Obama Attacked His Own Scientists to Push Manmade Gorebal Warming Myth

So, the Executive Branch and the agencies under its purview shouldn't - in your view - have the ability to set their own policy or punish employees for disobeying direct orders? Got it.
That's it!!! AGW is an order. You disagree. You get fucked. You must like this approach to 'science.'
The man was fired for discussing a topic with congressmen - the effect of low level radiation doses - that he was ordered not to discuss with them. The information had fuck all to do with AGW.

So, the Executive Branch and the agencies under its purview shouldn't - in your view - have the ability to set their own policy or punish employees for disobeying direct orders? Got it.
That's it!!! AGW is an order. You disagree. You get fucked. You must like this approach to 'science.'
The man was fired for discussing a topic with congressmen - the effect of low level radiation doses - that he was ordered not to discuss with them. The information had fuck all to do with AGW.

Really? ...and you find this acceptable?

Read this...and tell me it is all good.

Congress: Obama AdminFired Top Scientist to Advance Climate Change Plans
So, the Executive Branch and the agencies under its purview shouldn't - in your view - have the ability to set their own policy or punish employees for disobeying direct orders? Got it.
That's it!!! AGW is an order. You disagree. You get fucked. You must like this approach to 'science.'
The man was fired for discussing a topic with congressmen - the effect of low level radiation doses - that he was ordered not to discuss with them. The information had fuck all to do with AGW.

"In October 2015, staff of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology (“Committee staff”) learned that DOE Management (“Management” or “senior officials”) removed Dr. Metting from federal service for allegedly providing too much information in response to questions posed by Committee staff during the October 2014 briefing. Eventually, Committee staff learned that Management’s actions to remove Dr. Metting were, in part, retaliation against Dr. Metting because she refused to conform to the predetermined remarks and talking points designed by Management to undermine the advancement of H.R. 5544."

That is how science works in Leftist land - secrecy and talking points. All others will have their careers destroyed.
Have you ever had a boss? Were you free to disobey them and continue taking their money?
Since they started paying peop[le to do what they're told. Do you think Manning and Snowden should have kept their jobs?
One look at the mansions Obama has purchased tells you he does not believe his own bullshit.

What "mansionS" has Obama purchased?

The Obamas are RENTING a large brick mansion in Washington DC, just two miles from the White House, so Sasha can finish school where she now attends.

The Obamas Are Trading the White House For This $5.3M Mansion

When their presidential term comes to end, most first families are eager to return a life of anonymity far away from Washington DC — but the Obamas aren't most first families. Their younger daughter, Sasha, has a couple years of school left. With this in mind, Politico has revealed that the Obamas plan on staying put in DC after inauguration day, at least until Sasha graduates.

They'll be trading the White House for a luxurious brick mansion in the upscale DC neighborhood of Kalorama, just two miles away. This makes President Obama the first president to stay in DC after his term since Woodrow Wilson in 1921. Kalorama is home to many embassies and ambassadors' residences, so it already has the security its new residents need.

The Obamas are reportedly renting the nine-bedroom, eight-and-a-half-bathroom estate from former Clinton administration Press Secretary Joe Lockart and wife Giovanna Gray, who paid $5.3 million for it in 2014. The sprawling 8,200-square-foot home was built in 1928, and its traditional bones have been tastefully updated with modern fixtures and decor.

If you're thinking about Rancho Mirage, California or the Magnum PI mansion in Hawaii, they are all completely unsubstantiated rumors. Got something else?
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One look at the mansions Obama has purchased tells you he does not believe his own bullshit.

The Obama administration engaged in a calculated effort to dismantle an Energy Department program so it could focus on meeting the goals of the president’s climate change agenda, even going as far as to fire scientists that disobeyed strict orders not to talk to members of Congress, according to a Tuesday report issued by the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.

The report showed the administration even attacked one of its own Energy Department scientists who stepped out of line with strict orders to deny lawmakers with information on a nuclear radiation program that it was seeking to scuttle to pursue its global warming programs more aggressively.

“Instead of working to understand the value of the [radiation program] for emergency situations, [Energy Department] management engaged in a campaign to terminate research programs that could divert funds from the President’s Climate Action Plan,” the House committee’s report said. “Management and senior DOE employees privately discussed congressional support for the [radiation program] and its nexus to regulatory limits yet still maintained their agenda to close the program.”

The report concluded that the Energy Department’s actions are a reflection of an “institutional problem that must be corrected by overhauling its management practices with respect to its relationship with the Congress,” it read.

House probe: Obama attacked own scientists to advance climate agenda

Yes the religion known as AGW is not that much different than the religion of the far left, they could easily be one and the same.

But the entire AGW cult is based on computer models that they programmed!
So, the Executive Branch and the agencies under its purview shouldn't - in your view - have the ability to set their own policy or punish employees for disobeying direct orders? Got it.
That's it!!! AGW is an order. You disagree. You get fucked. You must like this approach to 'science.'
The man was fired for discussing a topic with congressmen - the effect of low level radiation doses - that he was ordered not to discuss with them. The information had fuck all to do with AGW.

You mean other than competing for funding, right?
Government employees get fired when they disobey their superiors on high priority issues. Just like you and me.
Government employees get fired when they disobey their superiors on high priority issues. Just like you and me.
"The Obama administration engaged in a calculated effort to dismantle an Energy Department program so it could focus on meeting the goals of the president's climate change agenda, even going as far as to fire scientists that disobeyed strict orders not to talk to members of Congress, according to a Tuesday report issued by the House Science, Space and Technology Committee...."
Have you never watched politicians respond to questions they don't want to answer? Besides which, the doctor was accused of volunteering more information than was asked for.
He didn't. A vast majority of them accepted it, based on the objective scientific evidence, long before he was elected. Or was that the point you were trying to make?
If my boss tells me not to do something and I go ahead and do it, it will result in a punishment. If it were serious enough - such as causing the reallocation of a few million dollars where my bosses didn't want it to go - I'd get canned. So would you.

And characterizing that as Marxist is very ignorant of you.

You are correct. It's not Marxist. It's Stalinist. But you already knew that. And approve.
Hell, you are a dedicated Lysenkoist, so why worry about semantics.

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