Obama and Biden very anti Gun owner, and Gun Rights .

do you honestly think thieves wouldnt be afraid if you pointed a shotgun at them? stupid argument for the need of assault weapons. like i said, a shotgun or hunting rifle will work just fine.

and yes, i know how to shoot a gun. i've been hunting, and if you wanted to know my sister is a marine. and like i said, if we were invaded there would be a draft. that doesnt mean our govt starts throwing guns to everybody and tells them to go shooting at bad guys. and a citizen who has a hunting rifle or shotgun is safe and can use it effectively. why do they need to have the biggest gun out there to be in a militia?

Put a pistol grip on that hunting rifle of yours with a collapsable stock.....and ....ding ding ding...you got yourself an assault rifle. Why do you think these features should be illegal?

:eusa_clap::eusa_clap:to your sister for protecting this fine country.

No one here is arguing for the need of RPG's and Fully Automatic weapons for the average Joe.......I speak only on the need for "Assault Rifles"....which are of course....legal.

Since they are legal....already owned by Millions.....why do you think these..."Assault Rifles" should be stripped away from their rightfull owners??
I don't mind them in the hands of law-abiding citizens, but as someone pointed out on this site who is strongly for gun control when I was supporting lawfully owned weapons (other than assault and automatic weapons), they get into the wrong hands when some schmuck steals them. Let's face it . . . whether you're for or against gun control, the reality is that criminals will get their hands on them by stealing them, smuggling them, having their punk girlfiend or friends (who haven't been arrested yet and can buy them legally) buy them.

I'm in the Army and I'll defend the Constitution to the end. That being said, I'm still opposed to assault and automatic weapons being owned by the average citizen. If you shoot someone with a shot gun or a hand gun, they'll be just as dead!!

Gun laws should be in place to ensure the safety of the majority not the wants of the few. Anyone can drive once they reach 16 (at least in PA), but there are laws to protect people. To me, the gun laws should be the same . . . to support the Constitution but protect it's citizens. It shouldn't be all (like the NRA wants) or nothing (which misinformed fearful people want). This is one issue where I believe a compromise would benefit everyone.
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Short of death penalty for first offenses with a gun, I'm not sure what can be done about guns in this nation.

Certainly more laws about who gets them are meaningless.

We have more guns AND more guns laws, than makes sense in my opinion.
Vilolence and irresponsibility are bad in this nation......came home a few minutes ago and like 20 dudes were walking by with pipes and stuff.....

Maybe they're plumbers.

People are the problem.
You're right . . . people are the problem. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Very true, but do you think it is the responsible gun owners that are causing the problems? Do you think the people with permits from the state are the problem? Or is it the thugs who obtain guns illegally and are untrained with firearms.

Why people shouldn't have automatic weapons....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr3zlll0prA]YouTube - Blondy with AK - gun accident[/ame]

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