Obama And Climate Change.Will He Ever Take Challenging Questions From The Press Or Anyone?

Why won't Gore debate it?
If I had to guess I'd say he's tired of talking about this to people who see it as a just another political issue or an attack on the fossil fuel industry. I used to be all over these climate change threads but have come to the conclusion that we are fucked because we lacked the foresight and political will to do anything. At least most of you will be dead when shit really hits the fan but our grandchildren will come to curse our name.
I am more worried about the debt we are leaving them. Than the myth of global cooling, global warming, or whatever you want to call it today.
Debt is an abstract concept that we have a measure of control but no amount of money can make potable water appear out of thin air. We are already fighting over water on a political level, wait until the shooting starts. Call climate change a myth if you must but the way the water cycle is changing is undeniable, Water is becoming more scarce and the smart investors are dumping fossil fuels for control of water sources.
and the world just keeps populating. if there isnt enough drinking water to maintain the 6.78 billion people on earth, then why do they keep getting pregnant!
Are you actually asking me why the human race does not act rationally?
no, just in general. look at Africa for example. it seems that men there just cant control themselves in third world countries, making babies that either grow up already in dire straights, or just die of starvation. kinda like the urban areas here. why do blacks just keep making babies in these economic times? and they are "dead broke".
If I had to guess I'd say he's tired of talking about this to people who see it as a just another political issue or an attack on the fossil fuel industry. I used to be all over these climate change threads but have come to the conclusion that we are fucked because we lacked the foresight and political will to do anything. At least most of you will be dead when shit really hits the fan but our grandchildren will come to curse our name.
I am more worried about the debt we are leaving them. Than the myth of global cooling, global warming, or whatever you want to call it today.
Debt is an abstract concept that we have a measure of control but no amount of money can make potable water appear out of thin air. We are already fighting over water on a political level, wait until the shooting starts. Call climate change a myth if you must but the way the water cycle is changing is undeniable, Water is becoming more scarce and the smart investors are dumping fossil fuels for control of water sources.
and the world just keeps populating. if there isnt enough drinking water to maintain the 6.78 billion people on earth, then why do they keep getting pregnant!
Are you actually asking me why the human race does not act rationally?
no, just in general. look at Africa for example. it seems that men there just cant control themselves in third world countries, making babies that either grow up already in dire straights, or just die of starvation. kinda like the urban areas here. why do blacks just keep making babies in these economic times? and they are "dead broke".
Why to do people still stubbornly want to burn carbon when it is clearly fucking up the world?
I am more worried about the debt we are leaving them. Than the myth of global cooling, global warming, or whatever you want to call it today.
Debt is an abstract concept that we have a measure of control but no amount of money can make potable water appear out of thin air. We are already fighting over water on a political level, wait until the shooting starts. Call climate change a myth if you must but the way the water cycle is changing is undeniable, Water is becoming more scarce and the smart investors are dumping fossil fuels for control of water sources.
and the world just keeps populating. if there isnt enough drinking water to maintain the 6.78 billion people on earth, then why do they keep getting pregnant!
Are you actually asking me why the human race does not act rationally?
no, just in general. look at Africa for example. it seems that men there just cant control themselves in third world countries, making babies that either grow up already in dire straights, or just die of starvation. kinda like the urban areas here. why do blacks just keep making babies in these economic times? and they are "dead broke".
Why to do people still stubbornly want to burn carbon when it is clearly fucking up the world?
i dont know, and yet Obama never brings us what China is doing to the atmosphere, yet seems to blame us for it.
Debt is an abstract concept that we have a measure of control but no amount of money can make potable water appear out of thin air. We are already fighting over water on a political level, wait until the shooting starts. Call climate change a myth if you must but the way the water cycle is changing is undeniable, Water is becoming more scarce and the smart investors are dumping fossil fuels for control of water sources.
and the world just keeps populating. if there isnt enough drinking water to maintain the 6.78 billion people on earth, then why do they keep getting pregnant!
Are you actually asking me why the human race does not act rationally?
no, just in general. look at Africa for example. it seems that men there just cant control themselves in third world countries, making babies that either grow up already in dire straights, or just die of starvation. kinda like the urban areas here. why do blacks just keep making babies in these economic times? and they are "dead broke".
Why to do people still stubbornly want to burn carbon when it is clearly fucking up the world?
i dont know, and yet Obama never brings us what China is doing to the atmosphere, yet seems to blame us for it.
We are responsible for a significant portion and that portion is our responsibility. Sitting around waiting for others to clean up their act is stupid and lazy, not to mention, abandoning a growing industry on ideological grounds. China has not neglected this industry and stands to dominate it, mostly because we dragged our feet.
and yet the left seems to want the world to believe that is primarily the fault of the USA, yes, we are also a part of the problem, but what can we do if India and China completely ignore what they are doing to the atmosphere, I heard its cloudy/smoggy most of the time in China.
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.
"Irreversible emergency"......:boohoo:
and yet the left seems to want the world to believe that is primarily the fault of the USA, yes, we are also a part of the problem, but what can we do if India and China completely ignore what they are doing to the atmosphere, I heard its cloudy/smoggy most of the time in China.
Fuck China, if we do the right thing and responsibly ween ourselves from non-renewable energy everyone will follow.
and why didnt Obama bring up China during that Coast Guard debacle, or even ISIS? its as if he believes that the Coast Guard has no idea of what is going on in the mid-east.
:lalala: Between Obama, Kerry and Gore, it has just got to the point where the average American is developing a brain aneurysm as they are actually mentally or screaming back to Obama or Kerry for specifics/example of Global Warming and Global Climate Change. How come no one in that recent Coast Guard debacle challenged the President? Were they all warned not to speak during or after the speech? You can always tell when the President or a spokesperson/advocate of global warming/climate change refuses to take candid questions on the issue.It Means They Are Lying!!!. Just like when John Kerry declared that Global Warming is real and the debate is over. Now was there a large audience there when he said that? Or just a select crowd of liberals and mannequins who obviously weren't going to question the very intelligent Scientist and Secretary of State.:argue:
Obama taking questions? ........ Pleeeeeease ................ play the lottery instead, your odds are much better...........
mr president. maybe you can explain these last six winters and how global warming caused them?
These hand wringing tree hugging dirt eater claim global warming produces cold weather and snow.
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and why didnt Obama bring up China during that Coast Guard debacle, or even ISIS? its as if he believes that the Coast Guard has no idea of what is going on in the mid-east.
What does any of that have to do with the topic?
and yet the left seems to want the world to believe that is primarily the fault of the USA, yes, we are also a part of the problem, but what can we do if India and China completely ignore what they are doing to the atmosphere, I heard its cloudy/smoggy most of the time in China.
Fuck China, if we do the right thing and responsibly ween ourselves from non-renewable energy everyone will follow.
Hey...If someone invents a better fuel to run our aircraft and vehicles so be it.
Under these conditions
1. the fuel is as readily available as gasoline/diesel
2. the fuel costs no more than gasoline or diesel
3 delivers the same or better performance as gas/diesel
4. does not have ties to entities such as political factions, influence peddlers, those looking to curry favor to elected officials, labor unions and any other inefficient self serving pricks.
5 will not be taxed at a higher rate by state or federal government
6 renewable fuel use must be accompanied by a permanent BAN on 'movement' taxes such as taxes on mileage driven or any other similar government money grab schemes
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.
If someone told you that climate change is real and that changes in the climate are cyclical and natural, would you label that person a 'denier'?
and yet the left seems to want the world to believe that is primarily the fault of the USA, yes, we are also a part of the problem, but what can we do if India and China completely ignore what they are doing to the atmosphere, I heard its cloudy/smoggy most of the time in China.
Fuck China, if we do the right thing and responsibly ween ourselves from non-renewable energy everyone will follow.
Hey...If someone invents a better fuel to run our aircraft and vehicles so be it.
Under these conditions
1. the fuel is as readily available as gasoline/diesel
2. the fuel costs no more than gasoline or diesel
3 delivers the same or better performance as gas/diesel
4. does not have ties to entities such as political factions, influence peddlers, those looking to curry favor to elected officials, labor unions and any other inefficient self serving pricks.
5 will not be taxed at a higher rate by state or federal government
6 renewable fuel use must be accompanied by a permanent BAN on 'movement' taxes such as taxes on mileage driven or any other similar government money grab schemes
You are asking for a fuel source far more perfect than we have now. Not going to happen. You apparently want some easy fix that changes no one's habits or just forget the whole thing. It took fossil fuel a century to build it's infrastructure to this point, getting off of it will take at least a generation, if not longer. Things are going to change, America stands at a unique position to take full advantage of it but we are letting the opportunities for market domination to slip away.
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.
Wikipedia has a long article on greenhouse gases, some of it being too much for me to understand well. Being a
nuts and bolts man, I am more interested in how we can reduce our carbon footprint.

An add in this morning's paper set me to thinking. An
'on demand' water heater costs little more than a tank heater and would use a lot less fuel.
Actually tankless water heaters are quite pricey. Out of reach of most middle class folks....
You'll find this informative.
22 years? I'm not willing to wait that long.
Are tankless water heaters a worthwhile investment
At this point , I would not consider a tankless water heater....
Oh, FYI...One of the advantages takless has over a conventional water heater is there is not tank to spring a leak.
While most homes have basements or garages as a suitable location for the tank, many small homes, condos and townhomes see water heaters located in attics or inside the living space. Not good
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.
If someone told you that climate change is real and that changes in the climate are cyclical and natural, would you label that person a 'denier'?
Since none of you can deny the climate is rapidly changing anymore you've had to modify your denial of climate change to a denial of human causes, still the same political opposition to anything that reduces our dependence on non-renewable energy.
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.
Why won't Gore debate it?
and why isnt gore ever around during the winters when we are all freezing our asses off?
I suppose the funniest Al
Gore climate global warming story was the one where he flew to South Africa for a global warming conference and it SNOWED for the first time in like 50 years there..
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.

This post vintage Leftist playbook on display. First, smear, mock and polarize. Next, determine to take away free speech.

Climate change is an ongoing debate. Two sides. Your side is not helping itself with studies leaving our relevant data simply because it does not support your narrative.
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.
If someone told you that climate change is real and that changes in the climate are cyclical and natural, would you label that person a 'denier'?
Since none of you can deny the climate is rapidly changing anymore you've had to modify your denial of climate change to a denial of human causes, still the same political opposition to anything that reduces our dependence on non-renewable energy.
You didn't answer the question.
Forget for a moment that in your opinion which stands as "climate change is man made and it a global emergency".....Now , answer the question.....Answer it like you are NOT running for office and the media is not present.
and the world just keeps populating. if there isnt enough drinking water to maintain the 6.78 billion people on earth, then why do they keep getting pregnant!
Are you actually asking me why the human race does not act rationally?
no, just in general. look at Africa for example. it seems that men there just cant control themselves in third world countries, making babies that either grow up already in dire straights, or just die of starvation. kinda like the urban areas here. why do blacks just keep making babies in these economic times? and they are "dead broke".
Why to do people still stubbornly want to burn carbon when it is clearly fucking up the world?
i dont know, and yet Obama never brings us what China is doing to the atmosphere, yet seems to blame us for it.
We are responsible for a significant portion and that portion is our responsibility. Sitting around waiting for others to clean up their act is stupid and lazy, not to mention, abandoning a growing industry on ideological grounds. China has not neglected this industry and stands to dominate it, mostly because we dragged our feet.
Hey genius...We are 100% THE CLEANEST industrialized nation on earth. And yet you lefties STILL are on the "Blame America" train...
How dare you call yourself an American.....
Dissent is not for the sake of dissent.
It has to be meaningful and substantive.
Figure it out.
Climate change deniers, the new flat-earthers. You people have been given far too much air time and political legitimacy as it is. It is high time you are relegated to the outer fringe where you belong. You are hobbling America's response to a now irreversible emergency that has the potential to cast the world into chaos. You deserve no respect, no equal time and no public platform to deny reality on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.

This post vintage Leftist playbook on display. First, smear, mock and polarize. Next, determine to take away free speech.

Climate change is an ongoing debate. Two sides. Your side is not helping itself with studies leaving our relevant data simply because it does not support your narrative.
It may be an ongoing debate but only because Big Coal and Big Oil is pouring money into lobbying and funding junk science to cloud the issue. Fuckers are just running out the clock and hoping for overtime.

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