Obama amnesty means drivers license for 400.000 illegals in CA

The Republican Super Majority of '13 needs to act to cut aid to California until this is fixed.
The Republican Super Majority of '13 needs to act to cut aid to California until this is fixed.

What we need to do is kick CA out of the union of states and let it be it's own country. Then put up a giant fence along the Colorado river.
Whether they're driving or voting or whatever, to me they shoudn't be here in the first place.
If you're not willing to get in line and go through the legal channels then you shouldn't be here. Period!
Libs keep saying we shouldn't punish the children for their parents actions.
Well damnit we shouldn't be rewarding them either, and that's exactly what we're doing.
The Republican Super Majority of '13 needs to act to cut aid to California until this is fixed.

What we need to do is kick CA out of the union of states and let it be it's own country. Then put up a giant fence along the Colorado river.

You know if all the illegals would move to California, I would be willing to give the entire state to Mexico.

The only thing is, the day that happened would be the day the illegals poured out to surrounding states to get their handouts since there would be none in California once it became Mexico.

And by the way, it's too bad that Mexicans in Mexico don't have balls like the Egyptians, and the Libyans and overthrow their corrupt government. As long as the U.S. is around however and they can sneak in here, they have no real reason to make any changes.
We are a nation of immigrants. A constant source of new blood is one of the key factors that made us the greatest nation on Earth.


I'm sick of hearing that. Immigrants in the past were white christian europeans and i'm in favor of letting such come here now. Today most immigrants are third world losers who hate america and just come for the freebies.
Let us know the instant you have the evidence "these illegals" are registered to vote before November, mm-kay?


Burden of proof is on you liberals to prove they are not voting. I'm fighting for enforcing the law and removing illegals.
When they aren't playing bumper cars on I-5 because they cannot read English.

Doesn't matter that they can't read english. Problem with mexican drivers is they are all drunk. That's part of mexican culture.
And by the way, it's too bad that Mexicans in Mexico don't have balls like the Egyptians, and the Libyans and overthrow their corrupt government. As long as the U.S. is around however and they can sneak in here, they have no real reason to make any changes.

Exactlly - we are mexico's safety valve. The MX govt tells their dissident people "if you don't like it here, go to el norte."
The Republican Super Majority of '13 needs to act to cut aid to California until this is fixed.

What we need to do is kick CA out of the union of states and let it be it's own country. Then put up a giant fence along the Colorado river.

You know if all the illegals would move to California, I would be willing to give the entire state to Mexico.

The only thing is, the day that happened would be the day the illegals poured out to surrounding states to get their handouts since there would be none in California once it became Mexico.

And by the way, it's too bad that Mexicans in Mexico don't have balls like the Egyptians, and the Libyans and overthrow their corrupt government. As long as the U.S. is around however and they can sneak in here, they have no real reason to make any changes.

It's a great situation for mexico. Mexico gets rid of their undesirables by encouraging them to move here. The return, they get money from here sent back to them. Mexico is happy as hell they are coming here. We are getting stuck with their problem.
When they aren't playing bumper cars on I-5 because they cannot read English.

Doesn't matter that they can't read english. Problem with mexican drivers is they are all drunk. That's part of mexican culture.

Generalization taken too far. Can you prove that all Mexicans drink? Can you prove that all Mexican drivers drink? Can you even prove that MOST Mexicans drink?

The answers are:




Me thinks thou art prejudiced!
We are a nation of immigrants. A constant source of new blood is one of the key factors that made us the greatest nation on Earth.


I'm sick of hearing that. Immigrants in the past were white christian europeans and i'm in favor of letting such come here now. Today most immigrants are third world losers who hate america and just come for the freebies.

One of the most idiotic statements made on this board......
The Republican Party better get on the stick and start pushing for immigration reform that actually works or they will be making a strategic mistake of historical proportions. Their bungling of the immigration issue will go down as the GOP's Vietnam.

Mexican-Americans are a natural fit for the Republican Party. They are hard working, devoutly Christian, and extremely family oriented. They would make a rock solid, indestructible core of the party.

Instead, the GOP is painting Mexicans as a bunch of job stealing wetbacks, rapists, and murderers.

Way to go!

If you look at the employment figures for the period just prior to the recession, we had full employment with the same number, if not more, of illegal immigrants we have today.

This tells us TWO things.

First, illegal immigrants are not stealing jobs.

Second, our legal immigrant supply is not meeting the labor demand.

If a farmer needs 50 people to harvest his crop and the government only allows him 10 legal migrant workers, he is going to be forced to hire 40 illegals.

Therefore, a policy of punishing employers is about as stupid as it gets. The government created the situation, and punishing the employers for the government's idiocy is just squaring that idiocy.

One of the few intelligent things George Bush ever did was to attempt to reform our immigration policy to allow more immigrants to come here legally to work. But the more mentally retarded bigots of his own party sabotaged his efforts.

Well done! The dumb shits are blowing the opportunity of a lifetime to secure the votes of millions of citizens who are of Hispanic ancestry. You think they don't notice the stereotyping and virulent opposition to their brethren who are trying support their families?

We are a nation of immigrants. A constant source of new blood is one of the key factors that made us the greatest nation on Earth.

The current GOP policy toward immigrants is one of the most idiotic self-inflicted political wounds I have seen in my lifetime.

Why does the GOP have to push for immigration reform? Amnesty was tried once by Reagan a one shot fix all deal, it did not work. Now what exactly is wrong with what we have now? Do you really think it's a workable solution to allow more people into the country with limited jobs available to the citizens already here? Immigration reform is way down on the list of things to do for the government.
The Republican Party better get on the stick and start pushing for immigration reform that actually works or they will be making a strategic mistake of historical proportions. Their bungling of the immigration issue will go down as the GOP's Vietnam.

Mexican-Americans are a natural fit for the Republican Party. They are hard working, devoutly Christian, and extremely family oriented. They would make a rock solid, indestructible core of the party.

Instead, the GOP is painting Mexicans as a bunch of job stealing wetbacks, rapists, and murderers.

Way to go!

If you look at the employment figures for the period just prior to the recession, we had full employment with the same number, if not more, of illegal immigrants we have today.

This tells us TWO things.

First, illegal immigrants are not stealing jobs.

Second, our legal immigrant supply is not meeting the labor demand.

If a farmer needs 50 people to harvest his crop and the government only allows him 10 legal migrant workers, he is going to be forced to hire 40 illegals.

Therefore, a policy of punishing employers is about as stupid as it gets. The government created the situation, and punishing the employers for the government's idiocy is just squaring that idiocy.

One of the few intelligent things George Bush ever did was to attempt to reform our immigration policy to allow more immigrants to come here legally to work. But the more mentally retarded bigots of his own party sabotaged his efforts.

Well done! The dumb shits are blowing the opportunity of a lifetime to secure the votes of millions of citizens who are of Hispanic ancestry. You think they don't notice the stereotyping and virulent opposition to their brethren who are trying support their families?

We are a nation of immigrants. A constant source of new blood is one of the key factors that made us the greatest nation on Earth.

The current GOP policy toward immigrants is one of the most idiotic self-inflicted political wounds I have seen in my lifetime.


:clap2: This thread reminds me of a Big Old Hen House Cackling away with a bunch of nasty words about something they don't know what the hell they are talking about. There are drunk drivers is every race
It is going to hurt the GOP... :lol: Go ahead keep running around with your chicken heads cut off
Let us know the instant you have the evidence "these illegals" are registered to vote before November, mm-kay?


Burden of proof is on you liberals to prove they are not voting. I'm fighting for enforcing the law and removing illegals.

You haven't a clue. Not a clue.

You make some wild shit up and then say the burden of proving the negative of your claim is on others?


Why does the GOP have to push for immigration reform? Amnesty was tried once by Reagan a one shot fix all deal, it did not work. Now what exactly is wrong with what we have now? Do you really think it's a workable solution to allow more people into the country with limited jobs available to the citizens already here? Immigration reform is way down on the list of things to do for the government.

You did not read my post, did you?

Illegal aliens are not stealing jobs. The Bush recession, and the Obama ineptitude, stole all the jobs. We had full employment before the recession with the same number of illegals we have now.

I am not calling for amnesty. I am saying we need immigration reform. We need to make the labor supply meet the labor demand.

The reason we have so many illegals is because we created a situation which requires an illegal work force to meet the labor demand.

Prosperous societies always have a large immigrant labor force.

Americans are not going to leave their suburban tract house, climb into their VW Echo and travel around the country to pick lettuce. And during normal business cycles, there is certainly no need for them to do so.

Migrant work, by definition, requires the labor of people willing to move around a lot.

Why does the GOP have to push for immigration reform? Did you not hear what I said? Immigrants have the very same values the GOP does! They love America so much they are willing to risk their lives to get here. They work their asses off. They worship God. They are family oriented. What more could you possibly ask for?

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Why does the GOP have to push for immigration reform? Amnesty was tried once by Reagan a one shot fix all deal, it did not work. Now what exactly is wrong with what we have now? Do you really think it's a workable solution to allow more people into the country with limited jobs available to the citizens already here? Immigration reform is way down on the list of things to do for the government.

You did not read my post, did you?

Illegal aliens are not stealing jobs. The Bush recession, and the Obama ineptitude, stole all the jobs. We had full employment before the recession with the same number of illegals we have now.

I am not calling for amnesty. I am saying we need immigration reform. We need to make the labor supply meet the labor demand.

The reason we have so many illegals is because we created a situation which requires an illegal work force to meet the labor demand.

Prosperous societies always have a large immigrant labor force.

Americans are not going to leave their suburban tract house, climb into their VW Echo and travel around the country to pick lettuce. And during normal business cycles, there is certainly no need for them to do so.

Migrant work, by definition, requires the labor of people willing to move around a lot.

Why does the GOP have to push for immigration reform? Did you not hear what I said? Immigrants have the very same values the GOP does! They love America so much they are willing to risk their lives to get here. They work their asses off. They worship God. They are family oriented. What more could you possibly ask for?


Illegal aliens are not stealing jobs
Did I say anyone was stealing jobs?

I am not calling for amnesty. I am saying we need immigration reform. We need to make the labor supply meet the labor demand.
What is wrong with what we already have?

The Bush recession, and the Obama ineptitude, stole all the jobs. We had full employment before the recession with the same number of illegals we have now.
I see so we add more job seekers to a shrinking jobs market?

Why does the GOP have to push for immigration reform? Did you not hear what I said? Immigrants have the very same values the GOP does! They love America so much they are willing to risk their lives to get here. They work their asses off. They worship God. They are family oriented. What more could you possibly ask for?

They can do all that in there country right now we need to take care of America;s unemployed not add too the problem.
We are a nation of immigrants. A constant source of new blood is one of the key factors that made us the greatest nation on Earth.


I'm sick of hearing that. Immigrants in the past were white christian europeans and i'm in favor of letting such come here now. Today most immigrants are third world losers who hate america and just come for the freebies.

Thank you, Mr. White Nationalist.

I guess you are as ignorant about immigrant history as you are everything else.

Those "white christian european" immigrants of the 19th and early 20th century were treated as badly as the Hispanic immigrants of today. Actually, they were treated worse.

The Know Nothing Party was born out of the same anti-immigrant sentiment you express today.

There were some quite virulent anti-immigrant mainstream editorials about a hundred years ago. I will see if I can dig some up.

Some anti-European immigrant cartoons from a century ago.

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murders and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispopse of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.

Showing up to register to vote with a CA driver's license is a bit easier than doing it without an ID.

Also, if these illegals go to other states with a CA driver's license, it's easier to hide and blend in than if they didn't have a legal California ID.

Obamination violated Federal law passed by both sides of the aisle when he opened this can of worms, but he doesn't give a shit since he is all about destroying this country from within.

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