Obama amnesty means drivers license for 400.000 illegals in CA

Let us know the instant you have the evidence "these illegals" are registered to vote before November, mm-kay?


Burden of proof is on you liberals to prove they are not voting. I'm fighting for enforcing the law and removing illegals.

You haven't a clue. Not a clue.

You make some wild shit up and then say the burden of proving the negative of your claim is on others?



If illegals aren't voting, why then are the Democrats so against voter ID? Oh yeah... A poor Grandma can't make it to the DMV, but somehow she manages to get an EBT card and make it to the grocery store.

This is sucking from our resources. Our government is stabbing us in the back.
Burden of proof is on you liberals to prove they are not voting. I'm fighting for enforcing the law and removing illegals.

You haven't a clue. Not a clue.

You make some wild shit up and then say the burden of proving the negative of your claim is on others?



If illegals aren't voting, why then are the Democrats so against voter ID? Oh yeah... A poor Grandma can't make it to the DMV, but somehow she manages to get an EBT card and make it to the grocery store.

I think Dissent has come up with the ideal solution. Everyone should have to get an RFID chip implanted in their body before they can vote.

You do want to stop illegals from voting, don't you? Then you must support Voter RFID! You should also have to provide a DNA sample at the voting booth. Otherwise you are a Democrat. And a pole smoker who is in favor of voter fraud.

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You haven't a clue. Not a clue.

You make some wild shit up and then say the burden of proving the negative of your claim is on others?



If illegals aren't voting, why then are the Democrats so against voter ID? Oh yeah... A poor Grandma can't make it to the DMV, but somehow she manages to get an EBT card and make it to the grocery store.

I think Dissent has come up with the ideal solution. Everyone should have to get an RFID chip implanted in their body before they can vote.

You do want to stop illegals from voting, don't you? Then you must support Voter RFID! You should also have to provide a DNA sample at the voting booth. Otherwise you are a Democrat. And a pole smoker who is in favor of voter fraud.


This is treason. Mexico is our enemy and again we see obozo and the state of CA giving aid to the enemy. By the constitution, that is treason.

Mexico isn't our enemy, they just aren't exactly our friend.
Generalization taken too far. Can you prove that all Mexicans drink? Can you prove that all Mexican drivers drink? Can you even prove that MOST Mexicans drink?

Why deny the obvious? Mexico is a third world sewer where even the natives can't handle the water. That's why they all drink booze.
Those "white christian european" immigrants of the 19th and early 20th century were treated as badly as the Hispanic immigrants of today. Actually, they were treated worse.

The Know Nothing Party was born out of the same anti-immigrant sentiment you express today.

Changing the subject again i see. No one is disuputing immigrants 100 years ago were treated badly. But they WERE white christian yurpeens and were allowed in legally. Not at all like the third world monkeys that have illegally invaded america today. These illegals today hate us and have no skills to offer and most don't even want to work.
Obamination violated Federal law passed by both sides of the aisle when he opened this can of worms, but he doesn't give a shit since he is all about destroying this country from within.

Exactly. Congress did NOT change the laws. Obozo just decreed he will not enforce the laws.!!! Why should any american obey any law now.?
Obamination violated Federal law passed by both sides of the aisle when he opened this can of worms, but he doesn't give a shit since he is all about destroying this country from within.

Exactly. Congress did NOT change the laws. Obozo just decreed he will not enforce the laws.!!! Why should any american obey any law now.?

Any freedom loving people should be up in arms over this. Too bad half this nation doesn't give a damn.
I think Dissent has come up with the ideal solution. Everyone should have to get an RFID chip implanted in their body before they can vote.

You do want to stop illegals from voting, don't you? Then you must support Voter RFID! You should also have to provide a DNA sample at the voting booth. Otherwise you are a Democrat. And a pole smoker who is in favor of voter fraud.


We can easily get illegals to not vote by taking away the incentives that cause them to come here. End birthright citizenship and take away their free health care and schooling and mandate e-verify and they'll be gone. Prom solved.

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