Obama Attacked His Own Scientists to Push Manmade Gorebal Warming Myth

Wow, that's pathetic.

Helping a hostile foreign power against the institutions and government of the United States is treason. Treason. How could you idiots not understand that point?

Here Paddie

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
Questioning your dumbass claims and obvious lies is "helping a foreign power?" I forgot: dirt bags like you think anyone who criticizes your messiah Obama is a traitor. That's the true fascist mentality.

About your paper: All it does is say Russia has been engaged in hacking American institutions. No shit? Like we haven't known that for decades? You mean Russia does what every country in the world does, including the United States?

Wow, that is a revelation!
If you were an American citizen, I'd classify you as a traitor. As a useless limey, I guess you get off the hook.
If you were an American citizen, I'd classify you as a traitor. As a useless limey, I guess you get off the hook.
The reality is that it was the content of the email that was damaging. You seem to want to skip over that part.
If you were an American citizen, I'd classify you as a traitor. As a useless limey, I guess you get off the hook.
As I said, Obama dick suckers think anyone who criticizes their messiah is a traitor. Calling anyone who questions the "Russia hacked the election" meme a traitor is just the latest sleazy leftwing tactic. The only thing it demonstrates is that you have no shame when it comes to venting your butthurt over Hillary losing the election.
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If you were an American citizen, I'd classify you as a traitor. As a useless limey, I guess you get off the hook.
As I said, Obama dick suckers think anyone who criticizes their messiah is a traitor. Calling anyone who questions the "Russia hacked the election" a traitor is just the latest sleazy leftwing tactic. The only thing it demonstrates is that you have no shame when it comes to vening your butthurt over Hillary losing the election.

I haven't heard you criticize Obama. You've accused 17 US intelligence agencies of lying. I guess after years of telling us that ten thousand scientist are all in a huge, perfect conspiracy, it's easy to think all US intelligence agencies could be just as criminal.

I'm beginning to see my mistake. Anyone who has convinced themselves of such conspiracies is de facto whacked and I shouldn't be wasting my time with them. I should put every single poster who believes in such conspiracies into the Ignore bucket. Of course, that would pretty much empty the board save for Ian, Matthew, Mamooth, Old Rocks and I. Hmm...
Paddie, do you believe the idiotic tweets that are supposed to be coming from Trump are fake or do you think they're from Trump but they're actually brilliant?
If you were an American citizen, I'd classify you as a traitor. As a useless limey, I guess you get off the hook.
As I said, Obama dick suckers think anyone who criticizes their messiah is a traitor. Calling anyone who questions the "Russia hacked the election" a traitor is just the latest sleazy leftwing tactic. The only thing it demonstrates is that you have no shame when it comes to vening your butthurt over Hillary losing the election.

I haven't heard you criticize Obama. You've accused 17 US intelligence agencies of lying. I guess after years of telling us that ten thousand scientist are all in a huge, perfect conspiracy, it's easy to think all US intelligence agencies could be just as criminal.

I'm beginning to see my mistake. Anyone who has convinced themselves of such conspiracies is de facto whacked and I shouldn't be wasting my time with them. I should put every single poster who believes in such conspiracies into the Ignore bucket. Of course, that would pretty much empty the board save for Ian, Matthew, Mamooth, Old Rocks and I. Hmm...
I never accused any intelligence agency of lying, only their douche bag Obama appointed leaders. It's pretty clear that you're a gullible moron who believes whatever the government dispenses. Intelligent people understand that government officials and their cronies have abundant motivation for lying to the public. They get caught doing it so many times. Your belief that the bureaucrats who run our intelligence agencies are immune from this disease is charming if not enlightening. The fact that you believe anyone who questions what they say is hilarious and downright Stalinist.
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Fox News certainly didn't deny it. Trump even stopped denying, just says we should "get on with our lives". If you really think you can win this argument like this, I've met four year olds that could take you on in a test of wits.
So you think you're winning the argument? Who's going to be in the White House three weeks from now?

The man the Russians helped get there.
Fox News certainly didn't deny it. Trump even stopped denying, just says we should "get on with our lives". If you really think you can win this argument like this, I've met four year olds that could take you on in a test of wits.
So you think you're winning the argument? Who's going to be in the White House three weeks from now?

The man the Russians helped get there.
So says the gullible paranoid conspiratorialist.
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Fox News certainly didn't deny it. Trump even stopped denying, just says we should "get on with our lives". If you really think you can win this argument like this, I've met four year olds that could take you on in a test of wits.
So you think you're winning the argument? Who's going to be in the White House three weeks from now?

The man the Russians helped get there.
Your external locus of control is off the charts.
Well, the orange clown has already declared Lysenkoism the official policy of his administration. He has repeatedly publically kissed Putin's ass. And his endless tweets are revealing a personality unsuited to run the most powerful nation in the world.

It is not the scientists that will suffer from the orange clowns idiocies. For they will be in demand in Europe, Asia, and in all the first and second world nations. It is the citizens of this nation as we descend into second and third world status. And as we are caught unprepared for the inevitable changes that are going to occur.

And people like you, Dingleberry, will bear the full blame.

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