Obama And Climate Change.Will He Ever Take Challenging Questions From The Press Or Anyone?

i once saw a map of what the USA would look like by the year 2000? 2010? I forgot, but do remember seeing Florida and Southern California completely gone. I think I saw the map in 1998. now this was probably what al gore envisioned.
i once saw a map of what the USA would look like by the year 2000? 2010? I forgot, but do remember seeing Florida and Southern California completely gone. I think I saw the map in 1998. now this was probably what al gore envisioned.
Science at it's best can only see the future through a cloudy mirror, it's no reason to reject it. The incredibly complex nature of climate makes it difficult to model but the supercomputers are getting better at it. I do not look at this as a mainly political issue as you do. If "your side" wins and is wrong what happens? We will be unprepared for upheaval as well is being tied to a dwindling resource. What happens if "my side" wins and is wrong? Cleaner air, cleaner energy, less dependence on foreign oil, American dominance of the world energy sector.
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.
Wikipedia has a long article on greenhouse gases, some of it being too much for me to understand well. Being a
nuts and bolts man, I am more interested in how we can reduce our carbon footprint.

An add in this morning's paper set me to thinking. An
'on demand' water heater costs little more than a tank heater and would use a lot less fuel.

Those have been available for years, numskull.
i once saw a map of what the USA would look like by the year 2000? 2010? I forgot, but do remember seeing Florida and Southern California completely gone. I think I saw the map in 1998. now this was probably what al gore envisioned.
Science at it's best can only see the future through a cloudy mirror, it's no reason to reject it. The incredibly complex nature of climate makes it difficult to model but the supercomputers are getting better at it. I do not look at this as a mainly political issue as you do. If "your side" wins and is wrong what happens? We will be unprepared for upheaval as well is being tied to a dwindling resource. What happens if "my side" wins and is wrong? Cleaner air, cleaner energy, less dependence on foreign oil, American dominance of the world energy sector.

You're forgetting the part where we spend $78 trillion and ruin our economies in the process. We also will have at least quadrupled the price of energy. The AGW cult theory that there is no down side to forcing green energy on everyone only shows what a gang of clueless numskulls you are.

History shows that a warmer climate is more conducive to human welfare.
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.

This post vintage Leftist playbook on display. First, smear, mock and polarize. Next, determine to take away free speech.

Climate change is an ongoing debate. Two sides. Your side is not helping itself with studies leaving our relevant data simply because it does not support your narrative.
It may be an ongoing debate but only because Big Coal and Big Oil is pouring money into lobbying and funding junk science to cloud the issue. Fuckers are just running out the clock and hoping for overtime.

Clouding the issue? University of East Anglia and Countries withholding data. Stop leaving out data or otherwise corrupting data. What you call "clouding" is necessary to educate on the falsifying of data.
Are you actually asking me why the human race does not act rationally?
no, just in general. look at Africa for example. it seems that men there just cant control themselves in third world countries, making babies that either grow up already in dire straights, or just die of starvation. kinda like the urban areas here. why do blacks just keep making babies in these economic times? and they are "dead broke".
Why to do people still stubbornly want to burn carbon when it is clearly fucking up the world?
i dont know, and yet Obama never brings us what China is doing to the atmosphere, yet seems to blame us for it.
We are responsible for a significant portion and that portion is our responsibility. Sitting around waiting for others to clean up their act is stupid and lazy, not to mention, abandoning a growing industry on ideological grounds. China has not neglected this industry and stands to dominate it, mostly because we dragged our feet.
Hey genius...We are 100% THE CLEANEST industrialized nation on earth. And yet you lefties STILL are on the "Blame America" train...
How dare you call yourself an American.....
Dissent is not for the sake of dissent.
It has to be meaningful and substantive.
Figure it out.

Exactly. Why aren't the Left going after Russia, China, India, and Latin America?
Until someone can give me an accurate weather forecast for 14 days they can kiss my ass.

Until someone can show me how a government can even fucking fill pot holes in our roads why the fucking hell should I trust a government to fucking FIX THE FUCKING WEATHER?

Are you climate change loving mother truckers able to produce one bit of evidence that GOVERNMENT you know the assholes who can't run the post office can now fix the weather of the planet?

You bet I am a fucking denier. And get out of my life and if I want to have an incandescent light bulb I will trade off you bum fucking your butts off for my light bulb. Go fudge pack.

I don't care. Just leave me with my light bulb. My car. My house heated with various energy sources that don't involve frying birds.
Mr President, do you think Governor MoonBeanHead is a complete baffoon?
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.

This post vintage Leftist playbook on display. First, smear, mock and polarize. Next, determine to take away free speech.

Climate change is an ongoing debate. Two sides. Your side is not helping itself with studies leaving our relevant data simply because it does not support your narrative.
It may be an ongoing debate but only because Big Coal and Big Oil is pouring money into lobbying and funding junk science to cloud the issue. Fuckers are just running out the clock and hoping for overtime.
I don't:get a pay check from big oil or big coal and I doubt anyone in this thread does, So are you getting a pay check from big Solar and big wind?
Climate change deniers,[/QUOTE]

glowbull warming, man made glowbull warming, now climate change, can you liberdummies ever make up your mind about what Earth has ben experiencing since GOD said, "Let there be light", no one here or anywhere that i know is denying climate change, it has been happening since before the dinosaurs and humankind has nothing to do with it, i just read a day ago where scientists are predicting a global cooling period just as they did back in the 1960's when the fear was another ice age, just a month ago here in the desert we were experiencing unusually cooling, today it was 105* F. .., talk about climate change, that is one hell of a climate change. :lmao:

:up_yours: .., liberfools
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.

This post vintage Leftist playbook on display. First, smear, mock and polarize. Next, determine to take away free speech.

Climate change is an ongoing debate. Two sides. Your side is not helping itself with studies leaving our relevant data simply because it does not support your narrative.
It may be an ongoing debate but only because Big Coal and Big Oil is pouring money into lobbying and funding junk science to cloud the issue. Fuckers are just running out the clock and hoping for overtime.
I don't:get a pay check from big oil or big coal and I doubt anyone in this thread does, So are you getting a pay check from big Solar and big wind?
Sadly, lobbyists exclusively drive American political debate in Washington, are you somehow unaware of this? It's the only reason you care about anything that mainly concerns the business of energy production.
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.

This post vintage Leftist playbook on display. First, smear, mock and polarize. Next, determine to take away free speech.

Climate change is an ongoing debate. Two sides. Your side is not helping itself with studies leaving our relevant data simply because it does not support your narrative.
It may be an ongoing debate but only because Big Coal and Big Oil is pouring money into lobbying and funding junk science to cloud the issue. Fuckers are just running out the clock and hoping for overtime.
I don't:get a pay check from big oil or big coal and I doubt anyone in this thread does, So are you getting a pay check from big Solar and big wind?
Sadly, lobbyists exclusively drive American political debate in Washington, are you somehow unaware of this? It's the only reason you care about anything that mainly concerns the business of energy production.
sorry to disappoint pal I have been following this when I first got my subscription to popular science and popular mechanics back around 1974
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.

This post vintage Leftist playbook on display. First, smear, mock and polarize. Next, determine to take away free speech.

Climate change is an ongoing debate. Two sides. Your side is not helping itself with studies leaving our relevant data simply because it does not support your narrative.
It may be an ongoing debate but only because Big Coal and Big Oil is pouring money into lobbying and funding junk science to cloud the issue. Fuckers are just running out the clock and hoping for overtime.
I don't:get a pay check from big oil or big coal and I doubt anyone in this thread does, So are you getting a pay check from big Solar and big wind?
Sadly, lobbyists exclusively drive American political debate in Washington, are you somehow unaware of this? It's the only reason you care about anything that mainly concerns the business of energy production.
sorry to disappoint pal I have been following this when I first got my subscription to popular science and popular mechanics back around 1974
OK so tell me why you are so concerned with the bottom line of the fossil fuel industry, why do you care so much? Clean abundant energy has been the dream of mankind since the first smokestack darkened the sky and fossil fuel has not delivered. Time for a different direction because burning carbon is a dead-end.
This post vintage Leftist playbook on display. First, smear, mock and polarize. Next, determine to take away free speech.

Climate change is an ongoing debate. Two sides. Your side is not helping itself with studies leaving our relevant data simply because it does not support your narrative.
It may be an ongoing debate but only because Big Coal and Big Oil is pouring money into lobbying and funding junk science to cloud the issue. Fuckers are just running out the clock and hoping for overtime.
I don't:get a pay check from big oil or big coal and I doubt anyone in this thread does, So are you getting a pay check from big Solar and big wind?
Sadly, lobbyists exclusively drive American political debate in Washington, are you somehow unaware of this? It's the only reason you care about anything that mainly concerns the business of energy production.
sorry to disappoint pal I have been following this when I first got my subscription to popular science and popular mechanics back around 1974
OK so tell me why you are so concerned with the bottom line of the fossil fuel industry, why do you care so much? Clean abundant energy has been the dream of mankind since the first smokestack darkened the sky and fossil fuel has not delivered. Time for a different direction because burning carbon is a dead-end.
This post vintage Leftist playbook on display. First, smear, mock and polarize. Next, determine to take away free speech.

Climate change is an ongoing debate. Two sides. Your side is not helping itself with studies leaving our relevant data simply because it does not support your narrative.
It may be an ongoing debate but only because Big Coal and Big Oil is pouring money into lobbying and funding junk science to cloud the issue. Fuckers are just running out the clock and hoping for overtime.
I don't:get a pay check from big oil or big coal and I doubt anyone in this thread does, So are you getting a pay check from big Solar and big wind?
Sadly, lobbyists exclusively drive American political debate in Washington, are you somehow unaware of this? It's the only reason you care about anything that mainly concerns the business of energy production.
sorry to disappoint pal I have been following this when I first got my subscription to popular science and popular mechanics back around 1974
OK so tell me why you are so concerned with the bottom line of the fossil fuel industry, why do you care so much? Clean abundant energy has been the dream of mankind since the first smokestack darkened the sky and fossil fuel has not delivered. Time for a different direction because burning carbon is a dead-end.
it's not carring about fossil fuel, it's caring about the economy and watching this junk science unfold right before my eyes the past 30 years, the ozone hole scare was good science and real, man made climate change hysterics is junk science
It may be an ongoing debate but only because Big Coal and Big Oil is pouring money into lobbying and funding junk science to cloud the issue. Fuckers are just running out the clock and hoping for overtime.
I don't:get a pay check from big oil or big coal and I doubt anyone in this thread does, So are you getting a pay check from big Solar and big wind?
Sadly, lobbyists exclusively drive American political debate in Washington, are you somehow unaware of this? It's the only reason you care about anything that mainly concerns the business of energy production.
sorry to disappoint pal I have been following this when I first got my subscription to popular science and popular mechanics back around 1974
OK so tell me why you are so concerned with the bottom line of the fossil fuel industry, why do you care so much? Clean abundant energy has been the dream of mankind since the first smokestack darkened the sky and fossil fuel has not delivered. Time for a different direction because burning carbon is a dead-end.
It may be an ongoing debate but only because Big Coal and Big Oil is pouring money into lobbying and funding junk science to cloud the issue. Fuckers are just running out the clock and hoping for overtime.
I don't:get a pay check from big oil or big coal and I doubt anyone in this thread does, So are you getting a pay check from big Solar and big wind?
Sadly, lobbyists exclusively drive American political debate in Washington, are you somehow unaware of this? It's the only reason you care about anything that mainly concerns the business of energy production.
sorry to disappoint pal I have been following this when I first got my subscription to popular science and popular mechanics back around 1974
OK so tell me why you are so concerned with the bottom line of the fossil fuel industry, why do you care so much? Clean abundant energy has been the dream of mankind since the first smokestack darkened the sky and fossil fuel has not delivered. Time for a different direction because burning carbon is a dead-end.
it's not carring about fossil fuel, it's caring about the economy and watching this junk science unfold right before my eyes the past 30 years, the ozone hole scare was good science and real, man made climate change hysterics is junk science
That's your opinion and one that is getting harder to support as time goes on. Something unprecedented is occurring and we are running out of alternative explanations.
I don't:get a pay check from big oil or big coal and I doubt anyone in this thread does, So are you getting a pay check from big Solar and big wind?
Sadly, lobbyists exclusively drive American political debate in Washington, are you somehow unaware of this? It's the only reason you care about anything that mainly concerns the business of energy production.
sorry to disappoint pal I have been following this when I first got my subscription to popular science and popular mechanics back around 1974
OK so tell me why you are so concerned with the bottom line of the fossil fuel industry, why do you care so much? Clean abundant energy has been the dream of mankind since the first smokestack darkened the sky and fossil fuel has not delivered. Time for a different direction because burning carbon is a dead-end.
I don't:get a pay check from big oil or big coal and I doubt anyone in this thread does, So are you getting a pay check from big Solar and big wind?
Sadly, lobbyists exclusively drive American political debate in Washington, are you somehow unaware of this? It's the only reason you care about anything that mainly concerns the business of energy production.
sorry to disappoint pal I have been following this when I first got my subscription to popular science and popular mechanics back around 1974
OK so tell me why you are so concerned with the bottom line of the fossil fuel industry, why do you care so much? Clean abundant energy has been the dream of mankind since the first smokestack darkened the sky and fossil fuel has not delivered. Time for a different direction because burning carbon is a dead-end.
it's not carring about fossil fuel, it's caring about the economy and watching this junk science unfold right before my eyes the past 30 years, the ozone hole scare was good science and real, man made climate change hysterics is junk science
That's your opinion and one that is getting harder to support as time goes on. Something unprecedented is occurring and we are running out of alternative explanations.
No its not the huge Sahara desert turned tropical to dry in only a 100 years according to soil samples found in the mederadian sea. Before man.

Look it up.... Its well known.
Until someone can give me an accurate weather forecast for 14 days they can kiss my ass.

Until someone can show me how a government can even fucking fill pot holes in our roads why the fucking hell should I trust a government to fucking FIX THE FUCKING WEATHER?

Are you climate change loving mother truckers able to produce one bit of evidence that GOVERNMENT you know the assholes who can't run the post office can now fix the weather of the planet?

You bet I am a fucking denier. And get out of my life and if I want to have an incandescent light bulb I will trade off you bum fucking your butts off for my light bulb. Go fudge pack.

I don't care. Just leave me with my light bulb. My car. My house heated with various energy sources that don't involve frying birds.
how about, Mr. President, these 97% of so called "Scientists", are they just as fabricated just like those so called Critics who give every new movie an A+, Must See Rating?

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