step on an ant. If you detected our radio emissions, and mounted an expedition to get here, why did you go to all that trouble just to stay hidden? While it's plausible to wish discretion after watching old 1950s UFO movies where we react rather unpleasantly, it's more plausible an advanced species wouldn't care if we knew they're here or not since nothing we have poses any threat to them.

The aliens are benevolent because they're more evolved and thus good doesn't make any sense. Only species which evolve to developing technology are predators. Prey don't evolve technology. Thus aliens will be the top predator species of their planets and however advanced they become still have that instinctual desire to dominate and consume prey.

You assume they are like us. Also there are too many of us. And we do have nukes that could kill them.

If we develops a ship fast enough to get to another world what weapon would we take to defeat a race of 1 billion?

Maybe we would take a few nuclear bombs but then we can't live there after we nuke the place.

I think spacemen came and were our pharaoh's. And they did enslave us. They may have even genetically made us and taught us to mine gold. The mega rich that control our world might be their ancestors.

Any species with interstellar travel capability is going to have shield technology too. We've already demonstrated plasmas can be generated to protect against radiation. A much more developed speicies will have developed this technology to mitigate any kind of nclear attack.

Things we've discovered and done here will be common to every other advanced species, as will ways of mitigating them.
I was driving down the interstate one day and saw something in the sky. It looked like the prototypical triangular shaped UFO. Driving next to me was a SUV and I looked over and saw them both looking at the thing with shocked looks on their faces.

I looked back at the thing, thinking I am seeing something that could change my life forever. Proof we are not alone.

After a few moments the thing turned slightly and it became apparent it was just an airliner that was angled just right at that moment to look like a UFO.

Or maybe the aliens just took control of my mind????

Evil beings!!!
I grew up next to a major airport. I've seen lights in the sky.

One time I was camping in the deep dark forests of upstate NY. I saw a bright light moving across the sky. I wept. I was told it was an identified flying object -- the space station

Honestly, this happened at a fairly close range. Imagine looking at a softball sitting on your windshield as you drive. It was that large.

Made me wonder how many ufo reports are from the same kind of angle/sunlight/height.

I say this but still have a belief that UFO's exist, though I have no real proof.
Let's see, it been postulated that the Aliens are us, either from the future,...

one of many silly postulations based on nothing credible but magical thinking

As was the cell phone, and the internet! You suck at logic, and credibility.
early 'stories' about technology that appear to have predicted cell phones and the internet were based on know science of the time. It's true. Look it up on the internet with your cell phone.

When sci-fi writers posited technological advances, they were NOT engaging in magical thinking. Wonderment and speculation based on evidence of real technological possibilities is NOT magical thinking -- like believing a god talks to you

I was driving down the interstate one day and saw something in the sky. It looked like the prototypical triangular shaped UFO. Driving next to me was a SUV and I looked over and saw them both looking at the thing with shocked looks on their faces.

I looked back at the thing, thinking I am seeing something that could change my life forever. Proof we are not alone.

After a few moments the thing turned slightly and it became apparent it was just an airliner that was angled just right at that moment to look like a UFO.

Or maybe the aliens just took control of my mind????

Evil beings!!!
I grew up next to a major airport. I've seen lights in the sky.

One time I was camping in the deep dark forests of upstate NY. I saw a bright light moving across the sky. I wept. I was told it was an identified flying object -- the space station

Honestly, this happened at a fairly close range. Imagine looking at a softball sitting on your windshield as you drive. It was that large.

Made me wonder how many ufo reports are from the same kind of angle/sunlight/height.

I say this but still have a belief that UFO's exist, though I have no real proof.
thank you. I've gotten high and watched lights in the sky.

I doubt UFO's exist, and have no proof either that they do
I have no doubt...
then you and you're opinion are highly suspect

People who seek truth always have inklings of doubt

I'm a big fan of the law of large numbers. We already know that the universe evolves intelligent technological life - us. Given how many other stars there are, how planets tend to develop orbitting stars due to the gravity stars exert pulling in material to do so, given how many stars there are per galaxy, the number of planets is so massive that other 'us' are more likely than not all over the cosmos.
The truth about government investigations?


Like the truth about government involvement in testing psychics?

Podesta has not said he believes we have been visited by aliens

I have yet to see any convincing evidence we've been, or are being visited by aliens. Most obvious reaosn being we're still here. An alien species capable of just getting here will be so much more advanced than us, their not doing as they please would be like our going out of way not to step on an ant. If you detected our radio emissions, and mounted an expedition to get here, why did you go to all that trouble just to stay hidden? While it's plausible to wish discretion after watching old 1950s UFO movies where we react rather unpleasantly, it's more plausible an advanced species wouldn't care if we knew they're here or not since nothing we have poses any threat to them.

The aliens are benevolent because they're more evolved and thus good doesn't make any sense. Only species which evolve to developing technology are predators. Prey don't evolve technology. Thus aliens will be the top predator species of their planets and however advanced they become still have that instinctual desire to dominate and consume prey.

You assume they are like us. Also there are too many of us. And we do have nukes that could kill them.

If we develops a ship fast enough to get to another world what weapon would we take to defeat a race of 1 billion?

Maybe we would take a few nuclear bombs but then we can't live there after we nuke the place.

I think spacemen came and were our pharaoh's. And they did enslave us. They may have even genetically made us and taught us to mine gold. The mega rich that control our world might be their ancestors.

Any species with interstellar travel capability is going to have shield technology too. We've already demonstrated plasmas can be generated to protect against radiation. A much more developed speicies will have developed this technology to mitigate any kind of nclear attack.

Things we've discovered and done here will be common to every other advanced species, as will ways of mitigating them.
Shield technology against what? and Why? You're still projecting. It's like any aliens spring up out of your mind with magical thinking as their life force
Just 150 years ago, cars, planes, man on the moon, were things of Jules Vern, and such..... man catches up to his fantasies, when man put his mind and talents to it. Might be why we are being observed also. Perhaps immortality is NOT a fantasy...AI, and robotics can capture what is YOU, not now, but fairly soon as time flies.
Taking the scale of just planet Earth, where ever life can exist, it does exist. There's so much life all over planet earth, and so much more that's gone extinct, that because the conditions here on Earth aren't so hard to come by, that it's happened all over the universe is likely. Even if only 1 in 100 billion stars has life similar to our's, because there's a hundred billion other galaxies means there's 100 billion other people similar to us.
I have no doubt...
then you and you're opinion are highly suspect

People who seek truth always have inklings of doubt

If what such entities? What do you mean by that? Do you mean if life exists somewhere else it
I just don't think any intelligent being from another world could get to us.
then you're speaking out of your ass. If such entities existed you have no idea what technology they'd have that we are unaware of -- unknown unknowns.

That said, Dante does not believe we;ve been visited

What makes you think life on other planets are intelligent? Or more intelligent than us? Because humans are very rare. If we disappeared we don't know if any other animal on earth would evolve to be as smart as us. The best they might have are creatures as smart as dogs crows whales and tigers. For all we know.
I have no doubt...
then you and you're opinion are highly suspect

People who seek truth always have inklings of doubt

I'm a big fan of the law of large numbers. We already know that the universe evolves intelligent technological life - us. Given how many other stars there are, how planets tend to develop orbitting stars due to the gravity stars exert pulling in material to do so, given how many stars there are per galaxy, the number of planets is so massive that other 'us' are more likely than not all over the cosmos.
Odds. Odds would include we may be alone.

Life? We will surely get to redefine what constitutes life as we explore the universe we inhabit. I believe we happened to come along by chance. No grand design. Nothing demands what happened with us has to have happened with others, and if by chance it did -- life billions of years before us would most likely have died off. Death is part of life as we know it
I have no doubt...
then you and you're opinion are highly suspect

People who seek truth always have inklings of doubt

If what such entities? What do you mean by that? Do you mean if life exists somewhere else it
I just don't think any intelligent being from another world could get to us.
then you're speaking out of your ass. If such entities existed you have no idea what technology they'd have that we are unaware of -- unknown unknowns.

That said, Dante does not believe we;ve been visited

What makes you think life on other planets are intelligent? Or more intelligent than us? Because humans are very rare. If we disappeared we don't know if any other animal on earth would evolve to be as smart as us. The best they might have are creatures as smart as dogs crows whales and tigers. For all we know.
I don't. But then I am not as numb as others when describing what constitutes intelligence
Let's see, it been postulated that the Aliens are us, either from the future,...

one of many silly postulations based on nothing credible but magical thinking

As was the cell phone, and the internet! You suck at logic, and credibility.
early 'stories' about technology that appear to have predicted cell phones and the internet were based on know science of the time. It's true. Look it up on the internet with your cell phone.

When sci-fi writers posited technological advances, they were NOT engaging in magical thinking. Wonderment and speculation based on evidence of real technological possibilities is NOT magical thinking -- like believing a god talks to you


They were speculation at the time, still in the INVENTION stage, as I suppose Vern's wonderful novel of moon traveling was! They knew it was coming in the 19th century!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Taking the scale of just planet Earth, where ever life can exist, it does exist. There's so much life all over planet earth, and so much more that's gone extinct, that because the conditions here on Earth aren't so hard to come by, that it's happened all over the universe is likely. Even if only 1 in 100 billion stars has life similar to our's, because there's a hundred billion other galaxies means there's 100 billion other people similar to us.
you know sound like you have a dogma
Because the region of our galaxy we occupy is rather large, it's reasonable to assume alien life comparable to our's occupies that same region. As it lkely does in galaxies similar to our own. Just as Earth occupies the so-called Goldilocks zone around the Sun, the Sun exists in the G-zone of the galaxy. No tso close to the center than radiation makes life evolving harder, not so far that stars and planets are fewer and further between. Where ever life can occur in a galxy, just like on Earth, it does occur. That it already has here tells me it's occured all over.
Let's see, it been postulated that the Aliens are us, either from the future,...

one of many silly postulations based on nothing credible but magical thinking

As was the cell phone, and the internet! You suck at logic, and credibility.
early 'stories' about technology that appear to have predicted cell phones and the internet were based on know science of the time. It's true. Look it up on the internet with your cell phone.

When sci-fi writers posited technological advances, they were NOT engaging in magical thinking. Wonderment and speculation based on evidence of real technological possibilities is NOT magical thinking -- like believing a god talks to you


They were speculation at the time, still in the INVENTION stage, as I suppose Vern's wonderful novel of moon traveling was! They knew it was coming in the 19th century!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
There you go again...backtracking.

What you have just described is NOT magical thinking.

You: Let's see, it been postulated that the Aliens are us, either from the future,.

Dante: one of many silly postulations based on nothing credible but magical thinking

You: As was the cell phone, and the internet! You suck at logic, and credibility.

early 'stories' about technology that appear to have predicted cell phones and the internet were based on know science of the time. It's true. Look it up on the internet with your cell phone.

When sci-fi writers posited technological advances, they were NOT engaging in magical thinking. Wonderment and speculation based on evidence of real technological possibilities is NOT magical thinking -- like believing a god talks to you


Because the region of our galaxy we occupy is rather large, it's reasonable to assume alien life comparable to our's occupies that same region. As it lkely does in galaxies similar to our own. Just as Earth occupies the so-called Goldilocks zone around the Sun, the Sun exists in the G-zone of the galaxy. No tso close to the center than radiation makes life evolving harder, not so far that stars and planets are fewer and further between. Where ever life can occur in a galxy, just like on Earth, it does occur. That it already has here tells me it's occured all over.

Reasonable? Possible maybe, Probable, not.
Taking the scale of just planet Earth, where ever life can exist, it does exist. There's so much life all over planet earth, and so much more that's gone extinct, that because the conditions here on Earth aren't so hard to come by, that it's happened all over the universe is likely. Even if only 1 in 100 billion stars has life similar to our's, because there's a hundred billion other galaxies means there's 100 billion other people similar to us.

On the cosmos they said we don't know for sure when or how life first started. They were theorizing a meteor hit mars and mars rock flew into space and landed on earth and had a stow away microb on it.

How do you think life got started?
Let's see, it been postulated that the Aliens are us, either from the future,...

one of many silly postulations based on nothing credible but magical thinking

As was the cell phone, and the internet! You suck at logic, and credibility.
early 'stories' about technology that appear to have predicted cell phones and the internet were based on know science of the time. It's true. Look it up on the internet with your cell phone.

When sci-fi writers posited technological advances, they were NOT engaging in magical thinking. Wonderment and speculation based on evidence of real technological possibilities is NOT magical thinking -- like believing a god talks to you


They were speculation at the time, still in the INVENTION stage, as I suppose Vern's wonderful novel of moon traveling was! They knew it was coming in the 19th century!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
There you go again...backtracking.

What you have just described is NOT magical thinking.

You: Let's see, it been postulated that the Aliens are us, either from the future,.

Dante: one of many silly postulations based on nothing credible but magical thinking

You: As was the cell phone, and the internet! You suck at logic, and credibility.

early 'stories' about technology that appear to have predicted cell phones and the internet were based on know science of the time. It's true. Look it up on the internet with your cell phone.

When sci-fi writers posited technological advances, they were NOT engaging in magical thinking. Wonderment and speculation based on evidence of real technological possibilities is NOT magical thinking -- like believing a god talks to you



Jules Vern. Thanks for playing!

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