Obama and Biden very anti Gun owner, and Gun Rights .

I believe that you're educated. But I also believe that you don't need an assualt weapon to defend yourself. Are you honestly going to try to convince me that a rifle or a 9 mm or a .45 won't protect you and your family??????
I believe that you're educated. But I also believe that you don't need an assualt weapon to defend yourself. Are you honestly going to try to convince me that a rifle or a 9 mm or a .45 won't protect you and your family??????

An assault weapon: being a mid-long range semi auto centerfire rifle with 10-30 round capacity sporting a pistol grip , collapsable buttstock , flash suppressor , and detachable magazine?????

This is not the best choice for the midnight intruder....correct.

But what would one use to defend themself in the event of horrible natural disaster...aka Katrina...or invasion from another country...China.....or in the worst case....the collapse of a free nation....USA???? What if our military were to fail????

Assault rifles are not the weapon of gangbangers...rapists...and hoodlums.

They are the weapon of choice for the "could be" civilian non-military armed defenders of this country....if the event presented itself. This is in the second amendment

On the other side.....firearms arent all buisiness.....I think from your posts...you may agree that they are fun to shoot as a hobby.

Shooting an AR or AK variant is a "blast"...no pun intended......theres nothing wrong with that.....right???
I believe that you're educated. But I also believe that you don't need an assualt weapon to defend yourself. Are you honestly going to try to convince me that a rifle or a 9 mm or a .45 won't protect you and your family??????

any of yall remember the two bank robbers in cafli. who simply armed themselves to the hilt put on protective clothing and opened fire. police didnt have the firepower to stop them. Now there are armour piercing bullets *black talons* etc. it wont stop there.....mac were the choice for a long time by the underbelly.....ak etc. ...guess what they will go back to the old fashioned shotgun as soon as the novelty wears off.

I am not for gun control of any fashion....i think if i want to buy a desert eagle 50 that is my busines.....as long as i can pass the background check. I am in favor of those....not so much the 3 day waiting period....i am a law abiding citizen who should be able to exercise all of my rights. Why do you care if I own guns, you will never see them...anti gunners...think pro gunners have them on display....if you realized the value of our guns....you would realize you have a varmit gun out and most of the others are in a safe made for guns.

I come from a long line of gun owners......matter of fact....i cannot think of one person in my family..extended who is not a gun owner.

I am very liberal ....but i am also a gun owner and very pro gun short of joining the nra...i do have my standards (sorry nra members)
I do know a sawed off shotgun....is considered a what.....say it with me...

weapon of mass destruction .....lol.....
But what would one use to defend themself in the event of horrible natural disaster...aka Katrina

yeah, shoot that hurricane!! thatll school em!!

...or invasion from another country...China.....or in the worst case....the collapse of a free nation....USA???? What if our military were to fail????

if china invades, then im sure there would be a draft and we would all be given guns anyways, doesnt mean you need to own the biggest one possible for the very small chance that a scenario like this happens
I am not a McCain fan. He did say he would was not against a draft. He was refering to a large scale war. He was not talking about the fiasco in Iraq or Afghanistan. I do so hate to defend this man.
Obama and Biden anti-gun? Another great reason to vote for them.
yeah, shoot that hurricane!! that'll school em!!

if china invades, then I'm sure there would be a draft and we would all be given guns anyways, doesn't mean you need to own the biggest one possible for the very small chance that a scenario like this happens

If you were in N.O. after the hurricane hit and you had just enough food and water for you and your family......yet....other people were not so prepared and are out to take what is yours......at any cost they will take it...even if it means your life.....what then will you do???? Seriously...without the smart ass response.

As far as invasion of this country.....would you hand an AR-15 or M-16 to anyone without any training.....will they automatically know how to use it...aim it...be safe with it?????? Do you know how to operate either??

An already armed citizen generally trains with their firearms.....is safe with their firearms....and can , if necessary , use it quite effectively.
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Given your scenerio . . I would defend my family with a shot gun or a hand gun. I don't think the average citizen needs a weapon with a maximum effective range of 550 meters to defend their home or family. Those idiot bank robbers probably bought those weapons legally or, as your mentioned in a previous post, stole them from a law-abiding citizen. That bank robbery illustrates my points very well . . . the police aren't armed well enough and that those weapons need to be restricted for use by the police, military, or other law enforcement.

And your reference to tyrannical oppression . . . you do live in California in the USA correct? To what tyrannical oppressive force are you referring?
If you were in N.O. after the hurricane hit and you had just enough food and water for you and your family......yet....other people were not so prepared and are out to take what is yours......at any cost they will take it...even if it means your life.....what then will you do???? Seriously...without the smart ass response.

As far as invasion of this country.....would you hand an AR-15 or M-16 to anyone without any training.....will they automatically know how to use it...aim it...be safe with it?????? Do you know how to operate either??

An already armed citizen generally trains with their firearms.....is safe with their firearms....and can , if necessary , use it quite effectively.

do you honestly think thieves wouldnt be afraid if you pointed a shotgun at them? stupid argument for the need of assault weapons. like i said, a shotgun or hunting rifle will work just fine.

and yes, i know how to shoot a gun. i've been hunting, and if you wanted to know my sister is a marine. and like i said, if we were invaded there would be a draft. that doesnt mean our govt starts throwing guns to everybody and tells them to go shooting at bad guys. and a citizen who has a hunting rifle or shotgun is safe and can use it effectively. why do they need to have the biggest gun out there to be in a militia?
It seems silly to discuss the issue of gun ownership from the point of view of defending America from invasion. First, it ain't likely to happen anytime in the next several centuries. Second, if it did, the outcome would be determined by major weapons systems not by guns, rifles or machine guns. However macho they may make you feel.

The issue of gun control is over simplified by both the liberals and conservatives, with the NRA supporting the profits of the gun manufacturers.

The vast majority of people who are for "gun control" couldn't care less if law abiding people own guns. Most would even agree that shop owners should definitely have guns on hand.

But the real motivation for "gun control" is to reduce the criminal use of guns and the number of gun accidents. Not to deprive law abiding gun owners of their guns.

So no intelligent person should be taking either side definitively. Instead they should be taking sides on particular gun control proposals. Weighing the benefits of the reduction in criminal use vs. the amount of obstruction to law biding gun owners.

I live in Connecticut which is a liberal, but very pro gun state (we have several of the major gun manufacturers here, plus a huge piece of the U.S. military industry). Most of my nieghbors own guns. I trust them and actually feel more secure in that fact.

But I'm also from New York and I know how bad gun crimes get. When Florida and Texas removed all forms of gun control, the murder rate went through the ceiling.

What we need is cafefully crafted gun control legislation that doesn't obstruct law abiding gun owners, but does reduce crime and accidents. Of course the NRA would oppose anything that might cut into gun manufacturers profits.
Guns don't kill people, Cities kill people.

I fed the MSHP info into the Bat-computer and came to a startling realization.

Of 22 Missouri counties with populations between 25K and 50K, having a combined population of 806,764 persons, there were 163 total firearm assaults and 2604 total assaults utilizing weapons of any kind. MSHP stats for 22 rural Missouri counties (PDF)

During the same period, in only the city of St. Louis and the city of Kansas City contained within the state of Missouri (half is in Kansas of course), with a combined population of 793,587 persons, there were a total of 4,143 firearm assaults and 8986 total assaults utilizing weapons of any kind.

MSHP stats for St. Louis (PDF)

MSHP stats for KC, MO (PDF)

Since there are twice as many gun owners in rural communities as there are in urban communities, and perhaps four times as many actual firearms in rural households. Look here for stats I think the facts are clear. Guns are not the problem.

The 2006 stats on Missouri crime came from this website : Missouri State Highway Patrol Statisical Analysis Center, they are the most recent available.
The 2004 rural/urban chart came from this website : Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2004 study.
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Obama and Biden are not the only ones anti-gun,

McCain's rating from the Gun Owners of America:


GOA's Take On John McCain

You can bet the NRA will support McCain because he's the lesser of two evils.

The GOA people are kooks.

It's a total bush league operation - two dudes sitting in a cluttered living room. No lie.

What are the GOA's legislative accomplishments? There are none. In fact, they really don't do much other than bash the NRA and distort its record in order to get donations.

How can they give McCain an F- (THE SAME GRADE THEY GAVE HILLARY AND KUCINICH) when he supports concealed carry and opposes renewing the AWB?
How can they give McCain an F- (THE SAME GRADE THEY GAVE HILLARY AND KUCINICH) when he supports concealed carry and opposes renewing the AWB?

Good point.

Do you see what I'm saying about gun queers?

They're queer for guns. They apparently have no sense of perspective.

McCain and Kucinich are the same as it regards gun ownership?

These people are nuts.
Nobody is going to take away anyone's guns. That is another smoke screen to attack Obama and Biden.

There are enough semi rational people like myself who own guns but don't buy into the NRA Cult. There will always be those who would issue you a gun at birth and those who would ban every gun in the land.

That's the problem with a a lot of issues. The extremes rule because they make the most noise.

I say we beat them senseless with a rifle but.:D
Richard-H and Rayboyusmc . . . :eusa_clap: You two posted probably the most intelligent analysis of the gun control issue that I've read in this forum yet!!! Kudos!!!!
To what tyrannical oppressive force are you referring?

An assault rifle is determined by features......pistol grip:eek:....detachable magazine:eek:....collapsable stock:eek::eek:.....why are these things so bad???

I was under the impression that the Hollywood shooters had Machine Guns....to make it clear.....machine guns are illegal and are limited to "Class 3" licence holders.

Lets not confuse Machine gun with Assault Rifle.

Finally......why are police officers to be trusted? And the average citizen is not to be trusted?

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