Obama Approval Rating up 6% to 53% (Gallup)

If this was a discussion about international politics then jump in and discuss US foreign policy but but out of everything else. I'm an American and you are not so mind your own business.

We foreigners much prefer Barack Obama to your George W. Bush. ;)

Good. He can be president of your country. I won't stop you. I won't care but in the mean time mind your own business and let us Americans decide who is going to be president of our country.
Good. He can be president of your country. I won't stop you. I won't care but in the mean time mind your own business and let us Americans decide who is going to be president of our country.

Not for long. Barack Obama has already sold me your home. I'll be by to pick it up soon. :)
Wow 2 polls taken at the exact same time:
Gallup 2/12 - 2/14 General Public Poll / Approve 53% - Disapprove 40% - Spread +13%
Rasmussen 2/12 - 2/14 Likely Voters Poll / Approve 47% - Disapprove 52% - Spread -5%

Prior election results Rasmussen got it exactly right & Gallup missed by 3%

Gee which poll do I believe?

You have to ignore the Rasmussen because Rasmussen is Danish.
buenos aires is where hannibal lecter escaped to at the end of silence of the lambs, you dumbfuck.

I didn't know that but I had a lucky guess because he admitted to not being an American.

he is actually from Sicily.

So far we have...

Picture of Italian mobster (I assume)
username is elvis
projects fake Italian stereotype of machismo
thinks everyone is from sicily...
let us Americans decide who is going to be president of our country.

we did decide,nubar... by 365 electoral votes. :cuckoo:

thank you for quoting facts that mean nothing about whether or not non-americans should have a say in our elections. Did I question why you shouldn't have a say? No! I get a little tired when non-americans but in as if they were US citizens voting in OUR elections.
No! I get a little tired when non-americans but in as if they were US citizens voting in OUR elections.

You're right, I got tired of feeling like I'm butting in too. So last election, I voted for Barack Obama early and often. :)

You must be his biggest supporter you Liberal you.
thank you for quoting facts that mean nothing about whether or not non-americans should have a say in our elections. Did I question why you shouldn't have a say? No! I get a little tired when non-americans but in as if they were US citizens voting in OUR elections.

You mean like you butting into the Chilian elections in the 1970s? Or Central American elections? Or Iraqi or Afghanistan elections? That kind of butting in? Now you know how the rest of us feel. Sucks, eh?

Full disclosure: I'm not American, I think your political system is one of the worst in the Western World, and unless one of the mods pulls the trigger I'll comment on whatever the fuck I want to....:cool::eusa_whistle:

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