Obama apologizes to Nancy Reagan for 'careless' joke

well we do know he was elected editor of the Harvard Law review and we do know he graduated Harvard Magna Cum Laude. Both require some measure of intellect wouldn't you agree?

Kath, I think most liberals admit that President Elect is human...it's just the cons who refuse to acknowledge it...haven't you noticed they are the only ones who refer to him as the messiah? it's called projecting and/or transference.

As for the sign with the Presidential seal...well he is the President Elect... I believe he's earned the right at this point.

Do you find it somewhat unremarkable that Obama is not credited with a single article in the Harvard Law Review or for that matter any other legal publication during that time? I guess I do and thus my skepticism.

Look, we know the man has a rockstar ego and lacks a fair amount of humility. If he was the academic wonder that he and everyone claims he is.... wouldn't you think there would be some artifacts left over from his college days? Hmmmmm. :D
No I don't. She broke up his first marriage after all. I take points away for that. Kind of makes her even, actually less than even since she spent $200,000 on china for the whitehouse after Reagan told us we needed to tighten our belts, and to top that off, it was really ugly china.

Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman divorced in 1948. He did not meet Nancy Davis until 1949. They did not marry until 1952. Whatever else Miz Nancy is guilty of, this marriage breaking thing is not it.

Nancy Davis

Reagan met actress Nancy Davis (born 1921)[35] in 1949 after she contacted him in his capacity as president of the Screen Actors Guild to help her with issues regarding her name appearing on a communist blacklist in Hollywood (she had been mistaken for another Nancy Davis). She described their meeting by saying, "I don't know if it was exactly love at first sight, but it was pretty close."[36] They were engaged at Chasen's restaurant in Los Angeles and were married on March 4, 1952 at the Little Brown Church in the San Fernando Valley.[37] The actor William Holden served as best man at the ceremony. They had two children: Patti (born 1952) and Ron (born 1958). Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman divorced in 1948. He did not meet Nancy Davis until 1949. They did not marry until 1952. Whatever else Miz Nancy is guilty of, this marriage breaking thing is not it.

I have already apoloized for being wrong, what more do you want?
I don't deny that Obama is a smart man, but if he did do so well as you claim, why won't he release his college and law school records? Perhaps, it's not as gleaming as one would expect.

He graduated Magna Cum Laude ...

You do know what the means, right?

Here's a hint:

You don't graduate Magna Cum Laude with a C average.
He graduated Magna Cum Laude ...

You do know what the means, right?

Here's a hint:

You don't graduate Magna Cum Laude with a C average.

And you rarely graduate Magna Cum Laude without ever having been published. But far be it from me to question the greatness that he is .... that which cannot be verified. :lol:
He graduated Magna Cum Laude ...

You do know what the means, right?

Here's a hint:

You don't graduate Magna Cum Laude with a C average.

You are so brilliant! I think if I look up that word in the dictionary, I think I would find your picture. NOT. Which makes it all the more puzzling why he won't give permission to have his grades released. I want to know how he did at Occidental and Columbia. You do know that his position as Editor of Harvard Law Review was not entirely based on grades?
You are so brilliant! I think if I look up that word in the dictionary, I think I would find your picture. NOT. Which makes it all the more puzzling why he won't give permission to have his grades released. I want to know how he did at Occidental and Columbia. You do know that his position as Editor of Harvard Law Review was not entirely based on grades?

why, because suddenly you'll support him if it's revealed he was a brilliant student? :eusa_hand:

Grades in school obviously isn't a high ranking criteria for being President. If it were Bush wouldn't have gotten elected twice and McCain, Mr. bottom of his class, wouldn't have been the Republican nominee this year.
You are so brilliant! I think if I look up that word in the dictionary, I think I would find your picture. NOT. Which makes it all the more puzzling why he won't give permission to have his grades released. I want to know how he did at Occidental and Columbia. You do know that his position as Editor of Harvard Law Review was not entirely based on grades?

Yep ... it's a HUGE conspiracy and you are about to crack the case!

I hope you don't get scooped by Bob Woodward ...

Seriously though ... you sound like a fucking moron.
Didn't Obama throw his own grandmother under the bus? This news shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
To all you liberals who are easily impressed. I spent the better part of 20 years working with... well.... rocket scientists and that is not exaggeration.

They were smart as hell.... the trouble is they couldn't find their ass with both hands behind their back.

Please, let's stop getting all giddy about the "smart" or the "elite" - they have proven themselves to be inept at handling the affairs of the nation.
why, because suddenly you'll support him if it's revealed he was a brilliant student? :eusa_hand:

Grades in school obviously isn't a high ranking criteria for being President. If it were Bush wouldn't have gotten elected twice and McCain, Mr. bottom of his class, wouldn't have been the Republican nominee this year.

First of all I support him now, whether I voted for him or note. I hope for the sake of this country he turns out to be a great president.
Yep ... it's a HUGE conspiracy and you are about to crack the case!

I hope you don't get scooped by Bob Woodward ...

Seriously though ... you sound like a fucking moron.

First of all, watch your language, you're not speaking to your mother.

If I can take you seriously just for a moment, the bigger picture here is that there is too much not known about our President-Elect, too much hidden, too much obfuscation. What I would like to know is the basis for your vote. Commentators even on the left wing stations are asking if he is going to govern like his rhetoric or like his record. If there is more to be known about him, then maybe, to use your term, it is a conspiracy.

As an aside, I often wonder why people, like yourself, who have no more to add to our knowledge, waste both our time with snide comments.
Here's my question, and it feeds into the doubts I have about our President-Elect. Why, in what has promised to be a post-partisan era, did he make this false comment about Nancy Reagan holding seances when the truth is that Hillary Clinton was the one who told us how she "channeled" Eleanor Roosevelt? Doesn't it seem like the same old cottage industry of the left: attack the memory of the Great Ronald Reagan or in this case the widowed bride.
Here's my question, and it feeds into the doubts I have about our President-Elect. Why, in what has promised to be a post-partisan era, did he make this false comment about Nancy Reagan holding seances when the truth is that Hillary Clinton was the one who told us how she "channeled" Eleanor Roosevelt? Doesn't it seem like the same old cottage industry of the left: attack the memory of the Great Ronald Reagan or in this case the widowed bride.

IMHO the whole astrology, channeling things were 'out there.' With that said, why did this president elect choose to bring it up? He said it was humor, though he got the 'joke' wrong. Then he apologizes, but what was wrong from the get go?

We are getting no clear picture on what he stands for or where he's going. All we know is that he has the most liberal record in the Senate for the short time he's been there.
IMHO the whole astrology, channeling things were 'out there.' With that said, why did this president elect choose to bring it up? He said it was humor, though he got the 'joke' wrong. Then he apologizes, but what was wrong from the get go?

We are getting no clear picture on what he stands for or where he's going. All we know is that he has the most liberal record in the Senate for the short time he's been there.
when he actually voted
I bet Nancy saw the humor in it anyway, especially in light of the fact that it was hilary clinton who had the seance, he he....Im doubting Nancy would have been offended, she strikes me as having a good sense of humor. But it was nice that President Obama thought to make sure and call her.

I agree. I don't think Nancy took it as hard as everyone thinks she is. She's probably heard a ton of jokes about herself and her husband.

Honestly, I did laugh at the joke. I like that I can laugh WITH my President, instead of AT him.
I agree. I don't think Nancy took it as hard as everyone thinks she is. She's probably heard a ton of jokes about herself and her husband.

Honestly, I did laugh at the joke. I like that I can laugh WITH my President, instead of AT him.

There was nothing funny there. We have one president at a time. Right now, Obama is actually president designate, he won't be 'elect' until the electoral college vote. Then he will be elect. Still not president.
"Making Memories Of Us" (Ronnie And Nancy Reagan)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTEOQST2luQ]YouTube - "Making Memories Of Us" (Ronnie And Nancy Reagan)[/ame]
There was nothing funny there. We have one president at a time. Right now, Obama is actually president designate, he won't be 'elect' until the electoral college vote. Then he will be elect. Still not president.

I know Obama's not the president yet. He's not president until January 20, 2009. And I must have a sick sense of humor then, because I thought the joke was funny.
Influence in the White House

"The Gaze": Nancy watches as her husband is sworn in for a second term by Chief Justice Warren Burger, on January 20, 1985.Nancy stated in her memoirs, "I felt panicky every time [Ronald] left the White House" following the assassination attempt, and made it her concern to know her husband's schedule: the events he would be attending, and with whom. Eventually, this protectiveness led to her consulting an astrologer, Joan Quigley, who offered insight on which days were "good", "neutral", or should be avoided, which influenced her husband's White House schedule. Days were color-coded according to the astrologer's advice to discern precisely which days and times would be optimal for the president's safety and success. The White House Chief of Staff, Donald Regan, grew frustrated with this regimen, which created friction between him and the First Lady. This escalated with the revelation of the Iran-Contra affair, an administration scandal, in which the First Lady felt Regan was damaging the president. She thought he should resign, and expressed this to her husband although he did not share her view. Regan wanted President Reagan to address the Iran-Contra matter in early 1987 by means of a press conference, though Nancy refused to allow Reagan to overexert himself due to a recent prostate surgery and astrological warnings. Regan became so angry with Nancy that he hung up on her during a 1987 telephone conversation. According to former ABC News correspondent Sam Donaldson, when the President heard of this treatment, he demanded—and eventually received—Regan's resignation. In his 1988 memoirs, Regan wrote about Nancy's consultations with the astrologer, the first public mention of them, which resulted in embarrassment for the First Lady. Nancy later wrote, "Astrology was simply one of the ways I coped with the fear I felt after my husband almost died... Was astrology one of the reasons [further attempts did not occur]? I don't really believe it was, but I don't really believe it wasn't."

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