Obama and Fox: A 'Presidency' or a 'Dictatorship'?

Obama: " I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration."
As he does with metronomic regularity, he lies.
Although this is nothing new....let's document that.

4. From September 8 through October 16, 2008, 40% of Fox News stories on Obama were negative. So were 40% of Fox News stories on McCain.
The Color of News

5. Now, here is the sort of press response that Obama demands:

The press also gave some candidates measurably more favorable coverage than others. Democrat Barack Obama, the junior Senator from Illinois, enjoyed by far the most positive treatment of the major candidates during the first five months of the year—followed closely by Fred Thompson, the actor who at the time was only considering running. Arizona Senator John McCain received the most negative coverage—much worse than his main GOP rivals."
The Invisible Primary – Invisible No Longer

46.7% of the Obama news was positive in tone.
12. 4% of the McCain news was positive in tone.

This was the same press corp (read 'corpse,' Obama style) that called him "God," and 'the messiah,' and compared him to Jesus.
True story.

6. Be clear: for the Obamunists, only media praise is acceptable, and any criticism is illegitimate.

" What I think is fair to say about Fox — and certainly it’s the way we view it — is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party. They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that’s fine. But let’s not pretend they’re a news network the way CNN is." Anita Dunn, Obama White House Communications Director, CNNinterview, October 12, 2009.

The Obama administration offered little evidence to back this up.

But, of course, facts, and evidence are unnecessary.

And the two individuals quoted in the OP.....they march, unquestioningly, as good lock-step Liberals.
What could be better for a dictatorship?
Folks who see themselves as subjects rather than citizens.
Msnbc & fox are children's stations. For geriatrics, or the braindead.

you are half right. The problem that you libs have with Fox is that it gives voice to both sides and when both sides are given equal time, the left always loses, because leftism is based on lies
Thats got to be really weird to see Fox as some beacon of fairness.

Wonder what other odd little idiosyncracies happen inside of your noggin.....ill bet its pretty wild/fascinating

If you had ever actually watched Fox, rather than just repeating the talking points given to you by huffpuff and kos, you might understand that Fox does give equal air time to both sides. I am talking about their news programs, not Hannity. O'Reilly always gives the libs time to express their views. Your problem is that the lib views are always defeated by truth and logic and common sense. Chris Wallace is actually more left than right. The debate was clearly an attempt to discredit Trump------------but it failed. In that case Kelley and her handlers were trying to bring down the leading GOP candidate. So you are full of shit.
Msnbc & fox are children's stations. For geriatrics, or the braindead.

you are half right. The problem that you libs have with Fox is that it gives voice to both sides and when both sides are given equal time, the left always loses, because leftism is based on lies
Thats got to be really weird to see Fox as some beacon of fairness.

Wonder what other odd little idiosyncracies happen inside of your noggin.....ill bet its pretty wild/fascinating

If you had ever actually watched Fox, rather than just repeating the talking points given to you by huffpuff and kos, you might understand that Fox does give equal air time to both sides. I am talking about their news programs, not Hannity. O'Reilly always gives the libs time to express their views. Your problem is that the lib views are always defeated by truth and logic and common sense. Chris Wallace is actually more left than right. The debate was clearly an attempt to discredit Trump------------but it failed. In that case Kelley and her handlers were trying to bring down the leading GOP candidate. So you are full of shit.


And I will prove that in this thread.

Now....stop annoying that dope with facts.
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Fox etc etc etc are still free to lie about everything, like that fascists are leftists lol...political gobbelygook/RW idiocy.
Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | Page 16 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this, in the same thread....

"...conservatives are more likely to watch biased "news" sources."

Now...where did blanko and the other guy get that misapprehension?

Here we go:

1. Every day, and in so very many ways, Obama proves himself to be emotionally, intellectually, and historically, ineligible for the presidency of the United States.
Proof of the above can be found in the United States Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."

a. "The protection given freedom of the press is one of the most unique provisions in the Bill of Rights because it protects the freedom of an institution as well as that of individuals.

...the governed must have the information necessary to make wise decisions about the people they elect and the policies they want those people to pursue. Unless the consent of the people is informed consent, the democratic basis of a free society rests on very shaky ground. " http://www.godlessinamerica.com/freepress.html

2. The Obama to whom I refer is the same Obama who, on March 30, 2007, at a fundraiser, said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current presidentI actually respect the Constitution."

One might conclude that an individual who imagined himself to be "a constitutional law professor" would understand the importance of the first amendment, and a free press.

And...if he does.....he'd have to be some version of fascist to work against same.....wouldn't he?

3. "During an interview with President Obama that aired on CNBC yesterday, chief Washington correspondent John Harwood said, “When you and I spoke in January, you said — I observed that you hadn’t gotten much badpress. You said it’s coming.” Harwood added that since then, Obama still hasn’t received much critical press and wondered if his administration isn’t being “sufficiently held accountable.” Obama, however, disagreed:

OBAMA:It’s very hard for me to swallow that one. First of all, I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, you know,...." Obama: ‘I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration.’

a. The above correctly suggests that, overwhelmingly, the press has done nothing but wave pom-poms for Obama....but it's not enough!
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.

Imagine the Republicans in that position...a single news outlet opposed to 'em: They'd be tossing confetti.

Not good enough for Obama!
He wants a one-party system, and a monolithic press.

Obama's aim: " A Dictatorship rather than a Presidency"

You obviously have no idea what a dictatorship is.
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Fox etc etc etc are still free to lie about everything, like that fascists are leftists lol...political gobbelygook/RW idiocy.
Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | Page 16 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this, in the same thread....

"...conservatives are more likely to watch biased "news" sources."

Now...where did blanko and the other guy get that misapprehension?

Here we go:

1. Every day, and in so very many ways, Obama proves himself to be emotionally, intellectually, and historically, ineligible for the presidency of the United States.
Proof of the above can be found in the United States Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."

a. "The protection given freedom of the press is one of the most unique provisions in the Bill of Rights because it protects the freedom of an institution as well as that of individuals.

...the governed must have the information necessary to make wise decisions about the people they elect and the policies they want those people to pursue. Unless the consent of the people is informed consent, the democratic basis of a free society rests on very shaky ground. " http://www.godlessinamerica.com/freepress.html

2. The Obama to whom I refer is the same Obama who, on March 30, 2007, at a fundraiser, said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current presidentI actually respect the Constitution."

One might conclude that an individual who imagined himself to be "a constitutional law professor" would understand the importance of the first amendment, and a free press.

And...if he does.....he'd have to be some version of fascist to work against same.....wouldn't he?

3. "During an interview with President Obama that aired on CNBC yesterday, chief Washington correspondent John Harwood said, “When you and I spoke in January, you said — I observed that you hadn’t gotten much badpress. You said it’s coming.” Harwood added that since then, Obama still hasn’t received much critical press and wondered if his administration isn’t being “sufficiently held accountable.” Obama, however, disagreed:

OBAMA:It’s very hard for me to swallow that one. First of all, I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, you know,...." Obama: ‘I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration.’

a. The above correctly suggests that, overwhelmingly, the press has done nothing but wave pom-poms for Obama....but it's not enough!
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.

Imagine the Republicans in that position...a single news outlet opposed to 'em: They'd be tossing confetti.

Not good enough for Obama!
He wants a one-party system, and a monolithic press.

Obama's aim: " A Dictatorship rather than a Presidency"

You obviously have no idea what a dictatorship is.

You would be very happy in north korea. anyone who disagrees with the dear leader is killed.
I watch Fox as much as the others together, and you, Redfish, are filtering your feelings through a very narrow world view. You have almost no truth and logic and common sense, as I have shown time and again, and will continually as long as you post on USMB> You are far right reactionary working of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.
You would be very happy in north korea. anyone who disagrees with the dear leader is killed.
^ There is an excellent example of your silliness. BHO is not a dictator.
Last edited:
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Fox etc etc etc are still free to lie about everything, like that fascists are leftists lol...political gobbelygook/RW idiocy.
Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | Page 16 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this, in the same thread....

"...conservatives are more likely to watch biased "news" sources."

Now...where did blanko and the other guy get that misapprehension?

Here we go:

1. Every day, and in so very many ways, Obama proves himself to be emotionally, intellectually, and historically, ineligible for the presidency of the United States.
Proof of the above can be found in the United States Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."

a. "The protection given freedom of the press is one of the most unique provisions in the Bill of Rights because it protects the freedom of an institution as well as that of individuals.

...the governed must have the information necessary to make wise decisions about the people they elect and the policies they want those people to pursue. Unless the consent of the people is informed consent, the democratic basis of a free society rests on very shaky ground. " http://www.godlessinamerica.com/freepress.html

2. The Obama to whom I refer is the same Obama who, on March 30, 2007, at a fundraiser, said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current presidentI actually respect the Constitution."

One might conclude that an individual who imagined himself to be "a constitutional law professor" would understand the importance of the first amendment, and a free press.

And...if he does.....he'd have to be some version of fascist to work against same.....wouldn't he?

3. "During an interview with President Obama that aired on CNBC yesterday, chief Washington correspondent John Harwood said, “When you and I spoke in January, you said — I observed that you hadn’t gotten much badpress. You said it’s coming.” Harwood added that since then, Obama still hasn’t received much critical press and wondered if his administration isn’t being “sufficiently held accountable.” Obama, however, disagreed:

OBAMA:It’s very hard for me to swallow that one. First of all, I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, you know,...." Obama: ‘I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration.’

a. The above correctly suggests that, overwhelmingly, the press has done nothing but wave pom-poms for Obama....but it's not enough!
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.

Imagine the Republicans in that position...a single news outlet opposed to 'em: They'd be tossing confetti.

Not good enough for Obama!
He wants a one-party system, and a monolithic press.

Obama's aim: " A Dictatorship rather than a Presidency"

You obviously have no idea what a dictatorship is.

You would be very happy in north korea. anyone who disagrees with the dear leader is killed.

List the people Obama has killed for disagreeing.
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Name ten.

You need to use them?

Start here:
"" What I think is fair to say about Fox — and certainly it’s the way we view it — is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party. They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that’s fine. But let’s not pretend they’re a news network the way CNN is." Anita Dunn, Obama White House Communications Director, CNN interview, October 12, 2009.
OBAMA:It’s very hard for me to swallow that one. First of all, I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, you know,...." Obama: ‘I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration.’

a. The above correctly suggests that, overwhelmingly, the press has done nothing but wave pom-poms for Obama....but it's not enough!
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.


The above does nothing of the sort. Learn English.
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Name ten.

You need to use them?

Start here:
"" What I think is fair to say about Fox — and certainly it’s the way we view it — is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party. They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that’s fine. But let’s not pretend they’re a news network the way CNN is." Anita Dunn, Obama White House Communications Director, CNN interview, October 12, 2009.

That's a true statement.
I watch Fox as much as the others together, and you, Redfish, are filtering your feelings through a very narrow world view. You have almost no truth and logic and common sense, as I have shown time and again, and will continually as long as you post on USMB> You are far right reactionary working of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.

Nope, I am mainstream, a little center right. You are a far left loon who is part of a very small minority of idiots who have no idea what this country is all about, you have no idea what freedom means, no idea what the constitution says. you are a brainwashed indoctrinated idiot. You worship obama, the worst president in our history.
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Fox etc etc etc are still free to lie about everything, like that fascists are leftists lol...political gobbelygook/RW idiocy.
Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | Page 16 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this, in the same thread....

"...conservatives are more likely to watch biased "news" sources."

Now...where did blanko and the other guy get that misapprehension?

Here we go:

1. Every day, and in so very many ways, Obama proves himself to be emotionally, intellectually, and historically, ineligible for the presidency of the United States.
Proof of the above can be found in the United States Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."

a. "The protection given freedom of the press is one of the most unique provisions in the Bill of Rights because it protects the freedom of an institution as well as that of individuals.

...the governed must have the information necessary to make wise decisions about the people they elect and the policies they want those people to pursue. Unless the consent of the people is informed consent, the democratic basis of a free society rests on very shaky ground. " http://www.godlessinamerica.com/freepress.html

2. The Obama to whom I refer is the same Obama who, on March 30, 2007, at a fundraiser, said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current presidentI actually respect the Constitution."

One might conclude that an individual who imagined himself to be "a constitutional law professor" would understand the importance of the first amendment, and a free press.

And...if he does.....he'd have to be some version of fascist to work against same.....wouldn't he?

3. "During an interview with President Obama that aired on CNBC yesterday, chief Washington correspondent John Harwood said, “When you and I spoke in January, you said — I observed that you hadn’t gotten much badpress. You said it’s coming.” Harwood added that since then, Obama still hasn’t received much critical press and wondered if his administration isn’t being “sufficiently held accountable.” Obama, however, disagreed:

OBAMA:It’s very hard for me to swallow that one. First of all, I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, you know,...." Obama: ‘I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration.’

a. The above correctly suggests that, overwhelmingly, the press has done nothing but wave pom-poms for Obama....but it's not enough!
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.

Imagine the Republicans in that position...a single news outlet opposed to 'em: They'd be tossing confetti.

Not good enough for Obama!
He wants a one-party system, and a monolithic press.

Obama's aim: " A Dictatorship rather than a Presidency"

You obviously have no idea what a dictatorship is.

You would be very happy in north korea. anyone who disagrees with the dear leader is killed.

List the people Obama has killed for disagreeing.

when did I say he had killed anyone? What I said is that the kind of government you are asking for can be found in north korea.
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Name ten.

You need to use them?

Start here:
"" What I think is fair to say about Fox — and certainly it’s the way we view it — is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party. They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that’s fine. But let’s not pretend they’re a news network the way CNN is." Anita Dunn, Obama White House Communications Director, CNN interview, October 12, 2009.

That's a true statement.

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”
Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Fox etc etc etc are still free to lie about everything, like that fascists are leftists lol...political gobbelygook/RW idiocy.
Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | Page 16 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this, in the same thread....

"...conservatives are more likely to watch biased "news" sources."

Now...where did blanko and the other guy get that misapprehension?

Here we go:

1. Every day, and in so very many ways, Obama proves himself to be emotionally, intellectually, and historically, ineligible for the presidency of the United States.
Proof of the above can be found in the United States Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."

a. "The protection given freedom of the press is one of the most unique provisions in the Bill of Rights because it protects the freedom of an institution as well as that of individuals.

...the governed must have the information necessary to make wise decisions about the people they elect and the policies they want those people to pursue. Unless the consent of the people is informed consent, the democratic basis of a free society rests on very shaky ground. " http://www.godlessinamerica.com/freepress.html

2. The Obama to whom I refer is the same Obama who, on March 30, 2007, at a fundraiser, said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current presidentI actually respect the Constitution."

One might conclude that an individual who imagined himself to be "a constitutional law professor" would understand the importance of the first amendment, and a free press.

And...if he does.....he'd have to be some version of fascist to work against same.....wouldn't he?

3. "During an interview with President Obama that aired on CNBC yesterday, chief Washington correspondent John Harwood said, “When you and I spoke in January, you said — I observed that you hadn’t gotten much badpress. You said it’s coming.” Harwood added that since then, Obama still hasn’t received much critical press and wondered if his administration isn’t being “sufficiently held accountable.” Obama, however, disagreed:

OBAMA:It’s very hard for me to swallow that one. First of all, I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, you know,...." Obama: ‘I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration.’

a. The above correctly suggests that, overwhelmingly, the press has done nothing but wave pom-poms for Obama....but it's not enough!
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.

Imagine the Republicans in that position...a single news outlet opposed to 'em: They'd be tossing confetti.

Not good enough for Obama!
He wants a one-party system, and a monolithic press.

Obama's aim: " A Dictatorship rather than a Presidency"

You obviously have no idea what a dictatorship is.

You would be very happy in north korea. anyone who disagrees with the dear leader is killed.

List the people Obama has killed for disagreeing.

when did I say he had killed anyone? What I said is that the kind of government you are asking for can be found in north korea.

NYLiar often defaults to that pretend/obfuscation.
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | Page 16 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this, in the same thread....

"...conservatives are more likely to watch biased "news" sources."

Now...where did blanko and the other guy get that misapprehension?

Here we go:

1. Every day, and in so very many ways, Obama proves himself to be emotionally, intellectually, and historically, ineligible for the presidency of the United States.
Proof of the above can be found in the United States Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."

a. "The protection given freedom of the press is one of the most unique provisions in the Bill of Rights because it protects the freedom of an institution as well as that of individuals.

...the governed must have the information necessary to make wise decisions about the people they elect and the policies they want those people to pursue. Unless the consent of the people is informed consent, the democratic basis of a free society rests on very shaky ground. " http://www.godlessinamerica.com/freepress.html

2. The Obama to whom I refer is the same Obama who, on March 30, 2007, at a fundraiser, said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current presidentI actually respect the Constitution."

One might conclude that an individual who imagined himself to be "a constitutional law professor" would understand the importance of the first amendment, and a free press.

And...if he does.....he'd have to be some version of fascist to work against same.....wouldn't he?

3. "During an interview with President Obama that aired on CNBC yesterday, chief Washington correspondent John Harwood said, “When you and I spoke in January, you said — I observed that you hadn’t gotten much badpress. You said it’s coming.” Harwood added that since then, Obama still hasn’t received much critical press and wondered if his administration isn’t being “sufficiently held accountable.” Obama, however, disagreed:

OBAMA:It’s very hard for me to swallow that one. First of all, I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, you know,...." Obama: ‘I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration.’

a. The above correctly suggests that, overwhelmingly, the press has done nothing but wave pom-poms for Obama....but it's not enough!
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.

Imagine the Republicans in that position...a single news outlet opposed to 'em: They'd be tossing confetti.

Not good enough for Obama!
He wants a one-party system, and a monolithic press.

Obama's aim: " A Dictatorship rather than a Presidency"

You obviously have no idea what a dictatorship is.

You would be very happy in north korea. anyone who disagrees with the dear leader is killed.

List the people Obama has killed for disagreeing.

when did I say he had killed anyone? What I said is that the kind of government you are asking for can be found in north korea.

NYLiar often defaults to that pretend/obfuscation.

its what liberals do when defeated by the truth.
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Fox etc etc etc are still free to lie about everything, like that fascists are leftists lol...political gobbelygook/RW idiocy.
Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | Page 16 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this, in the same thread....

"...conservatives are more likely to watch biased "news" sources."

Now...where did blanko and the other guy get that misapprehension?

Here we go:

1. Every day, and in so very many ways, Obama proves himself to be emotionally, intellectually, and historically, ineligible for the presidency of the United States.
Proof of the above can be found in the United States Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."

a. "The protection given freedom of the press is one of the most unique provisions in the Bill of Rights because it protects the freedom of an institution as well as that of individuals.

...the governed must have the information necessary to make wise decisions about the people they elect and the policies they want those people to pursue. Unless the consent of the people is informed consent, the democratic basis of a free society rests on very shaky ground. " http://www.godlessinamerica.com/freepress.html

2. The Obama to whom I refer is the same Obama who, on March 30, 2007, at a fundraiser, said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current presidentI actually respect the Constitution."

One might conclude that an individual who imagined himself to be "a constitutional law professor" would understand the importance of the first amendment, and a free press.

And...if he does.....he'd have to be some version of fascist to work against same.....wouldn't he?

3. "During an interview with President Obama that aired on CNBC yesterday, chief Washington correspondent John Harwood said, “When you and I spoke in January, you said — I observed that you hadn’t gotten much badpress. You said it’s coming.” Harwood added that since then, Obama still hasn’t received much critical press and wondered if his administration isn’t being “sufficiently held accountable.” Obama, however, disagreed:

OBAMA:It’s very hard for me to swallow that one. First of all, I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, you know,...." Obama: ‘I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration.’

a. The above correctly suggests that, overwhelmingly, the press has done nothing but wave pom-poms for Obama....but it's not enough!
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.

Imagine the Republicans in that position...a single news outlet opposed to 'em: They'd be tossing confetti.

Not good enough for Obama!
He wants a one-party system, and a monolithic press.

Obama's aim: " A Dictatorship rather than a Presidency"

You obviously have no idea what a dictatorship is.

You would be very happy in north korea. anyone who disagrees with the dear leader is killed.

List the people Obama has killed for disagreeing.

when did I say he had killed anyone? What I said is that the kind of government you are asking for can be found in north korea.

What is wrong with you, exactly?
All sorts of lies abound about Fox News, the far-and-away most popular cable station.

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech | Page 16 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this, in the same thread....

"...conservatives are more likely to watch biased "news" sources."

Now...where did blanko and the other guy get that misapprehension?

Here we go:

1. Every day, and in so very many ways, Obama proves himself to be emotionally, intellectually, and historically, ineligible for the presidency of the United States.
Proof of the above can be found in the United States Constitution.

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; ..."

a. "The protection given freedom of the press is one of the most unique provisions in the Bill of Rights because it protects the freedom of an institution as well as that of individuals.

...the governed must have the information necessary to make wise decisions about the people they elect and the policies they want those people to pursue. Unless the consent of the people is informed consent, the democratic basis of a free society rests on very shaky ground. " http://www.godlessinamerica.com/freepress.html

2. The Obama to whom I refer is the same Obama who, on March 30, 2007, at a fundraiser, said, "I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current presidentI actually respect the Constitution."

One might conclude that an individual who imagined himself to be "a constitutional law professor" would understand the importance of the first amendment, and a free press.

And...if he does.....he'd have to be some version of fascist to work against same.....wouldn't he?

3. "During an interview with President Obama that aired on CNBC yesterday, chief Washington correspondent John Harwood said, “When you and I spoke in January, you said — I observed that you hadn’t gotten much badpress. You said it’s coming.” Harwood added that since then, Obama still hasn’t received much critical press and wondered if his administration isn’t being “sufficiently held accountable.” Obama, however, disagreed:

OBAMA:It’s very hard for me to swallow that one. First of all, I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, you know,...." Obama: ‘I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration.’

a. The above correctly suggests that, overwhelmingly, the press has done nothing but wave pom-poms for Obama....but it's not enough!
Obama is demanding nothing less than 100% submission of every news outlet.

Imagine the Republicans in that position...a single news outlet opposed to 'em: They'd be tossing confetti.

Not good enough for Obama!
He wants a one-party system, and a monolithic press.

Obama's aim: " A Dictatorship rather than a Presidency"

You obviously have no idea what a dictatorship is.

You would be very happy in north korea. anyone who disagrees with the dear leader is killed.

List the people Obama has killed for disagreeing.

when did I say he had killed anyone? What I said is that the kind of government you are asking for can be found in north korea.

NYLiar often defaults to that pretend/obfuscation.

The idiot compared NKorea's dictator to Obama because the NK dictator kills people who disagree with him.

I asked whom Obama has killed.

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