Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

This privilege was ment to exempt communications that involved the Whitehouse.

So Obama was involved in the 80000 some pages being withheld by the DOJ?

What bullshit.

That's what they are covering up. Not what holder knew, what obama knew. This whole regime is one big criminal enterprise.
I can't BEGIN to tell you how ANGRY I am.

Is this man INSANE?

Who the HELL is advising him?

HOW MANY more days until Nov 6th?

This guy goes from one jaw dropper to another faster than I can blink!

I hope to hell the House does not allow this to delay their vote. IMPEACH NOW!

OK - rant over.

The panel to vote on contempt is currently underway. It's being televised.
Oh the horror. This is the first time any cheif executive has done this huh?
It just gets worse & worse with this guy. This scandal is beginning to look a lot like Watergate. It's hard to fathom how anyone can defend him at this point. The People may have had enough. I guess we'll see in November.
This privilege was ment to exempt communications that involved the Whitehouse.

So Obama was involved in the 80000 some pages being withheld by the DOJ?

What bullshit.

Executive privilege does not cover criminal acts by the WH anyway, right? That is what Nixon found out if I recall correctly.

This investigation that Holder is blocking is about the criminal exportation of fiearms that resulted in the deaths of American citizens and agents of our government. EP does not cover that.

Now only if the GOP had the testicles to push this through to its logical conclusion something might come of it. But dont be surprized if the Romney camp doesnt twist Issa's arm to let the thing go and blow over so it wont take attention away from the 'real' issues this election is 'really' about; how businessmen need more tax cuts.
The one true thing he said before being elected president was that he believes the US Constitution is a living document. Obama has taken it hostage, put a sward to it's throat & said I plan to reform you.
I can't BEGIN to tell you how ANGRY I am.

Is this man INSANE?

Who the HELL is advising him?

HOW MANY more days until Nov 6th?

This guy goes from one jaw dropper to another faster than I can blink!

I hope to hell the House does not allow this to delay their vote. IMPEACH NOW!

OK - rant over.

rabid left wing hooters
Holder testified before congress that he NEVER spoke to the president about Fast and Furious. So please explain boo, how executive privilege applies.

dear partisan hack idiots.

You people thought it was fine when Cheney refused to tell the American people who he had in his offfice to craft our energy policy and we ended up getting lied into war for it.

heres a tip.

the info they want from the DOJ is designed to be stuff they are not allowed know.

There is an element of our drug war that is international terror.

what better way to distory the American people than to grow a shit load of herion and make it cheap for purchase in the US.

you want blood.

we know that.

some things are more important than you wanting Obamas blood
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It just gets worse & worse with this guy. This scandal is beginning to look a lot like Watergate. It's hard to fathom how anyone can defend him at this point. The People may have had enough. I guess we'll see in November.

The big difference between this and Watergate is that no one died because of Watergate. It was just a fumble. Hundreds if not thousands of people are dead because of F&F. Now it looks like the omitted documents actually implicate obama himself.
Why did he wait until today that looks 100% corrupt , what now?
RIP Brian Terry
could you imagine if Bush did this?

dear partisan hack idiots.

You people thought it was fine when cheney refused to tell the american people who he had in his offfice to craft our energy policy and we ended hup getting lied into war for it.

Heres a tip.

The info they want from the doj is designed to be stiff they are not allowed know.

There is an element of our drug war that is international terror.

What better way to distory the american people than tpo grow a shit load of herion and make it cheap for purchase in the us.

You want blood.

We know that.

Some things are more important than you wanting obamas blood

It just gets worse & worse with this guy. This scandal is beginning to look a lot like Watergate. It's hard to fathom how anyone can defend him at this point. The People may have had enough. I guess we'll see in November.

Except nobody died in the Watergate scandal...

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