Obama and the Democrats have managed to destroy this country!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Just got my health insurance policy in the mail yesterday. Not only will my rates jump an extra 25% more as of Jan 2014, but my agent just informed me that most of the good local hospitals are now totally rejecting any Blue Shield / Blue Cross policies.

You see, this is what the liberal idiot commie morons out there with no experience in the healthcare industry don't understand. You can make all the policies you want and make it available to anybody you feel deserves it, and you can pay for it by stealing money from people like me other folks, but you can't FORCE doctors or hospitals to honor this highway robbery policy.

I suspect there are millions if not tens of millions in exactly my shoes, who now not only have to pay more, but are in a panic mode trying to find a reasonably priced coverage that the local hospitals and clinics will honor. And then you have the millions of young voters who are waking up to the reality that this Messiah Obama they just voted for again, just gave them the finger and jacked their insurance rates up by 150% because they are the targeted group that is supposed to pay for the older folks. In other words, he threw them under the bus. But what does Obama have to loose? Nothing. He's a lame-duck president anyhow. Let Hillary deal with it, and that's a big IF she gets elected.

I'm just waiting to see all the protests and riots in the streets by mid 2014, when the people realize what Obama and the radical Democrats have done to our country, when the insurance companies, doctors, and hospitals start fighting back and saying "hell no" to Obama care. "Glitch" my ass. This is no glitch when your insurance company jacks up your rate or local hospitals announce they will refuse your healthcare, and they clearly blame it on OBAMACARE.

And people wonder why Ted Cruz took the floor for 21 hours, or the Govt. is shut down? This train wreck of a bill is coming soon inside your mailboxes and hometowns. I hope America recovers from this, but seeing that we have 3 more years of this snake in office, I doubt it.

What do your deductibles/co-pays/out-of-pockets look like?

Or have you read the fine print yet?
What do your deductibles/co-pays/out-of-pockets look like?

Or have you read the fine print yet?
They've basically shelved the old policy and replaced it with a new policy. At this point I'm even willing to pay more than they are already asking, just so I can get a policy that is acceptable to everyone. But they don't offer it.

It really doesn't matter, what good is it if the hospitals and doctors around you won't accept your insurance. Even if they had lowered it, it's worthless. This is going to snowball into a mess of gigantic proportions and there's going to be millions of unhappy campers.
Where do you live? BCBS is a pretty big insurer, it is surprising most hospitals are rejecting that.
look on the bright side,riots, protests and general anarchy gets shit done. If that happens in 2014 messiah Obama may have to leave office early. I'm hoping it happens in 2013, why wait?
Where do you live? BCBS is a pretty big insurer, it is surprising most hospitals are rejecting that.
I advise everyone to check their new policies, even if they are offering a better price and lower deductibles, it's WORTHLESS. Your health insurance company will not tell you that things are no longer the same. Check and see which hospitals and doctors are accepting your policy as of 2014. You will be very shocked. They basically upgraded me to their best plan available the "Platinum premier blah blah blah". My agent sent me an email the next day telling me the good hospitals around me aren't accepting me. The govt. can do many things, but they cannot force a hospital to accept who's insurance they feel won't pay them what they want. Many clinics had already rejected insurance many years ago due to this reason, but now the hospitals are falling in line as well. Imagine you get sick and end up in the emergency room of a hospital, and they reject you because your health insurance isn't acceptable. Or what if you're out of state and something happens? This is a disaster of epic proportions. We are looking at a different America in about a year.
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Just got my health insurance policy in the mail yesterday. Not only will my rates jump an extra 25% more as of Jan 2014, but my agent just informed me that most of the good local hospitals are now totally rejecting any Blue Shield / Blue Cross policies.

You see, this is what the liberal idiot commie morons out there with no experience in the healthcare industry don't understand. You can make all the policies you want and make it available to anybody you feel deserves it, and you can pay for it by stealing money from people like me other folks, but you can't FORCE doctors or hospitals to honor this highway robbery policy.

I suspect there are millions if not tens of millions in exactly my shoes, who now not only have to pay more, but are in a panic mode trying to find a reasonably priced coverage that the local hospitals and clinics will honor. And then you have the millions of young voters who are waking up to the reality that this Messiah Obama they just voted for again, just gave them the finger and jacked their insurance rates up by 150% because they are the targeted group that is supposed to pay for the older folks. In other words, he threw them under the bus. But what does Obama have to loose? Nothing. He's a lame-duck president anyhow. Let Hillary deal with it, and that's a big IF she gets elected.

I'm just waiting to see all the protests and riots in the streets by mid 2014, when the people realize what Obama and the radical Democrats have done to our country, when the insurance companies, doctors, and hospitals start fighting back and saying "hell no" to Obama care. "Glitch" my ass. This is no glitch when your insurance company jacks up your rate or local hospitals announce they will refuse your healthcare, and they clearly blame it on OBAMACARE.

And people wonder why Ted Cruz took the floor for 21 hours, or the Govt. is shut down? This train wreck of a bill is coming soon inside your mailboxes and hometowns. I hope America recovers from this, but seeing that we have 3 more years of this snake in office, I doubt it.

Now see, your lie could have gotten past everyone but you blew it with one little made up (lie) "fact" -

" ...the good local hospitals are now totally rejecting any Blue Shield / Blue Cross policies..."

Bull shit.

I have BC/BS and I;ve written before that I've had two refunds, my scrips are cheaper and my premiums will be less.

The "good hospitals" and not so good hospitals have been running in the red because they had to take non-paying patients, as per Socialist EMTALA (thank Ronnie Ray-Gun). Hospitals are thrilled with ObamaCare for the same reasons doctors are - they'll get paid. (Another rw poster lied about his/her/its doctor retiring because of ObamaCare. Rally dumb lie as doctors are happy that they won't have to write off rw free loaders any more.)

As for Ted Cruz, that was theater. He held a phony filibuster against a bill he was in favor of and later voted for.

All because he knew there are plenty of fools out there who would fall for it.
look on the bright side,riots, protests and general anarchy gets shit done. If that happens in 2014 messiah Obama may have to leave office early. I'm hoping it happens in 2013, why wait?
Don't worry, the media which is basically an arm of the democrat party, will give them cover and make the protesters look like crazy radicals just like they demonized the Tea Party.
We just re-enrolled at our company, and our policies went up, and we have BCBS.

I think the deductible is some un-real amount like up in the thousands. I am paying through the nose for health care it seems, and it's real sad really. Not sure what the ACA is or will do, but I am wanting change of some kind in order to stop this overcharging by these companies on American working class citizens for their health care, and it is my hopes to get a better product to the consumers as it should be. Now if the ACA somehow does this or leads to this, then I am willing to listen but with skepticism also.
Just got my health insurance policy in the mail yesterday. Not only will my rates jump an extra 25% more as of Jan 2014, but my agent just informed me that most of the good local hospitals are now totally rejecting any Blue Shield / Blue Cross policies.

You see, this is what the liberal idiot commie morons out there with no experience in the healthcare industry don't understand. You can make all the policies you want and make it available to anybody you feel deserves it, and you can pay for it by stealing money from people like me other folks, but you can't FORCE doctors or hospitals to honor this highway robbery policy.

I suspect there are millions if not tens of millions in exactly my shoes, who now not only have to pay more, but are in a panic mode trying to find a reasonably priced coverage that the local hospitals and clinics will honor. And then you have the millions of young voters who are waking up to the reality that this Messiah Obama they just voted for again, just gave them the finger and jacked their insurance rates up by 150% because they are the targeted group that is supposed to pay for the older folks. In other words, he threw them under the bus. But what does Obama have to loose? Nothing. He's a lame-duck president anyhow. Let Hillary deal with it, and that's a big IF she gets elected.

I'm just waiting to see all the protests and riots in the streets by mid 2014, when the people realize what Obama and the radical Democrats have done to our country, when the insurance companies, doctors, and hospitals start fighting back and saying "hell no" to Obama care. "Glitch" my ass. This is no glitch when your insurance company jacks up your rate or local hospitals announce they will refuse your healthcare, and they clearly blame it on OBAMACARE.

And people wonder why Ted Cruz took the floor for 21 hours, or the Govt. is shut down? This train wreck of a bill is coming soon inside your mailboxes and hometowns. I hope America recovers from this, but seeing that we have 3 more years of this snake in office, I doubt it.

Now see, your lie could have gotten past everyone but you blew it with one little made up (lie) "fact" -

" ...the good local hospitals are now totally rejecting any Blue Shield / Blue Cross policies..."

Bull shit.

I have BC/BS and I;ve written before that I've had two refunds, my scrips are cheaper and my premiums will be less.

The "good hospitals" and not so good hospitals have been running in the red because they had to take non-paying patients, as per Socialist EMTALA (thank Ronnie Ray-Gun). Hospitals are thrilled with ObamaCare for the same reasons doctors are - they'll get paid. (Another rw poster lied about his/her/its doctor retiring because of ObamaCare. Rally dumb lie as doctors are happy that they won't have to write off rw free loaders any more.)

As for Ted Cruz, that was theater. He held a phony filibuster against a bill he was in favor of and later voted for.

All because he knew there are plenty of fools out there who would fall for it.
I'm not lying and have no reason to. Most likely you are. Nothing changes until Jan 2014. All the new policies and changes are being implemented as we are speaking. Doesn't mean everyone is affected, but my bet is there are many like me.
We just re-enrolled at our company, and our policies went up, and we have BCBS.

I think the deductible is some un-real amount like up in the thousands. I am paying through the nose for health care it seems, and it's real sad really. Not sure what the ACA is or will do, but I am wanting change of some kind in order to stop this overcharging by these companies on American working class citizens for their health care, and it is my hopes to get a better product to the consumers as it should be. Now if the ACA somehow does this or leads to this, then I am willing to listen but with skepticism also.
Check and see who in your area no longer accepts you as of 2014. That's the big elephant.
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We just re-enrolled at our company, and our policies went up, and we have BCBS.

I think the deductible is some un-real amount like up in the thousands. I am paying through the nose for health care it seems, and it's real sad really. Not sure what the ACA is or will do, but I am wanting change of some kind in order to stop this overcharging by these companies on American working class citizens for their health care, and it is my hopes to get a better product to the consumers as it should be. Now if the ACA somehow does this or leads to this, then I am willing to listen but with skepticism also.
Check and see who no longer accepts you as of 2014. That's the big elephant.
How do you check that?
you now have the wonderful option of searching for a new policy on you states' health insurance exchanges.

so shop for a better policy if you don't like your current one.

you now have the wonderful option of searching for a new policy on you states' health insurance exchanges.

so shop for a better policy if you don't like your current one.

I make too much money to qualify. Those are for bums like you who live on govt handouts, like you.
you now have the wonderful option of searching for a new policy on you states' health insurance exchanges.

so shop for a better policy if you don't like your current one.

Isn't there some kind of delay or block if I already have a policy through the company that I work for (or) wasn't it something about I have to keep what I have if it is a health care policy through my company ?
We just re-enrolled at our company, and our policies went up, and we have BCBS.

I think the deductible is some un-real amount like up in the thousands. I am paying through the nose for health care it seems, and it's real sad really. Not sure what the ACA is or will do, but I am wanting change of some kind in order to stop this overcharging by these companies on American working class citizens for their health care, and it is my hopes to get a better product to the consumers as it should be. Now if the ACA somehow does this or leads to this, then I am willing to listen but with skepticism also.
Check and see who no longer accepts you as of 2014. That's the big elephant.
How do you check that?
Ask your agent. Mine sent me an email.
you now have the wonderful option of searching for a new policy on you states' health insurance exchanges.

so shop for a better policy if you don't like your current one.

Isn't there some kind of delay or block if I already have a policy through the company that I work for (or) wasn't it something about I have to keep what I have if it is a health care policy through my company ?
Your company or insurance won't tel you that as of 2014 there will be some hospitals that don't accept your policy. They obviously want to keep you as a client.
I make too much money to qualify. Those are for bums like you who live on govt handouts, like you.
There is no income cap on using state health exchanges, if you aren't offered a plan thru work you can use them.

Are you confusing being able to participate with qualifying for subsidies to reduce the cost?
I make too much money to qualify. Those are for bums like you who live on govt handouts, like you.
There is no income cap on using state health exchanges, if you aren't offered a plan thru work you can use them.

Are you confusing being able to participate with qualifying for subsidies to reduce the cost?
And If I am offered a plan at work, in which I am and do have, you mean the ACA won't be of any use to me at all in order to help control exceedingly great and growing cost found in these policies ?

So the ACA is yet another vote purchasing scam being run by the democrat party ?
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